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It was considered that inverted vision could influence the condition of the subject's relative framework. The aim of this study was to investigate whether autokinetic movement observed during inverted vision might differ from that in normal vision. One subject wearing inverting spectacles and another one subject in normal vision observed autokinetic movement for five days. The results showed that directional changes increased with the time spent in visual inversion, while in normal vision such tendency was not observed. One speculative interpretation was suggested in terms of subject-related framework.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of movement velocity on the perception of simple geometric trajectories. We show that when an ellipse is traced by the continuous displacement of a spot against an empty background, the subjective aspect ratio (R = vertical axis/horizontal axis) of the figure depends on the law of motion of the spot. If the tangential velocity of the spot is constant, very large and subject-specific biases emerge in the perception of the aspect ratio. If the tangential velocity of the spot is made equal to that of an elliptic motion with aspect ratio R less than 1, and resulting from the vectorial composition of two harmonic functions (Lissajous motion) there is a general trend to perceive the ellipse as being flatter than in reality. The effect, however, is not symmetric: when the velocity follows a Lissajous modulation with R greater than 1, highly significant biases are still present in most subjects, but no common trend emerges from the experimental population. The results are discussed in the context of recent findings on the relationship between form and kinematics in spontaneous human movements.  相似文献   

The autokinetic movement responses of 10 American, 10 Chinese, and 10 Iranian students to religious symbols and control stimuli were measured. The hypothesis of differential direction response as a function of the target shapes was supported. Iranian students did show a pattern of responding significantly different from the American and Chinese.  相似文献   

The assimilation theory of geometric illusions is extended to include an additional postulate which states that “assimilative effects increase with an increase in the range of contextual magnitudes”. The effects of several stimulus variables on the Müller-Lyer and Poggendorff illusions are explained on the basis of this postulate.  相似文献   

Révész (1934) reported that haptic illusions were observed in almost all of the geometrical optical illusion figures. The present study reexamined seven geometrical illusions in both haptic and visual modes. In the Müller-Lyer, Ponzo, and vertical-horizontal figures, haptic illusions equivalent to the visual illusions were observed. In the Oppel-Kundt figure, a haptic illusion similar to the visual one was obtained. In the haptic Delboeuf stimuli, the size illusion of the outer circle occurred, whereas that of the inner circle did not. No haptic illusion was obtained in the Poggendorff figure. In the Z?llner figure, a haptic illusion directionally opposite to the visual one was obtained. These results show that haptic illusions do not occur in all of the geometrical illusion figures. They also suggest that haptic illusions are not necessarily mediated by visualization and that haptic processing of the figures often occurs in a manner different from vision.  相似文献   

It is argued that the parallel lines illusion is the basic model for many visual distortions that are produced by geometric patterns. An experiment assessed the effect of moving the contextual contour away from the standard contour in two directions—away from the center of the attentive field and toward the center of the attentive field. The degree of illusion declined as the contextual magnitude moved away from the standard magnitude, but the rate of decline was more rapid when the contextual stimulus was moved away from the center of the attentive field. The results necessitated the addition of a new postulate for the assimilation theory of geometric illusions. This postulate states that the effectiveness of a contextual magnitude decreases as the distance between the contextual magnitude and the standard magnitude increases. The postulate was translated into a mathematical form in a manner analogous to the way in which the “attentive field” postulate was quantified. The new formula was successful in predicting both the pattern of means and the pattern of variances found in this study. The formula was cross-validated with data from the Ponzo and reversed Mueller-Lyer illusions.  相似文献   

It is argued that an unwarranted dichotomization of geometrical illusions has produced theories whose explanatory scope is limited to either assimilation or contrast. Since recent attempts at integration lack precision, a 1977 unified model of the perception of extent by Brigner was revised to predict accurately both assimilative and contrastive phases of the parallel lines illusion. Application of the revised model to other geometrical illusions was discussed and a means of parsimoniously accounting for variations in assimilative illusions occurring with age and with lightness of the stimulus figure was suggested.  相似文献   

