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The most widely used measurement of holistic face perception, the composite face effect (CFE), is challenged by two apparently contradictory goals: having a defined face part (i.e., the top half), and yet perceiving the face as an integrated unit (i.e., holistically). Here, we investigated the impact of a small gap between top and bottom face halves in the standard composite face paradigm, requiring matching of sequentially presented top face halves. In Experiment 1, the CFE was larger for no-gap than gap stimuli overall, but not for participants who were presented with gap stimuli first, suggesting that the area of the top face half was unknown without a gap. This was confirmed in Experiment 2, in which these two stimulus sets were mixed up: the gap stimuli thus provided information about the area of a top face half and the magnitude of the CFE did not differ between stimulus sets. These observations indicate that the CFE might be artificially inflated in the absence of a stimulus cue that objectively defines a border between the face halves. Finally, in Experiment 3, observers were asked to determine which of two simultaneously presented faces was the composite face. Perceptual judgements for no-gap stimuli approached ceiling; however, with a gap, participants were almost unable to distinguish the composite face from a veridical face. This effect was not only due to low-level segmentation cues at the border of no-gap face halves, because stimulus inversion decreased performance in both conditions. This result indicates that the two halves of different faces may be integrated more naturally with a small gap that eliminates an enhanced contrast border. Collectively, these observations suggest that a small gap between face halves provides an objective definition of the face half to match and is beneficial for valid measurement of the behavioural CFE.  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges facing health promotion and disease prevention is translating research findings into evidence-based public health and clinical practices that are actively disseminated and widely adopted. Despite the tremendous strides made in developing effective disease prevention and control programs, there has been little study of effective dissemination of evidence-based programs to and adoption by community, public health, and clinical practice settings. This special section provides a venue in which to highlight exemplary dissemination research efforts while also identifying limitations in research to date and framing important future research questions. This issue establishes a resource for investigators interested in dissemination research, with relevance to health psychology. In this sense, it can serve as a benchmark by which to examine subsequent progress. The 6 articles reflect the state of the science in dissemination research for the promotion and adoption of health behavior change interventions.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that interhemispheric communication about emotional stimuli is influenced by situational factors that alter emotional relevance. Under evaluative or nonevaluative conditions, participants matched angry and happy faces within a single visual field or across opposite visual fields. An overall across-field advantage (AFA) reflected the benefit of sharing information between the hemispheres. The AFA was greater for angry than for happy faces in the evaluation condition but did not differ for angry and happy faces in the no-evaluation condition. Examination of individual differences indicated that high trait evaluation levels of worry were associated with poorer interhemispheric communication of angry faces, supporting a threat-avoidance conception of worry. Thus, both situational factors and individual differences affected interhemispheric communication about emotional faces.  相似文献   

The amount of psychological literature focusing on human thriving and flourishing has grown in recent years, but this topic is currently subject to much conceptual ambiguity. Evolutionary psychology, though often not included in discussions on optimal human development, provides a framework that benefits considerations of human thriving. Humans exhibit a high degree of niche construction by which they alter their environment, in turn affecting their offspring. Such niche construction is enabled by unique human capacities, but these same capacities are then required to ‘mind the gap’ between human nature and the altered environmental niche. As such, thriving may in part be understood as the ability of the individual to navigate difficulties resulting from a mismatch between their nature and niche. Three unique features of the human species that are used to both create and navigate this gap are considered as they relate to the existing literature on human thriving.  相似文献   

Ethics consultation services provide support to staff, patients, and family members who find themselves in morally difficult situations in healthcare settings. Not unlike other clinical consultation services, ethics consultation activities should be well documented. Good documentation allows for evaluation of the consultation process and the ability to refer back to consults when needed, and provides data for future research in healthcare ethics (HCE). In our exploration of existing HCE documentation systems, we identified two main points of interest. First, HCE information documentation systems are powerful tools for providing information on ethics consultation services.These documentation systems can be used to produce detailed reports on various HCE activities both institutionally and cross-institutionally. Second, our findings indicate greater agreement in the language and terminology of HCE needs to be established. Cultivation of such common language is needed in order to develop a standard healthcare ethicists can use to document and categorize consults. Standardization of language would allow data to be readily comparable and lead to more consistency in documentation of ethics consultations. Ultimately, standardization of documentation can also constitute a standard of practice for HCE in general.The development of such standards is essential for any developing profession, and will be required for HCE as it moves in towards professionalization in Canada.  相似文献   

Research provides strong support for the efficacy and effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for the treatment of childhood internalizing disorders. Given evidence for limited dissemination and implementation of CBT outside of academic settings, efforts are underway to improve its transportability so that more children with mental health needs may benefit from treatment. Creative modifications to existing treatments aim to deliver CBT for anxiety disorders and depression in a more transportable format. Notable progress has been made within the areas of computerized CBT, camp-based CBT, school-based CBT, and CBT delivered through primary care settings. These approaches are discussed within the context of key elements of transportability that are particularly germane to the dissemination and implementation of child treatments.  相似文献   

