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Abstract :  This paper discusses the characteristics of psychotherapy for pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) in the context of the curative effects of the movement of images. The 'autistic spectrum' is widened here and includes not only PDD, but also ADHD. The main common characteristic in these two sets of disorders seems to be the lack of a subject, which manifests itself as the absence of awareness of otherness and difficulties with boundaries and language.
In these cases a normal psychotherapy is ineffective as it presupposes an established subject. However a psychotherapeutic approach with these patients can contribute to the emergence of a subject. In severe cases the process of union and separation which is enacted either in the therapeutic relationship or in symbolic play leads to the birth of a subject, and of language. In milder cases, such as ADHD, the moments of separation and confrontation with the therapist suffice.
I will discuss a case of my own with Asperger's syndrome in which union and separation in the play therapy occurred simultaneously. This indicates that union and separation are not a consecutive process, but are simultaneous and lead to dialectical movement. However, in neurotic cases with an established subjectivity the symbolic meaning of image plays a central role. This corresponds to Jung's understanding of image in alchemy.  相似文献   

Building upon Wolf's (1949) notion of the use of an alternate session in group psychotherapy, this paper suggests that an alternate therapist substituting for an absent regular therapist in milieu group psychotherapy can facilitate similar therapeutic benefits. The mechanism of this process of overcoming transference resistance is seen as twofold: (1) sessions with a substitute therapist allow patients to confront the infantilization often present in a milieu setting and experiment with more autonomous ego functioning. (2) Sessions with a substitute therapist create conditions which are apart from the ongoing process of the therapy group, thereby allowing for a therapeutic splitting process to develop wherein transference feelings about the regular therapist can be expressed to his or her "alter ego." Several case vignettes are presented in order to illustrate the clinical utility of a substitute therapist.  相似文献   

This study investigated helpful and disturbing factors in multi-family groups with hospitalized, depressed patients and their family members. Both patients and their partners reported the occurrence of different therapeutic factors such as the cohesion of the group, different observational processes, and guidance from the therapist. The frequency of the therapeutic factors seemed to increase for both the patients and their partners as the group sessions progressed and several differences in reported therapeutic factors were found between the patients and their partners. A number of therapeutic factors such as modelling and guidance from the therapist were found to be related with improvement of depressive symptoms of the patient. The results help to provide some insight into which processes are important in multi-family group therapy for depression.  相似文献   

Relational Drawings in Couple Therapy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
PETER ROBER 《Family process》2009,48(1):117-133
In couple therapy sessions, partners often get into long and drawn-out discussions, heavy with pain, resentment, and blame. It is vital for the therapist to avoid becoming entangled in these escalating interactions. In this article, as one way of avoiding these interactions, a protocol is proposed of using relational drawings in couple therapy for opening space for new stories. This approach is strongly rooted in extensive therapeutic experience, as well as in dialogical ideas. Not the content of the partners' imagery is central, but rather the dialogical exchange about the drawings. In particular, the focus of the therapist is on the partners' interactions, their hesitations and their surprises. Working in this way opens space for the partners to reflect on what they experience as crucial in their bond. The protocol is illustrated with two detailed case examples.  相似文献   

An account is given of couple therapy offered as part of a comprehensive treatment programme in a unit run as a therapeutic community. The additional therapeutic force provided by couple or family therapy is important in dealing with adult patients who may not be highly motivated for change or who may not initially present their difficulties as springing from marital or family relationships. A combined approach with these kinds of patients may succeed where either group therapy or couple therapy alone is likely to fail.  相似文献   


A method of problem-orientation has been developed as a delimited psychotherapeutic procedure comprising four sessions with a psychotherapist. The distinguishing feature of this method is the distinct time frame, within which the therapist grasps the patient's current situation and difficulties. The sessions are disengaged from considerations about the need for further treatment. The therapist appeals to die reflective part of the patient and attempts to awaken their curiosity about themselves in order to explore inner associations concerning core problems. The four problem-oriented sessions are offered during the initial telephone contact to the person who wishes to gain a greater understanding of their own part in their difficulties and who is able, already in the introductory telephone conversation, to embark upon an exploratory dialogue about these problems. The sessions are strongly characterized by this short-term perspective; the intensity increases and attention is sharpened. The stance adopted by the therapist during die sessions is one of balancing a non-appraising, empathic and confirmatory listening aimed at making connections with reality and a faith in the patient's resources and capacity to maintain a sense of responsibility for their life; an approach which limits the patient's tendency to regress. Transference is not interpreted explicitly but is used by the therapist to understand the patient. Supervision is an important and essential component, whereby the therapist receives help in increasing understanding of that which is played out during the sessions and also of their own counter-transference. This understanding constitutes the foundation of the therapist's tentative formulations of that which is central in the patient's problems.  相似文献   

