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我们先来看一个众人都比较熟悉的故事,古时候有个孝子的父母得了重病。大夫们都说没有办法可以医治了,遂叫准备其后事。为了准备后事,这个孝子就去给他病重的父母算了一下命运,算算是他的父亲先世呢,还是他的母亲先世?算命先生眯着双眼,问罢孝子父母的生辰八字,捋着胡须算了好半天,才曰:父在母先亡。乍一看,这个算命先生可算得真准呢?如果其父亲先去世,可解释为父亲在母亲之前去世;如果其母亲先去世的话,则可理解为父还在,母亲先去世。不管怎么讲,似乎都是很有道理的。 认真看来,算命先生的语言具有很大的模糊性,笼统、空洞没有一点的逻辑联系。在社会上,算命先生也往往是抓住人  相似文献   

In today's ever-changing business environment, teamwork has emerged as a requirement for success. As industry faces this paradigm shift, a formal team structure is emerging that goes beyond that proposed by previous selling/buying center researchers. Accordingly, a conceptualization of the functions and roles of these formalized selling and buying teams is proposed as a starting point for future investigations. The movement toward formal self-directed teams is explored, updated definitions of the selling and buying teams are proposed, and the functions and roles of each team are reviewed. Key constructs and organizational implications also are discussed.  相似文献   

If a person is troubled by worries or fears about being crazy, out of one's mind, psychotic, the person can learn to have one's own experiential sessions aimed at two goals. One is to undergo a deep-seated, qualitative change toward becoming the person one is capable of becoming. The related other goal is to be free of the worrisome, fearful scenes or situations of being crazy, out of one's mind, psychotic. An illustration is given of how to achieve these goals by having one's own experiential session.  相似文献   

中国老龄委、中国老龄协会及13个老年社团的代表召开座谈会揭批法轮功时表示,要抓好老年人的理想信念教育.与会者指出,有些老年人参与法轮功的事实表明,世界观的改造并不是一劳永逸的,一些老年人离开工作岗位后,由于社会角色的转变和生活环境的变化,闲暇时间较多,情感交流圈相对缩小,对退休和晚年生活没有充分的思想准备和科学的心理调适,思想上难免会产生失落感和孤独感.加上放松要求自己,不注意加强学习,搞自我封闭,结果让法轮功邪教组织钻了空子.因此,对老年人进行崇尚科学,反对迷信的再教育,使老年人“老有所教“,是新形势下加强老年人思想政治工作,同法轮功邪教组织进行坚决斗争的重要任务.……  相似文献   

Mental health professionals who work in private practice and other clinical settings have huge opportunities to contribute to the science of our field. But they rarely do so. This article describes ways that practitioners who have research training can capitalize on recent developments in practice, science, and technology to conduct research in their private practice. I describe a model for conducting research as a practitioner that entails tightly integrating the research into clinical practice, and I point out why conducting research in your private practice is worth doing. The remainder of the paper provides a primer, describing strategies for implementing in a clinical setting all the elements of the research enterprise: addressing ethical and legal issues, keeping up to date with the scientific literature, selecting a good research question, conducting a single-case experimental design, finding collaborators and assistants, collecting the data, analyzing the data, writing the paper and getting it published, and handling time and money. Although this paper focuses on research in a solo or group private practice setting, many of the strategies described here can also prove useful in the conduct of research in hospital or community settings.  相似文献   

The discovery that the universe is fine-tuned for life ? a discovery to which the phrase ?the anthropic principle? is often applied ? has prompted much extra-cosmic speculation by philosophers, theologians, and theoretical physicists. Such speculation is referred to as extra-cosmic because an inference is made to the existence either of one unobservable entity that is distinct from the cosmos and any of its parts (God) or of many such entities (multiple universes). In this article a case is mounted for the sceptical position that cosmic fine-tuning does not support an inference to anything extra-cosmic. To that end three definitions of ?fine-tuned for life? are proposed: the ?slight difference? definition, the (unconditional) probability definition, and John Leslie?s conditional probability definition. These three definitions are the only ones suggested by the relevant literature on fine-tuning and the anthropic principle. Since on none of them do claims of fine-tuning warrant an inference to something extracosmic, it is concluded that there is no definition of ?fine-tuned for life? serving this function.  相似文献   

