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宗教伦理视野中的生态大系统是一个相互联系、有机结合的动态活性大系统。它不仅是一个无所不包的整体 ,任何生命体均只是地球生命圈中的一部分 ,而且各部分与其他部分处于有机联系的伦理关系网络之中。这种生态系统的良性循环与和谐发展不仅是宗教生态伦理的内在要求 ,更是人类可持续发展的需要。在创建人类理想家园、人类新文明的进程中 ,宗教生态伦理思想 ,将愈益显示其不可忽视的强大内力  相似文献   

响水、滨海、阜宁三县是盐城市的贫困县,响水、滨海两县还是江苏省的重点扶贫县。响、滨、阜三县的基督教活动堂点有314处,基督教信徒8万余人,信徒占总人口的3.6%。这部分群众主要分布在农村,其中很多人因病、因贫生活比较困难。为此,我们在全面贯彻执行党的...  相似文献   

张文全 《天风》1994,(11):29-30
云南省禄劝彝族苗族自治县委统战部、县宗教局在县委、县政府及上级主管部门的领导和支持下,全面正确贯彻执行和落实党的宗教信仰自由政策,坚决反对和纠正了歧视信教群众的言行。在合理安排宗教活动堂点。  相似文献   

徐一鸿 《天风》2010,(11):43-44
<正>上世纪80年代初,我入伍参军,时年18周岁。1986年回到蚌埠工作,出于心灵空虚,常常沉迷于其他宗教以及一些迷信的道理之中,寒来暑往,转眼就是十多年的光阴过去。因为专心此间,很少关心父母亲人的生活,对家人没有爱心的慰问沟通,还因在工作中复杂的人际关系而带来了很多困惑和积怨,进而为排遣内心的孤独渐渐爱上了饮酒。从偶尔喝到每日  相似文献   


尊敬的女士们、先生们、朋友们:大家好!今天,我非常高兴来到美丽的新加坡,参加由中新两国宗教界联合举办的宗教文化展这一重大活动。籍此宝贵机会,我愿与大家分享近年来中国天主教为构建和谐社会所做的努力。旨在与来自宗教界的朋友们一起,共同探讨宗教如何为世界和平、和谐作贡献这一个重要课题。  相似文献   

陈丰盛 《天风》2013,(10):56-56
我经常使用QQ,在网上与人交流。但很多时候选择"隐身",当名副其实的"潜水员",这样的好处是,人在明处,我在暗处,我随时可找人,人却不一定会找我,从而少受干扰,安全地躲在"幕"后。  相似文献   

边巴次仁 《法音》2010,(3):59-60
<正>本刊讯74岁的藏族老人查果终于得到了色拉寺"色拉崩钦"——金刚杵的加持。为此,老人从10日早晨5点钟就已经来到色拉寺排队等候。2月10日上午,色拉寺一年一度的金刚杵加持宗教活动正式开  相似文献   

张燕琴 《天风》2011,(2):37-38
2011-2话题|关注外来务工信徒"致天下之民,聚天下之货"的北京城,作为全国的首都和特大城市之一,随着改革开放的步伐逐渐加快,涌入了大量的外来人口。而北京市丰台区因其特殊的地理位置——城乡接合处、低廉的房租,再加上涵盖了两个批发中心(木樨园服装批发中心、新发地果蔬批发中心),  相似文献   

谢炳国 《天风》2009,(4):47-47
最亲密的朋友——耶稣基督 耶稣说:“我乃称你们为朋友,因我从父所听见的,已经都告诉你们了。”(约15:15)《恩友歌》人人喜爱,让人感动、鼓舞及安慰。  相似文献   

This article proposes and develops an analysis of Mr Miyagi's educational philosophy in The Karate Kid. It suggests that this fictional tale, this story of an especially intense learning experience, captures and expresses an important synthesis of both traditional and more recent developments in educational theory, and that it also points the religious educator into a new realm of considerations. After a brief introduction, the author considers two influential scenes from the film and discusses four prominent Miyagi standards. Through these general principles, and through a look at the resource selection methods used, the author links the method under investigation to the ‘sage‐disciple’ pattern of study and reflects on the usefulness of this approach for contemporary religious educators.  相似文献   