Based on the therapist’s evaluations of three therapies, this research aims to study the therapeutic process in intersubjectively oriented, time-limited psychotherapy with children. A primary objective is to further develop the therapy method. The study comprises therapies with children 6–11 years of age, who had experienced difficult family situations. Each child received 12 therapy sessions. The number of therapy sessions with children and parents was agreed upon beforehand, and the therapeutic objectives were approved by the parents. Each of the therapy processes were evaluated by the therapist by answering three questions and filling in three forms after each therapy session. The forms were: The Feeling Word Checklist; an alliance form for the child; and a process form. The therapeutic alliance and the behaviour of the therapist during the therapy sessions are discussed on the basis of the total material. The following main tasks for the child therapist emerged: structuring the therapy sessions; following the child’s initiatives; participating and cooperating with the child; exploring the child’s expressions; and understanding and regulating emotions.  相似文献   

The temporal nature of the associations between client-rated therapist empathy and acceptance, and both client-and therapist-assessed therapeutic progress at sessions 2 and 6 were examined pairwise with cross-lagged panel correlatation (CLPC) and linear structural relationships (LISREL) analyses in 37 clients treated in weekly individual sessions of long-term psycoanalytic and person-centred therapy by 37 experienced therapists. Although none of the cross-lagged differences in the three CLPC analyses which met the necessary conditions for interpretation were significant, two of them approached it, suggesting that session 2 client-rated progress was a stronger determinant of session 6 therapist empathy and acceptance than vice versa. However, the LISREL analyses indicated that while session 2 client-rated progress was unrelated to session 6 therapist acceptance, session 2 therapist empathy was negatively correlated with session 6 client-rated progress. furthermore, both session 2 therapist empathy and acceptance were positively associated with session 6 therapist-rated progress, thereby providing some support for the therapeutic role of these two therapist variables as postulated by person-centred theory.  相似文献   

Group analytic and relational writings point to the development of mutual recognition between individuals as a main treatment goal. To achieve this, it is necessary to face up to issues of control and oppression in the therapeutic relationship, particularly as enacted by the therapist. The relationship between the therapist and group members is a co-construction, shaped by their respective subjectivities. The therapist's willingness to enter into an open examination of his or her enactments can stimulate change in relationships with patients, resulting in freer and more spontaneous communication in the group. To illustrate, several sessions of an analytic therapy group are presented in which there were struggles between (1) the desire for equality and mutuality and (2) firm exercise of authority.  相似文献   

Although cognitive therapy for depression is an efficacious treatment, questions about the aspects of the therapy that are most critical to successful implementation remain. In a sample of 60 cognitive therapy patients with moderate to severe depression, we examined three aspects of therapists’ adherence to cognitive therapy techniques, the patients’ facilitation or inhibition of these techniques, and the therapeutic alliance as predictors of session-to-session symptom improvement across the first five therapy sessions. Two elements of therapist adherence (viz., cognitive methods and negotiating content/structuring sessions) emerged as the strongest predictors of symptom improvement. Patient facilitation or inhibition of therapist adherence also predicted subsequent symptom change. Neither adherence to behavioral methods/homework nor the therapeutic alliance was a significant predictor in parallel analyses. Although alliance scores did not predict subsequent symptom change, they were significantly predicted by prior symptom change. These findings support the model of change that motivates cognitive therapy for depression, and they highlight the potential role of patient facilitation of therapists’ adherence in treatment response.  相似文献   

Network therapy was developed as a specialized type of combined individual and group therapy to ensure greater success in the office-based treatment of addicted patients by using both psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral approaches to individual therapy while engaging the patient in a group support network composed of family members and peers. This article outlines the role of group cohesiveness as a vehicle for engaging patients in this treatment; the patient's family and peers are used as a therapeutic network, joining the patient and therapist at intervals in therapy sessions. This network is managed by the therapist to provide cohesiveness and support, to undermine denial, and to promote compliance with treatment. The author presents applications of the network technique designed to sustain abstinence and describes means of stabilizing the patient's involvement. Some specific techniques discussed include ambulatory detoxification, disulfiram and naltrexone administration, relapse prevention, and contingency contracting. Also discussed are recent research on the use of psychiatric residents and counselors for treatment, and use of the Internet in dissemination.  相似文献   

This paper is a continuation of an earlier one concerning borderline patients, and I can recapitulate only a few of the many areas touched upon here. The borderline individual is faced continually with the threat of loss, either of his tenuously established individual identity, through fusion with the other person, or of his fragile interpersonal relatedness, through uncontrollable flight into autism of psychotic degree. A basic theme in one's work with these persons is that of unconscious, fantasied omnipotence, variously an aspect of the patient's unconscious self-image or projected into the therapist. The acting-out which the patient does consists in his inflicting loss, deprivation, and other forms of injury upon his introjects of part-aspects of the therapist. The grief involved in the relinquishment of so-called bad introjects is discussed. The patient early in therapy is aware of his inability to grieve, and endeavors to conceal this deficiency by spurious emotionality. I give examples of patients' manifesting regressive dedifferentiation to fusion with elements of the nonhuman environment, as an unconscious defense against feelings of separation and loss. Effective therapy with these patients involves the therapist's deeper working through of his own losses. The significant losses occurred so early in these patients' lives that the therapeutic exploration of these areas may enable the therapist to gain access to comparably early losses on his own part, losses from a developmental era which many a training analysis may not have explored at all adequately.  相似文献   

