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Letter perception has been traditionally viewed as a process in which individual features are accumulated over time. In order to test this notion, a special stimulus set was created having little or no featural redundancy. Using a masking paradigm, confusion matrices were generated at each of eight interstimulus intervals. Few, if any, of the predictions made by the feature accumulation models were upheld. Instead, it is suggested that letter perception is better thought of as a global-to-local process. When a letter is presented, an observer initially perceives a large array of perceptual data. Over time, a clearer view of the stimulus emerges as the perceptual system brings the letter into focus. Thus, global information about the letter is available quite early in processing, while the letter’s more local aspects become available only after relatively extensive perceptual processing.  相似文献   

This article reviews studies in which a single letter is visually presented under adverse conditions and the subject's task is to identify the letter. The typical results for such studies are (a) certain pairs of letters are more often confused than other pairs of letters; (b) certain letters are more easily recognized than others; and (c) confusion errors for a letter pair are often asymmetric, the number of errors differing depending on which letter of the pair is presented as the stimulus. A geometric model incorporating the properties of distance and spatial density (after Krumhansl) is presented to account for these results. The present application of the distance-density model assumes that each letter is constructed in a typical 5 X 7 dot matrix. Each letter is represented in 35-dimensional space based on its constituent dots. A central idea behind the model, embodied in the property of spatial density, is that an explanation of typical results must take into account the relationship of the entire stimulus set to both the presented letter and the responded letter. Specifically, according to the model, (a) pairs of letters that are close in geometric space are more often confused than pairs of letters that are distant; (b) letters that are in less spatially dense regions are more easily recognized than letters that are in more spatially dense regions; and (c) asymmetric confusion errors result when one member of a letter pair is in a denser region than the other member of the letter pair. The distance-density model is applied to published and unpublished results of the authors as well as published results from two other laboratories. Alternative explanations of the three typical letter recognition results are also considered. The most successful alternative explanations are (a) confusions are an increasing function of the number of dots that two letters share; (b) letters constructed from fewer dots are easier to recognize; and (c) asymmetries arise when one member of a letter pair is more easily recognized, since that letter then has fewer confusion errors to give to the other letter of the pair. The model is discussed in terms of the distinction between template matching and feature analysis. An alternative classification of letter recognition models is proposed based on the global versus local qualities of features and the spatial information associated with each feature. The model is extended to explain reaction time study results. It is suggested that the distance-density model can be used to create optimal letter fonts by minimizing interletter confusions and maximizing letter recognizability.  相似文献   

Unless we fixate directly on it, it is hard to see an object among other objects. This breakdown in object recognition, called crowding, severely limits peripheral vision. The effect is more severe when objects are more similar. When observers mistake the identity of a target among flanker objects, they often report a flanker. Many have taken these flanker reports as evidence of internal substitution of the target by a flanker. Here, we ask observers to identify a target letter presented in between one similar and one dissimilar flanker letter. Simple substitution takes in only one letter, which is often the target but, by unwitting mistake, is sometimes a flanker. The opposite of substitution is pooling, which takes in more than one letter. Having taken only one letter, the substitution process knows only its identity, not its similarity to the target. Thus, it must report similar and dissimilar flankers equally often. Contrary to this prediction, the similar flanker is reported much more often than the dissimilar flanker, showing that rampant flanker substitution cannot account for most flanker reports. Mixture modeling shows that simple substitution can account for, at most, about half the trials. Pooling and nonpooling (simple substitution) together include all possible models of crowding. When observers are asked to identify a crowded object, at least half of their reports are pooled, based on a combination of information from target and flankers, rather than being based on a single letter.  相似文献   

Many everyday tasks require prioritizing some visual features over competing ones, both during the selection from the rich sensory input and while maintaining information in visual short-term memory (VSTM). Here, we show that observers can change priorities in VSTM when, initially, they attended to a different feature. Observers reported from memory the orientation of one of two spatially interspersed groups of black and white gratings. Using colored pre-cues (presented before stimulus onset) and retro-cues (presented after stimulus offset) predicting the to-be-reported group, we manipulated observers’ feature priorities independently during stimulus encoding and maintenance, respectively. Valid pre-cues reliably increased observers’ performance (reduced guessing, increased report precision) as compared to neutral ones; invalid pre-cues had the opposite effect. Valid retro-cues also consistently improved performance (by reducing random guesses), even if the unexpected group suddenly became relevant (invalid-valid condition). Thus, feature-based attention can reshape priorities in VSTM protecting information that would otherwise be forgotten.  相似文献   

