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Four sets of paired visual stimuli (OO, XX, XO, or OX) were judged by 48 subjects to be either “same” or “different.” Decision latencies of the same and different judgement were studied as a function of the inter-stimulus interval (ISI). In Experiments I and II, in which stimulus durations were 70 millisec., decision latencies showed marked increases when the ISI was reduced to 100 millisec., but in Experiments III and IV, in which the stimulus durations were only 40 millisec., comparable increases did not occur until the ISI was reduced to 50 millisec. These increases were more marked for “same” than for “different” judgements, although overall decision latencies were generally shorter for “same” judgements. The effects of varying ISIs and stimulus durations are interpreted in terms of masking; they fail to support an hypothesis of central intermittency.  相似文献   

Twenty-four subjects performed a symbolic two-choice serial reaction task under four conditions. These were with a delay from previous response to onset of next stimulus of 100 millisec, 600 millisec., 2 sec., and a fourth condition of 2 sec. delay with verbal prediction of the next stimulus. A positive recency or repetition effect occurred at 100 millisec. delay where RTs to repeated stimuli were faster than RTs to alternate stimuli. At 600 millisec. this effect was still present, though much reduced. The 2 sec. delay gave a negative recency effect where RTs were slower to repeated than to alternate stimuli. This effect increased significantly with simultaneous prediction of the next stimulus. The verbal predictions themselves displayed negative recency. Run analysis of the four conditions revealed strking differences. These results emphasize the need for analysing the microstructure of choice RT situations and reveal deficiencies in present models.  相似文献   

One visual signal, drawn from two equi-probable alternatives, was followed at a variable interval by a similar signal, also drawn from two equi-probable alternatives. The relationship between reaction time to the second signal and the interval between signals was studied under the following conditions: (1) Subjects were trained from the beginning to regard the first signal as irrelevant. (2) Subjects were asked to report on the nature of the first signal after they had responded to the second. The interval between signals was one of the five values, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 millisec. In the regular interval situation the same interval was used over a block of 20 trials. In the random interval situation the values of the interval were randomly arranged, with equal frequency within each block of 20 trials.

The results showed: (1) In the random interval situation there was a definite disturbing effect of the first signal on the reaction time to the second, despite the fact that subjects were trained to disregard the first signal. However, the delays in reaction time were significant only at the shortest interval, 50 millisec. (2) In the regular interval situation this disturbing effect was not evident. (3) The additional requirement of having to report on the nature of the first signal produced no consistent increase in reaction time to the second signal. Some implications of these results for the conception of the human operator as a channel of limited capacity are discussed.  相似文献   

This note describes a way of modifying a tape recorder for producing accurately controllable delays for experiments with delayed auditory feedback. Any value of delay from 80 millisec. to 1.2 sec. can be obtained to the nearest millisec., and the range could be extended by some minor changes. The delay is continuously monitored on a digital electronic timer.  相似文献   

The effects of delayed auditory feedback (DAF) on the performance of simple speech and keytapping tasks were compared. In the first experiment, each of the fourteen young adult subjects was asked to repeat the speech sound “b” in groups of three sounds. The subject heard his undelayed speech sounds through earphones. Under the delay condition, the speech sounds were delayed 244 millisec. before being returned to the subject's earphones. In the second experiment, each of the same subjects was asked to tap on a key in groups of three taps. The subjects heard an undelayed click through earphones each time they tapped on the key. Under the delay condition, the clicks were delayed 244 millisec. before being returned to the earphones. Graphic recordings were made of the time and intensity characteristics of tapping under both conditions.

The changes which occurred in speech and keytapping under DAF were qualitatively the same and consisted of increases in intensity and unit-to-unit time of both taps and speech sounds. When performing under DAF, the subjects also exhibited a tendency to repeat more sounds or to tap more times than had been requested. The percentage of change in intensity and time characteristics for speech and keytapping performances which occurred under DAF were not significantly different for the two motor systems. The amount of change in speech performance under DAF did not correlate significantly with the amount of change in keytapping performance.  相似文献   

