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Changes in the subjective response to alcohol following electrical aversive conditioning have been studied through the use of the semantic differential (Costello, 1974; Costello et al., 1974a, 1974b; Hallam et al., 1972; Miller et al., 1974; Miller et al. 1973). As pointed out by the Costello group and by Kaplan (1972) there are several problems with this technique. The midpoint of the 7-point scale may be psychologically impossible to define if the subject does not perceive the adjectives pairs as mutually antagonistic. It is frequently assumed that the adjective pairs are bipolar, based on the original work of Osgood et al. (1957). Recent evidence (Costello, 1974; Costello et al., 1974a, 1974b) has demonstrated that the scales used by Hallam et al. (1972) were in fact, not bipolar.The stimuli used by Costello and coworkers were an alcoholic and a non-alcoholic slide, following the work of Hallam et al. (1972). Recent studies (Miller et al., 1974; Miller et al., 1973; Wilson, 1973) have utilized rating the taste of real alcohol, as opposed to slides, in order to measure the effectiveness of behavioral therapies in alcoholism. The subject is asked to taste several beverages, some of which have alcohol, and rate the taste of each drink on a set of semantic differential adjective pairs. Miller et al. (1974), found that while the actual amount of pre-therapy alcoholic beverage consumed predicted which subjects did better at 6 months outcome, the semantic differential ratings did not. One reason might have been that the scales were not bipolar and thus the semantic measurement was highly unreliable.The purpose of the present study was to replicate the Costello studies, using real beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic as the stimuli.  相似文献   

The present study examined the perceptions school-age children have of stutterers. Four groups of fourth and fifth grade students viewed a videotape with either the speaker stuttering or not stuttering while reading a poem. A semantic differential scale of bi-polar adjective pairs was used to rate the speaker on intelligence and personality traits. The current study found that there is a significant difference between school-age children's perceptions of stutterers and nonstutterers with the ratings for the disfluent speaker more negative than the ratings for the fluent speaker. It was found that children did not rate personality and intelligence related traits differently. This information can be used to validate the need for education regarding stuttering for children and those who work with children. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The reader will learn about and be able to (1). identify perceptions of stutterers by a variety of groups; (2). discuss the implications of research on perceptions of stutterers; and (3). compare/contrast children and adults and their perceptions.  相似文献   

Although ‘anxiety’ has traditionally been hypothesized as the cognitive mediating CR which results from electrical a versive conditioning, alternate competing hypotheses have not been adequately studied. This investigation has generated four constructs from a factor analysis of adjective ratings on alcohol-related stimuli and four constructs from an identical analysis of ratings on non-alcohol related stimuli. As these constructs are orthogonal, each can be used as an independent measure of ‘cognitive mediator’ or alternative competing hypothesis. The alcohol-related constructs appeared to be: (1) dangerous vs. safety; (2) approach or appetitiveness: (3) avoidance or aversiveness; and (4) general evaluation good vs. bad.  相似文献   

N ordenstreng , K. A comparison between the semantic differential and similarity analysis in the measurement of musical experience. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1968, 9,89–96.—Ten pieces of music were rated by a group of broadcasting sound-controllers using two different scaling techniques, the semantic differential ratings of each sound on 32 scales, and similarity ratings for all pairs of sounds. The two scaling techniques were compared matching factor spaces by transformation analysis. The results indicate almost perfect similarity of the factor structures, which suggests that similarity analysis and the semantic differential in fact measure the same thing.  相似文献   

To examine whether the organization of semantic memory is intact in alcoholic Korsakoff patients, three semantic memory tasks which do not require active search for stored information were administered to a group of Korsakoff patients and alcoholic controls. The first two tasks used a perceptual identification paradigm in which patients had to identify briefly presented targets preceded by associatively (experiment 1) or categorically (experiment 2) related primes. On both tasks, Korsakoff patients demonstrated intact priming effects. Because priming in these tasks was thought to reflect the operation of strategic processes, experiment 3 was designed to assess automatic spreading activation using a lexical decision task. Here as well, Korsakoff patients demonstrated intact priming. Taken together, these results support the view that the organization of semantic memory in Korsakoff patients has not been disrupted by their brain injury. The implications of these findings for understanding Korsakoff patients' impaired performance on semantic search tasks are discussed.  相似文献   

80 alcoholic men and women registered for counseling at different Swedish outpatient units volunteered to complete semantic differential scales related to emotional expected effects of alcohol intoxication. Analyses indicated that alcoholics expect large doses of alcohol to increase pleasure, dominance, and arousal. These results were discussed in comparison with the results from previous related studies with nonalcoholic samples.  相似文献   

