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Counselors should engineer extending and corrective experiences for their counselees. If appropriately selected, such experiences can prove a powerful adjunct to the more traditional one-to-one counseling relationship. Ways are pointed out in which counselors can use school and community experiences to accomplish guidance goals  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a survey that elicited the responses of counselors and psychologists to six licensure issues.  相似文献   

School counselors must integrate a primary prevention approach into their consultation experiences. Consultation strategies consistent with an effective primary prevention and developmental model are presented.  相似文献   

Adoption is an area of professional specialization that has resided primarily with social workers. However, with some additional training, many counselors can acquire the expertise to provide service to members of the adoption triad: birthparents, adoptive parents, and adoptees. This article provides an overview of the major issues that may arise in the lives of triad members and suggests ways in which counselors can be equipped to respond to those issues.  相似文献   

This study explored counselors’ conceptualization and use of encouragement as a therapeutic tool. Responses to two questions from 100 South Korean youth counselors were analyzed using consensual qualitative research–modified. As a result, six categories emerged under each domain. Implications for counseling and future studies are discussed. Este estudio exploró la conceptualización y el uso del apoyo como herramienta terapéutica por parte los consejeros. Usando el método modificado de investigación cualitativa consensual, se analizaron las respuestas proporcionadas a dos preguntas por 100 consejeros surcoreanos que trabajan con jóvenes. Como resultado, surgieron seis categorías bajo cada dominio. Se discuten las implicaciones para la consejería e investigaciones futuras.  相似文献   

Among a number of mental health needs is that of additional manpower for providing traditional counseling/psychotherapeutic services. An intramural NIMH pilot training program, conducted by Rioch, aimed at this problem through the training of mature, bright, socially sensitive women who had raised families of their own. The women so trained have been employed in various mental health settings over the past three years. The results of this program have been under continuous study during this three-year period. Methods of study have included inventories, tapes, and ratings. Considerable weight was given to evaluations by supervisors and by co-workers in the various agencies. The results indicate these women to be providing quite creditable professional counseling and psychotherapy. The implications for mental health manpower are numerous and are discussed at some length.  相似文献   

Twenty years ago, futurists examined the changing role of the school counselor and forecasted what the 21st‐century school counselor would need to know. This article forecasts the future of school counseling in the next 20 years by focusing on expected diversity of K‐12 students. Speculation on student enrollment based on projected trends and extrapolated data is used to describe the professional knowledge, awareness, and skills school counselors will need to touch the lives of the students of the future.  相似文献   

Using the breath as a vehicle for accessing psychological material is a topic rarely discussed in the counseling literature, despite the use of conscious engagement with the breath by many spiritual traditions for the purpose of personal transformation. This article describes 3 types of conscious breathing (circular breathing, conscious connected breathing, and fast and full breathing) and the use of therapeutic breathwork within the counseling process. The authors describe the many facets of the breathwork experience, provide a case study, and address clinical considerations when engaging in breathwork with clients.  相似文献   

This study was designed to ascertain the perceptions of school counselors and school administrators of the school counselor's activities and the attributes necessary for him to be effective in his role. The findings were interpreted to suggest that differences that exist between the perceptions of counselors and administrators tend to be in the degree to which they view certain activities or attributes as important. Ranking of activities and the attributes by both groups tended to be similar but differences were found to exist between the mean scores of counselors and administrators in various areas. Sources of discrepancy were discussed as possibly relating to the need for counselors to establish clearer priorities for their activities and the administrators' perception of the counselor as fundamentally a quasi-administrator of guidance services.  相似文献   

With the stage set by the overview of supervision models in the previous paper, thispaper now presents the development and evolution of a currently ongoing leader-ledsupervision group for experienced genetic counselors. I discuss the procedures forgetting started; the creation and maintenance of the contract; typical issues and themesconsidered; the format for case presentation; and the overall growth of the group and itsmembers.  相似文献   

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