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A 2 by 3 factorial design was used to investigate the effects of the instructions and the presence of E on looking time. Two hundred thirty-nine college students viewed 30 colored stimuli of landscapes, single objects, and arrays of objects under three different sets of instructions, with E either present or absent while S viewed the stimuli. The results demonstrated that E’s presence depressed the time spent looking at the stimuli Evidence was also found suggesting that ambiguity in the typical instructions given Ss in looking-time experiments may result in artifactually long looking times. It was concluded that a more appropriate situation to investigate looking time would (1) utilize sham GSR instructions to reduce S’s uncertainty concerning the experiment’s purpose, and (2) arrange for E’s absence while S is viewing the stimuli  相似文献   

Human Ss matched an auditory and a visual stimulus for subjective magnitude. Then each stimulus was used as a cue in a reaction time task. On occasions when both stimuli were presented simultaneously, Ss’ responding was seen to be dominated by the visual stimulus. Of further interest was the finding that on some occasions of simultaneous light-tone presentation Ss were unaware that the tone had been presented. This apparent prepotency of the visual over the auditory stimulus was seen to persist across a variety of experimental conditions, which included giving Ss verbal instructions to respond to the tone when both stimuli were presented simultaneously.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of stimulus complexity, novelty, and affective tone on the direction of eye movements of male college students. Motion pictures were taken of S’s eye while he viewed pairs of stimuli. In no instance, in any part of the 10 sec. viewing interval, did Ss as a group fixate longer on unpleasant stimuli when they were paired with either pleasant or neutral stimuli; and pleasant stimuli consistently dominated neutral stimuli. Also, novel stimuli and complex stimuli tended to dominate their non-novel and less complex competitors. Differences in instructions were found to markedly affect the magnitude but not the direction of fixation-dominance.  相似文献   

The looking behavior of adults and children was recorded while they viewed pairs of stimuli differing in stimulus uncertainty. Ss in one experimental group were encouraged to identify the stimuli and indicate whether they had been seen in a previous phase of the experiment. For the remaining Ss, instructions minimized the importance of the stimuli to the experiment. Results indicate that, when stimulus uncertainty was influential, the relationship between stimulus uncertainty and looking time was monotonically increasing. However, stimulus uncertainty was an effective determinant of looking behavior only when Ss were motivated to identify the stimuli. The behavior of adults and children did not differ.  相似文献   

Two experiments were run in which speed of sorting decks of stimulus cards was measured. Stimuli were constructed from two dichotomous dimensions, used either alone or perfectly correlated. The lack of evidence for a selective serial processing (SSP) strategy (in which S sorts by his most preferred dimension whenever the dimensions are correlated) in a similar study by Garner and Felfoldy (1970) was thought to be due to Ss’ failure to notice that the dimensions were correlated, and thus that SSP would be effective. Ss in the present experiment therefore received either implicit instructions concerning the existence of the correlated deck (by seeing only decks in which there were just two different stimuli), or explicit instructions that on some trials the two dimensions would be correlated and S could sort by any means he preferred. When dimensions of size of circle and angle of diameter were of unequal discriminability, implicit instructions produced partial use of the SSP strategy, while explicit instructions produced nearly total use of SSP by all Ss. When the Munsell dimensions of value and chroma were varied in two separate color chips and were equally discriminable on the average, evidence for a small amount of SSP was found in both the implicit and explicit conditions. With neither pair of dimensions did implicit or explicit instructions regarding the correlated task produce integration of information.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we tested the influence of instructions about an allegedly upcoming extinction or counterconditioning phase on evaluative conditioning (EC) effects. After an acquisition phase in which neutral stimuli were related to positive or negative stimuli via instructions (Experiments 1 and 2a) or actual pairings (Experiment 2b), three different groups of participants were either informed that in the next phase the neutral stimuli would be presented without positive or negative stimuli (extinction instruction), that the neutral stimuli in the next phase would be paired with stimuli of the opposite valence than before (counterconditioning instruction), or received no further instructions. Afterwards, liking of the originally neutral stimuli was measured either with an evaluative rating (Experiment 1) or with an Implicit Association Test (IAT; Experiments 2a and 2b). EC was reduced in the counterconditioning condition of Experiment 1 and in the joint analysis of Experiments 2a and 2b. The extinction instruction led to a reduction of EC only in Experiment 1. Finally, whether the acquisition phase consisted of instructions about CS–US pairings (Experiment 2a) or the actual experience of CS–US pairings (Experiment 2b) did not significantly impact the observed changes in liking. Overall, our results suggest that similar mechanisms might mediate instruction- and experienced-based EC. Our results are in line with propositional models of EC but can be explained also by association formation models and dual process models of EC, provided that certain auxiliary assumptions are made.  相似文献   