Although transferring clients from one clinician to another is a common practice in most training facilities and community clinics, there is a dearth of empirical studies that explore the impact on client retention and subsequent therapeutic gains. This study explored client retention following transfer to a new clinician in a COAMFTE accredited master level marriage and family therapy program in a Midwestern university over a period of five years. The researchers analyzed the relationship between client, clinician, and therapy process variables and client retentions following transfer. Although client and therapist variables were not significantly correlated with successful transfers, the number of sessions missed prior to transfer and the numbers of co-therapy transfer sessions were. We conclude that at least four co-therapy transfer sessions are appropriate to optimize successful transfers.  相似文献   

This article describes a group therapy–centered program geared toward the treatment of individuals with co-occurring disorders, including addictive disorders, borderline personality disorder and other mental health issues which involve difficulties with emotion regulation. Group therapy plays a vital role in their recovery. Over 18 years, the author has developed a treatment model that offers an integrative approach to group therapy and individual treatment encompassing psychodynamic and other empirically based therapies, especially dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Its value lies in its therapeutic effectiveness with hard to reach clients, in its practice-based evidence, its team-building and management approach, its training component and its capacity for replication.  相似文献   

Rojano R 《Family process》2004,43(1):59-77
This paper presents a summary of the basic theories and methods of Community Family Therapy (CFT), a relatively new therapeutic approach developed in response to the need for effective intervention in treating low-income, urban families. CFT operates outside of the traditional therapeutic box, successfully combining family therapy techniques with developmental and motivational theories, community mental health, social work, economic development, and community mobilization strategies. CFT utilizes a dualistic approach in which both client and therapist become involved with the same three levels of engagement. Specifically, the client strives for: (a) personal and family change and growth-level 1, (b) accessing community resources-level 2, and (c) leadership development and civic action-level 3. Also, CFT calls upon therapists to strive for: (a) personal growth and maturation-level 1, (b) collaboration with community resources for professional support-level 2, and (c) operation as a "citizen therapist," through civic action and volunteer services-level 3.  相似文献   

Otto Rank's approach to psychotherapy, developed after his separation from Freud, encourages living life fully in spite of death and limitation. In his emphasis on the here and now, new experience in the therapeutic relationship, and collaboration and creativity in the therapy process, Rank was ahead of his time. As a theorist of personality and of creativity, his work is well known, but his influence on the practices of humanistic, existential, and post-psychoanalytic relational therapists is largely unacknowledged. Rank's creative legacy is an approach to psychotherapy that calls forth artistry and collaboration between therapist and client.  相似文献   

This paper examines three central concerns for the short-term therapist at a time when therapy is widely available free of charge in the community, in a model that has been called ‘ serial life-span therapy’. Issues of referral-on, topping-up or extending contracts are experienced as dilemmas or as temptations, depending on what therapists believe their clients need and what their clients may demand of them. Short-term therapy has become accepted in many contexts, with therapy no longer used as a once-and-for all solution to clinical problems, but as a serial method over time which includes topping up and re-contracting. After an initial agreement of brevity, depending on the client's disturbance levels at assessment and on availability, there may be the need for referral-on at the end of a brief contract, when clients may be offered a different, long-term service, or they may be recommended to return later in life for more, if and when this becomes necessary. Flexible contracts rather than rigid rules about the termination of therapy are being practiced in many contexts, depending on ‘what works’ and how methods can be adjusted to new evidence. There is danger of collusion or control, and this can lead to therapeutic dilemmas, which involve taking acceptable risks, or to therapeutic temptations, which are due to the desire for narcissistic gratification, benefiting the therapist rather than the client in terms of power or Eros. Being able to let go of clients and manage issues of loss, grief and greed requires a measure of maturity in the therapist that aims for good-enough results rather than striving for perfect endings.  相似文献   

A therapy research team interviewed a therapist in the presence of a couple. Following each of six consecutive sessions with a couple, an interviewer posed questions to the therapist and couple. While one question was standard to each interview, other questions were generated by team members who tracked the entire process via live observation. These questions were directed first at the therapist, then at the couple, and then focused on therapeutic process and outcome. Findings of this process for the therapy system included decreasing the hierarchy within the client/therapist relationship; increasing the client ownership and energy in the therapy process; discovering the presence of parallel processes between the systems; and informing the direction of future therapy sessions. Practical, clinical implications are discussed for a variety of therapy settings.  相似文献   

This study explores the crying episodes of twenty‐eight clients treated at a family therapy service in a community centre. The crying episodes were associated with some significant elements: the time of appearance, the content and triggering factor, the interpersonal context of sessions and the emotions clients had for the therapist, as well as the therapy's outcome (end of treatment and the satisfaction of clients). Crying was much more frequent during the first session. It occurred more frequently when there was another family member present. The proportion of clients who cried during the treatment was significantly higher for clients who completed it successfully. Clients who cried perceived the therapist, in all cases, as a kind person who never got annoyed with them. Crying could be considered a type of behaviour that helps the therapist to create a safe context and foster the therapeutic alliance.  相似文献   

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