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Klein W  Heuer H 《Acta psychologica》1999,103(3):311-329
We explored the structural constraints on concurrent movements and/or positions of the head and a steering device by means of a reaction-time task. In the first experiment, subjects had to respond rapidly to an imperative stimulus by way of rotating a handle-bar to the left or to the right and back to the central position while they maintained a left or right eccentric position of the head. Latency of the handle-bar responses did not depend on whether their initial directions were toward the eccentric head position or in the opposite direction, but kinematic characteristics did: iso-directional movements were of larger amplitude and longer duration until peak excursion. In the second experiment, the imperative stimuli for handle-bar rotations were presented at variable intervals after the head had been moved from the central to one of the eccentric positions and before its predictable return movement. Kinematic characteristics of the handle-bar rotations depended on the left and right eccentric head positions in the same way as in Experiment 1, but now iso-directional movements had a longer reaction time than movements in the direction of the forthcoming return movement of the head. These findings suggest that specifications of head-movement directions facilitate concurrent specifications of handle-bar rotations in the same direction and inhibit specifications of handle-bar rotations in the opposite direction, consistent with the notion of cross-talk during motor programming.  相似文献   

Frequency-related response characteristics of the mechanisms controlling stabilization of the head in 10 elderly subjects were compared with response characteristics in 8 young adults. Angular velocity of the head with respect to the trunk and EMG responses of 2 neck muscles were recorded in 10 seated subjects during pseudorandom rotations of the trunk in the sagittal plane at frequencies of 0.35 to 3.05 Hz. Subjects were required to actively stabilize their heads with (VS) and without (NY) visual feedback so that voluntary mechanisms and the influence of vision could be tested. Reflex mechanisms were examined when subjects were distracted by a mental calculation task during rotations in the dark (MA). Age emerged as an influential factor in the performance of head stabilization mechanisms, and decrements in performance were even more pronounced in the older as compared with younger elderly subjects. Age effects could be seen in the (a) diminished ability to voluntarily stabilize the head, particularly with the absence of vision, (b) impaired ability to stabilize the head when cognitively distracted, and (c) appearance of a resonant response of the head. Control of head stabilization shifted from reflex mechanisms to system mechanics, probably as a result of age-related changes in the integrity of the sensory systems. The elderly's system mechanics could not effectively compensate for the disturbances, however, and instability was the result.  相似文献   

The leftward bias of driving visual attention has been found to explain the role of driving experience in the visual attention strategy; even though the results reported in the literature are not always consistent. This study aims to explore the driving attention characteristics and the eye movement patterns by using a simulated driving experiment in conjunction with an eye-tracker device. 31 young inexperienced drivers (undergraduate students, average age 21) and 30 old experienced drivers (taxi drivers, average age 36) took part in the experiment. Results show that the eye movement patterns of the drivers have certain similarity in the occurrence of subtle asymmetries of visual attention favouring left space (the direction of the driving in the experiment was right-side) and that they are related to the right hemisphere specialization for spatial attention. However, in the more experienced drivers the leftward eye movement tends to shift toward the centre or even rightward to pay attention to the hazard events on road. These results suggest that inexperienced drivers are initially aroused by natural biological leftward visual attention and likely to develop central and rightward eye movement strategy for safety diving purpose. The implications of this study suggest that, despite the existence of natural visual attention bias, the left asymmetries in visual scan in inexperienced drivers still can be modified by driving trainings that focus on the hazard situation on road.  相似文献   

Several visuo-motor tasks can be used to demonstrate biases towards left hemispace in schizophrenic patients, suggesting a minor right hemineglect. Recent studies in neglect patients used a new number bisection task to highlight a lateralized defect in their visuo-spatial representation of numbers. To test a possible lateralized representational deficit in schizophrenia, we used the number bisection task in 11 schizophrenic patients compared to 11 healthy controls. Participants were required to orally indicate the central number of an interval orally presented. Whereas healthy subjects showed no significant bias, schizophrenic patients presented a significant leftward bias. Therefore, these results suggest an impairment in higher order representations of the number space in patients with schizophrenia, an impairment that is qualitatively similar to the deficit described in neglect patients.  相似文献   