The time course of the adjustments triggered by a warning signal was studied by measuring choice reaction times (RTs) at different predictable foreperiods after such a signal. Before the warning signal, a high time uncertainty situation was created by imposing either a long constant foreperiod of 5 sec. or one varying in the range 1.5 to 5 sec. The warning signal was a click. Foreperiods ranging from 0 to 300 millisec. were used in different blocks of trials. The stimulus was the onset of one of two lamps calling for the pressing of one of two keys. A control condition, without click, was used also. RTs were found to decrease continuously when the forperiod was increased from 0 to 100-150 millisec. The click delivered simultaneously with the stimulus permitted reactions significantly faster than in the control condition. It is concluded (a) that the latency of preparation can be much shorter than the 2 to 4 sec. reported by Woodrow; (b) that the warning signal can be used as a time cue to start preparatory adjustments without starting a refractory period of the order of magnitude found in experiments with pairs of successive reactions, and thus that such refractory periods are not the inevitable cost of paying attention to a signal. There is also some suggestion that in this situation the click not only triggers preparatory adjustments, but also causes an immediate facilitation of the reaction to the visual stimulus.  相似文献   

A response of reading (letter O) or of naming (circle) can be given to the same sign O. The verbal reaction time is higher when naming than when reading (difference 100 millisec.). This fact verifies that naming is a longer process than reading, the difficulty of perceiving the stimulus being equal.

The response “zero” which may be given to the same sign is nearer to the reading-response time than the naming-response. These facts can be explained if we say that uncertainty for coding concrete signs is greater than for alphabetical or numerical signs.  相似文献   

Two pairs of electrodes were implanted respectively in the nucleus accumbens (a terminal area of mesolimbic dopaminergic pathways) and in the lateral hypo-thalamic medial forebrain bundle (containing nigrostriatal as well as mesolimbic fibres of passage). Self-stimulation rates through both pairs of electrodes showed a similar dose-dependent depression by haloperidol (0·07 to 0·67 mg/kg IP), and a similar degree of restoration by hyoscine (scopolamine) (0·3 to 1·5 mg/kg IP). This result reinforces recent concern that anticholinergic agents, given to control extrapyramidal side-effects, may counteract the mesolimbic action of anti-psychotic drugs and lessen their therapeutic effect.  相似文献   

Previous experiments showing the importance of visual factors in auditory localization are shown to have been insufficiently quantitative.

In the first Experiment, bells were rung and lights shone on the same or different vectors, eleven subjects indicating which bell had rung. In the second Experiment, a puff of steam was seen to issue from a kettle whistle with no whistling sound, while similar whistles were sounded by compressed air on that or another vector. Twenty-one subjects cooperated.

The addition of a visual stimulus at 0° deviation increased the percentage of correct responses significantly in the second, and insignificantly in the first experiment. At 20°-30° deviation the proportion of naive responses to the visual cue was 43 per cent. in the first and 97 per cent, in the second experiment. At greater angular deviations, the proportion of naive responses fell to chance level in the first, but remained significant in the second experiment, even at 90°. The “visuo-auditory threshold” was found to be 20°-30°, but might be much larger if there were more grounds for supposing the two stimuli to be from the same source in space.  相似文献   

Three experiments were performed to evaluate the influence of active and passive limb movements on adaptation to visual displacement. Over a wide frequency range (0·5-1·25 Hz) with constant amplitude, 30°, significant adaptation was achieved with active and passive movements. When arm movement frequency was constant at 1·0 Hz but amplitude of movement was varied, less adaptation was achieved for both active and passive movements than when amplitude was held constant. Even at a frequency above that of most naturally occurring limb movements, 1·67 Hz, and with variable amplitude motion, significant adaptation was achieved with active and passive limb movements. These findings emphasize the importance of visual-proprioceptive discordances for adaptation to visual displacement when only sight of the hand is permitted. Significant differences did not appear between the active and passive movement conditions in any of the experiments.  相似文献   

In the first of two experiments reported here, subjects adjusted the length of a variable line until it appeared to be as long as a standard line. There were two sizes of standard line, 3 and 6 inches, and each was shown vertically for some trials and horizontally for others. The variable line was presented in each of the 10° positions from 0° (horizontal), through 90° (vertical), to 170°. The principal results of the first experiment are:

(1) Vertical lines look longer than horizontal lines of the same length, but lines tilted 20°-30° to the left of vertical look longer than lines in any other orientation. The results are asymmetrical, because lines tilted to the right of vertical do not look as long as those tilted to the left of vertical.

(2) The variability of the settings increases as the angle increases between the standard and variable lines.

(3) When they are expressed in percentage terms, the data obtained with the 3-and 6-inch standards are virtually identical, i.e. the data for the 3-inch standard can be made to match those for the 6-inch standard simply by doubling the former.

(4) There are enormous differences among subjects in the patterns of settings made at the various angles. A few subjects apparently experienced no illusory effects since they adjusted the variable line to about the same physical length irrespective of its orientation. Other subjects showed exaggerated overestimations of the variable line for vertical and near-vertical positions.

