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伦理生态视阈中的医学伦理精神诠释与建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于本体思维的"原子式探讨"不能实现医学伦理精神的现代建构。由本体伦理思维到伦理生态思维的道德哲学范式转换为探讨医学伦理精神提供了新的思维向度和价值资源。伦理生态视阈中的医学伦理精神是一个多维、多层次的张力系统,其建构在于:重建伦理主体的自身精神生态、"医学伦理—卫生经济"政策生态、医学伦理—社会文化生态。  相似文献   

基于本体思维的"原子式探讨"不能实现医学伦理精神的现代建构.由本体伦理思维到伦理生态思维的道德哲学范式转换为探讨医学伦理精神提供了新的思维向度和价值资源.伦理生态视阈中的医学伦理精神是一个多维、多层次的张力系统,其建构在于:重建伦理主体的自身精神生态、"医学伦理-卫生经济"政策生态、医学伦理-社会文化生态.  相似文献   

当代医药文化是科技、经济与人文一体的复杂系统,其伦理精神应当集焦点于人,以实现医药科技为人的基本价值和目的;伦理精神是医药文化内在制度的核心,医药行业的良好秩序依赖于伦理精神及基于它的合理制度。在“现代性”的背景下,面临被“解构”的医药文化伦理精神建构更应侧重伦理的规范化和制度化,制度与德性共行,共同促进我国当代医药文化伦理精神的建构。  相似文献   

土地职业伦理:内涵、现实缺失与建设途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地职业伦理是现代职业伦理建设的一个重要方面.是土地法治的伦理基础.但是目前在我国的职业伦理建设中却出现土地职业伦理的缺失,这既不利于人地关系的和谐发展,又对现代伦理建设职业化趋势造成阻碍.加强土地职业伦理研究和教育,完善土地职业伦理考评体系和监督机制,建立土地职业行为准则,繁荣传统土地伦理文化是目前填补土地职业伦理缺失的重要途径.  相似文献   

我国的医学职业精神重构是一项庞大的系统工程,目前的第一要务是营造良好的医学伦理生态,而要达到上述近远期目标,则必须从颠覆医学职业潜规则起步。颠覆是破,营造是立,二者相辅相成,而且都需要从认识的困惑与误区中走出来,都需要政府、卫生行政管理部门及其官员、医院院长和一线医务人员的同心协力。其中,政府、卫生行政管理部门及其官员合乎医学职业精神的积极作为是最为关键的首要环节。  相似文献   

公务员应当是社会正义的维护者、公共精神的践行者、伦理道德的垂范者,应当遵循公益至上、公而忘私、公道正派、严谨勤政、廉洁高效的角色道德规范.公务员在角色扮演中存在着多重角色、公共利益与个人私利、权力与权利、人格的独立性与依附性之间的冲突,以及角色扮演中的角色定位混乱、权力运用偏差、责任担当不足、道德修养欠缺等问题,对此,可以通过社会调控以及公务员的道德自觉加以解决和克服.  相似文献   

从环境立法的价值取向来看,自然权利难以作为环境伦理的核心范畴,也难以作为环境法规的操作性概念;环境权在司法实践中面临着实然性确立问题和确定环境权受到损害的请求问题。国际环境法规在创制方面,它的目标及价值宣示与其执行中所具备的技术、方法、手段不相匹配,可操作性差;在立法利益基础方面,它在名义上是为了维护人类共同利益的结果,而实际上是各种利益主体为了自身利益相妥协的产物。环境伦理的制度化困境意味着环境伦理的实现绝不是平坦之途,但也并不否定环境制度对于环境伦理的承载和转化功能。  相似文献   

从深刻反思“医跑跑”事件入手,认为医学职业精神的制度性缺失是“医跑跑”出现的重要原因,并从目前许多医疗界制度医学职业精神的价值取向不高,医学职业精神制度供给不足,医学职业精神制度适应不强三方面的缺陷分析论证了医疗界制度必须强化医学职业精神,医学职业精神必须是制度内核,并提出相应建议.  相似文献   

小康社会与城市伦理精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面建设小康社会需要一种伦理精神来支撑。本文将塑造城市精神与全面建设小康社会联系起来,认为作为时代进步表征的城市伦理精神是城市精神的核心与灵魂,是全面建设小康社会的精神动力和基本价值目标。目前,我们全面建设小康社会特别需要高扬八大城市伦理精神;从当代社会变化的实际出发,着力培育与时代进步契合的城市伦理精神的具体途径。  相似文献   

论和谐伦理精神   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
和谐伦理精神是和谐伦理的高度凝练,它对伦理关系、伦理行为和制度伦理的和谐程度和发展具有引领作用.和谐伦理关系是和谐伦理精神在人与自然、人与人、人与社会、人与自身的伦理关系中的具体体现.和谐伦理行为是和谐伦理精神的"内化于心、外践于行",是和谐伦理精神在人们行为方式上的体现.和谐的制度伦理不仅对和谐伦理精神的实现起着保障和促进作用,而且是和谐伦理精神转化为现实行为的价值导向和评价体系.  相似文献   

