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This study extended the research of the psychometric characteristics of Koppitz's 1963/1975 Developmental Scoring System of the Bender-Gestalt test. Attention was paid to relations among the 7 deviations. The test was administered by licensed psychologists to 1,065 white children, aged from 3 yr., 6 mo. to 11 yr., 5 mo., enrolled in the regular education track of kindergarten and elementary school in Italy.  相似文献   

该研究参照国内外已有的画人测验材料 ,并在以往使用绘人智能测验的基础上 ,重新设计 ,提出了一份包含 80个评分项目的画人评分标准。新标准首先在课题组内试用修改 ,然后又用于 9名标准评分员的培训 ,最后运用总计 2 5 8名 ,年龄为 6~ 1 2岁的小学儿童作预试 ,进行系统的项目分析。在上述过程中 ,对项目进行反复推敲删改 ,最终形成了一份供制订画人智力测验常模用的画人评分标准。该标准分有无、细节、比例、奖励四个维度 ,按身体部位分成头、头发、眼、耳、鼻、口、颈、躯干、上肢、手、下肢、脚以及连接和服饰共十四个大类 ,每大类包含 4~ 8个评分点 ,总计 75个评分点。  相似文献   

Several age gaps now exist within the normative data supporting the Bender Gestalt. One of these is for subjects within the junior high years. The present study was conducted to fill this gap and thus to supply junior high norms where none now exist. The normative group used in the study consisted of 135 junior high students, ages 12 through 14. Each was individually given the Bender Gestalt, and the resulting test protocols were then scored using the Pascal and Suttell scoring technique. Tables were then prepared to enable the clinician to transform the number of errors made on the Bender and/or the time required to complete the test into appropriate T scores. Subsequent statistical analysis of test results revealed that the subject's performance was not significantly related to sex, the occupation of the primary bread winner within the family, or the interaction between these two factors. As a result of this finding it would appear that these variables do not have to be controlled for in the norming of any future visual motor tests at the junior high level.  相似文献   

武锋 《宗教学研究》2006,(2):138-141
学术界对葛洪生于西晋武帝太康四年(303)几无异议,但对葛洪卒年则聚讼纷纭,计有八十一岁说、六十一岁说及不出六十岁说。检核有关资料,葛洪卒年当以八十一岁说为是,即葛洪卒于东晋哀帝兴宁元年(363)。  相似文献   

John Exner's rationale for scoring the Rorschach and his decision to score "blend" responses by assigning equal weights are critically reviewed. The resultant exclusion of new responses made during the Inquiry of the Free Association responses is viewed as a major deficiency in the Comprehensive Rorschach System. A change to Klopfer's "Main-Additional" scoring method is recommended as a corrective.  相似文献   

The Bender-Gestalt test originated in 1936 with Lauretta Bender for evaluating perceptual and motor development of children 4 to 11 yr. old. Koppitz (1964) developed a scoring system for the test. Lacks (1984) contributed normative data for testing adults. Seven studies since Lacks' which have contributed to normative data of adults' responses to the Bender-Gestalt are reviewed here.  相似文献   

The heart-lung machine makes open-heart surgery possible by providing extracorporeal blood circulation; however, it creates microemboli in the blood that cause neurological damage. A new filter, designed to remove these emboli, was assessed by preoperative and postoperative Bender Gestalt testing. A lesser degree of the kinds of visual-motor difficulties associated with neurological deficit was produced by patients who received filtered blood. Postoperative impairment was assessed with some precision by using the Pascal-Suttell method of scoring distortions of Bender designs. The Bender scores were consistent with ultrasonic (sonar) counts of microemboli.  相似文献   

Sixty children were individually administered the Matching Familiar Figures Test and the Bender Gestalt Test. The mean age of the subjects was 10 years, 11 months. A significant relationship was found between errors on the Bender Gestalt test and impulsivity. More specifically, increased or decreased loops (figure four or six), change in angulation, loops for circles and circles for dots or dots for circles were all significantly related to children's impulsivity.  相似文献   

Practice effects within a multiple-phase administration of the Bender Visual-motor Gestalt Test were investigated. The addition of a 5-sec. Flash phase prior to the standard presentation did not significantly influence performance on the standard presentation. Students who attempted both the Flash and standard administration prior to a recall phase remembered significantly more designs than students receiving only the standard administration prior to recall. Those skills possibly measured by the multiple phase Bender format are discussed and the need for research using the three-phase method is suggested.  相似文献   

青少年社会支持系统发展特点的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
刘春梅  李宏英 《心理科学》2002,25(4):477-478
青少年时期是个体的生理和心理发生急剧变化的特殊时期,是他们从幼稚走向成熟,从家庭步入更广阔社会的重要转折期,身心的急剧成熟给青少年的社会关系网络带来了新的变化,生活中重要他人从父母扩大到朋友和教师。青少年从重要他人那里获得的社会支持具有可靠同盟、价值增进、工具性帮助、陪伴支持、情感支持、亲密感、自我揭露、冲突、惩罚和满意度等功能。不同来源的社会支持所提供的支持功能是不同的。母亲侧重于提供评价支持和情感支持,同伴侧重于工具性支持和陪伴支持,父亲、教师侧重于信息支持。进入青春期以后,青少年的社会支持系统有什么新特点?是否存在年级和性别差异?本文旨在对青少年的社会支持系统进行年级性别的差异研究,以揭示青少年社会支持系统的发展特点,为进一步进行心理健康教育提供理论依据。  相似文献   

发展情境论——一种新的发展系统理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展情境论(Developmental Contextualism)是发展系统理论体系中的一种具有代表性的理论。该理论认为人的发展是通过发展中的个体与其所处情境间的持续交互作用实现的,个体的发展变化过程在本质上是或然渐成性的。该理论不仅更系统地概括了影响人发展的时间和空间因素,而且在交互作用观点的基础上提出了循环影响的研究取向。同时,发展情境论认为人的可塑性特点为干预个体的发展提供了可能,并进一步提出了干预的思路,即通过建立和调整个体与所处情境的拟合优度模型来实现个体和所处情境的积极发展。  相似文献   

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