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Concepts from behavioral momentum theory, along with some empirical findings, suggest that the rate of baseline reinforcement may contribute to the relapse of severe destructive behavior. With seven children who engaged in destructive behavior, we tested this hypothesis in the context of functional communication training by comparing the effects of different baseline reinforcement rates on resurgence during a treatment challenge (i.e., extinction). We observed convincing resurgence of destructive behavior in four of seven participants, and we observed more resurgence in the condition associated with high‐rate baseline reinforcement (i.e., variable‐interval 2 s in Experiment 1 or fixed‐ratio 1 in Experiment 2) compared to a low‐rate baseline reinforcement condition. We discuss the implications of these results relative to schedules of reinforcement in the treatment of destructive behavior and strategies to mitigate resurgence in clinical settings.  相似文献   

Two White Carneaux hen pigeons were exposed to a 60-sec random-interval baseline procedure. Six different exteroceptive stimuli were successively correlated, within a single session, with blocks of 10 reinforcement presentations. Following this training, a non-contingent reinforcement procedure was instated with inter-reinforcement intervals of 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, and 240 sec. Within a single session, each non-contingent frequency was correlated with one of the previously presented discriminative stimuli. After an initial increase in the rate of responding as the result of a high density of non-contingent reinforcements, the rate declined as exposure to each non-contingent frequency was prolonged.  相似文献   

Pigeons responded for food on a multiple schedule in which periods of green-key illumination alternated with periods of red-key illumination. When behavior had stabilized with a variable-interval 2-min schedule of reinforcement operating during both stimuli, low rates of responding (interresponse times greater than 2 sec) were differentially reinforced during the green component. Conditions during the red stimulus were unchanged. Response rates during the green component fell without changing the frequency of reinforcement but there were no unequivocal contrast effects during the red stimulus. The frequency of reinforcement during the green component was then reduced by changing to a variable-interval 8-min schedule without reducing the response rates in that component, which were held at a low level by the spacing requirement. Again, the conditions during the red stimulus were unchanged but response rates during that stimulus increased. These results show that reductions in reinforcement frequency, independently of response rate, can produce interactions in multiple schedules.  相似文献   

Response rate, reinforcement frequency, and conditioned suppression   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In the first of two experiments, periods of noise were terminated with unavoidable shock to 36 rats. The rats' continuously reinforced responding was later completely suppressed during the noise when it was introduced without shock. The rats were then assigned to nine experimental groups. Each group was exposed to different paced variable-interval schedules of reinforcement, which independently controlled response rate and reinforcement frequency. Periods of the noise were periodically superimposed on these schedules, and loss of response suppression was studied. Differences between the groups were assessed statistically. The second experiment used a steady-state design. Six rats were exposed to paced schedules which generated two alternating response rates but gave constant reinforcement frequencies, and six rats to schedules which maintained the same response rates throughout, but in which the reinforcement frequency was alternately high and low. Response suppression was studied during a pre-shock stimulus superimposed on each rat's two behavioral baselines. Both experiments suggest that (1) conditioned suppression is affected by rate of operant responding, high rates being most suppressed, and (2) the frequency of reinforcements obtained also has an effect, most suppression occurring when frequency is low.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a multiple schedule in which the duration of access to grain reinforcement was varied independently in the two components. The relative response rate in one component was an increasing function of the relative duration of reinforcement in that component. The similarity of this interaction to that found in multiple schedules of different reinforcement frequency is discussed. Extinction data were also similar to those obtained after training on multiple schedules of different reinforcement frequency.  相似文献   

