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In this article we present an exploratory tool for extracting systematic patterns from multivariate data. The technique, hierarchical segmentation (HS), can be used to group multivariate time series into segments with similar discrete-state recurrence patterns and it is not restricted by the stationarity assumption. We use a simulation study to describe the steps and properties of HS. We then use empirical data on daily affect from one couple to illustrate the use of HS for describing the affective dynamics of the dyad. First, we partition the data into three periods that represent different affective states and show different dynamics between both individuals’ affect. We then examine the synchrony between both individuals’ affective states and identify different patterns of coherence across the periods. Finally, we discuss the possibilities of using results from HS to construct confirmatory dynamic models with multiple change points or regime-specific dynamics.  相似文献   

We present an approach for evaluating coherence in multivariate systems that considers all the variables simultaneously. We operationalize the multivariate system as a network and define coherence as the efficiency with which a signal is transmitted throughout the network. We illustrate this approach with time series data from 15 psychophysiological signals representing individuals’ moment-by-moment emotional reactions to emotional films. First, we summarize the time series through nonparametric Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves. Second, we use Spearman rank correlations to calculate relationships between each pair of variables. Third, based on the obtained associations, we construct a network using the variables as nodes. Finally, we examine signal transmission through all the nodes in the network. Our results indicate that the network consisting of the 15 psychophysiological signals has a small-world structure, with three clusters of variables and strong within-cluster connections. This structure supports an effective signal transmission across the entire network. When compared across experimental conditions, our results indicate that coherence is relatively stronger for intense emotional stimuli than for neutral stimuli. These findings are discussed in relation to multivariate methods and emotion theories.  相似文献   

Response process data collected from human–computer interactive items contain detailed information about respondents' behavioural patterns and cognitive processes. Such data are valuable sources for analysing respondents' problem-solving strategies. However, the irregular data format and the complex structure make standard statistical tools difficult to apply. This article develops a computationally efficient method for exploratory analysis of such process data. The new approach segments a lengthy individual process into a sequence of short subprocesses to achieve complexity reduction, easy clustering and meaningful interpretation. Each subprocess is considered a subtask. The segmentation is based on sequential action predictability using a parsimonious predictive model combined with the Shannon entropy. Simulation studies are conducted to assess the performance of the new method. We use a case study of PIAAC 2012 to demonstrate how exploratory analysis for process data can be carried out with the new approach.  相似文献   

This article introduces phase resampling, an existing but rarely used surrogate data method for making statistical inferences of Granger causality in frequency domain time series analysis. Granger causality testing is essential for establishing causal relations among variables in multivariate dynamic processes. However, testing for Granger causality in the frequency domain is challenging due to the nonlinear relation between frequency domain measures (e.g., partial directed coherence, generalized partial directed coherence) and time domain data. Through a simulation study, we demonstrate that phase resampling is a general and robust method for making statistical inferences even with short time series. With Gaussian data, phase resampling yields satisfactory type I and type II error rates in all but one condition we examine: when a small effect size is combined with an insufficient number of data points. Violations of normality lead to slightly higher error rates but are mostly within acceptable ranges. We illustrate the utility of phase resampling with two empirical examples involving multivariate electroencephalography (EEG) and skin conductance data.  相似文献   

In many human movement studies angle-time series data on several groups of individuals are measured. Current methods to compare groups include comparisons of the mean value in each group or use multivariate techniques such as principal components analysis and perform tests on the principal component scores. Such methods have been useful, though discard a large amount of information. Functional data analysis (FDA) is an emerging statistical analysis technique in human movement research which treats the angle-time series data as a function rather than a series of discrete measurements. This approach retains all of the information in the data. Functional principal components analysis (FPCA) is an extension of multivariate principal components analysis which examines the variability of a sample of curves and has been used to examine differences in movement patterns of several groups of individuals. Currently the functional principal components (FPCs) for each group are either determined separately (yielding components that are group-specific), or by combining the data for all groups and determining the FPCs of the combined data (yielding components that summarize the entire data set). The group-specific FPCs contain both within and between group variation and issues arise when comparing FPCs across groups when the order of the FPCs alter in each group. The FPCs of the combined data may not adequately describe all groups of individuals and comparisons between groups typically use t-tests of the mean FPC scores in each group. When these differences are statistically non-significant it can be difficult to determine how a particular intervention is affecting movement patterns or how injured subjects differ from controls. In this paper we aim to perform FPCA in a manner allowing sensible comparisons between groups of curves. A statistical technique called common functional principal components analysis (CFPCA) is implemented. CFPCA identifies the common sources of variation evident across groups but allows the order of each component to change for a particular group. This allows for the direct comparison of components across groups. We use our method to analyze a biomechanical data set examining the mechanisms of chronic Achilles tendon injury and the functional effects of orthoses.  相似文献   

