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This article presents the results of three experiments on the discrimination of time intervals presented in sequences marked by brief visual signals. In Experiment 1A (continuous condition), the participants had to indicate whether, in a series of 2–4 intervals marked by 3–5 visual signals, the last interval was shorter or longer than the previous one(s). In Experiment 1B (discontinuous condition), the participants indicated whether, in a presentation of two series of 1–3 intervals, with each series being marked by 2–4 signals, the intervals of the second sequence were shorter or longer than those of the first. Whenever one, two, or three standard intervals were presented, the difference threshold was as high at 150 msec as it was at 300 msec with the continuous method but increased monotonically from 150 to 900 msec with the discontinuous method. With both methods, the increase was well described by Weber’s law&#x2014the Weber fraction was roughly constant&#x2014between 600 and 900 msec (Experiment 2), whereas between 900 and 1,200 msec (Experiment 3), the Weber fraction increased.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of three experiments on the discrimination of time intervals presented in sequences marked by brief visual signals. In Experiment 1A (continuous condition), the participants had to indicate whether, in a series of 2-4 intervals marked by 3-5 visual signals, the last interval was shorter or longer than the previous one(s). In Experiment 1B (discontinuous condition), the participants indicated whether, in a presentation of two series of 1-3 intervals, with each series being marked by 2-4 signals, the intervals of the second sequence were shorter or longer than those of the first. Whenever one, two, or three standard intervals were presented, the difference threshold was as high at 150 msec as it was at 300 msec with the continuous method but increased monotonically from 150 to 900 msec with the discontinuous method. With both methods, the increase was well described by Weber's law--the Weber fraction was roughly constant--between 600 and 900 msec (Experiment 2), whereas between 900 and 1,200 msec (Experiment 3), the Weber fraction increased.  相似文献   

Data from three experiments on serial perception of temporal intervals in the supra-second domain are reported. Sequences of short acoustic signals (“pips”) separated by periods of silence were presented to the observers. Two types of time series, geometric or alternating, were used, where the modulus 1 + δ of the inter-pip series and the base duration Tb (range from 1.1 to 6 s) were varied as independent parameters. The observers had to judge whether the series were accelerating, decelerating, or uniform (3 paradigm), or to distinguish regular from irregular sequences (2 paradigm). “Intervals of subjective uniformity” (isus) were obtained by fitting Gaussian psychometric functions to individual subjects' responses. Progression towards longer base durations (Tb = 4.4 or 6 s) shifts the isus towards negative δs, i.e., accelerating series. This finding is compatible with the phenomenon of “subjective shortening” of past temporal intervals, which is naturally accounted for by the lossy integration model of internal time representation. The opposite effect observed for short durations (Tb = 1.1 or 1.5 s) remains unexplained by the lossy integration model, and presents a challenge for further research.  相似文献   

The discrimination of short intervals of time, demarcated by a foveally presented spatially distinct double pulse of light, was studied under several conditions of pulse intensity, angular diameter, and duration. We defined temporal acuity as a measure of discrimination capacity in terms of d′ values. It is shown that the acuity mechanism uses largely integrated information—in the spatial and temporal domain, up to at least 56′ and 32 msec, respectively. Acuity increases slightly with increasing integrated pulse energy, but seems quite independent of the presence of an adapting field of appreciable brightness. Studies on the effect of the foveal site aimed at by the pulses of light have shown that temporal projections lead to significantly poorer acuity values than nasal projections. Monoptic and dichoptic stimulation, however, are fully equivalent.  相似文献   

Trained listeners had to discriminate, in a four-level 2AFC paradigm, the duration of a time interval bounded by pairs of brief tone bursts. The time intervals ranged from 10 to 100 msec. When the tone-burst markers were similar in their intensity (86 dB SPL) and frequency (1 kHz), the just noticeable time difference was found to be monotonically related to the base interval. On the other hand, when the intensity of the first marker was severely attenuated (by 50 dB) or when a large (2-octave) difference was introduced between the frequencies of the two markers, the time discrimination functions became nonmonotonic. A similar, albeit slight, departure from monotonicity was also achieved by making the second marker much longer than the first (300 msec vs. 10 msec). The nonmonotonicity of these time discrimination functions is compared to the well-documented nonmonotonicity that may be observed for voice onset time (VOT) discrimination functions.  相似文献   

Adult listeners rated the difficulty of hearing a single coherent stream in a sequence of high (H) and low (L) tones that alternated in a repetitive galloping pattern (HLH-HLH-HLH...). They could hear the gallop when the sequence was perceived as a single stream, but when it segregated into two substreams, they heard H-H- ... in one stream and L-L- ... in the other. The onset-to-onset time of the tones, their duration, the interstimulus interval (ISI) between tones of the same frequency, and the frequency separation between H and L tones were varied. Subjects' ratings on a 7-point scale showed that the well-known effect of speed's increasing stream segregation is primarily due to its effect on the ISI between tones in the same frequency region. This has implications for several theories of streaming.  相似文献   