Popular theory on the tendency to cradle an infant to the left side points to the specialization of the right hemisphere for the perception and expression of emotion. J. S. Sieratzki and B. Woll (1996) recently suggested that more emphasis be placed on the auditory modality, specifically focusing on the role of prosodic information. In this study, the direction of the lateral cradling bias in a group of profoundly deaf children, a group of deaf adults, and a control group of adults with no hearing impairment was investigated. The authors found a strong leftward cradling bias in all groups, a bias that was, if anything, stronger in the deaf participants. Given that people who are profoundly deaf, especially those who have been deaf from birth, have not been exposed to auditory prosody, the data do not support the suggestion that such prosodic information is the basis for the leftward cradling bias.  相似文献   

Dellsén  Finnur 《Philosophical Studies》2020,177(12):3661-3678

It is often argued that while biases routinely influence the generation of scientific theories (in the ‘context of discovery’), a subsequent rational evaluation of such theories (in the ‘context of justification’) will ensure that biases do not affect which theories are ultimately accepted. Against this line of thought, this paper shows that the existence of certain kinds of biases at the generation-stage implies the existence of biases at the evaluation-stage. The key argumentative move is to recognize that a scientist who comes up with a new theory about some phenomena has thereby gained an unusual type of evidence, viz. information about the space of theories that could be true of the phenomena. It follows that if there is bias in the generation of scientific theories in a given domain, then the rational evaluation of theories with reference to the total evidence in that domain will also be biased.


Ingle D 《Perception》2006,35(10):1315-1329
In an earlier paper, kinesthetic effects on central visual persistences (CPs) were reported, including the ability to move these images by hand following eye closure. While all CPs could be translated anywhere within the frontal field, the present report documents a more selective influence of manual rotations on CPs in the same subjects. When common objects or figures drawn on cards were rotated (while holding one end of the object or one corner of a card between thumb and forefinger), it was found that CPs of larger objects rotated with the hand. By contrast, CPs of smaller objects, parts of objects, and textures remained stable in space as the hand rotated. It is proposed that CPs of smaller stimuli and textures are represented mainly by the ventral stream (temporal cortex) while larger CPs, which rotate, are represented mainly by the dorsal stream (parietal cortex). A second discovery was that CPs of small objects (but not of line segments or textures) could be rotated when the thumb and fingers surrounded the edges of the object. It is proposed that neuronal convergence of visual and tactile information about shape increases parietal responses to small objects, so that their CPs will rotate. Experiments with CPs offer new tools to infer visual coding differences between ventral and dorsal streams in man.  相似文献   

In this paper, a method is described for simultaneous recording of horizontal rotation of the eyes in the head and rotation of the head about its natural vertical axis. Angular positions of eyesand head are obtained as proportionate dc voltages that are summed to obtain a record of the horizontal direction of gaze sensitive to l-deg saccades and accurate to within ±2 deg for at least the central 90 deg of the visual field. The apparatus is so light that it is hardly felt by the S, who, while seated, is free to move in any way he chooses and to perform any task. In addition, the angular position of a target rotating around the head may also be recorded for observation of visual-pursuit behavior.  相似文献   

A simple and reliable apparatus for recording directional head movements of infants is described. The technique permits unrestricted movement and avoids distress associated with mechanical head harnesses.  相似文献   

Seven groups of 10 subjects each were exposed to various combinations of left and right head and eye rotations for a period of 10 min. Both head and eye produced significant aftereffects of prior position as measured by pointing at a visible target with the unseen hand, but there was no significant interaction. Thus, aftereffects of sustained head and eye rotation were shown to be additive and to account fully for the results of Craske and Crawshaw (1975). Eye muscle potentiation rather than recalibration may be assumed to be the cause of the altered direction of gaze resulting from exposure to displacing prisms.  相似文献   

A widely cited result asserts that experts’ superiority over novices in recalling meaningful material from their domain of expertise vanishes when they are confronted with random material. A review of recent chess experiments in which random positions served as control material (presentation time between 3 and 10 sec) shows, however, that strong players generally maintain some superiority over weak players even with random positions, although the relative difference between skill levels is much smaller than with game positions. The implications of this finding for expertise in chess are discussed and the question of the recall of random material in other domains is raised.  相似文献   

This paper explores the question, important to the theory of expert performance, of the nature and number of chunks that chess experts hold in memory. It examines how memory contents determine players’ abilities to reconstruct (1) positions from games, (2) positions distorted in various ways, and (3) random positions. Comparison of a computer simulation with a human experiment supports the usual estimate that chess Masters store some 50,000 chunks in memory. The observed impairment of recall when positions are modified by mirror image reflection implies that each chunk represents a specific pattern of pieces in a specific location. A good account of the results of the experiments is given by the template theory proposed by Gobet and Simon (in press) as an extension of Chase and Simon’s (1973b) initial chunking proposal, and in agreement with other recent proposals for modification of the chunking theory (Richman, Staszewski, & Simon, 1995) as applied to various recall tasks.  相似文献   