There are many compelling accounts of the ways in which the emotions of 1 member of a romantic relationship should influence and be influenced by the partner. However, there are relatively few methodological tools available for representing the alleged complexity of dyad level emotional experiences. In this article, we present an algorithm for examining such affective dynamics based on patterns of variability. The algorithm identifies periods of stability based on length of time and amplitude of emotional fluctuations. The patterns of variability and stability are quantified at the individual and dyadic level, and the approach is illustrated using data of the daily emotional experiences of individuals in romantic couples. With this technique, we examine the fluctuations of the emotions for each person and inspect the overlap fluctuations between both individuals in the dyad. The individual and dyadic indices of variability are then used to predict the status of the dyads (i.e., together, apart) 1 year later.  相似文献   

Factor analysis is a popular statistical technique for multivariate data analysis. Developments in the structural equation modeling framework have enabled the use of hybrid confirmatory/exploratory approaches in which factor-loading structures can be explored relatively flexibly within a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) framework. Recently, Muthén & Asparouhov proposed a Bayesian structural equation modeling (BSEM) approach to explore the presence of cross loadings in CFA models. We show that the issue of determining factor-loading patterns may be formulated as a Bayesian variable selection problem in which Muthén and Asparouhov's approach can be regarded as a BSEM approach with ridge regression prior (BSEM-RP). We propose another Bayesian approach, denoted herein as the Bayesian structural equation modeling with spike-and-slab prior (BSEM-SSP), which serves as a one-stage alternative to the BSEM-RP. We review the theoretical advantages and disadvantages of both approaches and compare their empirical performance relative to two modification indices-based approaches and exploratory factor analysis with target rotation. A teacher stress scale data set is used to demonstrate our approach.  相似文献   

Idiographic network models based on time‐series data have received recent attention for their ability to model relationships among symptoms and behaviours as they unfold in time within a single individual (cf. Epskamp, Borsboom, & Fried, 2018; Fisher, Medaglia, & Jeronimus, 2018). Rather than examine the correlational relationships between variables in a sample of individuals, an idiographic network examines correlations within a single person, averaged over many time points. Because the approach averages over time, the data must be stationary (i.e. relatively consistent over time). If individuals experience varying states over time—different mixtures of symptoms and behaviours in one moment or another—then averaging over categorically different moments may undermine model accuracy. Fisher and Bosley (2019) address these concerns via the application of Gaussian finite mixture modelling to identify latent classes of time points in intraindividual time‐series data from a sample of adults with major depressive disorder and/or generalised anxiety disorder (n = 45). The present paper outlines an extension of this work, wherein network analysis is used to model within‐class covariation of symptoms. To illustrate this approach, network models were constructed for each intraindividual class identified by Fisher and Bosley (137 networks across the 45 participants, mean classes/person = ~3, range = 2–4 classes/person). We examine the relative consistency in symptom organisation between each individual's multiple mood state networks and assess emergent group‐level patterns. We highlight opportunities for enhanced treatment personalisation and review nomothetic patterns relevant to transdiagnostic conceptualisations of psychopathology. We address opportunities for integrating this approach into clinical practice and outline potential shortcomings.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a shift in epistemological studies of intellectual self-trust or epistemic self-trust: intellectual self-trust is not merely epistemologists’ tool for silencing epistemic skepticism or doubt, it is recognized as a disposition of individuals and collectives interesting in its own rights. In this exploratory article I focus on a particular type of intellectual self-trust—collective intellectual self-trust—and I examine which features make for valuable or pernicious collective intellectual self-trust. From accounts of the value of individual intellectual self-trust I take three frameworks for evaluating collective intellectual self-trust: an epistemically consequentialist, a virtue-theoretic and a prudential/pragmatic framework (§2). Then I introduce collective intellectual self-trust (§3). Against this background I explain what is distinctive of valuable collective intellectual self-trust (§4) and pernicious collective intellectual self-trust (§5) within the three frameworks. I close by discussing the relation between the three frameworks and argue that evaluating intellectual self-trust requires a multi-perspectival approach constituted by the three frameworks.  相似文献   

