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K olehmainen , K. Apparent size as a determiner of figural after-effects. II. Scand. J. Psychol . 1968, 9, 237—240.—A brightly illuminated circle (TF) was flashed at distance d . The subject projected the after-image of TF on a screen placed at distance d/2, and fixated the after-image, which appeared to be half the size of the stimulus figure. Then TF and a comparison circle (CF) of equal size were shown, faintly illuminated, at distance d . A clear-cut figural after-effect occurred TF was perceived to be larger. It is suggested that TF appeared dimmer after the fixation and was perceived to be farther away than CF. As a consequence of this TF looked larger.  相似文献   

K olehmainen , K. Apparent size as a determiner of figural after-effects. 111. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1969, 10 , 71–73.—Two rectangles were presented as an inspection figure in a gradient drawing, one appearing to be behind the fixation point and the other in front of it, because of the gradient effect. Test figures (circles) appeared to differ in size after inspection of this pattern. It is argued that this result supports the explanation suggested for the results of the earlier experiments in the present series (1968) that size-changes of the test figures in this kind of situation are connected with an after-effect in the third dimension.  相似文献   

The results of earlier experiments on the question of whether figural after-effects are affected by apparent as opposed to retinal size are shown to be inconclusive. A new hypothesis is proposed namely that both factors may be responsible for producing figural aftereffects, and four experiments have been made to test it. Situations were used in which the apparent sizes of the figures were determined by the size-constancy effect. It was found that where retinal sizes of test and inspection figures are the same and apparent sizes are different, figural after-effects in the direction which would be predicted on the basis of apparent sizes are obtained. It was further shown that where retinal and apparent sizes are in conflict, whether a figural after-effect is seen or not, and the direction of the figural after-effect, depends upon the balance between these two factors.  相似文献   

A figure which is more distant from the eye than another but subtends the same visual angle is usually seen as the larger. This phenomenon is called perceptual size constancy. Experiments have been reported which show that sometimes the apparent and sometimes the retinal sizes of the stimulus figures determine the direction of the figural after-effect. These experiments are reviewed and two further experiments are reported. In the first experiment two types of stimulus figure (discs and annuli) which subtended a visual angle of 1° 36' resulted in figural after-effects, the direction of which would have been predicted by the retinal sizes of the figures. In the second experiment larger figures were used which subtended a visual angle of about 4° and which were the same as those used by Sutherland (1954). In this experiment the after-effects were generally in a direction which would have been expected if apparent size determined the direction of the after-effect. In the interpretation of the results attention is drawn to the “Central Tendency Effect” which has been observed in size judgements of stimulus figures of varying size. Two hypotheses are suggested; one is that the true figural aftereffect has been obscured by the “Central Tendency Effect” in successive judgements, and the other is that time error in successive judgements of size is essentially a figural aftereffect. Some supportive evidence for the latter hypothesis is reported. It is concluded that apparent size is not a critical determinant of the figural after-effect.  相似文献   

Current theoretical positions concerned with figural after-effects were criticized for their inadequacy in accounting for figural after-effects data and for their failure to link these phenomena with other perceptual phenomena in any systematic fashion. On the basis of the relative broadness of Gibson's early formulation, it was decided to adapt a similar adaptation theory, the sensory-tonic field theory of perception, to figural after-effect displacements. Appropriate hypotheses were stated and predictions made. These were tested and confirmed. It was concluded that although the success of the theory is limited, there appears to be hope for its extension.  相似文献   

Data recently presented by Wilson (1965) seem to demonstrate the separate effects of adaptation and of after-effect repulsion during and following continued observation of a curved line. Inasmuch as the experiment was performed without apparent reference to the psychophysical theory of figural after-effects (Taylor, 1962), it is interesting to note that the results on adaptation agree qualitatively with one of the major presuppositions of the theory, and the results on repulsion agree quantitatively with its predictions.  相似文献   

Apparent motion was produced using two triangular patterns of different sizes, each exposed for 100 msec, with a 50-msec interstimulus interval and 200-msec recycle interval. The triangles were aligned either on center or on the midpoints of the bases. Experiment 1, filled, outline, and three-dot triangles were viewed over four backgrounds: a blank illuminated field, and texture gradients constructed from horizontal lines, perspective lines, or a combination of these (full texture). In Experiment 2, outline and dot triangles were presented in one of three orientations: base down, base right, and base up over a blank background. Subjects made two forced-choice responses: apparent size was categorized as shrinking or not shrinking, and apparent motion was categorized as motion in depth or motion in a fixed frontal plane. The type of alignment was the major determiner of responses. When the midpoints of the base were aligned, the predominant response described a shrinking object in a fixed-position in depth. When the centers were aligned, the predominant response described an object of constant size moving in depth.  相似文献   