In the first experiment, the variable line was always to the left of the standard, and it was natural to assume that this position effect had somehow produced the asymmetry noted in paragraph 1 above. This hypothesis was tested in the second experiment which alternatively showed the variable line above, below, to the right of, and to the left of the standard line. The results of this experiment generally confirm the data of the first experiment in showing that lines tilted 20°-30° to the left of vertical look longer than lines tilted to any other position. In addition, the second experiment shows that this asymmetry in the results is not a function of the relative positions of the variable and standard lines. In general, however, overestimations of length are smaller when the two lines are one above the other, greater when the two lines are side by side.  相似文献   

Five experiments, all employing conditioned suppression in rats, studied inhibitory conditioning to a stimulus signalling a reduction in shock intensity. Experimental subjects were conditioned to a tone signalling a 1·0 mA shock and to a tone-light compound signalling a 0·4 mA shock. On a summation test in which it alleviated the suppression maintained by a third stimulus also associated with the 1·0 mA shock, the light was established as a conditioned inhibitor. Retardation tests gave ambiguous results: the light was relatively slow to condition when paired, either alone or in conjunction with another stimulus, with the 0·4 mA shock, but the difference from a novel stimulus control group was not significant. Two final experiments found no evidence at all of inhibition on a summation test in which the light was presented in conjunction with a stimulus that had itself been associated with the 0·4 mA shock. The results of these experiments have implications for the question of what animals learn during the course of inhibitory conditioning.  相似文献   

In an experiment designed to extend Howarth and Treisman's recent observations on the lowering of the visual and auditory threshold produced by a warning stimulus, it has been found that the threshold to electrical stimulation of one forearm is raised by a similar stimulus on the other forearm. As in the earlier experiments the “warning” was effective if it came 100 millisec. before or after the threshold stimulus. The effect increased with increasing warning strength over the range of five near-threshold strengths used.

These results appear to be inconsistent with the explanation previously proposed to account for the retroactive lowering of threshold. This suggested that the warning was acting simply as a marker, reducing the subject's uncertainty as to when the stimulus was coming. The fact that the rise in threshold was also induced retroactively shows that some interaction must be occurring in the central processes concerned in perception, and that it cannot be explained in terms of attenuation of the afferent volley.  相似文献   

Using a method of successive discrimination previously described by the author eight toads (Bufo bufo), were trained to discriminate first between horizontal and vertical rectangles, each 3.5 ± 7.5 cm., and second between horizontal and vertical rectangles each 5.0 ± 7.5 cm. Immediately after training, both optic nerves were severed in four animals and allowed to regenerate. After a period of 10 weeks without training both the operated and non-operated animals retained the capacity to discriminate both the large and the small rectangles at a level either not significantly different from training or significantly better than training.  相似文献   

Integrity of both cerebral hemispheres is required to control in-phase or anti-phase coupling of ipsilateral hand and foot oscillations, as shown by the impairment of these tasks when performed on the healthy side of hemiplegic patients. On this basis, coupling of hand–foot movements was analysed in a right-handed subject (ME) who underwent a total resection of the corpus callosum. Oscillations of the prone hand and foot, paced by a metronome at different frequencies, as well as EMG activity in extensor carpi radialis (ECR) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were analysed by measuring the average phase difference between the hand and foot movements and EMG cycles.

ME performed in-phase movements (right-hand extension coupled to right-foot dorsal flexion) at frequencies up to 3 Hz, though the hand cycle progressively lagged the foot cycle as the frequency increased. At 3 Hz the hand lag reached −142° (as compared to about 25° in healthy subjects). The lag increased even further after application of an inertial load to the hand, reaching 180° at 1.8 Hz (about 50° in healthy subjects). ME's hand lag is caused by the lack of any anticipatory reaction in hand movers. In contrast to healthy subjects, which activate the ECR earlier than the TA when the frequency increases, ME activated the ECR later than TA at all frequencies higher than 0.9 Hz.

Anti-phase movements (hand extension coupled to foot plantar flexion) were performed only upto 1 Hz in unloaded conditions. At 0.6 Hz, movements were in tight phase-opposition (3°), but at 1 Hz, the hand lag reached −34° because of a delayed ECR activation. After hand loading ME was unable to couple movements in anti-phase. In contrast, normal subjects maintain a tight anti-phase coupling up to 2.0 Hz, both with an unloaded or loaded hand. Similar deficits were observed by ME when performing in-phase and anti-phase coupling on the left side, as well as when he was blindfolded.