This paper compares the multilevel modelling (MLM) approach and the person‐specific (PS) modelling approach in examining autoregressive (AR) relations with intensive longitudinal data. Two simulation studies are conducted to examine the influences of sample heterogeneity, time series length, sample size, and distribution of individual level AR coefficients on the accuracy of AR estimates, both at the population level and at the individual level. It is found that MLM generally outperforms the PS approach under two conditions: when the sample has a homogeneous AR pattern, namely, when all individuals in the sample are characterized by AR processes with the same order; and when the sample has heterogeneous AR patterns, but a multilevel model with a sufficiently high order (i.e., an order equal to or higher than the maximum order of individual AR patterns in the sample) is fitted and successfully converges. If a lower‐order multilevel model is chosen for heterogeneous samples, the higher‐order lagged effects are misrepresented, resulting in bias at the population level and larger prediction errors at the individual level. In these cases, the PS approach is preferable, given sufficient measurement occasions ( 50). In addition, sample size and distribution of individual level AR coefficients do not have a large impact on the results. Implications of these findings on model selection and research design are discussed.  相似文献   

A class of four simultaneous component models for the exploratory analysis of multivariate time series collected from more than one subject simultaneously is discussed. In each of the models, the multivariate time series of each subject is decomposed into a few series of component scores and a loading matrix. The component scores series reveal the latent data structure in the course of time. The interpretation of the components is based on the loading matrix. The simultaneous component models model not only intraindividual variability, but interindividual variability as well. The four models can be ordered hierarchically from weakly to severely constrained, thus allowing for big to small interindividual differences in the model. The use of the models is illustrated by an empirical example.This research has been made possible by funding from the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO) to the first author. The authors are obliged to Tom A.B. Snijders, Jos M.F. ten Berge and three anonymous reviewers for comments on an earlier version of this paper, and to Kim Shifren for providing us with her data set, which was collected at Syracuse University.  相似文献   

探索性中介分析被定义为从变量集合中筛选潜在中介变量的方法,该方法能在缺乏理论基础的情况下帮助研究者从数据中挖掘潜在中介机制,提供模型构建上的指导。本文介绍了一种基于正则化的探索性中介分析方法XMed(exploratory mediation analysis via regularization)。相比于传统探索性中介分析方法,XMed具有检验力更高、所需样本量更小、能高效地处理高维数据等优点,在认知神经科学、临床心理学等心理学领域有较大的应用潜力。本文主要介绍XMed的原理和实现过程,并通过实例分析展示该方法的应用。  相似文献   

Exploratory process factor analysis (EPFA) is a data-driven latent variable model for multivariate time series. This article presents analytic standard errors for EPFA. Unlike standard errors for exploratory factor analysis with independent data, the analytic standard errors for EPFA take into account the time dependency in time series data. In addition, factor rotation is treated as the imposition of equality constraints on model parameters. Properties of the analytic standard errors are demonstrated using empirical and simulated data.  相似文献   

Matching methods such as nearest neighbor propensity score matching are increasingly popular techniques for controlling confounding in nonexperimental studies. However, simple k:1 matching methods, which select k well-matched comparison individuals for each treated individual, are sometimes criticized for being overly restrictive and discarding data (the unmatched comparison individuals). The authors illustrate the use of a more flexible method called full matching. Full matching makes use of all individuals in the data by forming a series of matched sets in which each set has either 1 treated individual and multiple comparison individuals or 1 comparison individual and multiple treated individuals. Full matching has been shown to be particularly effective at reducing bias due to observed confounding variables. The authors illustrate this approach using data from the Woodlawn Study, examining the relationship between adolescent marijuana use and adult outcomes.  相似文献   