16 college males participated in a study exploring active and passive illusions in touch. Analogs to 2 primary and 2 secondary visual illusions were constructed for active and for passive tactual presentation. Tactual illusory effects similar to those one would predict from vision were found in the active mode of presentation of the Müller-Lyer, and horizontal-vertical conditions, while opposite effects were found in the active mode of presentation of a modification of Delboeuf circles and in the passive diamond-square and horizontal-vertical conditions (ps less than .02). Analogous primary and secondary illusory results interacted with the active and passive modes of presentation.  相似文献   

Révész (1934) reported that haptic illusions were observed in almost all of the geometrical optical illusion figures. The present study reexamined seven geometrical illusions in both haptic and visual modes. In the Müller-Lyer, Ponzo, and vertical-horizontal figures, haptic illusions equivalent to the visual illusions were observed. In the Oppel-Kundt figure, a haptic illusion similar to the visual one was obtained. In the haptic Delboeuf stimuli, the size illusion of the outer circle occurred, whereas that of the inner circle did not. No haptic illusion was obtained in the Poggendorff figure. In the Zöllner figure, a haptic illusion directionally opposite to the visual one was obtained. These results show that haptic illusions do not occur in all of the geometrical illusion figures. They also suggest that haptic illusions are not necessarily mediated by visualization and that haptic processing of the figures often occurs in a manner different from vision.  相似文献   

P Bressan 《Perception》2001,30(9):1031-1046
Grey looks darker when set against white than when set against black. In some complex figures this illusion becomes startling, and can be shown to depend on the perceptual organisation of regions within the image. The most widely accepted explanations of such effects are based on the analysis of the junctions formed where the boundaries of nearby regions meet. Even theories where junctions are not the subject of special concern underline their importance as grouping cues. In this paper I present several new families of figures that challenge both views, and conclude that junctions do not play any crucial role in lightness estimation.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, there has been an interest in the impact of visual illusions on the control of action. Much of this work has been motivated by Milner and Goodale's two visual system model of visual processing. This model is based on a hypothesized dissociation between cognitive judgments and the visual control of action. It holds that action is immune to the visual context that provides the basis for the illusion-induced bias associated with cognitive judgments. Recently, Glover has challenged this position and has suggested that movement planning, but not movement execution is susceptible to visual illusions. Research from our lab is inconsistent with both models of visual-motor processing. With respect to the planning and control model, kinematic evidence shows that the impact of an illusion on manual aiming increases as the limb approaches the target. For the Ebbinghaus illusion, this involved a decrease in the time after peak velocity to accommodate the 'perceived' size of the target. For the Müller-Lyer illusion, the influence of the figure's tails increased from peak velocity to the end of the movement. Although our findings contradict a strong version of the two visual systems hypothesis, we did find dissociations between perception and action in another experiment. In this Müller-Lyer study, perceptual decisions were influenced by misjudgment of extent, while action was influenced by misjudgment of target position. Overall, our findings are consistent with the idea that it is often necessary to use visual context to make adjustments to ongoing movements.  相似文献   

I P Howard  G Hu 《Perception》2001,30(5):583-600
It is known that rotation of a furnished room around the roll axis of erect subjects produces an illusion of 360 degrees self-rotation in many subjects. Exposure of erect subjects to stationary tilted visual frames or rooms produces only up to 20 degrees of illusory tilt. But, in studies using static tilted rooms, subjects remained erect and the body axis was not aligned with the room. We have revealed a new class of disorientation illusions that occur in many subjects when placed in a 90 degrees or 180 degrees tilted room containing polarised objects (familiar objects with tops and bottoms). For example, supine subjects looking up at a wall of the room feel upright in an upright room and their arms feel weightless when held out from the body. We call this the levitation illusion. We measured the incidence of 90 degrees or 180 degrees reorientation illusions in erect, supine, recumbent, and inverted subjects in a room tilted 90 degrees or 180 degrees. We report that reorientation illusions depend on the displacement of the visual scene rather than of the body. However, illusions are most likely to occur when the visual and body axes are congruent. When the axes are congruent, illusions are least likely to occur when subjects are prone rather than supine, recumbent, or inverted.  相似文献   

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