An avoidance technique was used in which rats had two levers available, with independent shock schedules associated with each. Behavioral patterns in initial conditioning and in the maintenance of the responses with various response-shock intervals led to the suggestion that reduction of shock density be considered an important variable in avoidance behavior.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined the free-operant observing behavior of rats. In Experiment 1, observing was a bitonic function of random-ratio schedule requirements for the primary reinforcer. In Experiment 2, decreases in the magnitude of the primary reinforcer decreased observing. Experiment 3 examined observing when a random-ratio schedule or a yoked random-time schedule of primary reinforcement was in effect across conditions. Removing the response requirement for the primary reinforcer increased observing, suggesting that the effects of the random-ratio schedule in Experiment 1 likely were due to an interaction between observing and responding for the primary reinforcer. In Experiment 4, decreasing the rate of primary reinforcement by increasing the duration of a random-time schedule decreased observing monotonically. Overall, these results suggest that observing decreases with decreases in the rate or magnitude of the primary reinforcer, but that behavior related to the primary reinforcer can affect observing and potentially affect measurement of conditioned reinforcing value.  相似文献   

Rats were trained under concurrent schedules consisting of two equal variable interval component shedules providing sucrose solutions of different concentrations (0.6 M, 0.2 M; 50 μl in each case) as the reinforcers. The mean interreinforcement interval specified by the schedules was varied from 10 to 640 sec. Absolute response rate in each component was an increasing hyperbolic function of reinforcement frequency. Relative response rate and relative time allocation revealed a consistent preference for the more concentrated solution; neither measure of preference was systematically related to reinforcement frequency. The results are consistent with Baum and Rachlin's (1969) extension of the matching law, and with a derivation of the matching law from the hyperbolic relation between absolute response rate and reinforcement frequency in variable interval schedules (Herrnstein, 1970).  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to establish discriminative control of responding by an antecedent stimulus using differential punishment because the results of past studies on this topic have been mixed. Three adults with mental retardation who exhibited stereotypy not maintained by social consequences (i.e., automatic reinforcement) participated. For each subject, stereotypy occurred frequently in the presence of a stimulus correlated with nonpunishment of stereotypy and rarely, if ever, in the presence of a stimulus correlated with punishment of stereotypy. Latency measures showed that the antecedent stimulus correlated with punishment served as the discriminative stimulus for the suppression of stereotypy. These results are important insofar as they show that discriminative control by an antecedent stimulus develops with punishment, and because it sometimes may be desirable to establish such control of socially inappropriate behavior.  相似文献   

Secondary reinforcement and rate of primary reinforcement   总被引:21,自引:21,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Four pigeons were trained to peck at either of two response-keys. Pecking at either key occasionally produced a secondary reinforcer. Then, in the presence of the secondary reinforcer, further pecking occasionally produced the primary reinforcer, food. The relative rate at which each pigeon pecked to obtain a secondary reinforcer equalled the relative rate of primary reinforcement in its presence.  相似文献   

Two experiments with human subjects investigated the effects of rate of reinforcement and reinforcer magnitude upon choice. In Experiment 1, each of five subjects responded on four concurrent variable-interval schedules. In contrast to previous studies using non-human organisms, relative response rate did not closely match relative rate of reinforcement. Discrepancies ranged from 0.03 to 0.43 (mean equal to 0.19). Similar discrepancies were found between relative amount of time spent responding on each schedule and the corresponding relative rates of reinforcement. In Experiment 2, in which reinforcer magnitude was varied for each of five subjects, similar discrepancies ranging from 0.05 to 0.50 (mean equal to 0.21), were found between relative response rate and relative proportion of reinforcers received. In both experiments, changeover rates were lower on the long-interval concurrent schedules than on the short-interval ones. The results suggest that simple application of previous generalizations regarding the effects of reinforcement rate and reinforcer magnitude on choice for variable-interval schedules does not accurately describe human behavior in a simple laboratory situation.  相似文献   