On randomly ordered trials, pigeons were presented with either a blue or a white key that flashed red for 200 ms at a fast (2 flashes/s), medium (1 flash/s), or slow (0.5 flashes/s) rate. The blue key signaled a fixed-interval (FI) schedule in which the first response after 20 s was reinforced, and the white key signaled a fixed-number (FN) schedule in which the first response after 20 flashes was reinforced. In Experiments 1 and 2, pigeons showed depressed responding to the flash on FI-cued trials and accelerated responding to the flash on FN-cued trials. When the response key was periodically blacked out in Experiments 3 and 4, counting but not timing was eliminated.  相似文献   

This paper concerns sequential effects in choice reaction time tasks. Performance in two interleaved auditory tasks was examined, and two general types of sequential effects were revealed. First, a response repetition effect occurred: Subjects were facilitated in responding when both the stimulus and the response were immediately repeated. Generally, it appeared that subjects were operating according to the bypass rule—that is, repeat the response if the stimulus or some aspect thereof is repeated from the preceding trial; otherwise, change the response. In addition, the experiment also revealed a second type of sequential effect, known as a task-switching effect. Subjects were overall slower to respond when the task changed between adjacent trials than when there was no task change. A final result was that subjects were markedly impaired when the stimulus changed but the same response had to be repeated. This finding has been reported elsewhere when purely visual tasks have been used. Hence, it seems that particular difficulties arise, in such sequential testing situations, when type-distinct stimuli are grouped into the same response categories.  相似文献   

Experienced observers were asked to identify, in a four-level 2AFC situation, the longer of two unfilled time intervals, each of which was marked by a pair of 20-msec acoustic pulses. When all the markers were identical, high-level (186-dB SPL) bursts of coherently gated sinusoids or bursts of band-limited Gaussian noise, a change in the spectrum of the markers generally did not affect performance. On the other hand, for 1-kHz tone-burst markers, intensity decreases below 25 dB SL were accompanied by sizable deterioration of the discrimination performance, especially at short (25-msec) base intervals. Similarly large changes in performance were observed also when the two tonal markers of each interval were made very dissimilar from each other, either in frequency (frequency difference larger than 1 octave) or in intensity (level of the first marker at least 45 dB below the level of the second marker). Time-difference thresholds in these two latter cases were found to be nonmonotonically related to the base interval, the minima occurring between 40- and 80-msec onset separations.  相似文献   

Observers were presented stimulus patterns consisting of a sequence of three laterally displaced light flashes, which defined two spatial intervals and two temporal intervals. The position and time of the second flash were varied factorially, and observers were asked to make relative judgments of either the two spatial intervals or the two temporal intervals. “Induction” effects of stimulus timing on spatial judgments and of stimulus spacing on temporal judgments were both found; however, the directionality of these effects differed between subjects. The results are inconsistent with the hypothesis, derived from previous findings, that such effects are determined primarily by a tendency toward perceiving constant velocity of apparent motion; it is proposed that the directionality of the induction effects is determined largely by the strategy adopted by the observer for combining spatial and temporal stimulus information.  相似文献   

We investigated the discrimination of two neighboring intra- or inter-modal empty time intervals marked by three successive stimuli. Each of the three markers was a flash (visual—V) or a sound (auditory—A). The first and last markers were of the same modality, while the second one was either A or V, resulting in four conditions: VVV, VAV, AVA and AAA. Participants judged whether the second interval, whose duration was systematically varied, was shorter or longer than the 500-ms first interval. Compared with VVV and AAA, discrimination was impaired with VAV, but not so much with AVA (in Experiment 1). Whereas VAV and AVA consisted of the same set of single intermodal intervals (VA and AV), discrimination was impaired in the VAV compared to the AVA condition. This difference between VAV and AVA could not be attributed to the participants' strategy to perform the discrimination task, e.g., ignoring the standard interval or replacing the visual stimuli with sounds in their mind (in Experiment 2). These results are discussed in terms of sequential grouping according to sensory similarity.  相似文献   

In serial choice reaction time (RT) tasks, performance in each trial critically depends on the sequence of preceding events. In this study, the authors specifically examined the mechanism underlying RT sequence effects at short response-stimulus intervals (RSIs), in which performance is impaired in the current trial N if events alternate rather than repeat from trial N-2 to trial N-1. Different accounts of this RT pattern in terms of perceptual noise, response-selection monitoring, and response conflict were tested in 4 experiments. Second-order RT costs were caused by the response sequence rather than the stimulus sequence. Manipulation of stimulus contrast, stimulus classification difficulty, and set-level compatibility did not modulate the response-related second-order RT effect, whereas this effect increased when spatially incompatible responses were demanded. These findings support a response conflict account of higher order sequential effects in short-RSI situations.  相似文献   