Economists define risk in terms of the variability of possible outcomes, whereas clinicians and laypeople generally view risk as exposure to possible loss or harm. Neuroeconomic studies using relatively simple behavioral tasks have identified a network of brain regions that respond to economic risk, but these studies have had limited success predicting naturalistic risk-taking. By contrast, more complex behavioral tasks developed by clinicians (e.g. Balloon Analogue Risk Task and Iowa Gambling Task) correlate with naturalistic risk-taking but resist decomposition into distinct cognitive constructs. We propose here that to bridge this gap and better understand neural substrates of naturalistic risk-taking, new tasks are needed that: are decomposable into basic cognitive and/or economic constructs; predict naturalistic risk-taking; and engender dynamic, affective engagement.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the numerous ways in which clinical outcomes in REBT/CBT can be enhanced and therapeutic impasses overcome through the regular and creative use of audiotherapy as a treatment adjunct. In particular therapy dosage intensity can be enhanced significantly and homework compliance improved. Audiotherapy also has a key role to play with clients who are isolated or are unsupported in their living environments. Such clients can be encouraged to use audio-taping as therapist-assisted interventions, so increasing the likelihood of their initiating therapeutic tasks such as graded activity assignments and disputing cognitive distortions and dysfunctional beliefs in vivo. The paper finally recommends that audio-taping of therapy sessions has sufficient major benefits to suggest its routine incorporation into therapeutic practice.  相似文献   

Although perceived differences between outgroup social categories and the self are often cited as a major contributor to prejudice and intergroup tension, surprisingly few studies have examined ways to improve associations between the self and racial outgroups. The present research investigated one strategy to increase these associations-approach training. Specifically, 3 studies investigated the impact of training participants to conceptually approach Blacks on 3 separate measures: 2 response latency measures indexing the strength of association between the self and Blacks and a psychophysiological measure indexing brain activity in response to Blacks in the context of the self. A fourth study examined the link between earlier research on the impact of approach training on implicit prejudice against Blacks and the current results related to self-Black associations. Together, these findings provided consistent evidence that training in approaching Blacks increases associations between the self and Blacks that in turn reduce implicit prejudice against Blacks.  相似文献   


This article speculates on why adults wish to learn a foreign language and reflects on the learning process itself, as it progresses in an adult education course.  相似文献   

The context for this paper is the ongoing systemic/psychoanalytic debate. It offers an alternative perspective to the recent contribution by Brodie and Wright (2002), in which they are concerned to underscore difference between the two therapeutic approaches. Here it is argued that the relationship is a great deal more complex than Brodie and Wright's analysis might suggest. Attention is focused on significant areas of commonality, in particular the impact of social constructionist thinking across the two therapies as well as current developments in technique. A case is made for the consolidation of generic space where there is opportunity for cross-fertilization and for integrative and combined systemic/psychoanalytic approaches to be nurtured and developed where appropriate. Case vignettes are used to highlight different aspects of the generic component in child and family therapy and to underline the need for bridge-building between these key therapeutic approaches in the field.  相似文献   

The present commentary addresses two issues arising from Memmert’s (2010) paper. First, can the ‘misdirection’ and ‘inattentional blindness’ paradigms provide important insights into the relationship between ‘overt’ and ‘covert’ attentional processes? Second, what are the most fruitful directions for research that seeks to combine these attentional paradigms in ecologically valid settings? We argue that although Memmert’s (2010) paper postulates several important differences between the misdirection and inattentional blindness paradigms, it may not emphasise sufficiently strongly the significant insights into attention that have been yielded by the former approach. To illustrate, we discuss the utility of the misdirection paradigm in providing an ecologically valid method to investigate the relationship between overt and covert attentional processes. Such naturalistic methods are required to ensure optimal integration of the misdirection and inattentional blindness paradigms within a general theory of attention.  相似文献   

The current article is a commentary on the article, “A Common Elements Approach for Adult Mental Health Problems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries,” which describes a form of transdiagnostic CBT and its implementation among a highly traumatized Burmese and Iraqi group. Murray et al.’s (this issue) article is one of several new studies indicating the efficacy of CBT in global contexts. In this commentary, we suggest a set of parameters to create culturally sensitive CBT in global settings in a way to maximize efficacy and effectiveness. When applicable, we will discuss ways in which these parameters are illustrated by Murray et al. in this pilot study. These parameters can be used more generally to design culturally sensitive CBT studies in global contexts and to evaluate such studies. Some examples of these parameters are culturally appropriate framing of CBT techniques, assessing and addressing key local complaints (e.g., somatic symptoms) and local catastrophic cognitions, and incorporating key local sources of recovery and resilience.  相似文献   

