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This study aimed to objectively summarize the parameters for evaluating the center-of-foot pressure and to select useful parameters with high reliability and validity with 220 healthy university students. In addition, 50 healthy university students were selected to examine cross validity. The measurement of center-of-foot pressure was carried out 3 times with a 1-min. rest and the mean of Trials 2 and 3 was used for the analysis. The data sampling frequency was 20 Hz. 34 parameters were selected from 6 domains: distance, distribution, area, velocity, spectrum, and vector. As a result of factor analysis the following four factors were interpreted: unit time sway, front-back sway, left-right sway and high frequency band sway. Their intraclass correlation coefficients were very high (ICC=.89-.95). Five parameters representing each factor were selected using stepwise selection by regression analysis. There were no significant differences between the mean factor scores estimated by the above five parameters in the original and in cross-validity groups, and relationships between factors in both groups were very high. The center-of-foot pressure may be predicted and systematically evaluated by the above four factors. Five parameters selected from each factor are considered to be useful ones with high validity and practicability.  相似文献   

Timing accuracy in presenting experimental stimuli (visual information on a PC or on a TV) and responding (keyboard presses and mouse signals) is of importance in several experimental paradigms. In this article, a simple system for measuring timing accuracy is described. The system uses two PCs (at least Pentium II, 200 MHz), a photocell, and an amplifier. No additional boards and timing hardware are needed. The first PC, a SlavePC, monitors the keyboard presses or mouse signals from the PC under test and uses a photocell that is placed in front of the screen to detect the appearance of visual stimuli on the display. The software consists of a small program running on the SlavePC. The SlavePC is connected through a serial line with a second PC. This MasterPC controls the SlavePC through an ActiveX control, which is used in a Visual Basic program. The accuracy of our system was investigated by using a similar setup of a SlavePC and a MasterPC to generate pulses and by using a pulse generator card. These tests revealed that our system has a 0.01-msec accuracy. As an illustration, the reaction time accuracy of INQUISIT for a few applications was tested using our system. It was found that in those applications that we investigated, INQUISIT measures reaction times from keyboard presses with millisecond accuracy.  相似文献   

Recent experiments have produced mixed results in terms of performance when, after learning a sequential task, the same visual-spatial coordinates or the same motor coordinates were reinstated on a subsequent effector transfer test. Given the diversity of tasks and especially sequence characteristics used in previous experiments, the cross-experimental comparison makes inferences and unambiguous interpretations difficult. The purpose of the present experiment was to determine in a principled manner how the spatio-temporal structure of a sequence influences the way the sequence is represented. The results indicated that after limited amount of practice relatively more simple sequences (S1) are coded more efficiently in a mirror (motor) representation which requires the same pattern of homologous muscle activation. Conversely, relatively more complex sequences (S2) are more efficiently coded in a visual-spatial coordinate system which requires movements to the same spatial locations as during acquisition. The data are also consistent with the notion that sequences with different spatio-temporal structures rely to a different degree on distinct control mechanisms (pre-planned vs. on-line, respectively).  相似文献   

Rhythm and the timing of movement sequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Many motor skills involve a sequence of movements phased over a period of time. The present study investigated the importance of rhythmic timing structures in the acquisition and control of a serial key-pressing task. Four groups of subjects received extensive practice on 9-element finger sequences varying in the form of the inherent temporal structure. Following a training period, the stability of the various timing patterns was examined by requiring subjects to perform the key-pressing task concurrently with a verbal memory task. The memory task involved reporting back a sequence of visually-presented words with a lag of one word. A comparison was made of performance on the two tasks under dual task and control (single task) conditions. The results suggested that natural rhythmic timing structures require less attention for production than unnatural temporal patterns. A breakdown of the temporal patterns into within-group and between-group intervals showed that patterns containing within-group intervals that related as 1:1 or 1:2 evidenced good stability under dual-task conditions. These results were taken as support for the suggestion by Fraisse (1946) that the perception and production of rhythms can be understood by an internal representation that allows only two distinct durations that relate as 1:2. Furthermore, it was suggested that relative timing may become an invariant property of motor program representation only in those instances in which the timing sequence completely fits the internal timing structure.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to determine participants' ability to transfer a learned movement sequence to new spatial locations. A 16-element dynamic arm movement sequence was used in both experiments. The task required participants to move a horizontal lever to sequentially projected targets. Experiment 1 included 2 groups. One group practised a pattern in which targets were located at 20, 40, 60, and 80° from the start position (long sequence). The other group practised a pattern with targets at 20, 26.67, 60, and 80° (mixed sequence). Both groups were tested 24 hours later on the long, mixed, and short sequence. The short sequence was considered a proportional transfer for the long acquisition group because all the amplitudes between targets were reduced by the same proportion. Nonproportional transfer occurred when the amplitudes between targets did not have the same proportions as those for their practice sequence (e.g., long sequence to mixed sequence or vice versa). The results indicated that participants could effectively transfer to new target configurations regardless of whether the transfer required proportional or nonproportional spatial changes to the movement pattern. Experiment 2 assessed the effects of extended practice on proportional and nonproportional spatial transfer. The data indicated that while participants can effectively transfer to both proportional and nonproportional spatial transfer conditions after 1 day of practice, they are only effective at transferring to proportional transfer conditions after 4 days of practice. The results are discussed in terms of the mechanism by which response sequences become increasingly specific over extended practice in an attempt to optimize movement production.  相似文献   

