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An energy conservation contest among four groups of apartments (44 to 70 units each) in a University of Colorado family housing complex was conducted February-April, 1977. The winning group in each of six 2-week contests won $80 to use however it determined. The program produced a drop of about 10% in use of natural gas during the first contest; energy savings were smaller but still statistically significant throughout the first 8 weeks. Over a 12-week period, savings averaged 6.6%. Some changes in energy-using behaviors were reported by residents surveyed at the contest's end; however, knowledge of contest results by residents was minimal. The results are compared to those of other contest and rebate programs, the practical problems of costs exceeding savings and inaccurate estimates of energy savings are discussed, and implications for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

The self-perception explanation of the foot-in-the-door technique suggests that a person who complies with a small request infers that he or she is the kind of generous individual who is more likely to comply with a larger demand. It was hypothesized that individuals who are promised a monetary reward for their compliance with a small request are not more likely to comply with a larger demand because they cannot perceive themselves as generous persons. To test this hypothesis, subjects were presented with a small request (a 5-minute telephone interview) followed, 2 or 3 days later, by a larger demand (a 25-minute telephone interview). Some of the subjects were promised a monetary reward for their compliance with a small request (pay condition) while others were not promised a reward (no-pay condition). Results showed that rate of compliance in the no-pay conditon (64.3%) was significantly higher than rate of compliance in either a no-initial-request control condition (45.0%) or the pay condition (33.3%). The difference in rate of compliance between the control condition and the pay condition was not significant.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of 2 variables on compliance rates within the foot-in-the-door procedure. Participants who agreed to a small request were presented with a larger request either immediately after the first request or 2 days later. The second request was presented either by the same person or by a different requester. Compared to a control group receiving only the large request, participants were more likely to agree to the second request in all experimental conditions except one. When the same requester presented the second request without delay, participants were less likely than the control group to agree to the target request. This latter condition represents a situation in which typical foot-in-the-door procedures can backfire on the requester.  相似文献   


Resident non-participation is a major contemporary issue for the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center (Udvar-Hazy Center), a recently opened companion facility to the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum on the National Mall. The current study investigates the motivations and characteristics of local non-visitors. Residents from three surrounding counties comprised the study population and, as part of the larger study, responded to statements pertaining to reasons for non-visitation to the Udvar-Hazy Center, derived and modified for a museum context from the leisure constraints literature. Analysis of non-visitors, about one-half of the sample, resulted in the identification of relatively homogenous minimally-constrained, awareness-constrained, time-constrained, and access-constrained clusters. Managerial implications of these findings are considered.  相似文献   

采用事件相关电位(ERPs)技术考察了奖赏预期对人类面孔情绪识别的影响。实验采用线索-目标范式, 分别记录了被试在奖赏预期条件下以及无奖赏预期条件下对正性、中性和负性面孔进行情绪辨别任务的ERP数据。行为结果显示, 被试在奖赏预期条件下的反应时快于无奖赏预期条件下的反应时, 对情绪面孔的反应时快于对中性面孔的反应时。ERPs数据显示, 奖赏线索比无奖赏线索诱发了更正的P1、P2和P300成分。目标刺激诱发的P1、N170波幅以及N300均受到奖赏预期的调节, 在奖赏预期条件下目标诱发了更正的ERPs。P1、N170、VPP等成分没有受到面孔情绪的影响, 而额中央位置的N300波幅显示情绪(正性与负性)面孔与中性面孔加工的差异。重要的是, N300波幅出现奖赏预期与情绪的交互作用, 正、负情绪加工效应以及负性偏向效应受奖赏预期的差异性影响。正性情绪加工效应不受奖赏预期的影响, 而负性情绪加工效应和负性偏向效应在奖赏预期条件下显著大于无奖赏预期条件下。这些结果说明, 奖赏预期能够调节对面孔情绪的加工, 且不同加工进程中奖赏对情绪加工的调节作用不同。动机性信息调节注意资源的分配, 促进了个体在加工面孔情绪时的负性偏向。  相似文献   

To test Rogers' protection motivation theory and Fishbein's behavioral intention model, subjects observed one of four water conservation films which differed according to message severity (high/low) and efficacy of conserving (high/low). A questionnaire assessed the impact of the films on (1) the arguments (informational items) presented; (2) beliefs external to the films; (3) fear arousal; (4) Fishbein's mediating variables SN and Aact; (5) appraised severity and efficacy; and (6) behavioral intention to conserve water. High efficacy and low severity messages increased positive evaluative attitudes (Aact) toward conserving water. Although there was no effect for these manipulations on behavioral intention, the film groups, when compared with a control group which did not observe a fdm, showed significantly greater intentions to conserve water. These results are accounted for through an informational analysis of the beliefs affected by the films. This analysis provided evidence that feelings of citizen's duty to conserve water and concern about the water situation are closely related to behavioral intentions. This analysis did not support Fishbein's assertion of a dominant mediational role for SN and/or Aact in predicting behavioral intentions. The possible inclusion of a moral norm measure as a third component of Fishbein's model is discussed.  相似文献   