A number of authors have suggested that education mediates the negative effect of intelligence on religiosity. However, there is very little direct evidence for this mediation, and the indirect evidence is contradictory. The results of the current paper suggest that, by and large, education does not mediate the effect of intelligence on religiosity. However, the results also suggest that since education has a positive effect on religiosity when religious background is strong and a negative effect when religious background is weak, and since intelligence has a positive effect on education, the negative effect of intelligence on religiosity is stronger when religious background is strong than when it is weak. We examine this mediated moderation model in two large, nationally representative, databases.  相似文献   

关于儒教的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儒教定义问题的争论实质上是围绕儒、儒家(儒生)、儒学、儒教以及国家(宗法)制度之间关系而展开的。儒教的主要特征表现为:神灵崇拜的多元化与一体化、有序化;宗教活动与政治活动的密切关联;独特的兼容性和适应性使得它在整个封建社会里处于国教的地位;出世与入世相统一,“内圣”与“外王”相表里。儒教历史作用和影响是一个动态的过程,它伴随着其国教地位的逐步巩固而渐渐体现出来。  相似文献   

This study estimated the relationship between followers' locus of control and organizational citizenship behaviors for a sample of 375 government employees, whose M age was 46 yr. 53% were women; 42% earned bachelor's degrees. Analyses showed a significant positive correlation of .35 between followers' locus of control and their organizational behaviors. More complex models and research designs are necessary to generalize.  相似文献   

Summary The discrepancy between the capabilities of perceptual systems and effector systems makes mechanisms necessary that can selectively designate a subset of the perceptual information available to control an action. In vision, since foveation is neither sufficient nor necessary for this selection, central selection mechanisms have to be postulated. This study is concerned with the question of at what level this central selection takes place in one type of task, the partial-report bar-probe task. Two theories are relevant: early selection theories, asserting that central selection operates in a stage containing rapidly decaying precategorical visual information, and late selection theories, arguing that central selection operates in a stage containing abstract categorical information. A prediction following from the assumptions of early selection theories, but not of late selection theories, is that in bar-probe tasks the function relating the number of visual confusions to probe delays has to exhibit an inverted-U shape. This prediction was tested in five experiments, two with colors as items and three with letters. In all experiments, the proportion of visual confusions first increased with increasing probe delays and then decreased with still larger probe delays. The results support the early selection theories for small probe delays. For larger probe delays, late selection has to be postulated.  相似文献   

Do followers perform better when their leader expresses anger or when their leader expresses happiness? We propose that this depends on the follower's level of agreeableness. Anger is associated with hostility and conflict-states that are at odds with agreeable individuals' goals. Happiness facilitates affiliation and positive relations-states that are in line with agreeable individuals' goals. Accordingly, the two studies we conducted showed that agreeableness moderates the effects of a leader's emotional displays. In a scenario study, participants with lower levels of agreeableness responded more favorably to an angry leader, whereas participants with higher levels of agreeableness responded more favorably to a neutral leader. In an experiment involving four-person teams, teams composed of participants with lower average levels of agreeableness performed better when their leader expressed anger, whereas teams composed of participants with higher average levels of agreeableness performed better when their leader expressed happiness. Team performance was mediated by experienced workload, which was highest among agreeable followers with an angry leader. Besides having important practical implications, the findings shed new light on the fundamental question of how emotional expressions regulate social behavior.  相似文献   

Although most if not all human activities may be matters of passionate pursuit, it is less clear that emotions and feelings are inherently implicated in such pursuit: on the contrary, chemistry, cookery, sculpture or football might be effectively pursued without any significant or substantial emotional involvement. On the other hand, it seems less easy to see how religious experience or even religious understanding might be an entirely dispassionate or emotionally disengaged affair. That said, it is far from easy to identify the role of emotion and feeling in religious faith or understanding on some familiar conceptions of religious knowledge and discourse. This paper sets out to explore the place of feeling and emotion in religious experience and understanding via specific attention to the basically narratival form of religious discourse and its connections to wider forms of literary expression.  相似文献   

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