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Previous reports from this laboratory have shown that untrained listeners cannot name the order of sounds in extended sequences of unrelated items such as hisses, tones, and buzzes at item durations of 200 msec, even though identification of order for the sounds of speech and music is accomplished readily at much shorter item durations. The present study indicates that under appropriate conditions subjects can be trained to distinguish between and to identify permuted orders within sequences of nonrelated sounds each lasting only 10 msec or less. Evidence is presented suggesting that much of what passes for direct identification of order is actually based on prior identification of a larger pattern. Two principal mechanisms seem to mediate discrimination of auditory temporal order: (1) fine resolution (requiring prior training) permitting identification of over-all patterns and capable of operating with item durations of only a few msec; (2) coarse resolution (special prior training not required) allowing naming of order of items having minimal durations usually above 200 msec for unfamiliar sequences.  相似文献   

Six subjects identified the order of four-event sequences. Contiguous pure tones (713, 1,031, 1,209, and 1,514 Hz in permuted orders) were presented by earphones at 40 dB SL, with individual events Itones) from 20, to 40, 60, and 300 msec in duration. Again, silent intervals of 20 or 60 msec were inserted among tones of 20 or 40 msec duration. Finally, the pure tones of 713 and 1,209 Hz were combined, in any four-event sequence, with two glissandi chosen from 466 to 714 Hz, from 714 to 1,208 Hz, and their mirror reversals. The temporal and frequency continuity both of tonal and of glissando-plus-tonal sequences affected the identification of sequential order. Degraded performance in the glissando-plus-tonal condition was attributed partially to a subjective experience of pitch blurring. The inclusion of silent intervals in the sequences of the shorter pure-tone durations improved identification performance to that of contiguous sequences of equal overall duration, i.e., adding silent processing time was as efficacious as increasing by the same amount the duration of the individual frequency event.  相似文献   

Sets of recycled sequences of four successive tones were presented in all six possible orders to untrained listeners. For pitches within the musical range, recognition (as measured by matching of any unknown order with an array of permuted orders of the same tones) could be accomplished as readily for tonal durations and frequency separations outside the limits employed for melodic construction as inside these limits. Identifying or naming of relative pitches of successive tones was considerably more difficult than matching for these tonal sequences, and appeared to follow different rules based upon duration and upon frequency separation. Use of frequencies above the pitch limits for music (4,500 Hz and above) resulted in poor performance both for matching and naming of order. Introduction of short silent intervals between items was without effect for both tasks. Naming of order and pattern recognition appear to reflect different basic processes, in agreement with earlier formulations based on experiments with phonemic sequences of speech and sequences of unrelated sounds (hisses, tones, buzzes). Special characteristics of tonal sequences are discussed, and some speculations concerning music are offered.  相似文献   

Auditory recognition without identification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When visual recognition test items are unidentifiable--through fragmentation, for example--participants can discriminate between unidentifiable items that were presented recently and those that were not. The present study extends this recognition without identification phenomenon to the auditory modality. In several experiments, participants listened to words and were then presented with spoken recognition test items that were embedded in white noise. Participants attempted to identify each spoken word through the white noise, then rated the likelihood that the word was studied. Auditory recognition without identification was found: Participants discriminated between studied and unstudied words in the absence of an ability to identify them through white noise, even when the voice changed from male to female and when the study list was presented visually. The effect was also found when identification was hindered through the isolation of particular phonemes, suggesting that phoneme information may be present in memory traces for recently spoken words.  相似文献   

