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死亡的痛苦来源于对死亡的无知。依据辩证法原理,结合现代科学的最新发现,对死亡的本质进行解析发现:死亡是构成生命的物质和意识在运动形式上的特殊转化,而非生命体的消失。灵魂是生命体的核心成分之一,而灵魂的实质是承载深层意识的超微观物质结构。  相似文献   

死亡的痛苦来源于对死亡的无知.依据辩证法原理,结合现代科学的最新发现,对死亡的本质进行解析发现:死亡是构成生命的物质和意识在运动形式上的特殊转化,而非生命体的消失.灵魂是生命体的核心成分之一,而灵魂的实质是承载深层意识的超微观物质结构.  相似文献   

What is death? The question is of wide‐ranging practical importance because we need to be able to distinguish the living from the dead in order to treat both appropriately; specifically, the permissibility of retrieving vital organs for transplantation depends upon the potential donor's ontological status. There is a well‐established and influential biological definition of death as irreversible breakdown in the functioning of the organism as a whole, but it continues to elicit disquiet and rejoinders. The central claims of this paper are that the best way to address the question as to what death is, is to attend closely to our ordinary concept of death; doing so reveals that, whilst our ordinary understanding accommodates the biological definition, it also includes the thought that, for someone who has died, there will never again be anything it is like to be that person. Support for these claims is provided, and their academic and practical implications traced. The important practical implication is that we are left in quandary as to whether certain potential organ donors — for example, anencephalic babies and the permanently vegetative — are dead, a quandary that has serious implications for the relevance of the dead donor rule in transplant ethics.  相似文献   

James Snow 《Metaphilosophy》2016,47(4-5):607-626
Scholarship in the multidisciplinary field of genocide studies often emphasizes body counts and the number of biological deaths as a way of measuring and comparing the severity and scope of individual genocides. The prevalence of this way of framing genocide is problematic insofar it risks marginalizing the voices and experiences of victims who may not succumb to biological death but nevertheless suffer the loss of family members and other loved ones, and suffer the destruction of relationships, as well as the foundational institutions that give rise to and sustain those relationships. The concept of social death, which Claudia Card offers as the central evil of genocide, marks a radical shift in conceptualizing genocide and provides space for recovering the marginalized voices of many who suffer the evils of genocide but do not suffer biological death. Here her concept of social death is explored, defended, and criticized.  相似文献   

随着生物医学技术的发展,人们对细胞死亡的研究不断深入,从组织学水平到细胞学水平再深入到分子生物学水平,有关细胞死亡的概念也经历了坏死,凋亡与坏死,胀亡、凋亡与坏死等几个阶段.认识具有反复性和无限性,人们对细胞死亡的认识体现了认识的辨证发展过程,细胞死亡理论的发展会像死亡自身一样不可避免.  相似文献   

In previous work we have presented a reply to the Lucretian Symmetry, which has it that it is rational to have symmetric attitudes toward prenatal and posthumous nonexistence. Our reply relies on Parfit-style thought-experiments. Here we reply to a critique of our approach by Huiyuhl Yi, which appears in this journal: Brueckner and Fischer on the evil of death. We argue that this critique fails to attend to the specific nature of the thought-experiments (and our associated argument). More specifically, the thought-experiments seek to elicit attitudes about (say) past pleasures per se, and not insofar as such pleasures are connected to more pleasures in the future or a greater total amount of pleasures in one’s life overall.  相似文献   

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion -  相似文献   

Guillery  Daniel 《Res Publica》2021,27(3):491-507
Res Publica - A common objection to a proposal or theory in political philosophy is that it is not feasible to realise what it calls for. This is commonly taken to be sufficient to reject a...  相似文献   

自休闲学产生以来,对于"休闲"这一概念就有了不同层次上的定义,而每一种定义都会产生相应的解释和语境。但是,就我国目前的休闲问题研究来看,对于"休闲"这一概念的使用却显得有些混乱。由于概念在不同层次上使用,人们在讨论关于休闲的问题时,常常无法形成真正的对话平台。因此,有必要对于"休闲"这一概念进一步加以辨析和说明。我们对于休闲的理解大体可分为四个层次:其一,作为属性的休闲,体现为休闲现象;其二,作为生活方式的休闲,主要体现于休闲活动;其三,作为价值观的休闲,主要体现于休闲的价值判定;其四,作为本体论的休闲,体现于休闲的存在论意义以及休闲对于人的超越性。  相似文献   