When observers are asked to report a feature of a single target displayed in rapid serial visual presentation, they frequently make errors. Most frequently, a feature from the to-be-reported dimension pertaining to a stimulus presented near the target is reported. These migrations are so-called illusory conjunctions in the time domain. From parallel models, it is proposed that during the presentation of the series, the response features of the stimuli are extracted. If a high rate of presentation does not enable proper binding processes, the system could base its response on sophisticated guessing on the basis of the relative levels of activation of the available response features. However, the multiple extractions assumption has not received direct empirical support. We report two experiments in which the observers had to report their first and second response candidates. This double response paradigm makes it possible to test the assumption that more than one response feature is available for making a response. Furthermore, the application of the constant ratio rule (following Botella, Barriopedro, & Suero's, 2001, model) to the first responses allows predictions for the ratios between choices of the items for the second responses. The correlations between the observed and the predicted response proportions were .887 and .956 in the two experiments. This high predictive capacity indicates, first, that the observers have more than one response available, among which to choose, and second, that the choice among responses is determined largely in the same way for both, first and second responses. Nevertheless, the small errors in prediction are further reduced if a proportion of pure guesses is assumed in the second responses. These are probably due to memory losses, misidentifications of the features, and other factors impairing performance in second responses in comparison with first responses.  相似文献   

Illusory conjunctions are alive and well: a reply to Donk (1999).   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When presented with a red T and a green O, observers occasionally make conjunction responses and indicate that they saw a green T. These errors have been interpreted as reflecting separable processing stages of feature detection and integration with the illusory conjunctions arising from a failure at the integration stage. Recently, M. Donk (1999) asserted that the phenomenon of illusory conjunctions is an artifact. Conjunction reports are actually the result of confusing a nontarget item (O in the example above) for a target item (the letter T) and (correctly) reporting the color associated with the (incorrectly) selected target. The authors demonstrate that although target-nontarget confusion errors are a potential source of conjunction reports, there is a plethora of findings that cannot be accounted for by this confusion model. A review of the literature indicates that in many studies, illusory conjunctions do result from a failure to properly integrate features.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether color and position information are functionally equivalent when observers are asked to select simultaneously on both dimensions. Observers were asked to report a letter of a given color from a given region of a briefly flashed letter array, then to report any additional letters they could recall from the stimulus set. Of the additional letters, more location letters were reported than were same-color or neutral letters. The results suggested that position information has priority over color information in top-down-guided visual selection.  相似文献   

The visual confusability of uppercase letters was manipulated in a successive same-different task to study the conditions under which visual generation from auditory inputs would occur and to investigate the figural specificity of the generated representations. Prior experiments have shown that visual confusions do occur when the initial stimulus is auditory and the second one is visual, which indicates that auditory stimuli can be encoded into visual forms. There has been some suggestion, however, that the generated visual code may have been too abstract to differentiate between the two cases in which letters can appear. In the present experiment, although the confusion effect was not eliminated when the subjects had no advance knowledge regarding the case in which the visual stimulus would appear, the marked confusion effect obtained when the visual stimulus was an uppercase letter was substantially attenuated when the letter appeared in lowercase. This was taken to indicate that the visual characteristics of a generated visual representation may be relatively specific. The results also suggested that subjects may wait until after the second stimulus is presented before they generate the visual representation of the initial auditory stimulus.  相似文献   

During visual search, observers hold in mind a search template, which they match against the stimulus. To characterize the content of this template, we trained observers to discriminate a set of artificial objects at an individual level and at a category level. The observers then searched for the objects on backgrounds that camouflaged the features that defined either the object’s identity or the object’s category. Each search stimulus was preceded by the target’s individual name, its category name, or an uninformative cue. The observers’ task was to locate the target, which was always present and always the only figure in the stimulus. The results showed that name cues slowed search when the features associated with the name were camouflaged. Apparently, the observers required a match between their mental representation of the target and the stimulus, even though this was unnecessary for the task. Moreover, this match involved all distinctive features of the target, not just the features necessary for a definitive identification. We conclude that visual search for a specific target involves a verification process that is performed automatically on all of the target’s distinctive features.  相似文献   