This research is a scientific study of retired persons, to attempt to determine why they drop out of the church upon reaching retirement age. The hypothesis is that a person drops out of active church life because helshe feels alienated within the social system known as the church. Groups were tested in Michigan, Indiana, and Florida. Each group was tested for church attendance, religiosity, alienation and religious experience. Using alienation as the independent variable, it was determined that there was a correlation between alienation and church attendance. These two variables were found to be correlated at the 0.001 level of confidence. Upon further examination it was found that the computed T-Statistic indicated that the correlation was inverse in nature. As alienation increases, church attendance measurably decreases. Due to the fmdings of this research the hypothesis was accepted. Having determined that alienation is a primary cause of decline in church attendance among the elderly, ways in which to decrease alienation and therefore increase church attendance are presented. A primary agent in the process of reducing alienation is psycho-social bonding and ways to increase the bonding process are discussed. Bonding is that process by which a person attaches to, and makes a social connection with another person. The bond that is formed is often difficult to eradicate. Alienation could be described as a state of being bondless within a social system.  相似文献   

In this article, we present an attempt to reconcile intellectualism and the anti‐intellectualist ability account of knowledge‐how by reducing “S knows how to F” to, roughly speaking, “S knows that she has the ability to F demonstrated by a concrete way w.” More precisely, “S has a certain ability” is further formalized as the proposition that S can guarantee a certain goal by a concrete way w of some method under some precondition. Having the knowledge of our own ability, we can plan our future actions accordingly, which would not be possible by merely having the ability without knowing it, and this pinpoints the crucial difference between knowledge‐how and ability. Our semi‐formal account avoids most of the objections to both intellectualism and the anti‐intellectualist ability account, and provides a multistage learning process of knowledge‐how, which reveals various subtleties.  相似文献   

骆霞  康军 《天风》2007,(13):44-45
我们每天面对着危险和致命的病毒,如谎言、诱惑和偷窃、自杀、流言蜚语、情绪失控等其他的错误念头,这些会毁掉你的个性、婚姻、孩子、工作和整个生活。这就是为什么我们必须小心选择那些进入自己头脑的东西,并及时清理头脑中的垃圾。  相似文献   

Rate Your Office     
Each of the statements below describes a characteristic of a particular kind of organization. Read each statement and ask yourself whether it describes the agency where you work. If so, put a check by the number. What kind of organization has these characteristics? Check the items first, and see how your organization comes out before you know what the items mean (it's explained later). Of course, if you're the kind of person who has to know how the story turns out before you really let yourself get into it, go ahead and read the end first.  相似文献   

Although economic self-interest and self-enhancement theory predict that graduates will maximize their alma maters' reputational rankings, anecdotal evidence indicates that some graduates denigrate their alma maters' reputations when surveyed by the external media. Using organizational justice theories to motivate our hypotheses, we conducted a longitudinal investigation of 161 graduates from one university and predicted their intentions to badmouth their school to the external media. Results suggest that, controlling for perceptions of school quality, graduates used badmouthing to "punish" their alma maters when they perceived the fairness of job-search processes and outcomes to be low. Moreover, the relationship between justice and badmouthing was interactive, such that procedural justice mattered most when distributive justice was low, highlighting the role of career offices in universities' reputational rankings.  相似文献   

SUSAN CALLOW  MSN 《Family process》1979,18(2):218-218


This work challenges therapists to look at themselves and their beliefs regarding affairs. The work also examines common illogical beliefs in regards to extradyadic involvement. The reader is challenged to examine the underlying dynamic of extradyadic relationships and how their own biases affect how they view clients and work with the dyad.  相似文献   

Homework is a well-established yet extremely under-emphasized aspect of the Rational-Emotive/cognitive behavioral orientation. This article recognizes homework as being a very powerful tool that needs to be incorporated into treatment in order to make it more efficient and effective. The author presents numerous techniques that can be used with virtually any therapeutic approach to maximize the impact of therapy between sessions. They include audio and bibliotherapy, goal setting, SUD Scale, mood management, disputation, affirmations, mood diary, list making, guided imagery, visualization, relaxation and meditation techniques, exposure, and thought stopping techniques. The article concludes with a discussion of why clients display resistance to homework along with some approaches that can be taken to address this resistance.  相似文献   

I Am Your Sister     
《Women & Therapy》2013,36(4):25-30
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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