本文从中国社会和谐发展来探究基督宗教与儒家精神的意义及作用,对之展开比较研究。基于"和谐"这一核心观念,文章一方面将对作为中国"和而不同"这一社会共在及相互交往之基础的儒家精神修养及其"仁爱"观念进行分析,另一方面则对基督宗教所追求的精神超越及其信仰传统中神人关系的"彩虹"之约所展示的"和谐"蕴涵加以阐述。本文认为,"和谐"观念作为中国基本社会交往的理论、及其所指导的历史实践,在一定程度上有着内在的宗教境界及情趣,因此,不应该将儒家精神与宗教精神截然区别开来;并进而指出,儒家"仁"、"礼"观念体系中均有"宗教性"的因素,其"仁爱"之说亦与基督宗教"上帝是爱"的观念有许多相似之处,因而二者可以比较、对话。本文为此阐述了儒家精神修养与基督宗教精神超越的不同,从界说新儒家的"心性之学"来解析其"内在超越"的追求及意义,由此说明了其"现实关照"与"终极关切"的不同意趣,并对"现实性"向"终极性"的升华、以及"圣爱"与"人爱"之互动、"超然"与"内在"之呼应在当代儒家精神复兴与革新中的作用和意义进行了论证。基于这些分析,本文指出,人类所追求的"和谐世界"的确需要"从心开始";而要真正实现"世界和谐",则也应朝向人性修养所想达到的"超越自我"之升华境界。  相似文献   

This article honors Bela H. Banathy's work in social systems design and acknowledges his intellectual, professional, and humanitarian gifts to the system sciences community. The author examines Banathy's epistemology of conscious self-guided evolution and how it has influenced the author's thinking and research in design of educational systems, and in particular the study of education's role as an evolutionary guidance system for civil society. Specifically, the author examines Banathy's notions of evolutionary guidance systems (EGSs) and the design inquiry process. Design conversation is elaborated as a communication method for systems design and as a medium for communicative democracy. The concepts of civil society and democracy are examined in depth, providing an etymological analysis of each as a foundation for civil society as an ideal image. Consideration is given to Banathy's ideas of democracy and the New Agoras as ethical systems for the pursuit of conscious evolution. The author presents his considerations for education as an EGS for conscious evolution of civil society.  相似文献   

道教内丹学的解脱观念有别于传统道教的“肉体飞升”之说 ,而以神气合一的阳神解脱为内丹修炼的目标。本文考察了佛道二教关于“神形”问题的争论对内丹学解脱观念形成的重要影响 ,并阐述了内丹学解脱观念的形成和演变过程。  相似文献   

出生缺陷监测及干预工作应坚持面向整个育龄人群、面向家庭、面向社会、面向高危人群,加强部门合作,建立多部门联手服务模式,形成以计划生育服务体系为基础的出生缺陷一级预防基本平台和以卫生服务体系为基础的二、三级出生缺陷预防基本平台.  相似文献   

心脏死亡器官捐献是目前解决器官移植工作器官短缺的关键性举措,参与器官捐献过程的ICU的医务人员需要直接面临对潜在捐献者的治疗照护、临终护理、死亡判定等诸多伦理问题.应加强ICU医务人员器官捐献伦理知识的普及教育并完善相关法律制度,以保证器官捐献工作的健康、可持续发展.  相似文献   

Strategies used by third and fourth graders to perform simple multiplication problems were examined. Children participated in an interview and then completed a timed production task in which they solved single-digit multiplication problems. Analyses of children's verbal reports and of solution latency data were found to support the view that the acquisition of mental multiplication begins with the use of counting strategies. By the fourth grade, however, there was a marked transition toward the use of a retrieval strategy. Children in both grade levels were found to apply rules to solve problems that involved multiplication by 1 or 0; however, not all students reported using these rules, and those students who did report the use of these rules were not consistent in the application of the rules. Comparisons between groups' and individual subjects' performance revealed that some important individual differences were obscured when the group served as the unit of analysis. Although several discrepancies were noted between the analyses of verbal reports and the analyses of chronometric data, correlations between the two methods were moderately high.  相似文献   

该文对美国赫斯特评估系统公司推出的《赫斯特职业评估系统》(1992年版)作了修订。修订工作自1997始,2000年结束。修订后的10项纸笔测验和8项操作测验中,有2项开发出了计算机测试软件并制作了光盘。标准化样组由江苏省13个地级市随机抽样的1320名被试组成。修订的测验结构效度较好,信度较高。  相似文献   

Marital therapists are regularly confronted with issues of equality and fairness when working with couples. This article examines the social-contextual factors that influence couples' negotations about these issues. A common solution for couples, "the myth of equality," is identified, together with the processes that maintain it. The role of the therapist in relation to gender equality is addressed.  相似文献   

This article discusses how Islamic umbrella organizations advocate for civil rights of immigrants and Muslims in Germany. By focusing on the changing migration and security regimes at the turn of the twenty-first century, it analyzes the political emphasis on perceived “threats” in light of theoretical debates about the “securitization of migration”, and in particular, the role of Islamic organizations as lobbyists which publicly protest against associations being made between the two policy fields. Their public protest is against provisions of the new Nationality Act (2000) and the Immigration Act (2005) that require immigrants to prove German language skills, to be able to support themselves, and to pass naturalization tests as well as against the lack of dual citizenship and local voting rights. In addressing these issues, Islamic umbrella organizations expand their traditional scope of advocacy work to achieve religious rights for Muslim individuals and organizations, such as the official recognition of Islamic umbrella organizations and the introduction of Islamic religious education in public schools.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the Measurement of Acculturation Strategies for People of African Descent (MASPAD), a bidimensional instrument designed to assess acculturation strategies (i.e., Traditionalist, Integrationist, Assimilationist, and Marginalist). Two studies were conducted to describe the development of the MASPAD and to assess its psychometric properties. Data were collected from 367 African American participants in Atlanta, GA; Columbus, OH; Los Angeles; and New York City, NY. The MASPAD consistently produced scores with adequate reliability and independent raters provided initial evidence for face and content validity. Pearson correlation coefficients supported the purported orthogonality of the MASPAD subscales. The MASPAD was found to be a significant predictor of cultural worldview and values. The bidimensional model of acculturation theorized to exist in the MASPAD was supported with a confirmatory factor analysis on data collected from 831 participants. Future directions for this body of research are discussed.  相似文献   

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