The present paper reports an investigation of patterns of exploratory behavior shown by laboratory-bred Spiny Mice (Acomys cahirinus) when given access to a large, novel arena. The aim was to test hypotheses suggested by our previous work with this species. Previous experiments in which the exploratory behavior of Acomys was compared with that of Mus had suggested that each species had a characteristic pattern of emergence and exploration. The present experiment addressed the question of whether the exploratory patterns of Acomys could be predicted from patterns of emergence as suggested by earlier experiments. Data are presented which indicate that the exploratory behavior of Acomys in a large, novel arena is reasonably predictable. The data presented include measures of the animal's responses to different stimuli within the novel environment, including novel, conspicuous objects, food sources, and the holding cage to which the animal could return. In addition, the patterns of movement through different areas of the environment were recorded in relation to the behavior of the animal when it was first given access to the arena. The data indicate that there are two types of strategy, or patterns, by which Acomys begin to explore a novel environment. The first type consists of a delayed emergence into the arena, followed by brief excursions into the area immediately adjacent to the holding cage, interspersed with longer periods of returns to the holding cage. The second type involves immediate emergence, followed by rapid "dashes" around the periphery of the arena. Which of the two strategies is adopted appears to depend upon the animal's behavior at the time of initial access. Two subsequent experiments considered these strategies further. Experiment 2 indicated that Type I was more characteristic of males and Type II more characteristic of females, although there were no differences related to the female estrous cycle. In Experiment 3, the patterns of exploration over four consecutive tests were investigated. It was found that the strategy adopted by an individual is likely to be consistent across tests.  相似文献   

Recent social psychological theory and research on political issues has returned to once-popular concepts such as political emotion and ideology. Strikingly, however, this work tends to avoid the notion of personality and explicit reference to individual differences. For example, the numerous studies that examine correlations between political beliefs, feelings, and preferences rarely acknowledge that such associations show an ideological coherence in individuals. Instead, correlations between abstract constructs are interpreted as suggesting causal processes. Individuals, and their responses, are aggregated to generate such correlations but remain for the most part unexamined and unmentioned. I discuss 5 practices in research and reporting that make it difficult to find the person in correlational models of political emotion. I use my own research to illustrate these practices and to show how attention to macrolevel forces such as group membership, status, and structure may be integrated with attention to the individual person and meaningful aggregates.  相似文献   

Finite mixture models are widely used in the analysis of growth trajectory data to discover subgroups of individuals exhibiting similar patterns of behavior over time. In practice, trajectories are usually modeled as polynomials, which may fail to capture important features of the longitudinal pattern. Focusing on dichotomous response measures, we propose a likelihood penalization approach for parameter estimation that is able to capture a variety of nonlinear class mean trajectory shapes with higher precision than maximum likelihood estimates. We show how parameter estimation and inference for whether trajectories are time-invariant, linear time-varying, or nonlinear time-varying can be carried out for such models. To illustrate the method, we use simulation studies and data from a long-term longitudinal study of children at high risk for substance abuse. This work was supported in part by NIAAA grants R37 AA07065 and R01 AA12217 to RAZ.  相似文献   

Researchers who collect multivariate time-series data across individuals must decide whether to model the dynamic processes at the individual level or at the group level. A recent innovation, group iterative multiple model estimation (GIMME), offers one solution to this dichotomy by identifying group-level time-series models in a data-driven manner while also reliably recovering individual-level patterns of dynamic effects. GIMME is unique in that it does not assume homogeneity in processes across individuals in terms of the patterns or weights of temporal effects. However, it can be difficult to make inferences from the nuances in varied individual-level patterns. The present article introduces an algorithm that arrives at subgroups of individuals that have similar dynamic models. Importantly, the researcher does not need to decide the number of subgroups. The final models contain reliable group-, subgroup-, and individual-level patterns that enable generalizable inferences, subgroups of individuals with shared model features, and individual-level patterns and estimates. We show that integrating community detection into the GIMME algorithm improves upon current standards in two important ways: (1) providing reliable classification and (2) increasing the reliability in the recovery of individual-level effects. We demonstrate this method on functional MRI from a sample of former American football players.  相似文献   

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