Attitudinal ambivalence is generally construed as existing when the same attitude object is evaluated simultaneously as both positive and negative. The present research examined the moderating role of attitudinal ambivalence (as assessed by split‐semantic differential measure) on the relationship between bipolar semantic differential measures of attitude and subsequent behaviour using moderated regression analysis. In Study 1, higher levels of attitudinal ambivalence were shown to result in weaker attitude–behaviour relationships for eating a low‐fat diet (N = 140) and eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day (N = 142). Study 2 (N = 361) replicated this effect when also including a measure of past behaviour for eating a low‐fat diet. Implications for understanding the relationship between attitudes and behaviour are discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Of 200 diagnosed cases of alcoholic delirium 5 (= 2.5%) involved, from the differential diagnostic viewpoint, simulation of alcoholic delirium with all the symptoms involved. The symptoms of the simulation case are compared with the acute symptoms, and points in common to all simulation cases are presented: Definite alcoholic anamnesis, wide experience of treatment for alcohol abuse, dynamics of a pronounced purposeful action when social complications are imminent and course of the symptoms when the interview turns to simulation. In connection with therapy, special attention is drawn to Distraneurin treatment, which is not indicated in such cases.  相似文献   

This is the third of a series of three papers dealing with semantics of facial expressions. The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether the ratings of two stimulus inputs on semantic differential scales would predict the experience of binocular rivalry. The stimuli used were five full-face photographs of a man expressing different emotions. These stimuli were rated on the semantic differential and all possible pairs of these stimuli were used as stereograms. It was hypothesized that semantically incongruous stimulus inputs would lead to binocular rivalry and that congruous ones would lead to an absence of rivalry. The hypothesis was supported.  相似文献   

A semantic differential scale was administered to 208 school children when they were in the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. Their perceptions towards two concepts were measured, Education (going to school) and Work (having a job). Each semantic differential scale had 15 adjective pairs and reflected the three underlying factors of Evaluative, Potency, and Activity. Because the study was conducted for 10 years (ages seven to 18), the changing cognitive developmental stages of the children were expected to influence factor analytic and reliability results. Confirmatory factor analysis, which forced the data into three factors, did not clearly identify the expected three factors, although more items loaded on the three factors with age. An exploratory factor analysis identified a trend across grades from six to four factors over time. Reliability also improved across age groups. Caution should be exercised when using the semantic differential with young children in investigations of abstract concepts.  相似文献   

Alcoholism among women often has been treated using a model based on research with alcoholic men. Women react differently to alcohol than men both physiologically and psychologically and their drinking patterns are different from men's. Treatment facilities for alcoholism have not been as available for women as for men and treatment must be individualized for the differences between men and women problem drinkers and for the differences among alcoholic women.  相似文献   

Citizenship Performance has long been accepted as an important aspect of performance, but there has been little consensus on how best to measure this construct. Previous measures have assessed as many as five sub‐factors, yet recent meta‐analyses have indicated that citizenship is largely unifactorial. At the same time, none of the previously developed unifactorial Citizenship Performance scales have been adequately validated. Consequently, this article reports the development of a unifactorial measure of Citizenship Performance, which was found to have good criterion validity. The unifactorial scale also had superior convergent and divergent validity, and better internal factor structure, than the commonly‐used Job Dedication and Interpersonal Facilitation scales, developed by Van Scotter and Motowidlo (1996).  相似文献   

The Big Five have not only been identified in ratings of knowledgeable informants, but also in ratings of strangers, in co-occurrence likelihood ratings of traits, in semantic similarity ratings of trait pairs, and in prototypicality ratings of acts for traits. This article describes the shared and distinctive characteristics of correlations among trait ratings and implicit personality theory and reviews studies that compare the structure of memory-based ratings and of on-line behavior counts. Three hypotheses suggested in the literature to account for these correlations are delineated and discussed: an accurate reflection hypothesis, a distortion hypothesis, and an overlap hypothesis. It is concluded that the distortion hypothesis, has been discredited and that an overlap model best accounts for the available evidence. This implies that traits are real and accurately perceived, provided that the judges have the necessary information.  相似文献   

胰岛素抵抗与非酒精性脂肪性肝病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非酒精性脂肪性肝病是一种以肝细胞脂肪变性和脂肪贮积为病理特征但无过量饮酒史的临床综合征。肥胖、2型糖尿病和高脂血症被认为是非酒精性脂肪性肝病的重要危险因素。有研究表明胰岛素抵抗与非酒精性脂肪性肝病密切相关。脂质代谢异常、氧应激反应、瘦素、脂联素等与胰岛素抵抗的发生有相互作用,也影响着非酒精性脂肪肝病的发生发展。胰岛素抵抗在非酒精性脂肪性肝病发病机制上的作用以及与胰岛素抵抗相关的发病因素值得关注。通过体育锻炼与控制饮食热量逐渐减轻体重,并配合血糖及血脂的控制对非酒精性脂肪性肝病患者十分重要。  相似文献   

