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Binocular processing of brightness information: a vector-sum model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relation between monocular and binocular brightness was examined. Clear evidence was found that the interaction between visual channels in binocular processing of brightness information implicates both an apparent averaging of monocular brightness when they are grossly different and a partial summation when they approach equality. A vector-sum model is shown to predict these properties. A nonmetric method was used to fit such a model to data from three experiments in each of which 15 subjects estimated brightness of binocularly fused targets. Magnitude estimation was used in two experiments, and cateogry ratings were obtained in the third experiment. When it was assumed only that subjects' responses were monotone with perceived brightness, estimates of the model's parameters from the data of the three experiments were almost identical, indicating that results from magnitude estimati;n and category rating can converge once nonlinear response functions are eliminated.  相似文献   

Changes of annulus luminance in traditional disk-and-annulus patterns can be perceived to be either reflectance or illuminance changes. In the present experiments, we examined the effect of varying annulus reflectance. In Experiment 1, we placed test and standard patch-and-surround patterns in identical Mondrian patchworks. Only the luminance of the test surround changed from trial to triaL., appearing as reflectance variation under constant illumination. Lightness matches were identical to brightness matches, as expected. In Experiment 2, we used only the patch and surround (no Mondrian). Instructions said that the illumination would change from trial to trial. Lightness and brightness-contrast data were identical; illumination gradients were indistinguishable from reflectance gradients. In Experiment 3, the patterns were the same, but the instructions said that the shade of gray of the test surround would change from trial to trial. Lightness matches were identical to brightness matches, again confirming the ambiguity of disk-and-annulus patterns.  相似文献   

Changes of annulus luminance in traditional disk-and-annulus patterns are perceptually ambiguous; they could be either reflectance or illuminance changes. In more complicated patterns, apparent reflectances are less ambiguous, letting us place test and standard patchesjnpxsurrounds perceived to be different grays. Our subjects matched the apparent amounts of light coming from the patches (brightnesses), their apparent reflectances (lightnesses), or the brightness differences between the patches and their surrounds (brightness contrasts). The three criteria produced quantitatively different results. Brightness contrasts matched when the patch/surround luminance ratio of the test was approximately equal to that of the standard. Lightness matches were illumination invariant but were not exact reflectance matches; the different surrounda of test and standard produced a small illumination-invariant error. This constant error was negligible for increments, but, for decrements, it was approximately 1.5 Munsell value steps. Brightness matches covaried substantially with illuminance.  相似文献   

At mesopic mean luminances, a fixed luminance contrast produces less brightness contrast than it does at photopic luminances. This suggests that lightnesses of surfaces might also be altered at low luminances. I measured lightness, brightness, and brightness contrast in CRT simulations of achromatic paper patchworks. The illuminance of the standard pattern was fixed, producing 0.12,1.2, or 12 cd/m2. The illuminance on the test pattern was varied in a lightness constancy paradigm. Constant brightness contrast required more luminance contrast at lower mean luminances. Failures of lightness constancy occurred at the lowest mean luminances, but they were minor in comparison with the loss of brightness contrast in the same pattern. These results have implications for imaging applications. Often, image content falls in both the photopic and the mesopic ranges. Our results indicate that brightness contrast may decrease substantially in low-luminance regions without large changes of surface lightness.  相似文献   

双眼瞳距使得空间某物体在左右眼视网膜的成像存在微小位置差异, 这种差异被称为双眼视差(binocular disparity), 是立体视知觉的重要信息来源。对双眼视差的心理物理学研究始于18世纪初, 迄今已有接近两百年的历史。近年来, 双眼视差研究主要集中在两方面。其一是用电生理、脑成像技术考察双眼视差在视觉背、腹侧通路的模块化表征, 其脑区表征反映出视觉系统的层级式、平行式加工规律。其二是应用知觉学习范式研究双眼视差的可塑性。未来研究应综合脑成像和神经调控技术考察双眼视差的神经机制及其学习效应, 包括双眼视差与多种深度线索间的信息整合和交互作用。应用方向上, 可结合虚拟现实等技术优化训练范式, 实现立体视力的康复和增强。  相似文献   

Under certain conditions, high-contrast moving figures induce adjacent illusory regions, 'wakes' and 'spokes', which have contrast polarity opposite the inducing figures. In this paper we document properties of these novel phenomena. When the illusions are induced by a moving bar, spokes appear on the side of the bar closer to fixation and connect the bar to the fixation point, regardless of the momentary position of the bar or whether it is moving to the left or to the right. Although spokes often extend up to the fixation point, they never extend beyond it. This is not due to blocking of the spoke's spread by the fixation point, because in another experiment spokes extend directly through an intervening figure. Whereas spokes emanate from the end of a horizontally moving bar closest to fixation, wakes emanate from the end farthest from fixation. In contrast to spokes, wakes do not show a towards-fixation bias. Instead, the wake's end trails the position of the bar, like a ship's wake. The higher the bar velocity, the more the end of the wake appears to trail it, suggesting that wakes are caused by a process which spreads from the edge of moving figures. Wakes and spokes, as distinct illusions, should provide significant constraints on theories of human motion and brightness perception processes.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to obtain U-shaped masking functions in two metacontrast experiments. Trained Ss judged whether a square test stimulus (TS) was bright or dim. The TS was presented alone or in conjunction with an adjacent pair of square masking stimuli (MS) whose energy equaled the bright TS. The stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA) rangedfrom 0 to 125 msec. The task minimized the role of apparent movement cues as a reliable basis for judgrnent. Similar studies have employed TS plus MS vs MS alone as the alternatives, allowing apparent movement to be a cue. Brightness accuracy was a U-shaped function of SOA. This finding is consistent with neural-net models (Weisstein, 1968). However, analysis of Ss’ response bias suggested an alternative explanation involving the MS as a comparison stimulus at short SOA. It was concluded that U-shaped masking functions are also consistent with theories based upon independent component processes, e.g., Schurman and Eriksen (1970) and Uttal (1970).  相似文献   

