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Direct perception in the intersubjective context   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gallagher S 《Consciousness and cognition》2008,17(2):535-Consciousness
This paper, in opposition to the standard theories of social cognition found in psychology and cognitive science, defends the idea that direct perception plays an important role in social cognition. The two dominant theories, theory theory (TT) and simulation theory (ST), both posit something more than a perceptual element as necessary for our ability to understand others, i.e., to “mindread” or “mentalize.” In contrast, certain phenomenological approaches depend heavily on the concept of perception and the idea that we have a direct perceptual grasp of the other person’s intentions, feelings, etc. This paper explains precisely what the notion of direct perception means, offers evidence from developmental studies, and proposes a non-simulationist interpretation of the neuroscience of mirror systems.  相似文献   

Speech perception can be viewed in terms of the listener’s integration of two sources of information: the acoustic features transduced by the auditory receptor system and the context of the linguistic message. The present research asked how these sources were evaluated and integrated in the identification of synthetic speech. A speech continuum between the glide-vowel syllables /ri/ and /li/ was generated by varying the onset frequency of the third formant. Each sound along the continuum was placed in a consonant-cluster vowel syllable after an initial consonant /p/, /t/, /s/, and /v/. In English, both /r/ and /l/ are phonologically admissible following /p/ but are not admissible following /v/. Only /l/ is admissible following /s/ and only /r/ is admissible following /t/. A third experiment used synthetic consonant-cluster vowel syllables in which the first consonant varied between /b/ and /d and the second consonant varied between /l/ and /r/. Identification of synthetic speech varying in both acoustic featural information and phonological context allowed quantitative tests of various models of how these two sources of information are evaluated and integrated in speech perception.  相似文献   

Listeners perceive speech sounds relative to context. Contextual influences might differ over hemispheres if different types of auditory processing are lateralized. Hemispheric differences in contextual influences on vowel perception were investigated by presenting speech targets and both speech and non-speech contexts to listeners’ right or left ears (contexts and targets either to the same or to opposite ears). Listeners performed a discrimination task. Vowel perception was influenced by acoustic properties of the context signals. The strength of this influence depended on laterality of target presentation, and on the speech/non-speech status of the context signal. We conclude that contrastive contextual influences on vowel perception are stronger when targets are processed predominately by the right hemisphere. In the left hemisphere, contrastive effects are smaller and largely restricted to speech contexts.  相似文献   

Interpersonal perception among well-acquainted individuals in a social context was studied. High acquaintance was expected to provide perceivers with a large sample of target behaviors across situations. In turn, memory for acquaintances should be organized by social group and personality characteristics, as predicted by the social context-personality index theory. Differentiation of the target's traits in memory should produce a target effect on perception that is stronger than the perceiver effect. Furthermore, evidence for accuracy, meta-accuracy, independence of self- and other-perception, and reciprocity of affect were anticipated. A social relations analysis of data from a multiple-interaction, reciprocal design was used to study these phenomena. At the individual level, analyses indicated that perceptions of targets were determined primarily by target characteristics and secondarily by perceiver construction of the judgment. Also, perceivers judged targets as targets judged themselves, and targets knew in general how perceivers viewed them. Self- and other-perceptions were largely independent. Surprisingly, we did not observe dyadic meta-accuracy.  相似文献   

It is commonly assumed that perceived distance in full-cue, ecologically valid environments is redundantly specified and approximately veridical. However, recent research has called this assumption into question by demonstrating that distance perception varies in different types of environments even under full-cue viewing conditions. We report five experiments that demonstrate an effect of environmental context on perceived distance. We measured perceived distance in two types of environments (indoors and outdoors) with two types of measures (perceptual matching and blindwalking). We found effects of environmental context for both egocentric and exocentric distances. Across conditions, within individual experiments, all viewer-to-target depth-related variables were kept constant. The differences in perceived distance must therefore be explained by variations in the space beyond the target.  相似文献   