Recent experiments have demonstrated that complex multi-element movement sequences were coded in visual-spatial coordinates even after extensive practice, while relatively simple spatial-temporal movement sequences are coded in motor coordinates after a single practice session. The purpose of the present experiment was to determine if the control process rather than the difficulty of the sequence played a role in determining the pattern of effector transfer. To accomplish this, different concurrent feedback conditions were provided to two groups of participants during practice of the same movement sequence. The results indicated that when concurrent visual feedback was provided during the production of the movement, which was thought to encourage on-line control, the participants performed transfer tests with the contra-lateral limb better when the visual-spatial coordinates were reinstated than when the motor coordinates were reinstated. When concurrent visual feedback was not provided, which was thought to encourage pre-planned control, the opposite was observed. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that the mode of control dictates the coordinate system used to code the movement sequence rather than sequence difficulty or stage of practice as has been proposed.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to determine participants' ability to transfer a learned movement sequence to new spatial locations. A 16-element dynamic arm movement sequence was used in both experiments. The task required participants to move a horizontal lever to sequentially projected targets. Experiment 1 included 2 groups. One group practised a pattern in which targets were located at 20, 40, 60, and 80° from the start position (long sequence). The other group practised a pattern with targets at 20, 26.67, 60, and 80° (mixed sequence). Both groups were tested 24 hours later on the long, mixed, and short sequence. The short sequence was considered a proportional transfer for the long acquisition group because all the amplitudes between targets were reduced by the same proportion. Nonproportional transfer occurred when the amplitudes between targets did not have the same proportions as those for their practice sequence (e.g., long sequence to mixed sequence or vice versa). The results indicated that participants could effectively transfer to new target configurations regardless of whether the transfer required proportional or nonproportional spatial changes to the movement pattern. Experiment 2 assessed the effects of extended practice on proportional and nonproportional spatial transfer. The data indicated that while participants can effectively transfer to both proportional and nonproportional spatial transfer conditions after 1 day of practice, they are only effective at transferring to proportional transfer conditions after 4 days of practice. The results are discussed in terms of the mechanism by which response sequences become increasingly specific over extended practice in an attempt to optimize movement production.  相似文献   

The authors present a new relational Rorschach Test for couples. First, the Rorschach is given individually, then it is administered to the couple together, when they have the task of agreeing on one interpretation for each card. All ten cards are used. The protocols, transcribed from the video tape, are analysed in order to evaluate:
  • the typology of the dyad in the light of the concepts of symmetry and complementarity;

  • communication within the dyad in terms of: single messages, single message sequences, and of the evaluation of the subjects capacity to understand each other;

  • data obtained through task performance such as, which partner formulates the interpretation agreed on and which one decides on the interpretation.

An application of the method to a couple, one of whom is alcoholic, is presented.  相似文献   

It is found that a stationary spiral pattern gives an appearance of movement in a flickering light, and, furthermore, that this apparent rotation gives rise to the same kind of after-effect as a spiral actually rotating. The illusion is obtainable over a wide range of conditions. Detailed results are given in the case of six subjects, but a large number of subjects experienced the illusion. The experimenter has as yet found no one who was not subject to the illusion itself. The after-effects are not universally experienced.  相似文献   

