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The aim of the present study was to test the gender-role congruency hypothesis in the context of assumed leadership. Three hundred and forty-two female and 154 male Dutch students participated in a laboratory experiment. We expected that gender-role incongruent leaders would be evaluated less favorably than gender-role congruent leaders and that male subjects would devalue the gender-role incongruent leaders to a greater extent than would female subjects. In addition, we were interested in the relative contribution of the effectiveness and likability measures to the devaluation of gender-role incongruent leaders. The gender-role congruency hypothesis was supported by the data from male subjects only, and then only for the effectiveness measures. The results are discussed in the context of two meta-analyses concerning the impact of gender stereotypes on judgments of competence and evaluation of leaders.  相似文献   

In a replication of a study by Taylor and Falcone (Cognitive Bases of Stereotyping: The Relationship Between Categorization and Prejudice, Personality and Social Psychology bulletin, 1982, 8, 426–432), subjects (n=161) listened to videotapes of three males and three females in a staged discussion of ways to increase voter turnout. Subjects subsequently attempted to identify which speaker had made each of the suggestions offered during the discussion. In confirmation of Taylor and Falcone, both sexes made significantly more within-sex than cross-sex attribution errors, suggesting the importance of gender in processing information. Subjects also rated the speakers on items reflecting their likability and their competence. Contrary to Taylor and Falcone, no promale prejudice effects were found. Relationships were also determined between the dependent variables and subjects' scores on a measure of sex role attitudes and on the M (instrumentality) and F (expressiveness) scales of the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI; S. L. Bem, The Measurement of Psychological Androgyny, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1974, 42, 155–162) and the Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ; J. T. Spence, R. Helmreich, and J. Stapp, The Personal Attributes Questionnaire: A Measurement of Sex-Role Stereotypes and Masculinity-Femininity, JAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 1974, 4, 143). No Significant BSRI or PAQ effects emerged, thus failing to replicate either the results for within-sex errors reported by Taylor and Falcone or those subsequently reported by Frable and Bem (If You Are Gender Schematic, All Members of the Opposite Sex Look Alike, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1985, 49, 459–468).The authors wish to thank Glenn Cunningham, who served as experimenter along with the first author.  相似文献   

Two studies compared the effects of masculinity and femininity on rater and ratee evaluations of emergent leader behavior in mixed- and same-sex groups. Data were collected in two consensus-seeking studies using the same procedures; only the gender composition of the task groups was changed. The first study was composed of 39 female and 21 male students in 15 mixed-sex groups, and the second study included 96 female students in 22 same-sex groups. Masculinity and femininity were measured with the Bem Sex Role Inventory [L. Bem, (1974) The Measurement of Psychology Androgyny, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 42, pp. 155–162]. Contrary to research and theory, masculinity was not associated with peer-rated leadership, yet femininity was correlated with two measures of self-rated leadership.  相似文献   

Subject/observers were accurate in identifying emergent leadership hierarchies on four leadership dimensions when provided records of target groups' meetings containing only verbal communications, only nonverbal communications, or both types of behavior. With knowledge of participation rates controlled by covariance, the subject/observers' accuracy scores retained significance in three of the information conditions demonstrating the presence of verbal and nonverbal leadership cues independent of participation rates. The value of verbal and nonverbal communications to identifying leaders varied with the type of leadership hierarchy being identified. The findings are presumed to hold for leader selection as well. The author proposes that the question of why a group member has emerged to fulfill a leadership role in a group be studied from the point of view of group members' selecting leaders or permitting emergence rather than leaders emitting behaviors.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of gender-role identity on interpersonal perceptions of communicative competence in a natural setting over an extended period of time. After working in small task-oriented groups for 15 weeks, 146 students (74 females, 72 males) completed a questionnaire containing measures of gender-role identity (Bem Sex Role Inventory) and communicative competence [J. M. Wieman, Explication and test of a model of communicative competence. Human Communication Research, 1977, 3, 195–213]. A three-way ANOVA (masculinity, femininity, gender) was used for analysis. Predictions based on prior models were only partially supported. Findings suggest that gender-role identity functions in more complex ways than prior models suggest. For all dimensions of communicative competence, gender-role identity resulted in different patterns for males and females. Furthermore, comparisons of self- vs other-perceptions indicate the possibility that one model may hold for self-perceptions and another for other-perceptions.The authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments contributed by Kenneth R. Wilson and Kristina Troost.  相似文献   