Modern theorists conceptualize visual selective attention as a competition between object representations for the control of extrastriate receptive fields, an account supported by the finding that attentional selection of one stimulus can degrade processing of nearby stimuli. In the present study the conditions that produce reciprocal interference between attended stimuli are examined. Each display contained either no, one, or two feature-defined target items among an array of homogeneous distractors. Observers performed two tasks, feature detection and object individuation. The feature-detection task required observers to determine if any targets were present within the display. The object-individuation task required observers to determine if the number of targets was exactly two. Spatially mediated interference between target pairs occurred in the object-individuation task, but had no effect on feature detection. Results suggest that localized interference between attended stimuli occurs only when observers are required to resolve the features of individual objects, consistent with the competitive interaction models of attention.  相似文献   

Observers were given brief presentations of pairs of simultaneous stimuli consisting of a visual and a spoken letter. In the visual focused-attention conditon, only the visual letter should be reported; in the auditory focused-attention condition, only the spoken letter should be reported; in the divided-attention condition, both letters, as well as their respective modalities, should be reported (forced choice). The proportions of correct reports were nearly the same in the three conditions (no significant divided-attention decrement), and in the divided-attention condition, the probability that the visual letter was correctly reported was independent of whether the auditory letter was correctly reported. However, with a probability much higher than chance, the observers reported hearing the visual stimulus letter or seeing the spoken stimulus letter (modality confusions). The strength of the effect was nearly the same with focused as with divided attention. We also discovered a crossmodal congruity effect: Performance was better when the two letters in a stimulus pair were the same than when they differed in type.  相似文献   

Appleman and Mayzner's application of the distance-density model to confusion data is compared with Keren and Baggen's application of the feature-matching model. In both applications, the distinctive features of two stimuli are predictors of the number of confusion errors. However, the models differ in that the feature-matching model assigns weights to the features and assumes that the shared feature weights also affect the probability of confusion. In contrast, the distance-density model assumes that the number of confusions between two stimuli is affected by the number of stimuli in the entire stimulus set that are similar to the two stimuli (density). The two models are compared in the context of a set of digit identification data.  相似文献   

Some reaction time experiments are reported on the relation between the perception and production of phonetic features in speech. Subjects had to produce spoken consonant-vowel syllables rapidly in response to other consonant-vowel stimulus syllables. The stimulus syllables were presented auditorily in one condition and visually in another. Reaction time was measured as a function of the phonetic features shared by the consonants of the stimulus and response syllables. Responses to auditory stimulus syllables were faster when the response syllables started with consonants that had the same voicing feature as those of the stimulus syllables. A shared place-of-articulation feature did not affect the speed of responses to auditory stimulus syllables, even though the place feature was highly salient. For visual stimulus syllables, performance was independent of whether the consonants of the response syllables had the same voicing, same place of articulation, or no shared features. This pattern of results occurred in cases where the syllables contained stop consonants and where they contained fricatives. It held for natural auditory stimuli as well as artificially synthesized ones. The overall data reveal a close relation between the perception and production of voicing features in speech. It does not appear that such a relation exists between perceiving and producing places of articulation. The experiments are relevant to the motor theory of speech perception and to other models of perceptual-motor interactions.  相似文献   

An alphabetic decision task was used to study effects of form priming on letter recognition at very short prime durations (20 to 80 msec). The task required subjects to decide whether a stimulus was a letter or a nonletter. Experiment 1 showed clear facilitatory effects of primes being either physically or nominally identical to the targets, with a stable advantage for the former. Experiment 2 demonstrated that uppercase letters are classified more rapidly as letters (vs. non-letters) when they are preceded by a briefly exposed, forward- and backward-masked, visually similar uppercase letter than when they are preceded by a visually dissimilar uppercase letter. Finally, Experiment 3 demonstrated that nominally identical and visually similar primes facilitate processing more than do nominally identical, visually dissimilar primes. The alphabetic decision task proved to produce sensitive and stable priming effects at the feature, letter, and response-choice level. The present results on letter-letter priming thus constitute a solid data base against which to evaluate other priming effects, such as word-letter priming. The results are discussed in light of current activation models of letter and word recognition and are compared with data simulated by the interactive activation model (McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981).  相似文献   

