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In this study, we investigated the perceptions of the life situations, experiences, psychosocial characteristics, and environments of 94 street youth in Bogotá, Columbia. We outlined the implications of our results for developmental theory, psychosocial competence theory, future research, public policy formation, program development, and direct intervention.  相似文献   

We complement the work of Gagné et al. by discussing how an extended time dimension shapes organizational behaviour in family firms. Using insights from family dynamics, identity theory, and social identity theory, we show how early formative experiences in the family can influence commitment, conflict, and motivation in family firms. Then we examine how a family's intention to pass on the firm to later generations can impact leadership, human-resources practices, and corporate cultures.  相似文献   

From the mid-1950s to the present time, creativity researchers have typically adopted the view that any new piece of work must be statistically novel as well as non-trivially valuable to some group of people if it is to be considered creative. A few scholars have suggested that a new piece of work must also be surprising, non-obvious, or interesting if it is to be considered truly creative. The utility of these traditional definitions of creativity has recently been sharply questioned in an article published in a previous volume of this journal (Weisberg, 2015). The commentary presented here took issue with a suggestion presented in that article that creativity researchers replace their traditional definitions of creativity with a simpler definition according to which any statistically novel and intentionally generated product is considered creative “regardless of whether it is ever of value to anyone” and with a logically related suggestion that the creativity of any intentionally-generated product be assessed purely in terms of its statistical novelty (Weisberg, 2015). After carefully evaluating both of these suggestions on conceptual and practical grounds, it was recommended that creativity researchers not follow either suggestion.  相似文献   

This study is a follow-up to Friedman and Wilkins’s (1985) experiments on memory for the time of past events. That research showed that judgments of the time of past news events are often more accurate on finer than on grosser time scales. This finding is consistent with a reconstructive model but troublesome for models emphasizing judgments of the age of a memory. The present study was designed to control for the possibility that scale differences in Friedman and Wilkins’s study were due to the use of general time knowledge to infer when events of a given sort were likely to have occurred. Ninety-nine subjects estimated the time of an earthquake that had occurred 9 months prior to recall and that they reported having actually experienced. Separate estimates were given on each of five time scales ranging from year to hour. Recall of hour was extremely accurate in spite of the relative inaccuracy of the next three grosser time scales. This and other results support Friedman and Wilkins’s original interpretation.  相似文献   

Socioeconomic status (SES) is known to have a considerable influence on the development of neuropsychological functions. In particular there is strong evidence for less efficient development of prefrontal-cortex-related functions in children raised in low-SES households. “Street children” are a common feature of low SES in many low- and middle-income countries, and some researchers have suggested that the unique life experiences of street children may drive their neurocognitive development. This study compares a group of 36 former street children in Quito, Ecuador with a control group of 26 never street-connected schoolchildren. All children were assessed with a range of neuropsychological tests. Although the street children group performed significantly below the level of the control group on all measures, they did not demonstrate a generalized lower ability. By controlling the effects of fluid intelligence it was found that there are relatively independent effects on visuospatial ability and executive planning ability. Furthermore, the executive function test scores in general are significantly less affected than the other cognitive functions and may be temporary effects caused by recent substance abuse within the street child sample. The findings generally support results from other countries suggesting that low SES is associated with negative effects on neuropsychological development. However, they also suggest that the local social and economic context, such as in the case of street children, might mitigate the harmful effects of low SES on the development of some executive functions.  相似文献   

The approach of returning to the original and recovering nature is a typical characteristic of Chinese philosophy. It was founded by the Daoist School and followed by both Daoist and Confucian schools. The precondition of returning to the original and recovering nature is the stillness and goodness within nature integrated into a whole afterwards. Its implementation includes not only returning to the original root so as to achieve the philosophical aim but also restoration to the original nature after it is injured by man’s physical nature and desire. The realization of human nature depends on the work making up for the loss of the original nature. Although there are different methods of realization concerning the return to the original nature, such as returning to the root, seeking the lost mind, extinguishing desire, being good at return, and the self-consciousness of intuitive knowledge, all of these aim at returning to the original nature of stillness and purity. The philosophical value consists in the unceasing pursuit of returning to the original nature.  相似文献   


In this issue we are able to present reports from two very different meetings which, nevertheless, have particular significance for the developing field of family therapy, particularly as it relates to theory and practice. The first is a report by Professors Jeanne L. Thomas and Cecil J. Simons of West Virginia University on the eighth biennial conference on Life-Span Developmental Psychology, held in May 1982, in Mor-gantown, West Virginia. This conference was one of a series sponsored by West Virginia University since 1970 dealing with theoretical and empirical issues in the study of life-span human development. This particular conference highlighted two themes involving the impact of specific historical context on family development as well as the influence of the family on the individual's own experience of these historical events. This kind of broad and in-depth exploration of the multiple factors involved in the historical as well as the personal context of an individual's development promises to provide exciting new opportunities for clinicians and teachers in our field.