The most important role in the recognition and categorization of predators (as well as other animals) is usually attributed to so-called key features. Under laboratory conditions, we tested the role of yellow eyes (specific for the genus Accipiter in European raptors) and hooked beak (common for all European birds of prey) in the recognition of the sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) by untrained great tits (Parus major) caught in the wild. Using wooden dummies, we interchanged either one of these potential key features or the body of the sparrowhawk (predator) and domestic pigeon (harmless bird). The tested tits showed three types of behaviour in the presence of the dummies: fear, interest without fear, and lack of interest. Eye interchange lowered fear of the sparrowhawk, but did not cause fear of the pigeon. Beak interchange did not lower fear of the sparrowhawk. Eye interchange caused increased interest in both species. Thus, a specific sparrowhawk feature is necessary for correct sparrowhawk dummy recognition but a general raptor feature is not. On the other hand, a specific sparrowhawk feature on a pigeon dummy is not enough to prompt sparrowhawk recognition. Thus, key features play an important, but not exclusive, role in predator recognition. An increased interest in some of the modified dummies implies that the tits have a general concept of a sparrowhawk. The individual variability in behaviour of tits is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty-six human subjects, facing a panel of 100 loud-speakers, were requested to match sounds outlining geometrical and alphabetical patterns with visual pattern choices, which were given to them on a folder. The listeners' correct responses were found to be above chance. Geometrical patterns were better perceived when transmitted at the sound frequency of 800 cps as compared to 6400 cps. The number of visual pattern choices given with the sound pattern presentations affected the number of correct responses. The results indicate that the perception of acoustic spatial patterns depends on mechanisms different from those defining the spatial localization of single acoustic signals.This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Grants 3.74.68, 4.0120.70 and 4.0860.73 to E. Perret.  相似文献   

This study explored the influence of several factors, physical and human, on anisochrony's thresholds measured with an adaptive two alternative forced choice paradigm. The effect of the number and duration of sounds on anisochrony discrimination was tested in the first experiment as well as potential interactions between each of these factors and tempo. In the second experiment, the tempo or the inter onset interval (IOI) was varied systematically between 80 and 1000 ms. The results showed that just noticeable differences increase linearly and proportionally with IOI in accordance with Weber's law except for quickest tempo (IOI of 80 ms). The third experiment investigated the role of musical training on anisochrony thresholds obtained for different IOI. It focused on differential effects of musical experiences by comparing non-musicians, instrumentalists, and percussionists thresholds. The results of the present study replicated the findings of previous experiments regarding the adequacy of Weber's law for slow rhythm and provided evidence for its departure for fast tempos. Moreover, thresholds from percussionists seem distinguishable from the ones of other listeners by their highest sensitivity to temporal shifts suggesting therefore the necessity to control the nature of musical experiences. The results are discussed according to current models of time perception.  相似文献   

This research addresses the issues of frequency and regularity in auditory verb recognition and their importance for the organization of the mental lexicon in DLI francophones. A primed auditory lexical decision task probes reaction times and response accuracy in DLI and control participants on frequent and infrequent, and regular and irregular, inflected forms of verbs. Results show no priming for inflectionally related forms as well as strong frequency effects in DLI participants. These findings lend additional support to the hypothesis that developmental language impairment is a deficit in lexical representation.  相似文献   

In the experiments described in this paper we examined the effects of contextual stimuli on pigeons’ recognition of visual patterns. Experiment z showed acontext-superiority effect. Specifically, two target forms that were identical except for location in the visual field were not discriminated when presented alone, but the compounds formed when each of these targets was placed between a nearby pair of flanking stimuli were readily discriminated. The size of the context-superiority effect decreased with increasing target-flanker separation. In Experiments 2 and 3 the two targets differed in form rather than spatial location and were readily discriminated in the absence of Hankers. Under these circumstances, adding an identical pair of flankers to each target resulted in a content-inferiority effect; that is, the two target-plus-Hankers compounds were less readily discriminated than the targets atone. The size of the context-inferiority effect decreased with increasing target-flanker separation. The observed effects of context are predictable from the Heinemann-Chase (1990) model of pattern recognition.  相似文献   