The present study examined whether observers are able to establish multiple attentional sets to concurrently monitor two different spatial locations. Observers identified a target letter in red or cyan among nontarget letters of other heterogeneous colours during a temporal feature search. A peripheral distractor display consisted of one item of either the same colour as the current target, and the other potential target colour, or an irrelevant colour that could never be the target. They identified an odd-ball colour letter among homogenous colours during a singleton search. The results revealed that observers maintained multiple attentional sets for detecting two singletons or for targets involving two (or three) features. However, they were unable to maintain a mixture of sets. Moreover, exposure to a distractor containing feature that corresponded to a feature of the current target was advantageous for target identification. The presence or absence of this set-specific capture depended on top-down knowledge and did not occur automatically in the singleton-detection stream. These results demonstrate a limitation in the flexibility of attentional sets. Although two singleton detections were possible, multiple attentional templates for a more complex attentional set could not be maintained concurrently when monitoring multiple rapid serial visual presentations.  相似文献   

Four memory scanning experiments investigated the effect of the probability of occurrence of one case of a letter (e.g., “A”) on response time to the other case of that same letter (“a”). There was no effect: Responses to one case of a letter did not depend on the probability of occurrence of the other case of the letter. This finding indicates that facilitation of visual encoding by high probability of occurrence is not caused by increased activation at the level of the name code. Previous results rule out the possibility that facilitation occurs at the level of feature detectors responding to the individual visual features of the high-probability stimuli, and these results were replicated in the present experiments. It appears that facilitation is caused by activation along specific routes by which visual features activate letter names. This conclusion has implications for the locus of effect of stimulus probability in models of letter coding  相似文献   

The role of perceptual interference in letter identification was investigated in three experiments designed to test the feature-specific inhibition model proposed by Bjork and Murray (1977). According to their extension of Estes’ (1972, 1974) interactive channels model, input channels leading to the same feature detector inhibit one another more than do channels leading to different detectors. The model therefore predicts perceptual interference between two letters to be a function of the degree of their feature overlap. Experiment 1 confirmed the feature-specific inhibition model and Bjork and Murray’s finding that the accuracy of report is lower when a briefly presented target letter is flanked by an identical letter than when flanked by another target letter or by a nontarget letter. Results from Experiment 2 indicated that single-target performance is a function of the degree of feature similarity between the target letter and background characters in a stimulus display. Experiment 3 ruled out a spatial-uncertainty explanation of feature-specific inhibition in a new paradigm that does not require subjects to process a poststimulus cue. The results of these experiments are discussed in relation to recent studies exhibiting strong effects of noise letters at the response stage of processing. It is suggested that discrepancies between feature-specific interference and response-interference studies may be a function of the particular mode of stimulus presentation and of the dependent measures that are used.  相似文献   

Summary Among mathematical models of visual confusion of letters and similar material, those that posit a feature detection process have been especially popular. The present study provides direct tests of several of the central assumptions of such models with feature-stimuli composed of the blank, one of two straight line features, or both line features positioned at a right angle. In one condition, the two features were connected when they appeared together, whereas in the other condition they were separated by a gap. A model which makes the strong assumptions that the features are sampled (detected) independently and then reported in a direct, unbiased fashion, performed acceptably in both conditions. Feature dependency models and those positing a biased decision process were ruled out on the basis of poor fits or lack of parsimony. The perceptibility (d) of a specific feature depended on the stimulus that contained it in the Gap condition but not in the Connected condition. The relative perceptibility of the horizontal vs in the vertical features was also different in the Gap vs Connected conditions. The results were compared with other recent studies, including ones in which sampling independence was falsified, apparently because of greater stimulus complexity, and employing a stimulus set that did not contain all possible combinations of features.We would like to thank J.T. Berning for help in conducting the experiments. The first and second authors were supported by NSF Grant #BNS 76-84053 and the third author by Purdue Research Foundation Grant #XR 0104 during the early portions of this research. The latter portions were aided by National Science Foundation Grant #BNS 79-20298 to the first author. The third author is now at Human Performance Center, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Send for reprints to Dr. James T. Townsend, Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA  相似文献   

A word superiority effect was obtained using a fixed stimulus set, positional certainty of the critical letter, mixed trial type, and instructions to fixate the critical letter. Control experiments established that this effect was not due to lateral masking. Further experiments extended the finding of a fixed-set word superiority effect to other stimulus sets, and to lowercase and mixed-case stimuli. The mixed-case word superiority effect is inconsistent with supraletter feature models of word recognition and, instead, lends support to hierarchical codes models. It was demonstrated that an unusually wide spacing of letters can disrupt the formation of word-level codes, and that wide visual angles are not necessarily disruptive as long as normal spacing is maintained.  相似文献   

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