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Qualitative methodology was used to develop items for a questionnaire designed to examine the perspectives of parents regarding the impact of the sensory environment on participation for children aged 3 to 5 who have autism spectrum disorders. A total of 34 parents/caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorders and 8 experts in autism spectrum disorders and/or measurement completed qualitative interviews for concept, content review, and cognitive interviewing. The result was a pool of 35 items for home/community domains for 3 scales. The outcome of this study was the development and content validation of the Participation and Sensory Environment Questionnaire.  相似文献   

Using the photovoice method, we explored the benefits of engaging in a rescue-animal training program for at-risk youth. While participating in the community-based program, five adolescent males in residential care took pictures and shared their experiences through interview and focus groups. Six themes emerged: Gaining patience, forming an attachment to the dog, wanting to better themselves or make better choices, helping others or volunteering, teaching, and relating to the dog. Individually and collectively, the themes suggest that training rescue animals may be a meaningful occupation for at-risk youth and may provide therapeutic benefits.  相似文献   


A bibliometric analysis was performed to examine the impact and use of the peer-reviewed occupational therapy intervention effectiveness literature addressing adults with mental illness, 2000–2016. Of 2,597 articles, 68 were quantitative studies assessing an intervention for adults with mental illness. These studies had a collective citation count of 1,455 and were published in 29 journals in 14 countries. The majority (n?=?36; 52.94%) were randomized controlled and two-group controlled studies. The most commonly assessed interventions were life skills and community reintegration (n?=?20, 29.41%) and supported employment (n?=?16, 23.52%). Sixty-five (95.58%) studies found statistically significant results on the primary or secondary outcomes.  相似文献   

This mixed-methods study investigated the impact of the Re-Animation Approach, a creative occupational therapy, on the well-being and occupational performance of three male patients in a forensic mental health setting. Quantitative data were gathered through goal attainment scaling (GAS) and qualitative data using semi-structured interviews. GAS t-scores demonstrated an over-achievement of expected outcomes in goals related to improving skills, well-being, and time use. Issues emerging from thematic analysis of the interviews are consistent with the GAS results. The Re-Animation Approach had a positive impact on participants’ health and well-being, addressed a range of occupational needs, and can be graded.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examine the perceived occupational concerns, typical daily routines, and sensory processing of mothers in a mandatory Temporary Assistance for Needy Families return to work program. Participants were five female members of a transitional work program for single parents with mental illness. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure and the Adult Sensory Profile were administered. The study found that the most frequently identified occupational problems were leisure and self-care. All participants scored as having at least one atypical sensory processing pattern. Future research should investigate the efficacy of an occupational therapy intervention on this population's return to employment.  相似文献   

培训迁移的干预策略及其效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在回顾了培训迁移的组织干预策略研究后,重点围绕培训前干预、培训中干预和培训后干预三个方面展开讨论,归纳出不同类型干预要素及其对培训迁移的影响效果,指出目前理论的局限性以及组织与个体相互作用等未来研究的方向  相似文献   


The present study investigates the effect of sensory deprivation of the index and middle finger on motor function of all digits during maximal voluntary force production tasks. A total of 27 subjects performed maximal isometric pressing tasks by using different instructed finger combinations. Subjects completed the same tasks in two visits: a control visit when they had normal sensory feedback in all fingers, and an anesthesia visit when digital nerve blocks were performed on their right index and middle fingers. We evaluated three aspects of motor adaptation on both local (anesthetized) and non-local (non-anesthetized) digits during maximal force production: (1) task-relevant and overall force magnitude, (2) force directional application, and (3) digital individuation and force sharing. Our results indicate that selective digital anesthesia resulted in decreased maximal force magnitude, changed direction of force production, and significant changes extended to non-local digits. The motor weakness and inefficiency revealed in the non-local digits implies that sensory information from each digit can be shared across the digits to assist motor execution within the same hand.  相似文献   