Stochastic interactive processes and the effect of context on perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of context on perceptual identification responses given without time pressure are well-described by classical models in which contextual and stimulus information exert independent effects. A recent article by Massaro (1989) raises the possibility that interactive models, such as the TRACE model of speech perception, are inherently incompatible with these classical context effects. The present article shows that this incompatibility hypothesis can be rejected. Mathematical analysis and computer simulation methods are used to show that interactive models can exhibit the classical effects of context, if there is variability in the input to the network or if there is intrinsic variability in the network itself. A variety of interactive models which incorporate variability can all produce the classical context effects, at least under some conditions; the conditions are rather general in the case of one of the variants. The findings suggest that interactive models should not be viewed as alternatives to classical accounts, but as hypotheses about the dynamics of information processing that lead to the global asymptotic behavior that the classical models describe.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine how verbal context and sensory stimulation interact to influence odor hedonic perception. Eight common odors were presented in their natural and synthetic forms, and verbal labels designating name and source (natural, synthetic) information were either explicitly given, self-generated, falsely provided, or not provided. Results revealed that verbal information about source influenced hedonic ratings whether or not the odorant itself was also present. When odorants were presented without verbal labels, olfactory evaluations were based in sensation. Name and source information contributed different levels of meaning and influence to perceptual evaluations. The findings are discussed with reference to an experiential-collocation model for odor-label interactions and a dual-coding hypothesis for olfactory perception.  相似文献   

Predictive approaches to the mind claim that perception, cognition, and action can be understood in terms of a single framework: a hierarchy of Bayesian models employing the computational strategy of predictive coding. Proponents of this view disagree, however, over the extent to which perception is direct on the predictive approach. I argue that we can resolve these disagreements by identifying three distinct notions of perceptual directness: psychological, metaphysical, and epistemological. I propose that perception is plausibly construed as psychologically indirect on the predictive approach, in the sense of being constructivist or inferential. It would be wrong to conclude from this, however, that perception is therefore indirect in a metaphysical or epistemological sense on the predictive approach. In the metaphysical case, claims about the inferential properties of constructivist perceptual mechanisms are consistent with both direct and indirect solutions to the metaphysical problem of perception (e.g. naïve realism, representationalism, sense datum theory). In the epistemological case, claims about the inferential properties of constructivist perceptual mechanisms are consistent with both direct and indirect approaches to the justification of perceptual belief. In this paper, I demonstrate how proponents of the predictive approach have conflated these distinct notions of perceptual directness and indirectness, and I propose alternative strategies for developing the philosophical consequences of the approach.  相似文献   

Two studies tested the hypothesis that in judging people's emotions from their facial expressions, Japanese, more than Westerners, incorporate information from the social context. In Study 1, participants viewed cartoons depicting a happy, sad, angry, or neutral person surrounded by other people expressing the same emotion as the central person or a different one. The surrounding people's emotions influenced Japanese but not Westerners' perceptions of the central person. These differences reflect differences in attention, as indicated by eye-tracking data (Study 2): Japanese looked at the surrounding people more than did Westerners. Previous findings on East-West differences in contextual sensitivity generalize to social contexts, suggesting that Westerners see emotions as individual feelings, whereas Japanese see them as inseparable from the feelings of the group.  相似文献   

Language as context for the perception of emotion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the blink of an eye, people can easily see emotion in another person's face. This fact leads many to assume that emotion perception is given and proceeds independently of conceptual processes such as language. In this paper we suggest otherwise and offer the hypothesis that language functions as a context in emotion perception. We review a variety of evidence consistent with the language-as-context view and then discuss how a linguistically relative approach to emotion perception allows for intriguing and generative questions about the extent to which language shapes the sensory processing involved in seeing emotion in another person's face.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the perception of possibilities for action (i.e., affordances) that depend on one's movement capabilities, and more specifically, the passability of a shrinking gap between converging obstacles. We introduce a new optical invariant that specifies in intrinsic units the minimum locomotor speed needed to safely pass through a shrinking gap. Detecting this information during self-motion requires recovering the component of the obstacles' local optical expansion attributable to obstacle motion, independent of self-motion. In principle, recovering the obstacle motion component could involve either visual or non-visual self-motion information. We investigated the visual and non-visual contributions in two experiments in which subjects walked through a virtual environment and made judgments about whether it was possible to pass through a shrinking gap. On a small percentage of trials, visual and non-visual self-motion information were independently manipulated by varying the speed with which subjects moved through the virtual environment. Comparisons of judgments on such catch trials with judgments on normal trials revealed both visual and non-visual contributions to the detection of information about minimum walking speed.  相似文献   

