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A series of three experiments replicated and extended earlier research reported by Chase and Simon (1973), de Groot (1965), and Charness (Note 1). The first experiment demonstrated that the relationship between memory for chess positions and chess skill varies directly with the amount of chess-specific information in the stimulus display. The second experiment employed tachistoscopic displays to incrementally "build" tournament chess positions by meaningful or nonmeaningful chunks and demonstrated that meaningful piece groupings during presentation markedly enhance subsequent recall performance. The third experiment tested memory for one of two positions presented in immediate sequence and demonstrated that explanations based on a limited-capacity short-term memory (Chase & Simon, 1973) are not adequate for explaining performance on this memory task.  相似文献   

Young and old adults were compared in their efficiency of remembering concurrently presented series of letters and digits in three separate experiments. Instructions and payoffs to vary attentional emphasis across the two types of material in different conditions allowed the examination of attention-operating characteristics in the two age groups. Strategy-independent measures derived from these attention-operating characteristics revealed that older adults exhibited greater performance deficits than young adults when dividing their attention between the two tasks, even though dual-task difficulty was individually adjusted for each subject. It was concluded that either the total amount of attention available for distribution or the efficiency of its allocation decreased with age even though the ability to vary one’s attention between concurrent tasks in response to instructions and payoffs remained intact.  相似文献   

Thirty-two subjects had tests of serial recall of visually presented nine-digit lists which were either presented in a single block of trials (constant context) or in between lists of much longer length (variable context). Other variables were vocalization-during-presentation versus silent memorization (within subject) and order of recall (between subjects). The results showed a negative effect of variable context on the penultimate serial positions in the case of silent memorization but not in the case of vocalization. Context had no effect on the first and middle parts of the list, which confirms earlier results with auditorily presented lists (Bunt 1976), but which disagrees with the original evidence from Crowder (1969). Subjects preferred forward recall in the case of silent memorization and echobox recall in the case of vocalization during presentation, irrespective of context.

The results are discussed within the framework of the notion of precategorical acoustic storage (PAS) and of positional retrieval cues. The latter theory seems to provide a better and more comprehensive account.  相似文献   

The encoding and representation of visually presented clock times was investigated in three experiments utilizing a comparative judgment task. Experiment 1 explored the effects of comparing times presented in different formats (clock face, digit, or word), and Experiment 2 examined angular distance effects created by varying positions of the hands on clock faces. In Experiment 3, encoding and processing differences between clock faces and digitally presented times were directly measured. Same/different reactions to digitally presented times were faster than to times presented on a clock face, and this format effect was found to be a result of differences in processing that occurred after encoding. Angular separation also had a limited effect on processing. The findings are interpreted within the framework of theories that refer to the importance of representational codes. The applicability to the data of Bank's semantic-coding theory, Paivio's dual-coding theory, and the levels-of-processing view of memory are discussed.  相似文献   

When viewing a rapid sequence of pictures, observers momentarily understand the gist of each scene but have poor recognition memory for most of them (M. C. Potter, 1976). Is forgetting immediate, or does some information persist briefly? Sequences of 5 scenes were presented for 173 ms/picture; when yes-no testing began immediately, recognition was initially high but declined markedly during the 10-item test. With testing delays of 2 or 6 s, the decline over testing was less steep. When 10 or 20 pictures were presented, there was again a marked initial decline during testing. A 2-alternative forced-choice recognition test produced similar results. Both the passage of time and test interference (but not presentation interference) led to forgetting. The brief persistence of information may assist in building a coherent representation over several fixations.  相似文献   

How do bilinguals recognize interlingual homophones? In a gating study, word identification and language membership decisions by Dutch-English bilinguals were delayed for interlingual homophones relative to monolingual controls. At the same time, participant judgments were sensitive to subphonemic cues. These findings suggest that auditory lexical access is language nonselective but is sensitive to language-specific characteristics of the input. In 2 cross-modal priming experiments, visual lexical decision times were shortest for monolingual controls preceded by their auditory equivalents. Response times to interlingual homophones accompanied by their corresponding auditory English or Dutch counterparts were also shorter than in unrelated conditions. However, they were longer than in the related monolingual control conditions, providing evidence for online competition of the 2 near-homophonic representations. Experiment 3 suggested that participants used sublexical cues to differentiate the 2 versions of a homophone after language nonselective access.  相似文献   

Little research has been carried out on human performance in optimization problems, such as the Traveling Salesman problem (TSP). Studies by Polivanova (1974, Voprosy Psikhologii, 4, 41–51) and by MacGregor and Ormerod (1996, Perception & Psychophysics, 58, 527–539) suggest that: (1) the complexity of solutions to visually presented TSPs depends on the number of points on the convex hull; and (2) the perception of optimal structure is an innate tendency of the visual system, not subject to individual differences. Results are reported from two experiments. In the first, measures of the total length and completion speed of pathways, and a measure of path uncertainty were compared with optimal solutions produced by an elastic net algorithm and by several heuristic methods. Performance was also compared under instructions to draw the shortest or the most attractive pathway. In the second, various measures of performance were compared with scores on Raven's advanced progressive matrices (APM). The number of points on the convex hull did not determine the relative optimality of solutions, although both this factor and the total number of points influenced solution speed and path uncertainty. Subjects' solutions showed appreciable individual differences, which had a strong correlation with APM scores. The relation between perceptual organization and the process of solving visually presented TSPs is briefly discussed, as is the potential of optimization for providing a conceptual framework for the study of intelligence. Received: 28 December 1998 / Accepted: 20 January 2000  相似文献   