通过对巴林特小组培训模式的认识和理解,并将之运用于临床护理研究,使护理人员在处理护患关系中形成新的视角和更具分析性的思考方式,从而能够更深刻地意识到自身对于患者的影响,提高换位思考的敏感性,以便更好地理解和帮助患者;同时还能促进护理人员的心理健康和减少其工作中存在的护患矛盾。这不仅可以提高患者的治疗效果和生活质量,而且还可以提升护理人员自身的职业素养。因此,巴林特小组培训模式对于实现临床护理优质服务具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of the authors in this pilot study was to assess the effects of an occupational therapy role-playing intervention for adolescents with Asperger's syndrome. An ABA multiple baseline single-subject design across participants was used with three adolescents to determine if a six-week intervention could increase targeted social behaviors. Data were collected over baseline, intervention, and probe phases. Three methods of analysis were used: visual inspection of graphed data, paired t tests, and a three standard deviation-band approach. Findings demonstrated that all three participants were able to increase the frequency of targeted social skill use from baseline to intervention and maintain this level at a one month probe. Differences between baseline and intervention phases for each participant reached statistical significance. Through this study the authors offer preliminary evidence that an occupational therapy role-playing intervention that is both client centered and graded can increase targeted social skill use in three adolescents with Asperger's syndrome.  相似文献   

This study examines the early emergence of sensory reactivity and novelty awareness and their relations to children's behaviours with peers. A total of 260 parents (242 mothers, 18 fathers) and 10 teachers of 260 children (131 male, 129 female; M = 63 months; SD = 8.80; range = 39–81) participated. Structural equation models indicate that sensory reactive children appear to be less social (i.e. prosocial and friendly), more likely to engage in solitary‐active play behaviour, and more prone to utilize instrumental aggression in peer interactions. Children scoring high on novelty awareness tend to be more social (i.e. prosocial, friendly, and control impulses), better able to appropriately and punctually comply with tasks given by teacher, less likely to engage in a number of solitary play behaviours (i.e. solitary passive and solitary active), less likely to utilize instrumental or reactive aggressive strategies, and more likely to dodge negative peer interactions by avoiding bullies. Furthermore, the associations between sensory reactivity/novelty awareness and children's behaviours differ from those of other dimensions of temperament (i.e. activity level and emotionality). This suggests that novelty awareness and sensory reactivity uniquely contribute to our overall understanding of children's temperament and its correlates. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present literature not only reveals the use of a wide variety of cognitive tasks but variability in their interaction with postural control. The question then arises, as to, whether postural control is sensitive to specific features of a cognitive task. The present experiment assessed the impact of cognitive tasks with interstimulus intervals (ISI) of varied duration and sensory modality on postural control in young adults. Seventeen participants (23.71 ± 1.99 years old) were instructed to stand on a force platform while concurrently performing cognitive tasks with ISIs of two and 5 s. The tasks were presented both, auditorily and visually. The visual tasks consisted of counting the total occurrence of a single digit. The auditory tasks consisted of counting the total occurrence of a single letter. Performing the cognitive tasks with an ISI of 2 s resulted only in an increase in the anteroposterior mean power frequency. Presenting the tasks visually also significantly reduced area of 95% confidence ellipse and AP and mediolateral sway variability. These results may suggest that ISIs can modify postural performance by altering the allocation of attentional focus. Also, presenting tasks using a visual sensory modality appears to yield lower postural sway.  相似文献   

We conducted an exploratory study of the experiences of genetic counselors who have either trained or supervised in a second language to assess the relevance of this issue to genetic counseling training and supervision. Two hundred-thirty NSGC members, CAGC members and genetic counseling students completed the online questionnaire. Many of the respondents reported that training and supervision differed when another language was involved. Supervisors reported difficulty in assessing students’ counseling skills and discomfort with an incomplete understanding of session content. Students described a greater focus on vocabulary at the expense of psychosocial dimensions. Despite this, most felt that using another language enhanced their training experience. As such, training programs might consider increasing support to these learners and supervisors by explicitly acknowledging the challenges they face, providing students with language tools to aid in their acquisition of basic skills and providing supervisors with new methods for assessing student counseling skills when using other languages.  相似文献   

The effect of sensory deficits on power grip force from individual phalanges was examined. The authors found that stroke survivors with sensory deficits (determined by the Semmes-Weinstein monofilament test) gripped with phalanx force directed more tangential to the object surface, than those without, although both groups had similar motor deficits (Chedoke-McMaster and Fugl-Meyer), grip strength, and skin friction. Altered grip force direction elevates risk of finger slippage against the object thus grip loss/object dropping, hindering activities of daily living. Altered grip force direction was associated with altered muscle activation patterns. In summary, the motor impairment level alone may not describe hand motor control in detail. Information about sensory deficits helps elucidate patients' hand motor control with functional relevance.  相似文献   


