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Night terrors     
Night terrors and nightmare had for years been equated terms. Early writers tended to ignore the differences. Even today with a clearer definition and understanding of these sleep disturbances, practitioners have been at a loss on how to ameliorate the very upsetting set of occurrences (to the patient as well as to the family). This paper briefly reviews some of the literature on Night Terrors and reports successes in the amelioration of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

This essay discusses the nature of hope and despair, and the difficulties of responding to the aged who have nothing left .. to hope for. Based in pan on the writings of Gabriel Marcel, it suggests that one can hope when reasons for doing so are insufficient or lacking. It characterizes this kind of hope, absolute or unconditional hope, as a mystery, and suggests that to respond to the failing aged we must put aside efforts to find reasons to hope in order to participate in its mystery. The essay challenges the idea that hope is a private, isolated act of the will and insists that it always occurs between persons.  相似文献   

A major source of tension between Staddon's The new behaviorism and Baum's Review is that the former was written for a general audience but the latter evaluates it as a technical work. Be that as it may, the central issue—Skinner's conception of the role of theory in behavior analysis—is inadequately portrayed in both the book and the review. The two primary sources of difficulty arise from failures to honor Skinner's distinction between experimental analysis and interpretation and to appreciate Skinner's views on events that are not observable at the behavioral scale of measurement.  相似文献   

夜间进食综合征是一种表现为早晨没有食欲、晚饭后过量进食或夜间醒来进食的饮食障碍,并且与睡眠问题相关。在国内外文献进行分析研究的基础上,本文先后介绍了夜食症的概念内涵、发病的生理神经机制及主要的干预措施和治疗手段,并对现有研究的不足进行总结,提出了未来研究的方向,旨在为研究者在此领域的进一步探索提供参考。  相似文献   

深夜时分,豫东一偏僻乡村的十几位大汉酒足饭饱之后,有的肩扛抓钩铁锨,有的手拎绳索棍棒来到村南地的一座新坟旁。 众人站定,又各自喝壶酒壮壮胆,执事者嘴中念念有词并点了一大叠阴钞。之后,一声令下:“扒!”大汉们“呼哧呼哧”地忙碌起来。扒坟、铲土、撬棺、系绳,一  相似文献   

Night waking and temperament in early childhood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This article presents the results of an experiment which investigated elementary school children's explanations of the day/night cycle. First, third, and fifth grade children were asked to explain certain phenomena, such as the disappearance of the sun during the night, the disappearance of stars during the day, the apparent movement of the moon, and the alteration of day and night. The results showed that the majority of the children in our sample used in a consistent fashion a small number of relatively well-defined mental models of the earth, the sun, and the moon to explain the day/night cycle. These mental models of the day/night cycle were empirically accurate, logically consistent and revealed some sensitivity on the part of the children to issues of simplicity of explanation. The younger children formed Initial mental models which provided explanations of the day/night cycle based on everyday experience (e.g., the sun goes down behind mountains, clouds cover up the sun). The older children constructed synthetic mental models (e.g., the sun and the moon revolve around the stationary earth every 24 hours; the earth rotates in an up/down direction and the sun and moon are fixed on opposite sides) which represented attempts to synthesize the culturally accepted view with aspects of their Initial models. A few of the older children appeared to have constructed a mental model of the day/night cycle similar to the scientific one. A theoretical framework is outlined which explains the formation of initial, synthetic, and scientific models of the day/night cycle in terms of the reinterpretation of a hierarchy of constraints, some of which are present early in the child's life, and others which emerge later out of the structure of the acquired knowledge.  相似文献   

一部<封神演义>,既是演义,与真实历史就相去甚远,人死后封神就更是无稽之谈.<辞海>云:"假商周之争,自写幻想,侈谈神怪,十九虚造".岂料人间以此为据,历代都曾出现过造神运动,延续至今民间尚有一定市场,说来也挺可笑?我从祖宗那里接受的教育是,阴世与阳世一模一样,是动物都具有灵魂,而且各自又有各自的领属范围,统统受制于各自的神.人死后作鬼受制于阎王爷;动物死后,兽魂受制于山神爷.民间传说,夜里山神爷爷偕同巡山老母要出来巡视,发现作恶的兽类就地降伏.我是不信这一套的,可巧让我给碰上了这似乎象山神爷巡视的事情.  相似文献   

仲崇东 《学海》2003,2(1):143-147
面对新世纪的国际形势和重要任务 ,必须对社会主义和当今世界重大现实问题进行重新认识、思考和审视。马克思的“世界历史理论”既看到资本主义在推动世界历史进步中的作用 ,又把共产主义作为“世界历史性”的事业 ,指明了世界历史发展的方向。这一理论把交往实践作为世界历史发展的基础 ,特别强调交往实践的扩大在推动世界历史发展中的作用 ,从而为重新认识社会主义和当今世界重大现实问题提供了理论和方法论依据  相似文献   

Relations between night waking in infants and depressive symptoms in their mothers at 6 months postpartum were examined using the data from the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care. Although more depressive symptoms were only weakly correlated with a higher frequency of infant waking, longer wake times, and more total time awake, the rate of clinically significant depression scores was about double in mothers of chronically waking infants in comparison with mothers whose infants did not awaken during the night. The value of comparing subgroups to elucidate relations identified through correlations is discussed.  相似文献   

The study investigated the mutual perception of relationships between mothers with day and night shift work and their teenage children. A cross-sectional survey using purposeful sampling was used. Two groups of 35 mothers and their adolescent children completed a Parent-Adolescent Relationship-Questionnaire (Robin, Koepke, Moye & Gerhardstein, 2009). Data was analysed by means of SAS and SPSS programmes. Findings show that adolescent children of day shift working mothers perceive communication and problem solving with their mothers as more efficient than adolescent children of night shift working mothers. Global Distress was lower in day shift mothers and their children. Night shirt work lowers the perceived quality of parenting.  相似文献   

我十五岁那一年的秋天,农村的土地由集体经营转变为以户为单位的个体经营。农民们不仅分到土地,还分到了牲畜和一些生产工具。我的家族因为人口多,便分得了一头膘肥体壮的大骡子。那个时候,牲口是庄户人的心尖子,家族的所有人都特别爱惜这匹大骡子。经过商量,决定牲口交给细心的大伯喂养,每家按地亩分摊草料和费用,大伯不挣工钱,但牲口粪全部归他所有。伯母已故去多年,大伯的独女出嫁到十多里外的镇上,他每隔十天半月的就去女儿家转一圈,当天便回,很少留宿。冬天里的一个早晨,风刮得挺大。大伯要到女儿家去,便找到我家,嘱我如果他晚上回不来…  相似文献   

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