Apparent motion was produced using two triangular patterns of different sizes, each exposed for 100 msec, with a 50-msec interstimulus interval and 200-msec recycle interval. The triangles were aligned either on center or on the midpoints of the bases. In Experiment 1, filled, outline, and three-dot triangles were viewed over four backgrounds: a blank illuminated field, and texture gradients constructed from horizontal lines, perspective lines, or a combination of these (full texture). In Experiment 2, outline and dot triangles were presented in one of three orientations: base down, base right, and base up over a blank background. Subjects made two forced-choice responses: apparent size was categorized as shrinking or not shrinking, and apparent motion was categorized as motion in depth or motion in a fixed frontal plane. The type of alignment was the major determiner of responses. When the midpoints of the base were aligned, the predominant response described a shrinking object in a fixed position in depth. When the centers were aligned, the predominant response described an object of constant size moving in depth.  相似文献   

Figural after-effects (FAE) were studied using the Hering, the Ehrenstein, and the Orbisson illusion, patterns in two ways. In one condition, the total pattern was used as inspection figure (IF), and that part of the pattern in which the illusion normally appears, as test figure (TF). The resulting FAE was in a direction opposite to that of the illusion. In the second condition, the illusion producing part of the total pattern served as IF, and the illusion suffering part as TF. This produced an after-effect, the direction of which was the same as that of the illusion.  相似文献   

It is found that protracted monotic stimulation at a certain frequency lowers the DL of that frequency for the contralateral ear by some 47 per cent. There were eight subjects and six controls; the frequency was 1,000 c.p.s. at 40 d.b.s. It is suggested that this after-effect is analogous to figural after-effects in vision. (Some further related findings, as yet preliminary, are also reported).  相似文献   

In this study an attempt is made to specify the conditions under which counter displacement (test contour displaced toward the inspection contour) will occur. Three experiments are described in which different lengths of inspection of the test-(T-) figure are given following short and long inspections of the inspection-(I-) figure. In Experiment I, after partial dissipation of the figural after-effect (FAE), a period of continuous inspection of the T-figure was employed. In Experiments II and III distributed inspection of the T-figure was given by increasing the number of measurements of the FAE. In all experiments counter displacement was evident. The results were consistent with an interpretation of counter displacement offered earlier by the authors.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out on the figural after-effect. The first was intended to discover whether the figural after-effect did in fact take place with statistically significant universality. The method of scoring is relevant to the question of statistical significance, but at the best the figural after-effect appears to occur in only a slightly significant manner under the first conditions used. These involved the viewing of a single circle displaced to the left of a fixation point (the inspection-figure) and so placed that if it were superimposed on the second figure—which consisted of two squares on either side of the fixation-point—the circle completely encircled the left-hand square. The second figure is called the test-figure. The fixation point of the inspection-figure was fixated for 25 seconds with one eye, and then the test-figure was substituted and viewed with the opposite eye. A decision was then given by the observer as to the relative size of the squares. Eye-dominance did not appear to be connected with these after-effect processes.

In the second experiment, however, the statistical significance of the occurrence of the after-effects was undoubted. There were two changes in experimental conditions: the instructions to the observers were changed somewhat and a second circle was introduced into the inspection-figure. No difference of any kind was found to occur in the figural after-effect when the test-figure and inspection-figure were displaced horizontally and when they were displaced veitically, and there appeared to be a precisely opposite effect to that predicted when the test-figure and the inspection-figure were actually superimposed.

The most important finding was that, whereas in the first experiment the after-effect occurred with a frequency which was barely significant statistically, it occurred on every occasion under the different conditions of the second experiment.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to demonstrate that the effect of apparent size on the FAE has not been adequately tested. The subjects were run under binocular and under monocular viewing conditions. Binocular vision gave essentially the same results that had been obtained in previous binocular investigations. Monocular vision gave different results. It was concluded that the effect of apparent size on the FAE has not been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Sutherland (1954) obtained results which suggest that when the retinal size of test and inspection figures is equal, the direction of the FAE may be determined by the relative apparent sizes of the two figures. Other investigators have reproduced this result when exactly the same conditions were used: when the conditions were changed the result was not obtained. In the present paper these results are discussed and an attempt is made to determine why the effect is not obtained with small variations in the experimental conditions. It is further shown that some FAE phenomena cannot be explained by the two main existing theories; these phenomena could be explained if some analysis of the stimulus is being performed before the stage of the nervous system at which the process underlying FAEs occurs. Some recent physiological evidence (Hubel and Wiesel, 1959) supports this hypothesis. If this hypothesis is correct, it is likely that further work on FAEs determined by apparent size may help to throw light on the physiological mechanisms underlying size constancy, and some further experiments are suggested.  相似文献   