There is limited research on the application of systemic family therapy in developing countries. This qualitative study explored the perceptions and experiences of 12 educational psychologists and a family therapy trainer, who have worked within a systemic reflecting team using Tom Andersen’s method of training and supervision. The semi-structured interview findings suggested positive perceptions of systemic intervention, despite various challenges experienced in its implementation within the South African context. The educational psychologists identified their reflecting team experiences as being beneficial for both their professional development and current practices. Future research which investigates the reflecting team process in action is recommended.  相似文献   

This qualitative study investigated the value and meaning of the Greenhouse Program and its impact on recovery goals of residents with severe and persistent mental illness at an adult, long-term psychiatric facility. Eight participants and two occupational therapists were interviewed. Findings revealed two main themes, relating to the essence of the program and personal growth of the participants, supplemented by six sub-themes. The findings suggest that initiatives, such as the Greenhouse Program, are an appropriate intervention that occupational therapy professionals can use in adult inpatient psychiatric facilities.  相似文献   


This study examined the interplay between behavioral inhibition/activation systems (BIS/BAS) sensitivity, attachment insecurity (i.e., anxiety and avoidance), and Big Five personality traits in predicting sensory processing sensitivity (SPS). We have specifically tested three alternative theoretical models to explain the process through which BIS/BAS sensitivity link to SPS; unique effects of attachment dimensions and personality traits, as well as moderating and mediating role of these variables. Participants (N?=?494) completed the highly sensitive Person scale, BIS/BAS scales, experiences in close relationships-revised scale, and big five inventory. The findings revealed the complex role of attachment dimensions and personality traits on SPS. Attachment avoidance, but not attachment anxiety, moderated the effect of BIS activity on SPS indicating that, compared to those with high BIS sensitivity, those with low levels of both BIS and attachment avoidance reported lower level of SPS. Attachment anxiety, neuroticism, extraversion, and openness partially mediated the effects of BIS on SPS. Conceptual implications of the findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究采用实验组对照组前测后测设计,对实验组(即干预组)幼儿进行为期3个月的融于教学的多种形式游戏训练(自控力养成、专注力练习、记忆棋游戏)。结果发现:(1)两组幼儿在执行功能的三个维度(工作记忆、抑制控制和认知灵活性)上的前测成绩均无显著差异,但训练后干预组幼儿在认知灵活性上的增量显著高于对照组,工作记忆上的增量略高于对照组;(2)将干预组幼儿依据执行功能水平进行高、低分组划分,发现低执行功能组在三个维度都得到了显著提升,而高执行功能组在工作记忆和抑制控制两个维度上有所提升。研究证明,短期游戏训练一定程度上可以促进农村幼儿执行功能的进步,尤其对执行功能偏低的幼儿效果更佳,显示出补偿发展的特征。  相似文献   

为了探讨心理诱导对牙科焦虑(dental anxiety,DA)患者治疗的影响,采用焦虑自评量表及汉密顿焦虑量表对门诊就诊患者进行焦虑调查,筛选出伴焦虑者82例,随机分为两组,分别进行心理干预治疗和一般治疗,并对数据进行统计分析。结果显示,心理诱导指导组与时照组相比较焦虑水平明显降低,患者无论在完成第一次治疗还是复诊情况均优于对照组(P〈0.01)。提示心理干预对DA患者治疗有显著效果。  相似文献   

为了探讨心理诱导对牙科焦虑症(dental anxiety,DA)患者治疗的影响,采用焦虑自评量表及汉密顿焦虑量表对门诊就诊患者进行焦虑调查,筛选出伴焦虑者82例,随机分为两组,分别进行心理干预治疗和一般治疗,并对数据进行统计分析.结果显示,心理诱导指导组与对照组相比较焦虑水平明显降低.患者无论在完成第一次治疗还是复诊情况均优于对照组(P<0.01).提示心理干预对DA患者治疗有显著效果.  相似文献   

Modifying sensory aspects of the learning environment can influence motor behavior. Although the effects of sensory manipulations on motor behavior have been widely studied, there still remains a great deal of variability across the field in terms of how sensory information has been manipulated or applied. Here, the authors briefly review and integrate the literature from each sensory modality to gain a better understanding of how sensory manipulations can best be used to enhance motor behavior. Then, they discuss 2 emerging themes from this literature that are important for translating sensory manipulation research into effective interventions. Finally, the authors provide future research directions that may lead to enhanced efficacy of sensory manipulations for motor learning and rehabilitation.  相似文献   

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