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和字一口在右边,谐字左边有一言;和谐好比人两个,促膝而坐畅心谈;和有不解开口问,谐以坦诚说因缘;谐有不明来告白,和以和气讲渊源;和谐真诚相对话,消除偏见与争端;和谐平等相对待,终成朋友义相连;和谐精神应效法,秉持尊重与包含;一慈二俭三谦让,清心寡欲不争先;人身和谐体康健,  相似文献   

Recently, a journalist in analysis had a dream that stimulated the writing of a poem, the two psychic products occurring no more than a few hours apart. Since the analysand had copious free associations to both products, believing both to be culled from the same unconscious raw material, an interesting study of an act of aesthetic creation almost in statu nascendi became possible. A concept called poem work is entertained in this paper and is compared and contrasted with the classical psychoanalytic concept of dream work, allowing some unanswerable questions to be posed and discussed in regard to the formal constitutive elements of poetry.  相似文献   

(一)万象概以无形生,阴阳始把混沌分,日月星辰三元宝,天地造化育生灵。来世不由人安排,去时岂容命注定。窃得天地阴阳气,采来日月精华根。炼就混圆婴姹体,修成百岁长命人。(二)人要长寿意若何,胸怀坦荡积善多,惜性惜命更惜气,世态炎凉要戡破。惜性首要免思淫,惜命少把神来耗,惜  相似文献   

Drawing from the dualistic model of passion for activities (Vallerand et al., 2003), this research investigated the role of passion for social partnered dancing in relationships quality with other dancers as well as outside of the dance community, in a romantic relationship. Study 1 showed that harmonious passion (HP) was related to enjoyment while dancing with a novice partner, whereas obsessive passion (OP) was associated with negative interactions with an incompetent partner. Study 2 showed that HP was positively related to relationship quality with a preferred dance partner and the dance community through mastery-approach and social connection goals, whereas the opposite effect characterized OP. Also, OP was negatively related to relationship quality with both a dance partner and a romantic partner through conflict, whereas the reverse trend characterized HP. This research identified mechanisms through which passion may affect relationships within and outside a passionate activity such as dance.  相似文献   

Many new theoretical and technical developments have extended our understandings of triangular conflicts in the psychoanalytic setting. Yet until recently psychoanalysis has lacked theoretical concepts for passion and, most particularly, for oedipal passion. Contemporary psychoanalytic understandings of the nature of oedipal passion help explain why it is both difficult to articulate and why it continues to be "forgotten". The author argues that individual resistances to oedipal passions reappear and are reinforced in collective theories that distance us from oedipal issues. She presents two clinical cases that illustrate enactments around, and resistances to, oedipal passions within both analyst and patient.  相似文献   

The Dualistic Model of Passion (Vallerand, 2010) regards passion as a strong inclination toward a self-defining activity that one loves, values, and in which one invests a substantial amount of time and energy. The model proposes two distinct types of passion, harmonious and obsessive, that predict adaptive and less adaptive outcomes, respectively. We hypothesized that individuals relatively high on explicit self-esteem would experience higher levels of harmonious passion, given their implementation of relatively adaptive self-regulatory strategies. Individuals relatively low on implicit self-esteem, on the other hand, would experience higher levels of obsessive passion, given their ego fragility and defensiveness. Participants completed the Passion Scale, the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, and the self-esteem Implicit Association Task. Path analyses revealed that, consistently with hypotheses, explicit self-esteem positively predicted harmonious passion, whereas implicit self-esteem negatively predicted obsessive passion.  相似文献   

许宣平,唐代著名道士,新安歙县(现安徽境内)人,《续仙传》、《历世真仙体道通鉴》、《唐诗纪事》、《太平广记》等都有其传记。据《太平广记》记载,唐睿宗景云中,许宣平“隐于城阳山南坞,结庵以居。不知其服饵,但见不食。颜色若四十许人,轻健行疾奔  相似文献   

Bion's ideas may be extended to describe an emotional phenomenology of the analyst's subjectivity and a methodology which helps differentiate countertransference enactments from fuller emotional participation. Bion called the process of integrating and utilizing one's most basic and important emotions to make meaning, "passion." The analyst's primal feelings--of love, hate, and curiosity--serve as a central organizer of meaning in the analytic interaction. These feelings involve pain, and to the extent the analyst unconsciously decides to evade or foreclose the evolution of the feelings, such that they remain unintegrated in the thinking process, the analyst is liable to become mired in repetitive transference-countertransference experiences without establishing fresh meaning. A case example illustrates the relevance of "passion" to contemporary relational theory and practice.  相似文献   

Do homosexualities express a sexual confl ict originating in bisexuality or must we look for their deep determinism in the narcissistic confl ict and its vicissitudes? Two clinical sequences from the treatment of a borderline patient, which occurred during years seven and eight of treatment, a period characterised by intense drive turbulence and the unexpected occurrence of a transitory homosexual passion, will enable the reader to follow the psychical movements and evolution of the work of representation. The fi rst sequence throws light on the links between her sudden involvement in this homosexual passion and the traumatic dangers of a breakdown of her ego's capacity for representation, linked to a reactivation in the transference of early and later traumatic traces whose reverberation in the transfero/countertransference dynamic was the source of a painful transference that was responsible for this lateral transference movement. The second sequence shows the links between the strengthening of her capacity for representation, thanks to the working through of the oedipal confl ict in its two aspects, and her renunciation of this passion. The roots of this transitory homosexual passion in the deep fl aws of her psychical functioning raise metapsychological questions concerning, in particular, the dynamic of the ‘double’(‘twin’) and narcissism.  相似文献   

