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毛泽东同志曾经讲过,从老百姓到军人之间有一段距离。这个距离在某种因素上,就是由老百姓的生活方式转变为军人生活方式,要使自己由一个老百姓变为一个正式军人,除了其他方面的转变以外,生活方式的转变也是一个重要方面。 军队是人民民主专政的柱石,担负着保卫祖国和建设四化的光荣使命。为了完成这一使命,军队要准备打仗,要反击侵略者的侵略。要打仗就会有流血牺牲,这就决定了军队生活方面又有其自己的特点: 第一,军人的共同理想和追求是实现国防现代化。尽管军人来自四面八方,军人的职责各种各样,他们有一个共同的理想和追求,就是为了实现  相似文献   

声望作为评价社会分层的三个纬度之一,对于研究社会分层和社会流动具有重要意义。军人社会声望受评价者主观因素和被评价者客观因素影响。本文沿从这个思路,从社会评价体系、军人社会功能、军人专业素质及军人个体的社会互动等四个方面分析当代中国军人社会声望的制约因素,力求为破解提升军人社会形象瓶颈和优化"社会——军队"人才流动机制提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

中国古代的“武德”范畴,涵盖着一切与“武道”相关的道德现象和道德问题。广义的武德,包括属于领域型道德现象的军事道德(亦即古代所谓“武备之德”),属于组织行为型道德现象的军队道德(亦即古代所谓“武旅之德”),属于个体行为型道德现象的军人道德(亦即古代所谓“武夫之德”)。狭义的武德特指军队道德,因为军事道德的领域是通过军队的道德实践所开创的,军人道德是军队道德在军人个体行为中的具体表现,军队道德则是贯通于军事道德和军人道德的中介和枢纽。中国古代的武德理论形成于先秦时期,其主要思想  相似文献   

随着军事斗争准备的逐步深入,官兵的意志品质成为影响战斗力生成的直接因素,如何帮助官兵培育良好的意志品质,随之成为当前军队关注的重要课题。本文主要从培养军人良好意志品质的必要性入手,探讨了利用国家、军队和个人三级联动的模式来培养军人良好意志品质的实现途径。  相似文献   

“职业高原”现象是军人职业生涯中普遍存在的现象,它严重地影响了军队人才资源战斗力的整合和个体工作潜力的发挥。本文从现象、原因、对策三方面对军人职业高原进行了分析、研究,以求对军队营造拴心留人、人在心在的良好工作环境产生一些启示。  相似文献   

中国人民解放军的军人道德关系是由社会主义经济关系和政治关系决定的、与军人职业生活密切相连的、通过军人的道德信念所形成的一种具有特殊价值的社会关系。它以军人道德行为的主体——“军人”为轴心,构成了一个与军人自身职业密切相关的各种利益关系的复杂网络,其主要表现形式有:军人与党和国家的关系;军人与人民群众的关系;军人个体与军队整体的关  相似文献   

北洋军阀时期“军人干政”成为普遍现象。学界对这一问题有所涉及,但系统专文论述似不多见。本文拟就“军人干政”的成因,特点及影响作一分析。一北洋时期的所谓“军人干政”,是指“军事集团政治化,军队首领及其所代表的利益集团在国家政治生活中起主导作用的政权形式...  相似文献   

乔红霞  俞国良 《心理科学》2011,34(2):435-440
[摘 要] 军队女性心理是军事心理学和女性心理学共同关注的话题。目前研究的焦点包括:女性军人的性别角色与特质、军队女性领导者、女性军人的婚姻与家庭、性别压力与性骚扰等。军队女性心理在研究方法上受女性主义影响坚持多元方法论,在研究对象和研究领域上与普通女性心理研究相比又有其特殊性。未来军队女性心理的深层研究将日益迫切,非主流研究方法将逐渐引起关注,进一步的研究应注意军队女性心理研究的文化差异。  相似文献   