The second report from James E. Durkin, Ph.D., of Lincoln University deals with a recent conference on Epistemology, Psychotherapy, and Psychopathology in Houston, September 1982, sponsored by the Houston Galveston Family Institute. Outstanding theoreticans and clinicans in the field of family therapy and systems theory were present, and their exciting discussions have been put into an interesting framework by Dr. Durkin, who has his own way of integrating these issues based on his long work in the application of general systems theory to the field of group psychotherapy. —I. A.  相似文献   

Jung’s study centres on the amplification of pictures painted by a woman patient and posits their sequence as evincing the initial stages of the individuation process. His text performs a dialogue with its audience whereby Jung persuades us of this truth, and also reveals Jung’s dialogue with his patient and with his own ideas. The present paper revisits the clinical material first with a focus on the interaction between Jung and his patient. The second part compares the 1940 and 1950 versions of Jung’s study with attention to tensions that traverse them, such as Jung’s attitude to the animus and his two voices as a practitioner and a theorist.  相似文献   

This study, following a dynamic pattern approach, examines age-related differences in the stability of unimanual rhythmic perception-action patterns. Thirty-six children, aged 7, 9, and 11 years, attempted to synchronize their finger tapping to the beats of an auditory metronome, either “on the beat” (i.e., in-phase coordination), or “off the beat” (i.e., antiphase coordination). The temporal stability of these perception- action patterns was measured by the variability of the relative phase between taps and auditory events and by the critical frequency, that is, the frequency at which a loss of stability was observed when the metronome frequency was increased. Age-related differences in stability were found for both relative phase variability and critical frequency. These findings suggest that the relative phase dynamics underlying perception-action coordination patterns change with age in the direction of an increased temporal stability. Received: 29 June 1998 / Accepted: 15 December 1998  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe term “clutch” is colloquially used to describe important or crucial situations in sport, with clutch performance referring to successful performances during these pressurised circumstances. Positioning the clutch as an objective, situational variable, however, may not account for the athletes' subjective appraisal of such situations. Accordingly, this study aimed to explore athletes' perceptions of clutch situations, and further, how these perceptions influenced their performance.MethodSixteen athletes (Mage = 26.88 years) participated in event-focused, semi-structured interviews soon after a clutch performance (M = 4 days later). Data were analysed utilising reflexive thematic analysis.ResultsFour themes were generated: (1) the clutch involves situational and subjective factors, suggesting that the appraisal of the clutch is influenced by situational and subjective components; (2) the perception of the clutch comes and goes, suggesting that there may be multiple, fluctuating episodes of the clutch within an event; (3) pressure affects performance, and performance affects pressure, suggesting that the appraisal of pressure was perceived to impact performance, and that performance also influenced appraisal of pressure; and, (4) experience of anxiety during the clutch is varied, suggesting that the experience of anxiety is not inherent to clutch performance.ConclusionsThe clutch has traditionally been considered an objective, situational variable. This study suggests, however, that the clutch relies upon the athlete appraising pressure in response to these situational variables, which may not always occur. Further, other subjective factors may increase the appraisal of pressure, suggesting that the clutch cannot solely be considered as a situational variable.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to document the often discussed (e.g., Goldman, 1973) and recently initiated expansion of women's role in the U.S. Army and to present evidence regarding one aspect of soldiers' probable reaction to this expansion — viz., the extent to which soldiers believe certain military jobs are appropriate for women and, in particular, the extent to which these beliefs are related to respondent sex, rank, and expectation of leaving the Army before retirement.  相似文献   

The present study explores two questions: What is the nature of older children's syntactic knowledge; how is that knowledge used in an everyday speech situation? Six-, eight-, and ten-year-olds repeated grammatical sentences as read by the first experimenter. Half the sentences were syntactically clear, half slightly distorted. Clear versions displayed basic grammatical relations and constituent structure perspicuously. The second experimenter, who sat at the other end of the room, asked “What?” after each sentence. The syntactic changes children might make to accommodate the listener were examined. Although the children made a variety of changes, at all ages they tended to change distorted versions to clear ones, and to repeat clear versions. The results suggest that children's syntactic knowledge is deeper and more accessible than had been supposed.  相似文献   