This study extends and tests a theory of binocular distance perception that has been shown to give a good account of performance in relative distance tasks. Here the theory is tested in two experiments in which the observer directly indicates perceived egocentric distance of targets (perceived distance from himself or herself) by means of a verbal report or manual pointing response. In the first, the distance to two targets is varied while maintaining a constant disparity between them. In the second, one target is held fixed while the distance to a second target is varied. In each case, the observer indicates the perceived distance of each target. Manual and verbal responses are found to agree with each other to within a linear transform. Both sets of data are shown to be consistent with the theory and are used to estimate the parameters of the theory. There is no other theory that predicts these results.  相似文献   

A dozen observers matched numbers to the apparent brightness of a target viewed by one eye or by both eyes. Brightness grew as a power function of luminance, and the functions were practically identical for the two modes of viewing. Throughout its course, the obtained binocular function tended to fall about a decibel above the monocular function. This small degree of binocular summation, of the order of a jnd, mayor may not be significant.  相似文献   

Ooi TL  He ZJ 《Perception》2006,35(5):581-603
Theoretical and empirical studies show that the visual system relies on boundary contours and surface features (e.g. textures) to represent 3-D surfaces. When the surface to be represented has little texture information, or has a periodic texture pattern (grating), the boundary contour information assumes a larger weight in representing the surface. Adopting the premise that the mechanisms of 3-D surface representation also determine binocular rivalry perception, the current paper focuses on whether boundary contours have a similar role in binocular rivalry. In experiment 1, we tested the prediction that the visual system prefers selecting an image/figure defined by boundary contours for rivalry dominance. We designed a binocular rivalry stimulus wherein one half-image has a boundary contour defined by a grating disk on a background with an orthogonal grating orientation. The other half-image consists solely of the (same orientation) grating background without the grating disk, ie no boundary contour. Confirming our prediction, the predominance for the half-image with the grating disk is approximately 90%, despite the fact that the grating disk corresponds to an area with orthogonal grating in the fellow eye. The advantage of the grating disk is dramatically reduced to about 50% predominance when a boundary contour is added to the background-only half-image at the location corresponding to the grating disk. We attribute this reduced advantage to the formation of a corresponding binocular boundary contour. In experiment 2 the grating background was substituted by a random-dot background in a similar stimulus design. We found that the perceptual salience of the corresponding binocular boundary contours extracted by the interocular matching process is an important factor in determining the dynamics of binocular rivalry. Experiment 3 showed that vertical lines with uneven thickness and spacing as the background reduce the contribution of the monocular boundary contour of the grating disk in binocular rivalry, possibly through the formation of binocular boundary contours between the local edges (vertical components) of the vertical lines and the corresponding grating disk.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to compare visual reaction time and visual brightness within the same subjects. Simple reaction times and magnitude estimates of brightness were obtained in response to 1000-msec. flashes of 60.7, 67.5, 76.4, 85.1, and 93.4 dB re 10(-10)L white light. The relationship between reaction time and stimulus intensity was best described by a negative logarithmic function, while the relationship between magnitude estimates of brightness and stimulus intensity was best described by a power function. Linear correlations between reaction times and magnitude estimates indicated that visual reaction time and brightness are not proportional within all subjects. Previous reports of proportionality between these two measures were discussed as possibly being the result of inappropriate cross-experiment comparisons.  相似文献   

Three experiments examine features of a simple memory task on which right-handed, right eye dominant subjects have been reported to recall digits projected to the right eye more accurately than those projected simultaneously to the left eye. Superior recall by these subjects of information projected to the right eye was observed only when stimuli projected simultaneously to both eyes were seen as overlapped in the binocular percept. Under monocular presentations, accurracy of recall was not related to the eye with which stimuli were viewed. The binocular oveslap condition has a significance other than that of simply increasing the difficulty of identifying the elements in a visual display for there were no differences in accuracy of recall from each eye when overlapped stimuli were viewed monocularly. More accurate recall of right eye information appears to reflect the resolution of a conflict between inputs from each eye. The possible relation of this finding to cerebral dominance is also discussed. Order of recall in these experiments depended mainly on spatial cues provided by the experimental situation.  相似文献   

Physiological studies of binocular rivalry have provided important clues to the relationship between neural activity in the brain and visual awareness. However, uncertainty about these insights has been raised by a recent study showing that the events underlying binocular rivalry occur earlier in the visual pathway than was previously thought.  相似文献   

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