WordNet, an electronic dictionary (or lexical database), is a valuable resource for computational and cognitive scientists. Recent work on the computing of semantic distances among nodes (synsets) in WordNet has made it possible to build a large database of semantic distances for use in selecting word pairs for psychological research. The database now contains nearly 50,000 pairs of words that have values for semantic distance, associative strength, and similarity based on co-occurrence. Semantic distance was found to correlate weakly with these other measures but to correlate more strongly with another measure of semantic relatedness, featural similarity. Hierarchical clustering analysis suggested that the knowledge structure underlying semantic distance is similar in gross form to that underlying featural similarity. In experiments in which semantic similarity ratings were used, human participants were able to discriminate semantic distance. Thus, semantic distance as derived from WordNet appears distinct from other measures of word pair relatedness and is psychologically functional. This database may be downloaded fromwww.psychonomic.org/archive/.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of naltrexone's effects on urges to drink during abstinence are unclear. Naltrexone may suppress either urges to drink specifically or appetitive responses in general. The effects of naltrexone on cue reactivity to alcoholic and sweet nonalcoholic beverages were investigated. Alcohol-dependent men (N = 53) in treatment received naltrexone (50 mg) or placebo. Four hours later, they received baseline assessment, exposure to fruit juice, and exposure to their usual alcoholic beverage in 3-min trials. Naltrexone reduced urge to drink and self-reported attention to the alcohol cues, not at the initial exposure but after repeated exposures to alcohol cues. Naltrexone reduced negative affect across baseline and alcohol trials. No effects of naltrexone on responses to the nonalcoholic appetitive beverage cues were found, suggesting that general appetite suppression does not mediate the effects of naltrexone on urges.  相似文献   

WordNet, an electronic dictionary (or lexical database), is a valuable resource for computational and cognitive scientists. Recent work on the computing of semantic distances among nodes (synsets) in WordNet has made it possible to build a large database of semantic distances for use in selecting word pairs for psychological research. The database now contains nearly 50,000 pairs of words that have values for semantic distance, associative strength, and similarity based on co-occurrence. Semantic distance was found to correlate weakly with these other measures but to correlate more strongly with another measure of semantic relatedness, featural similarity. Hierarchical clustering analysis suggested that the knowledge structure underlying semantic distance is similar in gross form to that underlying featural similarity. In experiments in which semantic similarity ratings were used, human participants were able to discriminate semantic distance. Thus, semantic distance as derived from WordNet appears distinct from other measures of word pair relatedness and is psychologically functional. This database may be downloaded from www.psychonomic.org/archive/.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted with the aim of developing a new Swedish self-report measure of core affect (the Swedish Core Affect Scale or SCAS). In Study 1,122 participants rated their current mood on 24 unipolar adjective scales. A revised set of 12 bipolar adjective scales was evaluated in Study 2 employing 96 participants who rated their current mood before and after a mood-inducing naturally occurring event. A slightly revised set of adjective scales was used in Study 3, in which another 96 participants rated several induced moods. The results showed that the adjective scale ratings could be aggregated as reliable measures of the independent valence and activation dimensions proposed in the affect circumplex, and that the aggregated measures discriminated mood differences within and between individuals.  相似文献   

Recently. the proposition that alcohol abuse is an operant behavior and thus functionally related to its consequences has been investigated under experimental conditions. In controlled laboratory settings, in which inpatient chronic alcoholics are allowed access to alcoholic beverages, alcohol consumption has been markedly altered via operant strategies. Monetary rewards (Cohen et al., 1971), the opportunity to participate in an enriched environment (Cohen et al., 1971). and visits to a girlfriend (Bigelow et al., 1973) have been used as reinforcers for decreased drinking.Other investigators (Sulzer, 1965; Miller, 1972: Hunt and Azrin, 1973) have successfully applied similar contingency management techniques to alcoholics in the natural environment. However, failure to control for the influence of extraneous therapeutic variables (e.g., attention-placebo factors, job counseling) together with reliance on self-report measures of drinking behavior seriously limit the conclusiveness of these results. Objective assessment is particularly essential with operant techniques since consequent events must be systematically scheduled upon the occurrence or non-occurrence of drinking. Documentation of drinking in the natural environment is a difficult task since the alcoholic frequently consumes alcohol when he is alone. In lieu of direct observation, blood alcohol concentrations are an obvious means of objective assessment. Such data are most conveniently obtained via breath tests similar to the ones that law enforcement officers utilize to identify intoxicated motorists.The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of reinforcement contingencies on lowering blood alcohol concentrations obtained in an alcoholic's natural environment.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the validity of the postulated common meanings for the KTSA symbols using the semantic differential to determine empirically Ss' reactions to the KTSA symbol objects. These responses were then used to confirm Kahn's postulated “popular meanings for the symbols. The connotative meanings for the KTSA symbols were determined by the semantic differential ratings of 48 male and 48 female preadolescents. The findings confirmed Kahn's postulated meanings for some of the symbol, while others only partially confirmed and still others were not confirmed at all. The semantic differential ratings were statistically significant 260 out of 336 possible times. The interpretive meaning of the results is discussed.  相似文献   

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