In normal subjects, an anticipated muscular activation of hand movers compensates for hand loading. Since this compensation must depend on monitoring the hand delay induced by loading, the absence in ME of such compensatory reaction suggests that callosal division had apparently compromised the mechanisms sustaining feedback compensation for differences in the biomechanical limb properties. They also confirm and reinforce the idea that elaboration of the afferent message, aiming at controlling the phase of the movement association, needs the co-operation of both cerebral hemispheres.  相似文献   

The threshold of fusion of paired flashes of light was measured by determining the largest interval between two flashes of light at which they were reported as one and not as two flashes. When a weak electric shock to the skin was presented at the same time as the first flash, the threshold was increased compared to the threshold measured when the flashes were unaccompanied by a shock. As the interval between shock and first flash was increased up to 600 millisec, the effect diminished. A similar pattern of results was obtained using a click, instead of a shock as the additional stimulus. The effect on the two-flash threshold of varying click intensity was also studied. No retroactive effects of the shock on the two-flash threshold were observed.  相似文献   

Flicker-fusion frequencies have been measured against a photopic level of surround luminance in the four quadrants of the visual field and the critical fusion frequences (c.f.f.s.) taken in direct vision compared with those determined at 15° and 35° in the periphery. The central c.f.f.s. of 47 subjects exceeded the peripheral values only in just over half of all the quadrants tested, although smaller differential thresholds were given almost without exception in the centre than in the periphery by the same observers and under similar conditions on a test of brightness discrimination. Likewise higher central than peripheral c.f.f.s. were recorded in the great majority of all quadrants when determinations were made against a dark surround. The contrasting types of flicker response observed against the photopic ground were shown to be relatively reproducible, and the same pattern was as a rule found in at least three quadrants of any one visual field. It was ascertained that the different patterns might result from a reciprocal shift of fusion frequencies either in central or peripheral vision.

Interpretations of the higher peripheral c.f.f.s which adduce the effect of accentuated pupillary constriction with central stimulation mere contra-indicated since such patterns of flicker perception survive after the photopupillary reflex has been abolished. Some evidence was, however, forthcoming for the view that peripheral fusion frequencies tend to exceed central values when the test object is larger than about 1·5° in angular size and more intense than the surround. It was suggested that the contrasting types of flicker response might be related to individual differences in the effect that stimulus size has on the flicker pattern.  相似文献   

Visual orientation during lateral tilt is viewed in terms of orientation constancy. The postural systems involved in the maintenance of constancy are considered to be those of the otolith, neck and trunk. The relative contribution of these systems was investigated by obtaining visual verticality judgments immediately upon and several minutes after head, body, and trunk tilts. Due to the apparent non-adaptation of the otolith system any changes in visual orientation resulting from prolonged tilt would be attributed to adaptation of the proprioceptive system stimulated. For 30° head tilt visual orientation over-constancy was reduced by about 2°, reflecting the influence of the neck system. Prolonged body tilts of 30°, 60° and 90° reduced the constancy operating by approximately 1°, 3° and 8°, respectively. This was taken to indicate the contribution of the trunk system, which increased with increasing degrees of body tilt. The above interpretations received strong support from experiments involving trunk tilt, which stimulates only the neck and trunk systems.  相似文献   

Point-sources of light (dots) were exposed for 10 to 50 msec, before five dark-adapted subjects in a dimly illuminated room. During voluntary fixation with one eye, the target was exposed some 10° on the nasal side of the optic axis. The intensity X duration of all targets was 2 X threshold and they consisted of either a single dot, or a pair of dots separated by a distance that was less than that required for two-point discrimination. In two-thirds of trials both the single-dot and the two-dot targets were perceived as short thin lines of various orientation. Although individual percepts were unpredictable, there was a preferred or most likely orientation for responses to the single-dot target; this was near to the horizontal for all five subjects. There was no significant difference between the preferred orientations for single-dot targets tested at sites more than 1° apart in the visual field. When two single-dot targets, separated by about 1°, were exposed simultaneously, the orientations of the perceived lines sometimes differed by as much as 80°; occasionally, one target was reported as a dot while the other was seen as a thin line. If the single-dot was briefly exposed between two continuously visible and parallel straight lines, the target usually appeared as a thin line, parallel to the framing lines. Some of these results appear to be consistent with the hypothesis that the human visual cortex, like that of the cat and monkey, contains neurones that are orientation specific.  相似文献   

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