Four experiments showed that both single and periodic distractor tones affected the timing of finger taps produced in synchrony with an isochronous auditory target sequence. Single distractors had only small effects, but periodic distractors occurring at various fixed or changing phase relationships exerted strong phase attraction. The attraction was asymmetric, being stronger when distractors preceded target tones than when they lagged behind. A large pitch difference between target and distractor tones (20 vs. 3 semitones) did not reduce phase attraction substantially, although in the case of continuously changing phase relationships it did prevent complete capture of the taps by the distractors. The results support the hypothesis that phase attraction is an automatic process that is sensitive primarily to event onsets.  相似文献   

Sequential constraints, in the form represented by equal frequencies within blocks, were imposed upon finite-state statistical generators. The sequences were encoded in the form of interval-coded pulse trains and were transduced to sound by earphones. In discrimination tests, interval thresholds between the finite states provided a measure of the relative discriminability between different sequential constraints. These thresholds are shown to be quantitatively related to the difference in uncertainty in specification of the sequences. To a first approximation: Equal interstate interval thresholds are associated with equal differences in uncertainty.  相似文献   

Reaction times to a pure tone in noise were measured. Throughout, the time from the warning signal to the reaction signal was exponentially distributed, and the signal was response terminated. Response criterion, signal intensity, and mean foreperiod wait were varied. A model that assumes a Poisson sensory transduction, a pulse-activated decision process, and an additive bounded residual process was tested. It was concluded that the assumed decision process was in error. Among the empirical results, the dependence of mean reaction time on signal waits was shown to depend largely on the average wait, not the actual one, and that this relationship between mean reaction time and average stimulus wait increased for strong signals and decreased for weak ones.  相似文献   

Saccadic reaction time (SRT) to visual targets tends to be shorter when nonvisual stimuli are presented in close temporal or spatial proximity, even when subjects are instructed to ignore the accessory input. Here, we investigate visualtactile interaction effects on SRT under varying spatial configurations. SRT to bimodal stimuli was reduced by up to 30 msec, in comparison with responses to unimodal visual targets. In contrast to previous findings, the amount of multisensory facilitation did not decrease with increases in the physical distance between the target and the nontarget but depended on (1) whether the target and the nontarget were presented in the same hemifield (ipsilateral) or in different hemifields (contralateral), (2) the eccentricity of the stimuli, and (3) the frequency of the vibrotactile nontarget. The time-window-of-integration (TWIN) model for SRT (Colonius & Diederich, 2004) is shown to yield an explicit characterization of the observed multisensory spatial interaction effects through the removal of the peripheral-processing effects of stimulus location and tactile frequency.  相似文献   

Modeling spatial effects in visual-tactile saccadic reaction time   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Saccadic reaction time (SRT) to visual targets tends to be shorter when nonvisual stimuli are presented in close temporal or spatial proximity, even when subjects are instructed to ignore the accessory input. Here, we investigate visual-tactile interaction effects on SRT under varying spatial configurations. SRT to bimodal stimuli was reduced by up to 30 msec, in comparison with responses to unimodal visual targets. In contrast to previous findings, the amount of multisensory facilitation did not decrease with increases in the physical distance between the target and the nontarget but depended on (1) whether the target and the nontarget were presented in the same hemifield (ipsilateral) or in different hemifields (contralateral), (2) the eccentricity of the stimuli, and (3) the frequency of the vibrotactile nontarget. The time-window-of-integration (TWIN) model for SRT (Colonius & Diederich, 2004) is shown to yield an explicit characterization of the observed multisensory spatial interaction effects through the removal of the peripheral-processing effects of stimulus location and tactile frequency.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of multiple axes and skewing on the detectability of symmetry in tachistoscopically presented (100-msec) dot patterns to test the role of normal grouping processes based on higher order regularities in element positions. In addition to the first-order regularities of orientational uniformity and midpoint collinearity (Jenkins, 1983), bilateral symmetry (BS) gives rise to second-order relations between two pairs of symmetric elements (represented by correlation quadrangles). We suggest that they allow the regularity (i.e., BS) to emerge simply as a result of the position-based grouping that takes place normally, so that no special symmetry-detection mechanism has to be postulated. In combination with previously investigated variables--number and orientation of axes--we introduced skewing (resulting from orthographic projection of BS) to manipulate the kind and number of higher order regularities. In agreement with our predictions, the data show that the effect of skewing angle (varied at three 15 degrees steps, clockwise and counterclockwise) on the preattentive detectability of symmetry (measured with d') increases as the number of axes decreases. On the basis of some more specific findings, we suggest that it is not as much the number of correlation quadrangles that determines the saliency of a regularity as it is the degree to which they facilitate or "bootstrap" each other.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to examine the role of method of estimation and the employment of a standard stimulus on the judged duration of auditory and visual stimuli presented for brief temporal intervals (0.25 to 5.0 s). The results indicate that the relationship between judged and physical duration is nearly direct and linear. Psychophysical methodology and stimulus modality exerted little influence on the obtained power functions.  相似文献   

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