Material payment, social reinforcement, and familiarity were examined as possible mediating variables in the foot-in-the-door technique in the Thai society. Female college students in Thailand were randomly assigned to one of the eight possible combinations of the above three variables (e.g., material payment-social reinforcement-familiarity; no material payment-social reinforcement-familiarity; material payment-no social reinforcement-familiarity). At first contact, subjects were asked to respond to a 10-item checklist regarding environmental concerns. Four days later the same subjects were asked to travel a few miles from the college to plant trees as part of an environmental enhancement project. Verbal compliance (agreeing to go) and behavioral compliance (showing up at the appointed time and place for transportation to the planting site) were assessed and analyzed according to the experimental condition to which each subject was assigned. Social reinforcement significantly affected both verbal and behavioral compliance, whereas neither material payment nor familiarity affected either verbal or behavioral compliance. Social reinforcement was concluded to be a mediating variable in the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.  相似文献   

The literature indicates that youths in residential care have been associated with negative social images. However, there have been few studies focused on these social images, specifically, comparing them with the images of youths in normative contexts. To address this issue, we conducted two studies comparing the social images people have about youths in residential care to those they hold about youths living out of care. Both studies were conducted in Portugal: Study 1 explores these images through an open‐ended questionnaire; Study 2 examines these images with a quantitative instrument. Overall, the results indicate that the perception about youths in residential care was more negative than the perception about youths out of care. Additionally, the first study probed the effect of socioeconomic status of the youths on the social images held about them and the second examined the role of the respondents' professional contact with youth in care population on these social images. The implications of the social images people have about youth in residential care for the research and intervention towards the wellbeing of this population are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to test two aspects of the self-perception theory account of the foot-in-the-door (FITD) phenomenon. The first aspect tested was the claim that the greater the quantity of behavior associated with the initial request, the greater the likelihood of compliance with the later request. Quantity of behavior was operation-alized as (a) request size and (b) active versus passive execution, that is, whether the target person actually carried out the request or simply agreed to do so. The second aspect tested was the claim that changes in self-perception mediate the FITD effect. A field experiment was conducted to address these concerns. The results showed that a self-inference explanation is viable; however, a strict self-perception account fails because neither request size nor execution showed any correspondence to attitudinal measures or to compliance with the second request. Implications for a self-inference explanation are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, we combine two analogue experiments in which we empirically examined three malingering methodological issues in individuals trained and instructed to simulate posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on the Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI; Briere, 1995 Briere, J. 1995. Trauma Symptom Inventory professional manual, Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.  [Google Scholar]). In Experiment 1, we examined TSI scale effects of the following manipulations using a 2 × 2 design with 330 college students: (a) inclusion or exclusion of cautionary instructions regarding believability of participants' simulation and (b) different financial incentive levels. In Experiment 2, we examined comorbid psychiatric diagnostic training with 180 college students who were either trained to simulate PTSD and comorbid major depressive disorder or trained to simulate only PTSD. Caution main effects were significant for all but two TSI Clinical Scales, incentive main effects and interactions were only significant for one Clinical scale each, and the comorbidity manipulation did not yield any scale differences. We discuss malingering research design implications regarding the use of cautionary instructions, financial incentive levels, and comorbid training.  相似文献   

We studied the performance on a number cancellation task given to 40 children from Grades 4 to 6. An equal number of boys and girls with internal or external locus-of-control orientation responded to a social or material incentive to test a hypothetical relationship between incentive and locus of control. Although the incentive conditions did not affect the overall results, significant differences were obtained between locus-of-control groups, in addition to complex trial-dependent sex interactions.  相似文献   

On the assumption that the ability to overcome the effects of interference between the physical properties of an object is a basic component in the acquisition of conservation, we hypothesized that children would tend to negate conservation not only when the form of an object is altered but also when, without deforming the object, one of its properties (e.g., color or temperature) is altered; when variations (e.g., movement or orientation) are introduced into the concrete situation in which weight is exerted; or when other spatial properties (e.g., volume or surface) are made to interact with weight. The results indicate that children up to 8 years of age may have difficulty accepting the conservation of weight even when a transformation does not deform the object and that children up to 13 years may accept the conservation of weight but may find it difficult to explain why an object appears heavier in those instances where weight has to be coordinated with another spatial property. The theoretical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(1):73-87
Job requirements for Navy electronic technicians include extensive knowledge of basic electricity and electronics (BE/E) fundamentals. Historically the BE/E material has proved difficult for trainees to learn and has resulted in high setback and attrition rates. This study evaluates alternative computer-based instructional strategies for teaching complex technical content with 4 instructional conditions: computer-based drill and practice (CBDP), enhanced computer-based instruction (ECBI), a computer-based adventure game (GAME), and the existing classroom instruction (CI). We evaluated trainees on completion of the instruction with a schoolhouse comprehensive test, a specially designed cognitive skills test, and a motivation questionnaire. In addition, we recorded and analyzed the time participants took to complete the instruction. In general, the CBDP and ECBI groups outperformed the CI and GAME groups on all measures. The GAME condition performed no better than the CI condition. When differences existed between the ECBI and CBDP groups, the ECBI group performed better.  相似文献   