In seeking to address the theoretical ambiguity regarding how and when obsessive job passion (OJP) leads to work performance, we integrate both self-verification and person–environment (P-E) fit perspectives to propose and test a moderated mediation model linking OJP to performance. We argue that OJP is indirectly related to co-worker-rated in-role and extra-role performance through self-verification, and these indirect links are conditioned by perceived demands–abilities (D-A) fit and needs–supplies (N-S) fit. Results from 190 healthcare professionals and their co-workers collected at three different time periods revealed the contrasting roles played by these two moderators. Individuals with higher OJP self-verify more when they perceive low D-A fit, but self-verify less when they perceive high N-S fit, whereas the opposite holds true for high D-A fit and low N-S fit. Contrary to predictions, negative relationships were found between self-verification and both types of performance. Specifically, OJP is associated with greater in- and extra-role performance (because of reduced self-verification) under high perceived D-A but low N-S fit, whereas the opposite results are observed under low perceived D-A and high N-S fit. The findings underscore the contingent nature of OJP and contribute to job passion, self-concept, and person–environment fit research.  相似文献   

Poetry has always sung the human themes of joy and suffering, discovery and loss. In this article the author describes the use of poetry in group sessions to help members identify and express feelings and to explore new ways of being. The author hopes, through illustration, to stimulate counselors and therapists in various settings to include poetry as part of communication, healing, and growth.  相似文献   

In this article, the psychometric properties of a new scale aimed at quantifying passion are explored, i.e. passion related to becoming good or achieving in some area/theme/skill.The Passion Scale was designed to be quantitative, simple to administer, applicable for large-group testing, and reliable in monitoring passion.A total of 126 participants between 18 and 47 years of age (mean age = 21.65, SD = 3.45) completed an assessment of Passion Scale, enabling us to investigate its feasibility, internal consistency, construct validity and test-retest reliability.FeasibilityThe overall pattern of results suggest that the scale for passion presented here is applicable for the age studied (18–47).Internal consistencyAll individual item scores correlated positively with the total score, with correlations ranging from 0.51 to 0.69. The Cronbach's alpha value for the standardized items was 0.86.Construct validityPearson correlations coefficient between total score passion scale and Grit-S scale were 0.39 for adults, mean age 21.23 (SD = 3.45) (N = 107).Test-retest reliability: Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICCs) between test and retest scores for the total score was 0.92.These promising results warrant further development of the passion scale, including normalization based on a large, representative sample.  相似文献   

Pain is an important focus for consciousness research because it is an avenue for exploring somatic awareness, emotion, and the genesis of subjectivity. In principle, pain is awareness of tissue trauma, but pain can occur in the absence of identifiable injury, and sometimes substantive tissue injury produces no pain. The purpose of this paper is to help bridge pain research and consciousness studies. It reviews the basic sensory neurophysiology associated with tissue injury, including transduction, transmission, modulation, and central representation. In addition, it highlights the central mechanisms for the emotional aspects of pain, demonstrating the physiological link between tissue trauma and mechanisms of emotional arousal. Finally, we discuss several current issues in the field of pain research that bear on central issues in consciousness studies, such as sickness and sense of self.  相似文献   

Racism, in its various manifestations (e.g., philetism, ethnophiletism, racial segregation, racial discrimination, racial extermination) – as a mere sentiment or conviction as well as a systematic and organized ideology or politics in its origin – is a spiritual tendency of fallen human nature. The purpose of this systematic-dogmatic reflection is to prove from the perspective of Orthodox theology that this harmful propensity of the human race is a direct consequence of original sin and particular passions created in the soul. Racism has extended to the present day on a wider social level, and its only cure is mainly ascetic-spiritual in nature. This spiritual therapy should be performed through and by all the means the church has at its disposal to erase the stigmata of humankind’s primitive negation and ultimate distance from God.  相似文献   

The present paper reports two studies designed to test the Dualistic Model of Passion with regard to performance attainment in two fields of expertise. Results from both studies supported the Passion Model. Harmonious passion was shown to be a positive source of activity investment in that it directly predicted deliberate practice (Study 1) and positively predicted mastery goals which in turn positively predicted deliberate practice (Study 2). In turn, deliberate practice had a direct positive impact on performance attainment. Obsessive passion was shown to be a mixed source of activity investment. While it directly predicted deliberate practice (Study 1) and directly predicted mastery goals (which predicted deliberate practice), it also predicted performance-avoidance and performance-approach goals, with the former having a tendency to facilitate performance directly, and the latter to directly negatively impact on performance attainment (Study 2). Finally, harmonious passion was also positively related to subjective well-being (SWB) in both studies, while obsessive passion was either unrelated (Study 1) or negatively related to SWB (Study 2). The conceptual and applied implications of the differential influences of harmonious and obsessive passion in performance are discussed.  相似文献   

Consumers are often viewed unfavorably when using luxury products. They are seen as seeking status and managing impressions, and therefore judged as inauthentic. How can luxury consumers alleviate these negative social consequences? Our pilot studies suggest that although many consumers are passionate about luxury products and brands, they avoid sharing this passion with others because they fear being judged negatively. However, we propose that publicly expressing one's passion for luxury can mitigate the social costs of luxury consumption. Six experiments (including three supplemental experiments) show that expressing passion for luxury causes others to perceive luxury consumers as more authentic, consequently increasing perceptions of their warmth and trustworthiness, and leading others to demonstrate greater interest in knowing more about them. Expressing passion for luxury enhances perceived authenticity by prompting observers to attribute the luxury consumption more to intrinsic motivation (e.g., consuming luxury for inherent enjoyment and pleasure) rather than extrinsic motivation (e.g., status enhancement). The effects of passion expression are attenuated for non-luxury consumption because non-luxury consumption is generally unlikely to elicit inferences about extrinsic motives.  相似文献   

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