Biological sex has been assumed to be a basic category that importantly influences perceptions people have of others. However, it has recently been proposed that there are individual differences in this presumed generic propensity to use sex in person perception — that some people have schemas with regard to sex and gender, whereas others do not. Prior attempts to demonstrate these differences have frequently operationalized their variables in such a way that activation of hypothesized elaborate and dense gender schemas (schemas relating to psychological masculinity and femininity) could not be disentangled from activation of very shallow schemas related simply to biological sex or sex stereotypes. This study provides initial support for the conceptual distinction between cognitive processing based on biological sex vs. psychological gender. Independent manipulation of both sex-stereotyped information and less salient, nonstereotyped gender-relevant behavioral cues demonstrated that two levels of cognitive operation seem to be used. All subjects, regardless of gender role, used surface information regarding biological sex to make inferences regarding targets' masculinity and femininity. However, only some subjects made use of gender-related behavioral cues when assessing masculinity and femininity on indirect measures. Masculine males demonstrated their expertise in sex appropriateness in judging a male target who behaved sex appropriately, whereas cross-sex-typed subjects demonstrated expertise in sex inappropriateness in judgments of a male target who behaved sex inappropriately. The results are consistent with self-schema theory predictions regarding individual differences in schematic processing.An earlier report of this research was presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, 1987, and additionally received Honorable Mention in the 1986 Association of Women in Psychology/APA Division 35 Student Research Competition. This research was supported by university funds to the second author, and was completed while the first author was at the University of California, Berkeley. The authors would like to thank Lauren Heim, Brad Elman, and Rosa Shen for their assistance with data collection and coding, and Sheri Matteo and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the question of how listeners recognize coarticulated phonemes. The problem is approached from a pattern classification perspective. First, the potential acoustical effects of coarticulation are defined in terms of the patterns that form the input to a classifier. Next, a categorization model called HICAT is introduced that incorporates hierarchical dependencies to optimally deal with this input. The model allows the position, orientation, and steepness of one phoneme boundary to depend on the perceived value of a neighboring phoneme. It is argued that, if listeners do behave like statistical pattern recognizers, they may use the categorization strategies incorporated in the model. The HICAT model is compared with existing categorization models, among which are the fuzzylogical model of perception and Nearey’s diphone-biased secondary-cue model. Finally, a method is presented by which categorization strategies that are likely to be used by listeners can be predicted from distributions of acoustical cues as they occur in natural speech.  相似文献   

Couples group therapy should be considered as a primary treatment for marital couples whose dysfunctional interaction is rigidified and chronic. A gender-linked perspective for treatment is developed which expands a psychodynamic approach underscoring power as one of the central issues in marital conflict. Clinical vignettes from couples groups illustrate this model. A gender orientation facilitates the psychodynamic group process, decreases unrealistic expectations of the spouse, and encourages greater acceptance of male/female and individual differences. In this setting, individuals are able to develop new and more functional modes of interaction with their spouses, which generate an increased sense of empowerment.Excerpts from this paper were presented at the American Family Therapy Association meeting in Montreal, 1988.The authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments of Henry Grunebaum, M.D., and Fred Sander, M.D.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of sex and gender role characteristics on emergent leader effectiveness ratings in small task groups. Data were collected on two occasions from 122 subjects in 28 mixed-sex groups performing sex-neutral tasks for valued rewards over many weeks of interaction. Results showed that there were neither significant differences between effectiveness evaluations received by male and female leaders, nor among ratings received by leaders with masculine, feminine, or androgynous gender role orientations. However, individuals with androgynous gender role orientations gave significantly higher effectiveness evaluations than individuals with masculine or feminine gender role orientations.  相似文献   