When errors of test scoring obey a Poisson frequency law (theoretical considerations suggest that they do), the method described may be used for finding the upper fiducial limits of scoring errors per paper. A criterion is suggested for establishing tolerance limits on scoring errors, and a method is given (1) for finding the probability of being wrong in the statement that the tolerance limit is being met for a given size sample or (2) for finding the size of sample that will make this probability not greater than some fixed value.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the effect of movement time (MT) and movement velocity on the accuracy and initiation of linear timing movements. MTs of 100, 200, 500, 600, and 1000 msec were examined over various distances; timing accuracy decreased with longer MTs and slower average velocities. The velocity effect was independent of MT and occurred when the velocities were above and below about 15 cm/sec. Self-paced initiation times to movement increased directly with MT and inversely as a function of movement velocity. The latency data complement the MT findings in suggesting that average velocity is a key parameter in the initiation and control of discrete timing movements and, that there is some lower velocity below which movement control breaks down.  相似文献   

A running-wheel movement-detection method is described for use with a modified 1350 Commodore mouse and a Commodore 64, is described. The movement-detection method allows for the detection of partial revolutions and direction of movement, but requires no interface equipment. The modified running wheel is discussed as a new technique that may be useful for bridging empirical and theoretical differences between free-operant and discrete-trial runway procedures.  相似文献   

In four experiments we investigated the precision and accuracy with which amateur musicians are able to reproduce sequences of tones varied only temporally, so as to have tone and rest durations constant over sequences, and the tempo varied over the musically meaningful range of 5-0.5 tones per second. Experiments 1 and 2 supported the hypothesis of attentional bias toward having the attack moments, rather than the departure moments, precisely times. Experiment 3 corroborated the hypothesis that inaccurate timing of short interattack intervals is manifested in a lengthening of rests, rather than tones, as a result of larger motor activity during the reproduction of rests. Experiment 4 gave some support to the hypothesis that the shortening of long interattack intervals is due to mnemonic constraints affecting the rests rather than the tones. Both theoretical and practical consequences of the various findings, particularly with respect to timing in musical performance, are discussed.  相似文献   

Rats with medial prefrontal cortex or sham control lesions were tested on an eight-arm radial maze task to examine memory for the temporal order of a variable and a constant sequence of spatial locations as a function of temporal distance. During the study phase of each trial, rats were allowed to visit each of eight arms once in an order that was randomly selected or fixed for that trial. The test phase required the rats to choose which of two arms occurred earlier in the sequence of arms visited during the study phase. The arms selected as test arms varied according to temporal distance (0, 2, 4, or 6) or the number of arms that occurred between the two test arms in the study phase. For the variable sequences based on new information, control rats showed an increasing temporal distance function. Relative to control rats, medial prefrontal cortex-lesioned rats displayed a temporal order memory deficit across all distances. For the constant sequence based on familiar information, control rats performed well across all distances. Relative to controls, the medial prefrontal cortex-lesioned rats displayed a performance deficit. The results support the idea that the medial prefrontal cortex contributes to mnemonic operations associated with temporal order for new and familiar spatial location information.  相似文献   

The effects of instructed movement speed were investigated in two experiments. First, rapid-timing and single-aiming movement tasks were compared. Unlike rapid timing, single aiming implies spatial accuracy. The aim of the first experiment was twofold: (a) to examine whether the requirement of accurate placement termination in single aiming affects the negative relationship between instructed average velocity and reaction time found in rapid timing, and (b) to test the speed-accuracy relationships predicted by the symmetric impulse variability model of these movement tasks. For this purpose, four average velocities (5, 24, 75, and 140 cm/s) were investigated in both types of movement tasks in a two-choice reaction task. The effects of average velocity on reaction time were similar in both single-aiming and rapid-timing tasks, and the predicted linear relationship between instructed average velocity and spatial accuracy was not found. The results suggest that the movement control mode, that is, open loop or closed loop, interferes with effects of instructed average velocity. The movement control mode explanation was confirmed in the second experiment with respect to the effect of paired velocities on reaction time. It is argued that the type of movement control mode must be considered in the interpretation of effects of instructed average velocity on reaction time and spatiotemporal measures.  相似文献   

Although researchers generally accept the proposition that movement costs are taken into account in the planning of voluntary movements, there is no established psychophysical method for estimating such costs. The authors tested and introduce a possible method. Participants were given every possible pair of tasks from a set of tasks that varied along one or more dimensions. In each trial, they indicated which task was easier to perform. The authors used participants' probability of preferring any given task over others to estimate the judged relative cost (JRC) of that task, and they used the JRCs of all the tasks to quantify the relation between task preference and task properties. The method was applied in 3 experiments in which university students (Experiment 1, N = 20; Experiment 2, N = 40; Experiment 3, N = 20) chose which spatial target to move to in carrying an object from one position to another. The data were consistent with the hypothesis that the JRC of moving an object increases with the degree to which the object must be translated and rotated. The simplicity of the method encourages its application to a wide range of questions about motor behavior.  相似文献   

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