心理素质是军人战斗精神素养的重要组成部分,也是构成军队战斗力的重要因素。本文从三个方面对军队院校如何帮助地方大学生从心理上顺利完成由民到兵的转变,培育起军人过硬心理素质的方法进行了探析。  相似文献   

军人焦虑,忧郁情绪研究:Ⅰ环境,文化,军龄及其它   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
军人心理在我国是一个比较新的研究领域,随着军事科技的发展,人的因素已受到越来越多的重视。由于情绪是心理活动中影响最大、最活跃的成份,因此,军人情绪及其问题更是着重关注的对象。本研究在临床测量的基础上,对军人焦虑和忧郁的现状、影响因素进行分析。研究结果显示了军人焦虑和忧郁的基本状态,揭示了发生问题的主要原因。为防治PTSD,提高军队教育管理效果提供了依据。  相似文献   

This article contends that in crucial respects effective soldiers are ethical soldiers, that good soldiers in the military sense are good soldiers in the moral sense, and that this is so for quite traditional reasons. The thesis is defended by identifying and then resolving basic paradoxes regarding what soldiers must be trained to do or be, e.g.: be trained to kill but also not to be brutal; be trained to react in combat situations almost automatically but also to deliberate and decide if a command is unlawful; as peacekeepers, be trained to be impartial but also to know right from wrong and be firmly committed to upholding the former and opposing the latter. It is shown that contradictory things are not really thus being called for. With the aid of a blend of deontology and virtue theory, it is argued that certain standard qualities of effective soldiers have an associated moral dimension. For example, true military courage implies an unwillingness to engage in cruelty; the self-control on which success of missions depends implies eschewing motives of personal vengeance; and the capacity for comprehending complex equipment and data implies a mentality for assessing the validity of orders.  相似文献   

Medical ethics prohibits caregivers from discriminating and providing preferential care to their compatriots and comrades. In military medicine, particularly during war and when resources may be scarce, ethical principles may dictate priority care for compatriot soldiers. The principle of nondiscrimination is central to utilitarian and deontological theories of justice, but communitarianism and the ethics of care and friendship stipulate a different set of duties for community members, friends, and family. Similar duties exist among the small cohesive groups that typify many military units. When members of these groups require medical care, there are sometimes moral grounds to treat compatriot soldiers ahead of enemy or allied soldiers regardless of the severity of their respective wounds.  相似文献   

戚继光对孙膑军队建设思想的继承和发展主要表现在三个方面.在练将方面,戚继光不仅继承和发展了孙膑的将领优良论,而且详细论述了孙膑所未提及的练将方法;在练兵方面,戚继光不仅继承和发展了孙膑的选兵理论和练士气理论,而且具体论述了如何训练号令、阵法和武艺等问题,这是对孙膑练兵思想的发展;在治军诸因素关系方面,戚继光在继承孙膑思想的基础上,科学地提出了自己的独到见解,从而使其军队建设思想形成了一个系统而完整的体系.  相似文献   

Despite the recent focus on the problem of the recruitment and use of child soldiers, there is still no clarity on the criminal liability of child soldiers who participate in conflict. In this article, we analyze the criminal liability of child soldiers against the historical background child soldiers. This aritle reports on its prevalence, and discusses the international legal framework liability. We pose the question whether the dual status of child soldiers as victims and perpetrators negatively impacts their criminal liability and whether it may in fact hamper the attainment of justice.  相似文献   

Suicides among U.S. Army soldiers are increasing and, in January 2009, outpaced deaths due to combat. For this study, 1,873 army suicides identified through death, inpatient, and emergency room records were matched with 5,619 controls. In multivariate models, older, male, White, single, and enlisted soldiers with a prior injury (OR = 2.04, 95% CI = 1.64‐2.54), alcohol (OR = 3.41, 95% CI = 2.32‐4.99), or mental health hospitalization (OR = 6.62, 95% CI = 4.77‐9.20) were at increased risk for suicide. Risk was greatest immediately following diagnoses, but remained elevated even after 5 or more years of follow‐up. Most injury hospitalizations were unintentional but, nonetheless, significantly associated with suicide. Interactions indicate soldiers with both mental health and injury history are particularly vulnerable.  相似文献   