Gaze is an emergent visual feature. A person's gaze direction is perceived not just based on the rotation of their eyes, but also their head. At least among adults, this integrative process appears to be flexible such that one feature can be weighted more heavily than the other depending on the circumstances. Yet it is unclear how this weighting might vary across individuals or across development. When children engage emergent gaze, do they prioritize cues from the head and eyes similarly to adults? Is the perception of gaze among individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) emergent, or is it reliant on a single feature? Sixty adults (M = 29.86 years‐of‐age), thirty‐seven typically developing children and adolescents (M = 9.3 years‐of‐age; range = 7–15), and eighteen children with ASD (M = 9.72 years‐of‐age; range = 7–15) viewed faces with leftward, rightward, or direct head rotations in conjunction with leftward or rightward pupil rotations, and then indicated whether the face was looking leftward or rightward. All individuals, across development and ASD status, used head rotation to infer gaze direction, albeit with some individual differences. However, the use of pupil rotation was heavily dependent on age. Finally, children with ASD used pupil rotation significantly less than typically developing (TD) children when inferring gaze direction, even after accounting for age. Our approach provides a novel framework for understanding individual and group differences in gaze as it is actually perceived—as an emergent feature. Furthermore, this study begins to address an important gap in ASD literature, taking the first look at emergent gaze perception in this population.  相似文献   

Random number generation is a task that engages working memory and executive processes within the domain of number representation. In the present study we address the role of language in number processing by switching languages during random number generation (numbers 1-9), using German (L1) and English (L2), and alternating L1/L2. Results indicate large correspondence between performance in L1 and L2. In contrast to nonswitching performance, randomization with alternating languages showed a significant increase of omitted responses, whereas the random sequences were less stereotyped, showing significantly less repetition avoidance and cycling behavior. During an intentional switch between languages, errors in language sequence appeared in 23% of responses on the average, independently of the quality of randomization but associated with a clear persistence of L2. These results indicate that random number generation is more closely linked to auditory-phonological representation of numerals than to visual arabic notation.  相似文献   

Although temporal dynamics are inherent aspects of diagnostic tasks, few studies have investigated how various aspects of time course influence hypothesis generation. An experiment is reported that demonstrates that working memory dynamics operating during serial data acquisition bias hypothesis generation. The presentation rate (and order) of a sequence of serially presented symptoms was manipulated to be either fast (180 ms per symptom) or slow (1,500 ms per symptom) in a simulated medical diagnosis task. When the presentation rate was slow, participants chose the disease hypothesis consistent with the symptoms appearing later in the sequence. When the presentation rate was fast, however, participants chose the disease hypothesis consistent with the symptoms appearing earlier in the sequence, therefore representing a novel primacy effect. We predicted and account for this effect through competitive working memory dynamics governing information acquisition and the contribution of maintained information to the retrieval of hypotheses from long-term memory.  相似文献   

Moderation analysis is useful for addressing interesting research questions in social sciences and behavioural research. In practice, moderated multiple regression (MMR) models have been most widely used. However, missing data pose a challenge, mainly because the interaction term is a product of two or more variables and thus is a non-linear function of the involved variables. Normal-distribution-based maximum likelihood (NML) has been proposed and applied for estimating MMR models with incomplete data. When data are missing completely at random, moderation effect estimates are consistent. However, simulation results have found that when data in the predictor are missing at random (MAR), NML can yield inaccurate estimates of moderation effects when the moderation effects are non-null. Simulation studies are subject to the limitation of confounding systematic bias with sampling errors. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to analytically derive asymptotic bias of NML estimates of moderation effects with MAR data. Results show that when the moderation effect is zero, there is no asymptotic bias in moderation effect estimates with either normal or non-normal data. When the moderation effect is non-zero, however, asymptotic bias may exist and is determined by factors such as the moderation effect size, missing-data proportion, and type of missingness dependence. Our analytical results suggest that researchers should apply NML to MMR models with caution when missing data exist. Suggestions are given regarding moderation analysis with missing data.  相似文献   

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