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Career development is defined as including self-awareness, career-awareness, and career decision making components. This paper attempts then to provide a framework by which educators interested in stimulating career development can choose the learning experiences most likely to have payoffs for different age youth. Eight stages of child development are described in terms of the major behavioral orientation of the child in each. Career development themes are then suggested for each stage along with sample activities and experiences for each theme. Finally, instructional media are recommended for each stage and related to the themes and activities suggested earlier.  相似文献   

Social skills training was administered to three (one male and two female) chronic schizophrenic patients in a Partial Hospitalization Service. Treatment consisted of instructions. feedback and modeling, and was administered in 25. 26 and 31 sessions, respectively, for the three patients. Target behaviors were identified for each patient based on his/her responses to role-played interactions involving male and female partners in situations requiring commendatory or hostile assertion. Five to seven target behaviors were selected for each subject and were treated sequentially in a multiple baseline format. Skills training was highly successful for the two female patients but was only partially effective for the male patient. Two forms of generalization measures were included, indicating that the effects of training generalized from trained to untrained, and trained to novel role-played interactions. Follow-up assessments for the two female patients indicated that most of the effects persisted over 8–10-week post-treatment periods.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the separate auditory and visual components of a combined auditory-visual conjugate reinforcer was assessed in 273-month-old infants. All conditions of contingent reinforcement were equally effective in promoting acquisition, but only the removal of the singly presented auditory component resulted in significant response diminution. Although noncontingent stimulation in all conditions was ineffective in altering operant footkicks, it did sustain visual attention at a high level equivalent to that produced by contingent stimulation over the major portion of acquisition. The results were discussed in terms of the reinforcing properties of varied stimulation.  相似文献   

Snake fearful college students underwent Standardized Systematic Desensitization (SSD) treatment in which they received instructions designed to induce cognitions of either self- or drug-produced relaxation. Half of the subjects in each of these conditions were also given high expectancy therapy instructions and low expectancy therapy instructions respectively. All four SSD groups showed significantly greater improvement than a no-treatment control group on both the behavior avoidance test (BAT) and the self-report measure of fear. No differences between self- and drug-attributions of relaxation were found on any measure. Subjects' high expectancy ratings were significantly correlated with improvement on self-report measures but not related to BAT performance.  相似文献   

Two psychological theories, affect-reinforcement theory and consistency theory, were compared for their usefulness in predicting arousal during a social episode. One-hundred twelve males met in pairs to discuss their attitudes on one topic. Half of the subjects rated themselves as competent to defend the correctness of their attitude; the other half rated themselves as not competent to defend the correctness of their position on the specific topic under discussion. The topic was selected by the experimenter such that half of the pairs were in agreement in their attitude, while the other half of pairs had opposing attitudes for the topic. The three factors (competence of Person A, competence of Person B, and similarity of attitude) were crossed to produce eight conditions. Skin conductance was continuously recorded throughout the social interaction. Following the discussion period, subjects rated each other on the Evaluative-Behavioral Attraction Measure. Skin conductance data supported the affect-reinforcement hypothesis with a significant interaction between self-rated competence and similarity of attitude factors (p < .05). Hearing disagreement from the other person was highly arousing when a subject said he was competent to present his position on the topic. Other significant effects for physiological activation during the social episode, which were not predicted, are consistent with the affect-reinforcement theory. There was no significant effect for the attraction measure.  相似文献   

The present investigation was designed to reveal the cognitive inference processes associated with both detection and utilization of covariation information in causal attribution. Male undergraduates were (a) informed that a test was easy or difficult and shown a videotape in which (b) the test-taker's performance was high or low, and (c) covariation between the test-taker's effort expenditure and trial-by-trial outcome was present or absent. High performance was attributed to the test-taker's effort and ability, whereas low performance was attributed to the difficulty of the test. However, recognition of the covariance relationship decreased the attribution of high performance to ability and of low performance to test difficulty and increased the attribution of low performance to effort. Effort attribution in the high performance condition was independent of covariation information. The results are discussed in terms of the relationship between covariation information and typical beliefs about the causes of achievement outcomes.  相似文献   

A two-phase model was applied to classical conditioning performance in man and rabbits. During phase 1, response probability remained constant. During phase 2, response probability generally increased, although one operator was sufficient for a majority of Ss and two operators were required for a minority of Ss. The latter Ss exhibited increases in responding after a CR trial and decreases in responding after a non-CR trial. The pattern of parameters was similar for man and rabbits. In man, increases in UCS intensity resulted in a decrease in the duration of phase 1 and an increase in the limit of the operators for those Ss requiring more than a single operator to describe performance during phase 2. The value of employing a model to describe the data and understand the effects of independent variable manipulation was discussed.  相似文献   

Rats received Pavlovian conditioning in which, based on a shock US, white noise was established for different groups as an aversive CS+, CSo, or CS?. Then, half of each group received the CS contingent upon either the food-reinforced or nonreinforced response in an easy, choice discrimination. Correct responses, i.e., number of reinforcements, to criterion showed that a CS+ for the reinforced response facilitated learning, whereas a CS? retarded learning; conversely, a CS+ for the nonreinforced response retarded learning, whereas a CS? facilitated learning. The same contingency difference occurred with errors to criterion for CS? subjects but was obscured for CS+ subjects apparently by an avoidance-producing effect of the CS+. In support of the generality of the transfer effect, Z-score transforms of the correct-response data showed that the magnitude of transfer was comparable to that obtained in more difficult discriminations. Collectively, the findings indicate that an aversive CS can function as a transformed signal for the presence (CS+) or absence (CS?) of an appetitive reinforcer and that the signal's control of behavior is via a within-chain mediational process.  相似文献   

In three experiments, groups of pigeons were tested for wavelength generalization of auto-shaped key-pecking following different types of training. In Experiment I, one group received auto-shape trials with a 555-nm CS. Another group received auto-shape trials with a 555-nm CS and a white CS. A third group received auto-shape trials with a 555-nm CS and a white CS, except the white CS was nonreinforced. The third group yielded the sharpest gradient, whereas the second group yielded the flattest gradient. In Experiment II, one group received auto-shape trials with a 555-nm CS. A second group received auto-shape trials with a 555-nm CS and a compound CS consisting of a vertical white line on a 555-nm background. A third group received auto-shape trials with a 555-nm CS and a compound CS, except that the compound was nonreinforced. The third group yielded the sharpest wavelength gradient, whereas the second group yielded the flattest. In Experiment III, exposure differences to 555 nm in Experiment II resulting from differential speeds of auto-shape acquisition were controlled by the use of an ITI manipulation. Amount of exposure to 555 nm was shown not to be responsible for the results of Experiment II.  相似文献   

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