A feeling of chaos can accompany many real-life events over which we have little or no control, and latent developmental needs may create tension that manifests in symptoms of depression or anxiety. Particularly at critical life transitions, conflicts may arise which have no obvious solution. From an analytic perspective, recent scientific models from the area of complexity theory can prove illuminating as analogies to Jung's archetypal view of the individuation process. Throughout life, human beings, like many complex, open systems, pass from disordered phases to more complex stages of order. This paper shows how the scientific concept of self-organization can be compared with our physical and psychological developmental processes. From embryology, the model of the 'epigenetic landscape' (C.H. Waddington) is introduced as an analogy to Jung's individuation process, with a clinical example to illustrate these parallels. The emergent nature of behaviour and development is seen from the viewpoint of the organism as a dynamical system, and Jung's concept of the archetype viewed as an emergent property of the activity of the brain/mind.  相似文献   

The domain approach of Turiel and colleagues has emerging as the dominant paradigm in the field of social development, moral development in particular. If it is proven correct, Piaget's and Kohlberg's structural accounts of moral development must be radically modified and possibly even discarded. After an introduction where we set the context for our critical view, this study has three parts. In the first part, we present the main propositions of the domain approach. In the second part, we show that despite of its strengths, the domain approach suffers from several conceptual and methodological flaws. In the third part, we summarize the main ideas of our analysis, suggest avenues for future research, and articulate what can be learned for future research from our critique of the domain approach. Our main conclusion is that the domain approach should be seen more as complementary rather than an alternative to, existing accounts of moral development. Thus, despite some of its insights and power to stimulate empirical research and theoretical debate, the domain approach is not yet an unquestionable and complete alternative to existing accounts of moral development because of its conceptual and methodological flaws.  相似文献   

The majority of social perception research to date has focused on perceptually obvious and prototypical representations of social categories. However, not all people belong to social categories that are easily discernable. Within the past decade, there has been an upsurge of research demonstrating that multifaceted identities (both one's own and perceptions of others' identities) influence people to think about social categories in a more flexible manner. Here, we specifically review research on multiracial identity and perceptions of multiracial individuals as 2 domains where researchers have documented evidence of the flexible nature of social identities and social categorization. Integrating frameworks that argue race is a dynamic and interactive process, we provide evidence that studying multiracial perceivers and targets helps reveal that race changes across situations, time, and depending on a number of top‐down factors (e.g., expectations, stereotypes, and cultural norms). From the perspective of multiracial individuals as perceivers, we review research showing that flexible identity in multiracial individuals influences the process of social perception driven by a reduced belief in the essential nature of racial categories. From the perspective of multiracial individuals as targets, we review research that top‐down cues influence the racial categorization process. We further discuss emerging work that reveals that exposure to multiracial individuals influences beliefs surrounding the categorical (or noncategorical) nature of race, itself. Needed directions for future work are discussed.  相似文献   

In this review, we discuss the most commonly used models to analyze dyadic longitudinal data. We start the review with a definition of dyadic longitudinal data that allows relationship researchers to identify when these models might be appropriate. Then, we go on to describe the three major models commonly used when one has dyadic longitudinal data: the dyadic growth curve model (DGCM), the actor–partner interdependence model (APIM), and the common fate growth model (CFGM). We discuss when each model might be used and strengths and weaknesses of each model. We end with additional thoughts that focus on extensions to new methods being discussed in the literature, along with some of the challenges of collecting and analyzing dyadic longitudinal data that might be helpful for future dyadic researchers.  相似文献   

This article presents a critical review of the term and concept of nonverbal learning disability (NLD). After a brief historical introduction, the article focuses on the apparent rarity of NLD; the hypothesis of the frequent co-occurrence of emotional disorder, depression, and suicide in NLD; the white matter hypothesis as an explanation of the origin of NLD; and the question of NLD as part of a variety of other disorders. It is argued that NLD presents a broad hypothesis, but that there is little evidence to support its use in clinical practice.  相似文献   

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