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The body weights of male albino rats were reduced gradually to 80% of normal body weight by resricting food intake (dieting), and then the rats were given lateral hypothalamic (LH) lesions. Compared with rats of normal body weight sustaining similar brain lesions, the dieted group displayed a shorter period of postoperative aphagia and less gastric pathology. In a second experiment, a group of rats was reduced to 80% of normal body weight by withholding all food (fasting) and then given LH lesions. Compared with dieted rats sustaining similar brain damage, the fasted group displayed a longer period of post operative aphagia and greater gastric pathology. Since the duration of aphagia could be shortened or lengthened by simple manipulations of preoperative body weight, the adequacy of sensorimotor or motivational hypotheses to account for aphagia is questioned. The results are more consistent with the suggestion that gastric abnormalities produced by LH lesions inhibit eating.  相似文献   

Rats that have recovered from aphagia and adipsia following lateral hypothalamic lesions are believed to be incapable of experiencing thirst and to drink water simply to facilitate the consumption of dry food. However, the present results indicate that these animals will drink in response to dehydration of the intracellular or intravascular fluid compartments and to hyperangiotensinemia, if testing continues beyond a few hours. Comparable effects also were obtained in rats with mesencephalic brain damage, which appeared to destroy portions of the substantia nigra and the ascending nigrostriatal dopaminergic projections. These findings, when placed in the context of a recent neurochemical model for recovery of function, provide the basis for a new interpretation of the lateral hypothalamic syndrome.  相似文献   

Lesions of the medial hypothalamus, medial accumbens, or septum were made in 21- to 25-day-old male hooded rats. Half of the animals in each group were subsequently reared in groups and the other half in isolation. When tested for defensiveness toward the experimenter at 31, 34, and 37 days postoperatively, rats with medial hypothalamic lesions were most hyperdefensive toward the experimenter if reared in isolation but were significantly more defensive than sham-lesioned animals even when reared in groups. Rats with septal lesions were significantly more defensive than sham-lesioned animals only when reared in isolation while rats with medial accumbens lesions were not different from controls whether reared individually or in groups. These results suggest that the medial hypothalamus may have a special importance in determining temperament since the hyperdefensiveness that results from interference with its functioning is resistant to experiential remediation.  相似文献   

Three doses each of cathodal or anodal direct current were delivered to coagulate lateral hypothalamic tissue bilaterally in rats. Increases in hypothalamic tissue damage were associated with more instances of aphagia, greater amounts of glandular, but not rumenal, gastric pathology, and greater weight loss. Both anodal and cathodal lesions produced aphagia and similar amounts of gastric pathology, but anodal lesions also appeared to facilitate weight loss independently of the tissue damage. Extensive chromatolysis surrounding anodal lesion cavities may be importantly related to the postoperative effects. In additional experiments, anodal electrolytic lesions or cortical suction ablations were used to vary the location of neural damage. Fedding deficits and gastric pathology resulted from the destruction of several brain areas. In particular, eating of dry food in the presence of high gastric pathology was observed in rats with lesions ventral and medial to an area in the dorsolateral hypothalamus that was associated with aphagia. When aphagia was accompained by severe gastric pathology, the brain lesions typically encroached extensively on more ventromedial areas. Moreover, aphagia sometimes was observed with only negligible gastric pathology. It is suggested that gastric pathology is not primary to the expression of the aphagia that follows lateral hypothalamic damage.  相似文献   

It has previously been demonstrated that rats recovered from aphagia and adipsia after large bilateral electrolytic lesions of the lateral hypothalamic area do not show the normal feeding response to 2-deoxyglucose or drinking response to polyethylene glyol. The present work reveals that such homeostatic imbalances reinstate the profound sensorimotor impairments that are seen in the immediate postoperative period but abate in parallel with the gradual recovery of ingestive behaviors. Administration of alpha-methyltyrosine or spiroperidol produced sensory and motor dysfunctions in rats with lateral hypothalamic lesions that were similar to those observed after 2-deoxyglucose. These results suggest that the residual feeding and drinking deficits of rats with lateral hypothalamic lesions after apparent recovery of function do not reflect specific loss of putative gluco- and volume-regulatory contributions to ingestive behavior. Instead, they may indicate continued impairments in nonspecific activational components of motivation that normally are mediated, in part, by central dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

Rats that had recovered spontaneous ingestive behavior after lesions of the lateral hypothalamus were challenged with acute injections of hypertonic NaCl administered at different times during the day/night cycle. Following these injections, drinking was observed only during the nighttime. After morning injections the rats frequently waited until nightfall before drinking, whereas animals injected at night showed much shorter delays in the behavioral response; a similar nocturnal predominance of drinking was seen after food deprivation and in the ad-lib situation. Studies in blinded animals suggested that these effects were due to an endogenous circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

In an experiment to investigate the role of the vagus in the lateral hypothalamic (LH) syndrome of body weight loss, male albino rats were divided into four groups: (a) animals with bilateral LH lesions that were subsequently given a bilateral subdiaphragmatic vagotomy, (b) LH animals that received a control vagotomy operation, (c) nonlesion animals that were given a subdiaphragmatic vagotomy operation, (c) nonlesion animals that were given a subdiaphragmatic vagotomy, and (d) nonlesion animals that received a control vagotomy operation. Both LH lesions and vagotomy reduced body weight levels, though the effects differed in terms of the length of time required to reach initial maximal loss, the time required to reach chronic levels of maintenance, and the severity of body weight reduction. Fasting gastric acid secretion was lowered by LH lesions, and the extent of this reduction was positively correlated with the reduction in body weight. Finally, gastric contents after a 24-hr fast were greater in vagotomized rats than in nonvagotomized animals. These data are discussed in relation to the changes in gastric functioning after LH lesions and vagotomy.  相似文献   

The development of feeding patterns was investigated in weanling rats and in rats with lateral hypothalamic lesions. From 16 to 25 days of age, the weanlings demonstrated a preprandial intake pattern, i.e., a positive correlation between meal size and time since the preceding meal. This subsequently declined while the postprandial relationship (correlation with time until subsequent meal) began to emerge such that by 30-35 days of age a full adult pattern was observed. Rats recovering from lateral hypothalamic lesions, for a brief period, also demonstrated a preprandial intake pattern. The postprandial relationship was abolished by the lesions. These results suggest that the development of adult meal patterning results from maturation of lateral hypothalamic mechanisms governing meal initiation.  相似文献   

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