In dyadic deaths, a second victim acts in consort with, is associated with, or is killed by a person who, contemporaneous with the first death, then suicides. Dyadic deaths thus include both homicide–suicides and suicide pacts. This paper describes, suggests organizing dynamics of, and illustrates distinct types of dyadic deaths. The proposed typology varies by levels of dominance, dependence–enmeshment, and the presence or absence of hostility in and between partners.  相似文献   

个体化过程是当代儿童青少年发展与教育研究中的重要课题。然而,由于该研究领域处于持续发展变化之中,目前研究者关于个体化概念的看法存在着诸多分歧。文章从个体化理论及概念涵义的发展、个体化测量及操作性定义的发展两个角度对目前研究中的个体化概念进行了分析和总结,在此基础上对现有概念进行了整合:个体化是个体在认知与情感等领域中,在逐渐形成亲子联结的新形式的同时,不断发展独立自主品质的过程。文章还对个体化与相关概念之间的关系进行了辨析。  相似文献   

对疾病的界定与解释是整个医学的核心与基础,尽管在不同历史时期都是本体论的疾病观占主流地位,但是纵观整个医学史,人们对疾病的不同界定充分证明了疾病概念问题上的建构论观点.医学上的建构论强调具体的社会环境、组织结构、价值信念、利益和权力关系等对疾病知识的影响.从建构论视角分析,"疾病"是一种功能性界定;疾病是一种价值判断;疾病是一种社会约定.  相似文献   

王立君  顾海根 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1510-1512,1506
这个元分析评论了学生利用概念图进行学习的实验研究.首先按照元分析的标准选择文章,从涉及3623名被试的26项研究中抽取27个独立效果量.不同年级水平的学生应用概念图学习科学、心理学和统计学等课程的内容.后测评估了知识的唤起和迁移.在不同的教学条件、教学情境和方法中,应用概念图策略都使得学生的成绩增加、学生对学习的态度变得更加积极肯定、降低了学生对学习的焦虑.平均效果量依据概念图的使用方法和对照组的特点而改变,不同的研究存在显著的异质.  相似文献   

In our times, philosophy has been suffering from a spiritual crisis that takes the forms of the crisis of culture, the crisis of meaning, and the crisis of way of life. As the soul of culture, philosophy should contribute valuable responses to the problems of our times. Thus understood, this paper intends to analyze the concept of crisis in a phenomenological approach. The concept of crisis is concerned with the philosophical themes of time and death, and the crises of our times are primarily the crises of life-meaning and the life-world. Drawing sources from Husserl and other phenomenologists, as well as experiences from Chinese culture, I argue that a philosophy of crisis should find its point of departure from the crisis of philosophy.  相似文献   

当代学者对自立认识的概念分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
夏凌翔  黄希庭 《心理科学》2006,29(4):861-867
在对有关自立的文献进行广泛检索的基础上,根据有关标准纳入了136项进行概念分析。从自立的特性、结构、条件与影响因素、结果与意义、相关概念、表现与指标等方面,对当前学者关于个体自立的认识进行了梳理。发现:①学者们的论述反映出的自立特性主要包括模糊性、独立性、主动性、道德性、辩证性、过程性和心理内容丰富性7个。②自立的条件与影响因素主要包括内在因素、外在环境因素以及个人修行因素三种。③不少学者强调自立是个体生存与发展的基础和结果。④文献中与自立关系最混乱的概念依次是自强、独立、自主、自尊、自信。⑤目前还没有学者给出有效的自立评价方法与指标。最后,对自立的实质、自立人格的结构、自立研究的现状与发展以及自立研究的意义等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(13):77-91

Elizabeth Stuart opens her paper by commenting that she feels that the most significant part of Michael Vasey's book, Stranger and Friends, is the final chapter on death. Vasey, she notes is one of the very few people to address the question of sexuality and death and his call for the queering of death has to be taken seriously. Stuart goes on to explore what a queer death might actually look like by reference to the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales. Through a close reading of the event, combined with personal experiences of having been in Hyde Park, Stuart shows how the many different mixed and ambiguous messages were brought together in the one event. The overall effect of this ambiguity was to subvert what should have been a national establishment ritual to make it accessible to many different people, especially to those who are gay, lesbian or bisexual. Stuart sees this as a possible pattern for the future and calls for far more work on this neglected area of sexuality and worship.  相似文献   

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