Eye fixations were recorded at viewing of picture-label stimuli presented under either recall or recognition instructions; both retention tests were administered. Ss performed substantially better on the retention test of which they were informed, indicating differential encoding of the same stimuli in anticipation of test type. There was no correlation between recognition and recall of items, evidence that different information from the encoded stimuli was utilized in performing each test. Encoding strategies had no effect on how Ss regarded the stimuli, but viewing patterns were related to memory performance: More word fixations was associated with better verbal recall, while fewer picture fixations was associated with better recall and with better picture recognition.  相似文献   

Affective-mapping effects between affective stimuli and lever movements are critically dependent upon the evaluative meaning of the response labels that are used in the task instructions. In Experiments 1 and 2, affective-mapping effects predicted by specific-muscle-activation and distance-regulation accounts were replicated when the standard response labels towards and away were used but were reversed when identical lever movements were labeled downwards and upwards. In Experiment 3, affective-mapping effects were produced with affectively labeled right and left lever movements that are intrinsically unrelated to approach and avoidance. Experiments 4 and 5 revealed that affective-mapping effects are not mediated by memory retrieval processes and depend on the execution of affectively coded responses. The results support the assumption that evaluative implications of action instructions assign affective codes to motor responses on a representational level that interact with stimulus evaluations on a response selection stage.  相似文献   

To investigate the fakability of the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) 60 Ss were given the scale under standard (anonymous) instructions; a month later, a third of them were given the scale under ‘simulated’ instructions, a third under instructions to make a ‘good impression’ and a third under ‘actual employment’ conditions. Since the pattern of scores differed significantly between the standard instructions and each of the latter instructions it was concluded that the EPPS is very easily faked and hence should be used with caution outside the research setting.  相似文献   

In two experimental field studies, the hypothesis was tested that Pavlovian conditioning may modify adults’ liking or disliking of an odor. In Experiment 1, an odor (CS) was first paired unobtrusively with toilet stimuli (US). Next, Ss rated the experimental and a control odor on Semantic Differential items. For Ss evaluating going-to-the-toilet negatively, an acquired dislike for the toilet-paired odor relative to a nonexposed control odor was observed, whereas in Ss evaluating going-to-the-toilet positively, the reverse was observed. In Experiment 2, a neutral odor (CS) was mixed into the massage oil with which a physiotherapist treated his patients. Half of the Ss were treated with Positive-relaxing massage, half of the Ss with Negative-painful massage. At the medical follow-up, Semantic Differential ratings were obtained both for the treatment-odor and for a control odor. In the Positive massage group, the treatment odor was rated as more positive and as less dynamic than the control odor. No similar effects were observed in the Negative massage group, a failure which was probably due to the intended Negative massage not really being experienced as a disliked event. In both experiments, an almost identical pattern of results was observed in the subgroup of Ss who didnot consciously recognize the experimental odor as the treatment odor, eliminating the possibility that the results should be due to demand. As mere exposure cannot account for the results, they most probably represent genuine instances of evaluative odor conditioning. The results are discussed in terms of the understanding of the origins of the affective meaning of odorants, and are related to human evaluative conditioning and implicit memory issues.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight college students viewed two sets of 30 color photographs each under instructions to look at each picture for as long as they wished. Equal thirds of the stimuli in each set were selected from high, middle, and low complexity levels. The sets were presented 7–10 weeks apart. The results indicated significant between- and within-session correlations that were not dependent on stimulus complexity. It was suggested that the findings were indicative of a consistency in either the rate at which Ss process information or the amount of information they process or both.  相似文献   

Impulsive motor behavior: effects of personality and goal salience   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This experiment used a circle tracing paradigm to extend our recent theoretical development concerning the contributions of extraversion and neuroticism to impulsive performance on continuous motor tasks. Subjects (N = 137) completed the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 circle conditions: The goal condition provided subjects with a salient behavioral end point for their tracings, whereas the no-goal condition promoted behavioral uncertainty. In both conditions, Ss were asked to trace the circle under neutral and inhibition instructions. Using Gray's impulsivity and anxiety dimensions to group subjects, impulsive subjects under inhibition instructions displayed significantly faster tracing speed than nonimpulsive subjects in the presence of a salient goal, whereas anxious subjects appeared behaviorally impulsive in a situation promoting uncertainty and response conflict. Conceptualizing impulsivity and anxiety in terms of extraversion and neuroticism, with impulsive Ss as neurotic extraverts and anxious Ss as neurotic-introverts, it is proposed that Ss' level of extraversion determines the type of stimuli to which they are responsive, and that level of neuroticism influences the magnitude of this reaction.  相似文献   