Two “same-different” reaction time experiments, analogous in task demands made on the S, were designed to test laterality differences in. perception. Ten normal right-handed Ss performed a verbal task in which they decided whether or not two three-letter words belonged to the same conceptual class. Ten different Ss performed a spatial task in which they decided whether two 16-cell matrices with 3 blackened cells were identical. Reaction times were found to be sensitive to laterality differences in perception. Verbal stimuli were processed faster when presented in the right visual field, and thus projected directly to the left cerebral hemisphere; spatial stimuli were processed faster when presented in the left visual field, and thus projected directly to the right cerebral hemisphere. These results were analyzed in terms of implications regarding hemispheric asymmetries for processing of verbal and spatial material and the nature of interhemispheric transfer of information.  相似文献   

The respective efficiency of the cerebral hemispheres in processing visually presented vowels is discussed and examined in a tachistoscopic experiment with normal subjects. It is suggested that results from dichotic listening experiments cannot be used to predict performance on the same material in the visual modality. The physical characteristics of the stimulus, in both modalities, contribute to the pattern of hemispheric advantage and cannot be ignored in the interpretation of results from dichotic listening and tachistoscopic experiments.  相似文献   

In the first of two experiments investigating focussed attention, sets of four pairs of digits were dichotically presented to subjects who were instructed to attend to digits arriving in either the left or the right ear. Following presentation, two different report orders were used: attended followed by unattended, and unattended followed by attended. It was found that unattended items did not suffer from being recalled second rather than first. The serial position curve for unattended items was U-shaped. These results were interpreted as evidence that unattended items are not retained in a limited-capacity auditory buffer with a fast rate of loss. The experiment was repeated using visually presented pairs of letters. A similar pattern of results was obtained, consistent with the hypothesis that unattended items are recalled from a store with a large capacity and a very slow rate of loss.  相似文献   

Pairs of letters were orthogonally varied with regard to the degree of their visual and name similarities. Each pair was repeatedly presented, alternating with a masking field, until the S gave an identification response. When similarity is high for one feature, the number of correct identifications increases as an inverse linear function of similarity of the other feature. When visual similarity is low, correct identifications increase as a direct linear function of name similarity. However, when name similarity is low, correctddentifications do not vary consistently with visual similarity. The results at high similarity of one feature are interpreted as a reflection of encoding processes, while the results at low similarity levels of the visual feature are interpreted as a reflection of decoding into response form.  相似文献   

Learning and retrieval rate of words presented auditorily and visually   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Mode of presentation (visual or auditory) of a multitrial free recall test is stressed as an important factor in improving the diagnosis of certain neurological patients. For further use in neuropsychological research, an experiment was carried out using normal subjects, in which the effects of presentation mode and order of modality were investigated. There were no differential effects of these variables on several parameters, such as the number of words recalled and the learning curve. The time needed for the responses in immediate recall was the same in both auditory and visual conditions. In delayed recall, however, the interresponse times were significantly shorter when words had been presented auditorily than when presented visually. The results are discussed in light of further application in the field of neuropsychology.  相似文献   

This study presents a test of the notion of semantic integration of information m pictures. In Experiment 1. subjects were presented pictures which comprised various subsets of the elements in one of four standard pictures. In the test phase. recognition confidence tor old and new items was a direct function of the number of figures in the test picture. However. recognition confidence was significantly higher for old than for new pictures, contrary to predictions of the integration model of Bransford and Franks (1971). In Experiment 2, the differential predictions of the integration model and the tally model (Reitman & Bower, 19731 were tested. The information for a key standard picture was presented solely as ONEs during acquisition. For the other three standard pictures. information was presented as ONEs, TWOs, and THREEs. The results were that recognition confidence increased with complexity at the test item with regular items but decreased with increasing complexity with key items. Together. these experiments support the tally model and demonstrate the generalizabilitv of this model to handle pictorial materials. Implications regarding the nature of picture memory are also discussed.  相似文献   

Recent research in language comprehension indicates a constructive encoding process in which the linguistic input is transformed into some more general semantic structure which is stored. In attempting to characterize the nature of such structures, some conflicting findings have been observed for paragraphs which describe similar set-theoretic relations, linear orderings and set inclusions. While the linear ordering research supports the constructivist theory, the set inclusion work does not. The set inclusion studies, however, employed true-false tests and not the usual recognition tests. The present study investigated the processing of set inclusion paragraphs in a self-paced study/recognition test paradigm. Results supported the constructivist theory and were contrary to predictions based upon the previous set inclusion research. Subjects were unable to differentiate between presented information and unpresented deducible information. These results were discussed in terms of accuracy constraints of different tasks on memorial performance and a possible interaction of Type of Test by Universal Quantification.  相似文献   

Ss wrote down letters that were presented briefly in various temporal and geometric arrangements. Results reveal marked impairment in processing more than one temporally extended word in parallel. The impairment cannot be attributed to spatial separation of letters by itself, to sequence, or to inability to discriminate the letters. The concept of ‘bounding’ is introduced to account for the perception of familiar words in a continuing flow of information; the results suggest that only one object can be bounded at a time. They also suggest that the information that guides the eyes' movements in reading is qualitatively different from the information extracted from the printed text.  相似文献   

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