In the typical functional analysis in which the antecedent and consequent events associated with problem behavior are manipulated, the control condition involves elimination of both the relevant establishing operation (EO) and its associated contingency through a schedule of noncontingent reinforcement (usually fixed-time [FT] 30 s). In some functional analyses, however, antecedent events are manipulated in the absence of differential consequences, and a common test condition in such analyses also involves the delivery of reinforcement on an FT 30-s schedule. Thus, the same schedule of reinforcement (FT 30 s) is not considered to be an EO in the former type of analysis but is considered to be an EO in the latter. We examined the relative influences of EOs and reinforcement contingencies on problem behavior by exposing 6 individuals who engaged in self-injurious behavior (SIB) to four combinations of functional analysis conditions: EO present/contingency present, EO absent/contingency present, EO present/contingency absent, and EO absent/contingency absent. Results indicated that the only condition in which high rates of SIB were observed consistently was one in which the EO and the reinforcement contingency were both present. Implications of these results for the design of functional analysis test and control conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments involving parametric manipulation of reinforcement contingencies were performed with retardates in an automated Sheltered Workshop token economy. Experiment I showed that with amount of reinforcement held constant, work rates were positively related to reinforcement rates on fixed-interval schedules and inversely related to reinforcement rates on fixed-ratio schedules. Experiment II demonstrated an interaction between frequency of ratio reinforcement and torque required to complete a work unit: work rates were positively related to reinforcement rates when required response force was high and negatively related to reinforcement rates when required response force was low. Experiment III revealed that, with reinforcement frequency held constant, there was in inverse relationship between amount of reinforcement and work rate.  相似文献   

Relative delay of reinforcement and choice   总被引:13,自引:13,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons' responses on either of two concurrently available keys each associated with variable-interval 60-sec schedules occasionally changed the schedule on that key to a terminal-link interval schedule providing access to gain while the other key became inoperative. Experiment I compared simple fixed- and mixed-interval schedules in the terminal links, and showed that for all subjects and schedules the distribution of responses during the concurrent initial links was accurately described by the relative inverse delay of reinforcement squared. Experiment II extended the generality of this formulation to a situation in which rate of reinforcement was constant and delay alone was varied.  相似文献   

The roles of control response rate and reinforcement frequency in producing amphetamine's effect on operant behavior were evaluated independently in rats. Two multiple schedules were arranged in which one variable, either response rate or reinforcement frequency, was held constant and the other variable manipulated. A multiple differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate seven-second yoked variable-interval schedule was used to equate reinforcement frequencies at different control response rates between multiple-schedule components. Amphetamine increased responding under the variable-interval component. In contrast, amphetamine decreased responding equivalently between components of a multiple random-ratio schedule that produced similar control response rates at different reinforcement frequencies. The results provide experimental support to the rate-dependency principle that control rate of responding is an important determinant of amphetamine's effect on operant behavior.  相似文献   

Four rats were exposed to variable-interval schedules specifying a range of different reinforcement frequencies, using sucrose of two different concentrations and distilled water as the reinforcer. With sucrose, the rates of responding of all four rats were increasing negatively accelerated functions of reinforcement frequency, the data conforming closely to Herrnstein's equation; this was also true of the data from three of the four rats when distilled water was used as the reinforcer. The values of both constants in Herrnstein's equation were related to the sucrose concentration: the asymptotic response rate decreased, and the reinforcement frequency corresponding to the half-maximal response rate increased, with decreasing sucrose concentration.  相似文献   

Forty male inmates from an adult correctional training centre participated in a 2 × 2 factorial design with subject correctness-incorrectness and group agreement-disagreement constituting the classification factors. A modified Asch procedure was used to manipulate a S's prior experience of correctness and agreement (Part 1) and to assess subsequent conformity to 3 male confederates (Part 2). The female experimenter served as the source of reinforcement and group correctness. Ss responded to a (two part) 26 verbal and perceptual item scale, including 11 conformity items. Subject correctness and group agreement interacted, for perceptual items only, so that subjects who were more competent than the group or equally incompetent to the group conformed less than those who were less competent than the group, who in turn conformed less than those who were equally competent to the group, where both the subjects and the group were correct. Subjects conformed more to difficult verbal items than to perceptual items, and unsuspicious subjects conformed more than suspicious subjects. Both relative competence, mediating the effects of prior experience, and the situational factor of reinforcement affect conformity to perceptual tasks.  相似文献   

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