This three-part study demonstrates that perceptual order can influence the integration of acoustic speech cues. In Experiment 1, the subjects labeled the [s] and [∫] in natural FV and VF syllables in which the frication was replaced with synthetic stimuli. Responses to these “hybrid” stimuli were influenced by cues in the vocalic segment as well as by the synthetic frication. However, the influence of the preceding vocalic cues was considerably weaker than was that of the following vocalic cues. Experiment 2 examined the acoustic bases for this asymmetry and consisted of analyses revealing that FV and VF syllables are similar in terms of the acoustic structures thought to underlie the vocalic context effects. Experiment 3 examined the perceptual bases for the asymmetry. A subset of the hybrid FV and VF stimuli were presented inreverse, such that the acoustic and perceptual bases for the asymmetry were pitted against each other in the listening task. The perceptual bases (i.e., the perceived order of the frication and vocalic cues) proved to be the determining factor. Current auditory processing models, such as backward recognition masking, preperceptual auditory storage, or models based on linguistic factors, do not adequately account for the observed asymmetries.  相似文献   

Categories and context in the perception of isolated steady-state vowels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The noncategorical perception of isolated vowels has been attributed to the availability of auditory memory in discrimination. In our first experiment, using vowels from an /i/-/I/epsilon) continuum in a same-different (AX) task and comparing the results with predictions derived from a separate identification test, we demonstrated that vowels are perceived more nearly categorically if auditory memory is degraded by extending the interstimulus interval and/or filling it with irrelevant vowel sounds. In a second experiment, we used a similar paradigm, but in addition to presenting a separate identification test, we elicited labeling responses to the AX pairs used in the discrimination task. We found that AX labeling responses predicted discrimination performance quite well, regardless of whether auditory memory was available, whereas the predictions from the separate identification test were more poorly matched by the obtained data. The AX labeling reponses showed large contrast effects (both proactive and retroactive) that were greatly reduced when auditory memory was interfered with. We conclude from the presence of these contrast effects that vowels are not perceived categorically (that is, absolutely). However, it seems that by taking the effects of context into account properly, discrimination performance can be quite accurately predicted from labeling data, suggesting that vowel discrimination, like consonant discrimination, may be mediated by phonetic labels.  相似文献   

Theories of word perception in reading can be categorized in terms of the assumption made about whether or not a word context modifies the feature analysis of its component letters. Independence theories assume that the visual information passed on by feature analysis is independent of word context. Nonindependence theories assume that a word context directly influences visual analysis. Some nonindependence theories have assumed that word context enhances feature analysis of letters, others have assumed that word context overrides feature analysis of letters, and some have assumed that word context directs which letters are analyzed. The present experiment provided a critical test between the two classes of theories by independently varying orthographic context and visual letter information in a letter recognition task. The results contradict the qualitative predictions of the class of nonindependence theories and are accurately described by a quantification of independence theory.  相似文献   

A matter of considerable debate is whether people spontaneously use categorical knowledge (i.e., stereotypes) to guide their interactions with others. Despite initial evidence for the unconditional automaticity of category activation, recent research has identified a range of factors that moderate this process. Extending this line of inquiry, the current investigation explored the extent to which contextual influences—specifically the order in which priming stimuli are presented to participants—may modulate person categorization. Using a standard semantic-priming paradigm to index category and stereotype activation, participants were presented with priming stimuli that were either intermixed or blocked by sex. The results revealed that: (i) category and stereotype activation are moderated by the order in which priming stimuli are presented; and (ii) priming effects decrease monotonically as a function of category repetition. The theoretical implications of these findings are considered.  相似文献   

The perceptual complexity of lexically ambiguous and unambiguous sentences was compared in three experiments. In Experiment 1, the report of ambiguous words from rapidly presented ambiguous sentences was worse than the report of corresponding unambiguous words from unambiguous sentences. Results of Experiment 2 showed that the effect was not reduced by the presence of prior biasing context within the sentence. Experiment 3 repeated the finding with a sentence meaning classification task. It was concluded that both meanings of a lexically ambiguous sentence must be computed, even when prior context makes one meaning more plausible than the other.  相似文献   

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