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Strictly religious adolescents grow up in highly religious contexts with orthodox beliefs and practices that usually contrast with those of pluralist and secularized societies that can be perceived as promoting unhealthy religious identity development. For these adolescents, religious identity development may be a challenge; however, there seems to be a lack of theoretical and empirical understanding of how these adolescents develop their religious identities. To address this, a literature review was conducted, and 15 studies were selected after the application of selection criteria. This review focuses on the characteristics of these studies to understand the religious identity development of strictly religious adolescents. Implications for theory development and further empirical research are discussed.  相似文献   

Social identity can affect perceptions of external threats and the type of response elicited to those threats. Religion is a social identity with eternal group membership and revered beliefs and values; thus, religious identity salience, religious commitment, and religious involvement may have implications for aggressive responses to perceived threats to a person’s religious identity. In a sample of 176 Christians, Muslims, and Jews, we investigated whether people respond aggressively to collective threat as a function of religious identity salience, religious commitment, and religious involvement. Religious commitment was positively related to anger only when religious identity was salient. Religious involvement was negatively related to anger and hostility only when religious identity was salient. Religious identity salience appears to act as a moderator by either enhancing perceptions of threat or by activating internal religious beliefs and values.  相似文献   

我们几乎都能肯定,诸宗教之问或多或少都有"排他"倾向,认为真理掌握在自己的手里,其他宗教信仰或多或少是错误的.一般宗教都在宣传自己的优越性,为自己的存在合理性寻找依据,即使是那些自认为是"非宗教的宗教"也是如此.  相似文献   

Theory and research suggest that Internet identification may account for some of the gender divide in Internet use. Internet identification is a type of domain identification, and is inherently bound with images of those who use the Internet, a domain traditionally conceived as masculine. Combining the "draw an Internet user" test with an Internet identification scale, this study tests two hypotheses: participants drawing gender-concordant images will (i) identify with and (ii) use the Internet more than those drawing gender-discordant images. Participants were 371 students (121 males, 250 females) from three universities in the United Kingdom and Australia. The need to challenge masculinized images of the Internet is discussed.  相似文献   

Mentoring is an increasingly important function for career success. Many special groups, however, including minorities and women, have difficulty finding a mentor. One solution is virtual mentoring—selecting and interacting with mentors on the Internet. The author discusses advantages of virtual mentoring over other forms of mentoring, describes examples of Internet mentoring for various special groups and purposes, and suggests future directions for Internet mentoring.  相似文献   

The experimenters explored how religious fundamentalism related with religious orientation, irrational thinking, and immature defense mechanisms. They also explored the possible moderational role of the Big 5 personality factors. The participants were predominantly Greek Orthodox College students from a Cypriot University. The experimenters employed a cross-sectional design and required participants to complete a series of self-report measures. Religious fundamentalism significantly predicted irrational thinking. Intrinsic and personal extrinsic religious orientations significantly predicted religious fundamentalism. The results provide support for the idea that the more dogmatically one holds their religious beliefs, the more likely they are to think irrationally.  相似文献   

本文以2005年"中国汉民族宗教体验调查"结果为基础,就当代中国宗教徒的宗教冷漠、非宗教徒的宗教倾向和无神论者的宗教兴趣展开讨论,试图揭示当代中国汉族民众宗教信仰与宗教行为分离的现实,并就其缘由进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

<正>国家宗教事务局令《宗教团体管理办法》已于2019年11月1日经国家宗教事务局按规定程序审议通过,现予公布,自2020年2月1日起施行。局长王作安2019年11月20日第一章总则第一条为了规范宗教团体管理,促进宗教团体健康发展,积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应,根据国家社会团体管理和宗教事务管理有关规定,制定本办法。第二条本办法所称宗教团体,是指信教公民自愿组成,为团结信教公民爱国爱教、促进宗教健康发展,按照其章程开展活动的非营利性社会组织。宗教团体是中国共产党和人民政府团结、联系宗教界人士和广大信教公民的桥梁和纽带。  相似文献   

宗教存在的长期性问题是“社会主义的宗教论”基础性课题。宗教在社会主义历史条件下不仅继续存在,甚至还会在某种程度上得到发展。科学与宗教在本质上是对立的,但在历史发展过程中二者之间呈现出一种极为复杂的互动关系,不能作简单化的理解。经济的快速发展和物质的日益丰富为宗教发挥其社会功能提供了新的机遇和空间。我国还处在社会主义初级阶段,远未达到足以消灭宗教根源的程度,因此宗教将长期存在。  相似文献   