Summary In three experiments straight lines varying in length were added to the physically aligned apexes of asymmetrically arranged angles (Experiment 1) and the ends of similarly arranged parallel lines (Experiments 2 and 3). Compared with the condition without added lines, apparent misalignment of the aligned apexes (Morinaga effect) was markedly reduced by the shorter lines and reversed in direction by the longer ones. Apparent misalignment of the ends of parallels was also reduced but not reversed by collinear and right-angle lines. Reduction was greater with the longer collinear lines and with right-angle lines that crossed the parallels a short distance from their ends. These outcomes are interpreted as implicating processes associated with the extremities of figural elements (apexes, ends, and edges) rather than the configuration formed by the elements.  相似文献   

Summary The Review attempts to survey the existing literature on the figural after-effects. The main body of the Review is devided into two major parts, one dealing with the empirically observed data on the figural after-effects, and the other with the explanations put forward to explain the occurrence of these effects. Besides, there is a short introduction at the beginning, concluding remarks at the end, and a comprehensive bibliography.

Dieser Sammelbericht entstand unter Mitarbeit von Frau Dipl.-Psych. Donja Malhotra.

Zu Dank verpflichtet ist der Verf. Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Metzger für die kritische Durchsicht des Manuskripts, sowie Herrn Dipl.-Psych. Heiner Erke für die Unterstützung bei der Vorbereitung des Manuskripts zum Druck.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine whether kinaesthetic after-effects, measured by settings of a bar to the horizontal, are controlled by the apparent or the physical tilt of the bar during inspection. Two arrangements were used to induce a discrepancy between apparent and physical tilt. Data obtained with one arrangement did not permit a proper test of the issue. With the other arrangement either distorted or undistorted visual information about tilt was present during kinaesthetic inspection. It was found that post-inspection settings were displaced from pre-inspection settings in the direction of the tilt of the inspection figure when there was no discrepancy between information presented by the two modalities. When there was a discrepancy, the displacements attributable to apparent tilt were in the direction opposite to the apparent tilt of the inspection figure. The former effects dissipated rapidly after inspection; the latter did not. It is suggested that after-effects obtained following an inspection period during which there is no discrepancy between physical and apparent tilt are controlled by the physical tilt of the inspection figure and that apparent tilt, when it is an effective variable, operates by modifying the judgemental frame of reference.  相似文献   

The form of a determiner is dependent on different contextual factors: in some languages grammatical number and grammatical gender determine the choice of a determiner variant. In other languages, the phonological onset of the element immediately following the determiner affects selection, too. Previous work has shown that the activation of opposing determiner forms by a noun’s grammatical properties leads to slower naming latencies in a picture naming task, as does the activation of opposing forms by the interaction between a noun’s gender and the phonological context. The present paper addresses the question of whether phonological context alone is sufficient to evoke competition between determiner forms. Participants produced English phrases in which a noun phrase’s phonology required a determiner that was the same as or differed from the determiner required by the noun itself (e.g., a purple giraffe; an orange giraffe). Naming latencies were slower when the phrase-initial determiner differed from the determiner required by the noun in isolation than when the phrase-initial determiner matched the isolated-noun determiner. This was true both for definite and indefinite determiners. The data show that during the production of a determiner–noun phrase, nouns automatically activate the phonological forms of their determiners, which can compete with the phonological forms that are generated by an assimilation rule.  相似文献   

K ünnapas , T. M. Measurement of the intensity of an underlying figural process. A methodological study. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1961, 2 , 174–184.—A method is proposed for studying the intensity of the figural process underlying the well-known phenomenon of figural fluctuations. A metric model is presented according to which a measure of the intensity of the underlying process is obtained in units of dispersion. The model is illustrated by an experimental example. An equation is given which is analogous to that of the damped harmonic vibration. Four parameters are involved in this equation. A technique for determining the parameters is developed. Very good agreement between theoretical and empirical scale values demonstrates the applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Measurements of apparent size were obtained by distance adjustment of a peripherally viewed stimulus to produce a match to a foveally viewed standard. As eccentricity increased, the peripheral stimulus was adjusted at distances of progressively greater visual angle, indicating that a continuous diminution in apparent size occurs with increased eccentricity. This effect was found to be stable for several conditions of illumination and for changes in the light adaptive state of S. Apparent size diminution and apparent distance increase were also found for familiar objects viewed in an open field.  相似文献   

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