Two studies were designed to investigate factors hypothesized to influence the accuracy of performance-related statements (both performance predictions and self-set goals). In Experiment 1, subjects were either allowed to choose a specific version of the performance task or were assigned a version of the task prior to making performance-related statements. In Experiment 2, monetary incentives were manipulated prior to requests for either estimates or self-set goals. Results indicate significant sex-by-choice and sex-by-incentives interactions on both predictions and goals. In general, males responded to incentives and choice by becoming more extreme in their performance predictions and goals. However, females did not respond to incentives and choice as would be predicted by general principles such as "wishful thinking" (Slovic, 1966) and "illusion of control" (Langer, 1975). These results are discussed in the context of gender research in achievement settings and organizational theories of motivation.  相似文献   

Youth with emotional and behavioral disorders are often dealing with many challenges such as strained relationships, academic difficulties and family conflict in addition to their clinical symptoms. Youth can access intervention for these challenges in day and residential treatment centers. However, little is known about how these adolescents cope with stress or the strategies they use. The purpose for this study was to explore the ways youth report coping with stress, and in particular the active, passive/depressive and risky strategies they report using in response to stress. A second purpose was to explore the relationships between active, passive/depressive and risky strategies and their self-reported psychological difficulties. Using a crosssectional design, 30 adolescents (12–18 years of age, 79 % female) completed standardized measures of psychological difficulties and coping with stress. Youth reported using a variety of strategies to cope, and endorsed learning to live with it, and doing an activity alone as the two most commonly used. There were robust relationships between active (negative association) and risky behaviors (positive association) with psychological difficulties. Implications for family therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study simulated an organizational dispute to examine the effects of reward and coercive third party power on negotiator concessions and negotiator perceptions of the third party. The results indicated that the possibility of third party rewards inhibited negotiator concessions, and the possibility of third party punishments facilitated concessions. This effect was enhanced by negotiator limit. When negotiators had high limits, they made the fewest concessions if the third party could compensate; when negotiators had low limits, they made the greatest concessions if the third party could press. Taken together, the results suggest that negotiators sometimes use concession making as a strategy to affect third party behavior. When negotiators want third parties to provide compensation, as when they have high limits, they reduce their concession making as a way of eliciting the compensation; when they want to avoid third party behavior that is punitive, and they have low limits and room to make concessions, they hasten their concessions to reach agreement quickly and thereby stem the third party's involvement.  相似文献   

Although researchers have consistently found that neighborhoods matter, relatively little is known about the processes through which neighborhood-level characteristics influence individual outcomes, and whether interventions targeting improving neighborhood characteristics will be beneficial for children. I examine whether relocating from high- to low-poverty neighborhoods affected low-income Black children's exposure to promotive developmental experiences. Participating families voluntarily relocated from high-poverty, minority segregated, inner-city Chicago neighborhoods to mostly White, low-poverty, suburban and Chicago neighborhoods. Data come from retrospective qualitative interviews with 22 Gautreaux One families an average of 15 years after initial relocation, and from interviews with 43 Gautreaux Two families as they relocated into their new communities. I find that children primarily benefited from the institutional versus the social interaction resources in their new neighborhoods. Furthermore, suburban placement was key in facilitating children's access to higher quality resources.  相似文献   

We compared two strategies of prize-based contingency management (CM) in methadone-maintained outpatients. Urine was tested thrice weekly for 5 weeks pre-CM, 12 weeks CM, and 8 weeks post-CM. Participants were randomly assigned to a cocaine contingency (four prize draws for each cocaine-negative urine, N  =  29) or an opiate-cocaine contingency (one draw for each urine negative for opiates or cocaine, four draws if negative for both, N  =  38). There were no group differences in cocaine abstinence during CM or post-CM and no differences in opiate abstinence during CM. Opiate abstinence was greater in the opiate-cocaine group post-CM, and heroin craving was reduced in this group during and post-CM. Draws earned per cocaine-negative urine (four vs. one) did not affect cocaine use.  相似文献   

Hilary M. Lips  Emily Keener 《Sex roles》2007,56(9-10):563-571
Several decades of laboratory research have shown that high-dominant women, when paired with low-dominant men, are less likely than expected to emerge as leaders on gender-neutral tasks. The current study was designed to investigate the impact of an incentive on leadership emergence in mixed-gender pairs in which one member was high in personality dominance and one was low. Across incentive conditions, men high in personality dominance were more likely than women to emerge as leaders. Under the no-incentive condition, personality dominance relative to men did not significantly improve women’s leadership likelihood; men were more likely to emerge as leaders regardless of personality dominance. However, under the incentive condition, high-dominant women were significantly more likely to emerge as leaders than were their low-dominant male counterparts, and high-dominant men were also more likely than low-dominant women to emerge as leaders.  相似文献   

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