Those with differing levels of religious fundamentalism (RF) may be selective in their memory for religious information. In Study 1, participants read a text about money or sex, with a judgmental or not-judgmental message. Higher RF was associated with more accurate recall and fewer intrusions. In Study 2, participants high or low in RF read texts about sex. High-RF participants had more accurate recall and fewer intrusions. However, high-RF participants had more recognition false alarms to sentences that were not presented. High RF may aid memory for religious information, but also increase familiarity of related but not presented information. Exposure to not-judgmental messages decreased RF scores, suggesting that textual messages can impact responses to fundamentalism scales.  相似文献   

境外宗教渗透活动的一个重要方向是以我国西南少数民族为重点目标。在境外针对我少数民族进行传教的非法出版物中,对中国政府经过识别认定的55个少数民族,作出了毫无根据的质疑和否定,实质上是为了达到所谓的"基督教前景",煽动我国民族分裂、利用宗教危害我国家安全。中国的民族识别,其理论创举和社会效果已为历史所证实,并得到国际社会的广泛承认。在新的历史条件下,从国家安全的战略高度,遵循宗教自身的发展规律,尊重和保护少数民族的民族民间宗教信仰,形成文化生态平衡、宗教生态平衡,不仅能有效抵御境外宗教渗透,同时对保护我们自己民族的精神文化遗产,都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   


Investigators of linguistic devices such as minimal responses have assumed their function, neglecting to examine the matter empirically. This study introduces a technique enabling the identification of the function of such responses. With stereophonic recordings of conversation between two people, it was possible to delete minimal responses from an original recording. Eighty British students heard either an original recording or an edited version in which minimal responses had been deleted and were asked to make judgments about various aspects of the interaction. Results indicate minimal responses served to denote agreement and to suggest a context of informality.  相似文献   

宗教与宗教研究,在人类历史中一直关涉到人类如何生存的重大问题。本文首先讨论宗教与人类自身反思的两种方式的关系,特别讨论了在现代化进程中人类对宗教问题反思方式的改变;其次,讨论现代性与宗教学术研究必备条件之间的关系;第三,讨论在现代学术形态的宗教研究中,必然出现的对宗教意义理解的两重性矛盾。本文强调,当前的宗教研究,只有正视这个矛盾,宗教与人类的关系及其对人类生活的意义,才能被正确看待。  相似文献   

2010年10月20日,联合国大会通过了一项决议,呼吁加强不同信仰和宗教之间的对话,以增强人民之间的相互理解、和谐与合作,确定每年2月的第一周为"世界不同信仰间和谐周"。刚才宣读通过的《倡导宗教和谐共同宣言》也充分表达了我们道教界的意愿。我们坚决支持这一宣言,并将以实际行动积极响应。  相似文献   

In this article, I want to do two things. The first is to conduct a sympathetic yet critical review of some of the salient features of the ideas in the notes that have come to us from Wittgenstein's Lectures on Religious Belief. This requires close reading, analysis and critique. The second, which comes out of the first, is to give some indication of Wittgenstein's failure to apply to his thinking about religious and moral matters some of the insights that he had already achieved as his philosophical thinking progressed.  相似文献   

目前国内学界通常将"Religious pluralism"一词译作"宗教多元论"或"宗教多元主义"。本文通过对其内涵的深入分析,揭示出该术语三重含义:"宗教多元性"、"宗教多元观"与"宗教多元论"。文章进一步提出判断某种理论是否属于宗教多元论的标准可概括为"以相对化为途径,祛除宗教自我中心主义,在新秩序内实现宗教平等"。由此揭示出当代宗教多元论的目标在于通过建构宗教共同体建立宗教平等的"新秩序"。  相似文献   

斯宾诺莎的宗教概念是斯宾诺莎主义的重要方面。这一少有人作专门研究的宗教概念应当受到关注,这对于我们的斯宾诺莎研究的深入是绝对必要的;对于我们的今日宗教问题的思考亦绝非无益。本文拟从斯宾诺莎的著作出发,考察其宗教概念的特有内涵和本质,并对它作出应有的历史定位。  相似文献   

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