Implicit attitudes and explicit attitudes toward men and women and toward male soldiers and female soldiers were assessed in fifth-graders (28 male, 31 female) and college students (43 male, 42 female). Women were rated more positively than men on an explicit attitude measure. Similarly, female soldiers were rated more positively than male soldiers, except among college men, who were pro-male soldier. Different results emerged from an Implicit Association Test using names of men and women (general gender condition) or of male soldiers and female soldiers (soldier name condition). Latencies indicated pro-female attitudes in the soldier name condition and among women and college students. Error rates also indicated pro-female attitudes, except for a pro-male preference among men in the general gender condition. Reasons that implicit and explicit attitude measures may produce such divergent results are discussed.  相似文献   

We used administrative data to examine predictors of medically documented suicide ideation (SI) among Regular Army soldiers from 2006 through 2009 (N = 10,466 ideators, 124,959 control person‐months). Enlisted ideators (97.8% of all cases) were more likely than controls to be female, younger, older when entering service, less educated, never or previously deployed, and have a recent mental health diagnosis. Officer ideators were more likely than controls to be female, younger, younger when entering service, never married, and have a recent mental health diagnosis. Risk among enlisted soldiers peaked in the second month of service and declined steadily, whereas risk among officers remained relatively stable over time. Risk of SI is highest among enlisted soldiers early in Army service, females, and those with a recent mental health diagnosis.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(2):149-167
Since the end of the Cold War, nontraditional military missions have increased substantially, whereas armies, like many other work organizations, are being downsized. In many instances, survivors of downsizing are being called on to do more with less. One example was the unscheduled 1994 deployment of a PATRIOT missile battalion to Korea. This article presents data drawn from surveys of soldiers in the first PATRIOT battalion sent to South Korea and of soldiers in the battalion that replaced them. Although both PATRIOT battalions were quite similar in many respects, the soldiers in the first battalion sent to Korea had been told that they would not be deployed again for 2 years, had less warning of their deployment, and had seen more deployments than the second battalion sent to Korea. In both battalions, the best predictor of morale for younger solders (E4 and below) was family adjustment to Army life; the best predictor of morale for older soldiers (E5 and above) was leadership support for soldiers. However, the data revealed that both junior and senior enlisted soldiers in the first battalion had significantly lower morale and family adjustment ratings than the soldiers sent to replace them. Findings reinforce the importance of communication with the survivors of organizational downsizing and consideration of the needs of their families as their jobs undergo restructuring. They also suggest that, with increased operational tempo, soldiers’ needs may vary by rank; family adjustment issues may be exacerbated forjunior troops, whereas other family issues become more salient for senior enlisted troops.  相似文献   

The present study examined the timing of suicide and its associated soldier background and postinvestigative events among deployed Army National Guard (ARNG) soldiers from calendar years 2007 through 2014. Suicide deaths were nearly equally distributed between soldiers who had been deployed and those who had not. Among those deployed, however, suicides occurred mostly 1 year or more after having returned from deployment. Soldier background and postsuicide investigative events were associated with the timing of suicide. Having more years of military service, more previous deployments, and being married were associated with in-theater suicides. Soldiers younger in age (17–24 years), single, nonprior service, and lower in rank, in addition to having parent-family conflicts, full-time employment problems, and military transition problems were associated with suicides that had occurred 1–120 days and 120–365 days since return from deployment. Soldiers aged (24–29 years), married, and higher in rank, along with more reported problems including past behavioral health conditions, postdeployment behavior health referrals, criminal behaviors, and military performance were associated with suicides that had occurred 1 year or more after return. Findings likely represent time periods of suicide vulnerability for identifiable groups of soldiers, based on soldier background and events surrounding the suicide. Practical and theoretical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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