The sequential patterning of complex acoustic elements is a salient feature of bird song and other forms of vocal communication. For European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), a songbird species, individual vocal recognition is improved when the temporal organization of song components (called motifs) follows the normal patterns of each singer. This sensitivity to natural motif sequences may underlie observations that starlings can also learn more complex, unnatural motif patterns. Alternatively, it has been proposed that the apparent acquisition of abstract motif patterning rules instead reflects idiosyncrasies of the training conditions used in prior experiments. That is, that motif patterns are learned not by recognizing differences in temporal structures between patterns, but by identifying serendipitous features (e.g., acoustical cues) in the small sets of training and testing stimuli used. Here, we investigate this possibility, by asking whether starlings can learn to discriminate between two arbitrary motif patterns, when unique examples of each pattern are presented on every trial. Our results demonstrate that abstract motif patterning rules can be acquired from trial-unique stimuli and suggest that such training leads to better pattern generalization compared with training with much smaller stimulus subsets.  相似文献   

The role of auditory and visual factors in short-term recall and recognition performance was evaluated. Auditory similarity, but not visual similarity, was found to be predictive of the probability of a correct response and response confidence for both types of tests. The results were interpreted as support for a single-trace model of recall and recognition performance.  相似文献   

Expertise in tactile pattern recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article explores expertise in tactile object recognition. In one study, participants were trained to differing degrees of accuracy on tactile identification of two-dimensional patterns. Recognition of these patterns, of inverted versions of these patterns, and of subparts of these patterns was then tested. The inversion effect (better recognition of upright than inverted patterns) and the part-whole effect (better recognition of the whole than a part pattern), traditionally considered signatures of visual expertise, were observed for tactile experts but not for novices. In a second study, participants were trained as visual or tactile experts and then tested in the trained and nontrained modalities. Whereas expertise effects were observed in the modality of training, cross-modal transfer was asymmetric; visual experts showed generalization to haptic recognition, but tactile experts did not show generalization to visual recognition. Tactile expertise is not obviously attributable to visual mediation and emerges from domain-general principles that operate independently of modality.  相似文献   

When identifying spoken words, older listeners may have difficulty resolving lexical competition or may place a greater weight on factors like lexical frequency. To obtain information about age differences in the time course of spoken word recognition, young and older adults' eye movements were monitored as they followed spoken instructions to click on objects displayed on a computer screen. Older listeners were more likely than younger listeners to fixate high-frequency displayed phonological competitors. However, degradation of auditory quality in younger listeners does not reproduce this result. These data are most consistent with an increased role for lexical frequency with age.  相似文献   

Human visual recognition on the basis of shape but regardless of size was investigated by reaction time methods. For successive matching of random figures, reaction time increased linearly with the linear size ratio of stimulus pairs. For single-character classification, reaction time increased with divergence between cued size format and stimulus format such that for character nonrepetitions, the increment in latency was approximately proportional to the logarithm of the linear size ratio of the two formats. However, when reactions to character repetitions were faster than those to nonrepetitions, the repetition reaction time function was similar to that for successive matching of random figures. The results suggested two processes of size scaling: mental-image transformation and perceptual-scale transformation. Image transformation accounted for matching performance based on visual short-term memory, whereas scale transformation accounted for size invariance in recognition based on comparison against visual representations in long-term memory.  相似文献   

Global precedence in visual pattern recognition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The effects of directional uncertainty on the detection and recognition of auditory signals were investigated, with particular reference to predictions from the Luce-Shipley choice theory analysis. Sixteen Ss were used in a group detection and recognition task, involving auditory signals in a white noise background, from two alternative sources to the right and left of the Ss. Confidence ratings and false alarm rates were used to calculate detectability measures, and from confusion matrices signal recognition and response bias parameters were estimated. The results indicated that detectability is reduced by uncertainty of this kind, provided the initial detectability of the signal is fairly high. However, recognition was apparently unrelated to detection performance, except in very general terms. Certainly the data revealed no evidence for a precise, quantifiable relation.  相似文献   

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