The effects of familiar size and instructions (apparent, objective) on direct reports of size and distance were evaluated. Subjects estimated the size and distance of two different-sized playing cards or two unfamiliar stimuli under either apparent or objective instructions. The stimuli were presented successively at a distance of 5.48 m under reduced-cue conditions. The form of the instructions selectively influenced the effect of familiar size on absolute judgments of size and distance, with apparent instructions minimizing, and objective instructions promoting, familiar-size effects. The ratio of the distance judgments of the first to the second presented stimuli approximated the relative retinal sizes of the two objects under both apparent and objective instructions, while the ratio of size judgments tended to be either influenced by or independent of the object’s relative retinal sizes under apparent and objective instructions, respectively. These results are consistent with Gogel’s theory of off-size perception and, in particular, with the claim that, in comparison with apparent instructions, objective instructions are more likely to direct observers to base their judgments on cognitive, as opposed to perceptual, sources of spatial information.  相似文献   

In an experiment designed to demonstrate evaluative conditioning, subjects were shown 48 pictures of sculptures that they rated on a scale with 21 categories (?10 to +10). Then, the two most liked pictures (L) were paired with pictures from the categories ?1, 0, or +1 (N). In contrast to prior experiments, subjects were given either forward conditioning (N-L) or backward conditioning (L-N) trials but not both. Four other neutral stimuli were paired with each other (N-N) and acted as control stimulus pairs. After conditioning, the stimuli were rated a second time. There was a statistically significant difference in evaluative ratings showing a change of the evaluative tone of the previously neutral stimuli in a positive direction only after forward conditioning. This finding is inconsistent with results of prior experiments and challenges the assumption of Martin and Levey (1987) that evaluative conditioning is different from human classical conditioning.  相似文献   

Ss made size discriminations between two identical and equal-sized geometric forms presented tachistoscopically. Under “larger” instructions the right side stimulus was chosen more often. Under “smaller” instructions and 30 sec. intertrial interval, the left side was chosen more often; with 10 sec. intertrial interval and “smaller” instructions perceptual and motor preferences canceled one another.  相似文献   

Ten Ss were selected from a group of 40 screened to determine misnaming of stimuli usually called sour (hydrochloric and citric acid) and bitter (quinine sulfate). The 10 Ss were then given 16 trials in which they were asked to match the stimuli to standards, with or without verbal feedback for each stimulus. This was followed by 16 trials without feedback for all Ss and, several days later, by a 16-trial posttest. Final improved performance of the Ss was not affected by having received the feedback. It was concluded that experience with the stimuli leads to a reduction in the degree of misnaming, implying a nonphysiological basis for sour-bitter confusions.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were performed to determine the effects of instructions upon color naming data. Although color name is basically a function of stimulus wavelength, even slight changes in the response categories available for the 5 led to substantial changes in the pattern of Ss’ response allocation.  相似文献   

Two separate experiments were conducted to study the visual evoked potential (VEP) correlates of sequential blanking, a phenomenon in which up to one-half of a discrete train of stimulus inputs are not perceived for certain orders of input. A PDP-7 digital computer was used to present stimuli (from 2 to 5 letter Xs) on a CRT display in both experiments. In Experiment 1 there were four basic conditions designed and counterbalanced to indicate the nature of the VEP when stimuli were blanked and when Ss reported all stimuli. All of the stimuli were of equal intensity. The main finding was that although the eight Ss did not perceive and report blanked stimuli, they did respond to them physiologically as indicated by the VEP. The implications of these findings were discussed in relation to recent studies of visual masking and metacontrast in which VEP was recorded. In Experiment 2 the normally blanked and the normally blanking stimuli were alternately increased in intensity to determine the effect on sequential blanking and the VEP. Six Ss were tested under three basic counterbalanced conditions. It was found that sequential blanking could be reliably overcome by increasing the intensity of the normally blanked stimuli. In addition, when the normally blanking stimuli were of greater intensity than the blanked stimuli, not only did perceptual suppression occur, but the evidence indicated that there was no VEP to the first of the two blanked stimuli.  相似文献   

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