The present article illustrates how cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) was adapted for an adolescent Turkish population with mood and anxiety disorders. The resulting 10-session treatment—based on multiplex CBT—was efficacious in a treatment trial, showing large effect sizes (Acarturk et al., 2018). This paper discusses the cultural grounding of CBT, which increases effectiveness by such means as increasing acceptability and positive expectancy. We describe a culturally sensitive assessment measure of somatic complaints and cultural syndromes, the Turkish Symptom and Syndrome Addendum. We discuss how, in a culturally sensitive way, we normalized symptoms, conducted interoceptive exposure, and created positive reassociations to sensations. We describe how we used Turkish metaphors and religious ideas to teach CBT principles. We show how we adapted mindfulness and “loving kindness” for a Turkish population, and how we utilized transition “rituals” at the end of the treatment to give a sense of closure and a positive feeling of transformation. Two case examples are provided to further illustrate how we adapted multiplex CBT to a Turkish adolescent population.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The "wisdom of crowds" in making judgments about the future or other unknown events is well established. The average quantitative estimate of a group of individuals is consistently more accurate than the typical estimate, and is sometimes even the best estimate. Although individuals' estimates may be riddled with errors, averaging them boosts accuracy because both systematic and random errors tend to cancel out across individuals. We propose exploiting the power of averaging to improve estimates generated by a single person by using an approach we call dialectical bootstrapping . Specifically, it should be possible to reduce a person's error by averaging his or her first estimate with a second one that harks back to somewhat different knowledge. We derive conditions under which dialectical bootstrapping fosters accuracy and provide an empirical demonstration that its benefits go beyond reliability gains. A single mind can thus simulate the wisdom of many.  相似文献   

In this article we illustrate how CBT can be adapted to a traumatized Egyptian population with Islamic beliefs, giving examples from our adaptation of Culturally Adapted–CBT (CA-CBT) for this cultural group. We discuss a culturally sensitive assessment measure of local somatic complaints and cultural syndromes that was devised based on clinical experience with traumatized Egyptians. We also demonstrate how to normalize symptoms, create positive expectancy about the treatment, and educate about trauma. We give examples of how mindfulness can be adapted for an Egyptian Islamic population, and we describe local religious strategies, such as dhikr (religious chanting), salah (ritualistic prayer), and dua (supplication), that may be used to promote attentional shift from rumination topics and to teach attentional control. We describe how “loving kindness” can be adapted for this group. We outline how to modify culturally generated catastrophic cognitions and how to conduct interoceptive exposure and to create positive re-associations in a culturally sensitive manner. We describe how worry themes are explored and addressed based on a heuristic panic attack–PTSD model; how to teach anger management in a culturally sensitive way; and how to address sleep-related problems in this population. We suggest using cultural transitional “rituals” at the end of the treatment to give patients a sense of closure and a positive feeling of transformation. A case example is presented to illustrate cultural challenges associated with delivering CA-CBT to an Egyptian population. We introduce certain concepts such as cultural grounding and explanatory model bridging, both therapeutic techniques that increase adherence, positive expectancy, and cultural consonance.  相似文献   

In cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), a black or white perception of the world is generally considered to be a distortion of reality. This paper addresses the issue of bipolar or categorical thinking and its role in creating disturbance. It introduces a new quantitative methodology known as fuzzy logic (FL) and shows its potential in developing new effective CBT strategies to address bipolar thinking. The paper maintains that the roots of such thinking can be traced back to the Aristotelian logic which posits a 'black or white' view of the world. It is argued that a bipolar perspective is no longer defendable given recent developments in the field of literature, physics and logic. Moreover CBT can derive significant benefits by embracing the fuzzy logic paradigm. In particular it can, first, benefit by improving the degree of precision of its diagnostic tools and, second, by applying the FL principles to derive alternative strategies for inducing healthy changes in clients. Such improvements are believed to enhance CBT profile in terms of the degree of realism, flexibility and efficiency of its methods. The illustrations offered throughout this paper are based on the two main CBT perspectives; rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) and cognitive therapy (CT).  相似文献   

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) workgroup for disruptive behavior disorders is considering adopting a frequency threshold for symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). In the present study, the impact of substituting the term "often" with a specific age-based frequency on impairment and prognosis among preschool children was tested in a longitudinal design. Mutually exclusive groups were created to identify children who met criteria for ODD based on a symptom threshold of "often," as in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-4), and those that met criteria for ODD based on a threshold of "1-2 times per day," which approximated the proposal for DSM-5. Comparisons of these groups to each other and to nondiagnosed peers determined the impact of changing the symptom threshold on impairment and prognosis. Close to one-third of children who met DSM-4 criteria for ODD did not meet criteria under the alternative diagnosis; African American children were overrepresented in this group. Preschoolers who met DSM-4, but not the alternative criteria, had higher rates of ODD, conduct disorder (CD), and were more impaired than their nondiagnosed peers at baseline and follow-up. Preschoolers meeting DSM-4 criteria were less impaired than children meeting the alternative ODD criteria at baseline according to parent, but not according to teacher report. No differences could be detected between those meeting DSM-4 and those meeting the alternative criteria in rate of ODD, CD, or impairment at follow-up. Among clinically referred preschool children, changing the symptom threshold for ODD could result in a sizable group of children who would no longer meet diagnostic criteria, despite demonstrating significant morbidity concurrently and prospectively.  相似文献   

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