“Hotspots” refer to memories of detailed moments of peak emotional distress during a traumatic event. This study investigates hotspot frequency, and the emotions and cognitions contained in hotspots of memory for trauma, to replicate a previous study in this area (Holmes, Grey, & Young, 2005). Participants were patients receiving treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at a specialist outpatient clinic after experiencing a range of traumatic events. The main finding was that, after fear, the most common emotions reported were anger and sadness. Cognitions related to psychological threat to the self were more common than those related to physical threat.  相似文献   

Illness prevention is essential for athlete health management, but little is known about its uptake in sport. Prior to the pandemic, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) published a consensus statement recommending illness prevention guidelines are implemented in sports. Yet, little is known about guideline uptake. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the (1) illness experiences of rugby players and athlete support personnel and (2) barriers and enablers to illness prevention guideline uptake in rugby, using the lens of behaviour change theory. In a bid to inform and enhance athlete welfare, we sought to amplify the voices of participants through qualitative inquiry. Between August 2020 and May 2021, 16 semi-structured interviews were undertaken with players and athlete support personnel working across rugby. Analysis was conducted using Braun and Clarke’s reflexive thematic analysis. Prior to COVID-19, participants deemed illness to be of little concern, with experience of illnesses and the global pandemic critical enablers to guideline uptake. The rugby environment was a barrier to illness prevention, particularly in women’s and academy teams where resource deficiency was highlighted. ‘Rugby identity’ acted as both a barrier and enabler with participants’ passion for rugby driving both guideline adherence and non-adherence. Tackling resource inequalities between men’s and women’s cohorts is critical to effectively implement guidelines. Coach and player education is essential, and emphasis must be placed on continuing preventative behaviours adopted due to COVID-19. Our findings offer new insight into illness prevention, moving away from prevailing quantitative research, and instead voicing players’ experiences.  相似文献   


“The existential” is a concept that many people use albeit associated with different meanings. In order to increase research-based insight into the meaning of “the existential,” we conducted a questionnaire study in Denmark in 2018 in which we asked 1.106 Danes of various age, gender, educational and geographical background about personal associations linked to “the existential.” Factor analysis of the answers resulted in three different groups of meaning: (1) essential meanings of life, (2) spirituality/religiosity and (3) existential thinking. The findings show that “the existential” serves well as an overarching construct potentially including secular, spiritual and religious meaning domains, at least within the European context.


Chris Fraser 《Sophia》2012,51(2):257-282
This essay examines the theory of ritual propriety presented in the Xúnz?? and criticisms of Xunzi-like views found in the classical Daoist anthology Zhu??ngz??. To highlight the respects in which the Zhu??ngz?? can be read as posing a critical response to a Xunzian view of ritual propriety, the essay juxtaposes the two texts' views of language, since Xunzi's theory of ritual propriety is intertwined with his theory of language. I argue that a Zhuangist critique of the presuppositions of Xunzi's stance on language also undermines his stance on ritual propriety. Xunzi contends that state promulgation of anelaborate code of ritual propriety is a key to good social order (zhi) and that state regulation of language is a key to smooth communication and thus also good order. The Zhu??ngz?? provides grounds for doubting both contentions. Claiming that ritual propriety causally produces social order is analogous to claiming that grammar causally produces smooth linguistic communication, when in fact it is more likely our ability to communicate that allows us to develop shared rules of grammar. Humans have fundamental social and communicative capacities that undergird our abilities to speak a language or engage in shared ritual performances. It is these more fundamental capacities, not their manifestation in a particular system of grammar or ritual norms, that provide the root explanation of our ability to communicate or to live together harmoniously. The Xunzi-Zhuangzi dialectic suggests that ritual is indispensable, but normatively justified rituals will be less rigid, less comprehensive, less fastidious, and more spontaneous than a Xunzian theorist would allow.  相似文献   

Beliefs. Believing. Both are tested by different life experiences. This qualitative study of 15 older adults used a grounded theology methodology to develop a model of what influences the views of a range of Christian and agnostic subjects. The study identified two sources in life learning and spiritual learning that influence agnostic, more liberal, or conservative beliefs. This emergent model is contrasted with the approach of leading theologian Graham Ward.  相似文献   

This article provides a small, personal glimpse of what occurs in a barroom subculture, both negative and positive (e.g., the camaraderie of my Friday night “family members”). I look at life in a barroom from different angles and perspectives, ultimately discovering a great deal of sadness as I try to connect barroom life to my own personal background.  相似文献   

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