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华人社会中的自谦初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡金生  黄希庭 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1392-1395
通过对典籍的梳理初步探讨了华人社会中自谦的内涵、实质和运作模式。自谦可能包涵“守弱处柔”、“卑己尊人”、“恭允克让”和“恭敬有实”四个方面。自谦的实质涉及“和合”、“远耻”、“隐显”;自谦包括“功利性”和“真诚性”两个因素,体现在“淡泊超脱—刻意功利”与“直率真诚—婉转伪饰”两个维度上。以这两个维度为基础的“谦礼”、“谦敬”、“谦卑”和“谦忍”可能是华人社会自谦的主要运作模式。  相似文献   

过度性医疗、保护性医疗与防御性医疗是发生在医疗活动过程中三种性质不同的医疗行为,对这三种医疗行为内涵的合理界定是对其进行法律规制的必要前提.过度性医疗是一种违法医疗行为,保护性医疗在一定条件下是一种受法律保护的医疗行为,防御性医疗则是一种性质“待定”的医疗行为.医师是否依法履行告知义务也是区分三种医疗行为的“试金石”.  相似文献   

本研究试图结合自尊这一人格因素来探讨大学生的防御方式及日常人际冲突解决方式,对自尊的划分除传统的高、低自尊外,还把高自尊细分为防御性高自尊和真正性高自尊。结果表明不同水平上自尊的个体在以上两方面都存在一定的差异,防御性高自尊和真正性高自尊的个体仅在一些防御机制上存在差异,在人际冲突解决方式上不存在差异,而在这一点上与国外类似研究结果不同。  相似文献   

从人际吸引力和胜任力评价两个维度探讨大学生自谦归因对他人评价的影响。以120名大学生为样本,采用2*2的组间情景实验设计,让被试观测情景材料中不同胜任力水平个体的自谦归因后作出评价,研究发现,不同胜任力水平下大学生自谦归因对人际吸引力和胜任力评价上存在交互效应,当材料中大学生胜任力水平高时,自谦归因能提高大学生的人际吸引力。然而,当材料中大学生胜任力水平低时,自谦归因不仅不能提高人际吸引力,反而减少了他人对大学生的胜任力评价。  相似文献   

通过对北京市5所大学552名大学生的调查,探讨性别、性别角色类型和性别观念类型对大学生人格特征的影响。结果表明:(1)性别角色和性别观念比生理性别对大学生人格特征的影响更大。(2)双性化大学生具有更多积极的人格特征;传统型大学生具有较高的面子;反传统型大学生具有较高的宜人性和较低的面子;冲突型大学生具有较高的神经质、防御性和较低的宜人性、灵活性;未分化型大学生具有较高的宜人性和较低的神经质。  相似文献   

近年来,医务人员为了降低医疗风险,加强自我保护,采取了越来越多的防御性医疗措施,进而导致了医患关系的进一步恶化,已经引起各方面的高度关注。本期“临床决策研究”栏目中,黄培撰写的“防御性医疗动因及干预策略”对防御性医疗的概念、特点、产生原因及干预策略进行了全面的论述。作者指出,防御性医疗虽有其正面效应,  相似文献   

自利和自谦归因影响大学生人际交往的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘肖岑  桑标  张文新 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1068-1072
采用实验法考查了自利/自谦归因对大学生的归因评价与人际交往的影响。结果表明:(1)大学生对自谦归因的评价要好于对自利归因的评价,这尤其突出地表现在消极反馈情境中,同时大学生对朋友的归因评价要好于对陌生人的评价;(2)大学生喜欢与自谦归因的搭档交往,不喜欢与自利归因的搭档交往,这一现象在消极反馈情境中表现得更为明显;(3)大学生对搭档的归因评价在搭档归因方式与人际交往意向变化之间起着部分中介作用。  相似文献   

对自谦的思考由来已久,但是,直到二十一世纪初,人们才试图借助科学手段对自谦进行系统的研究。在心理学界,自谦仍是一个新的研究领域。自谦涉及谦礼、谦敬、谦卑、谦忍,与谦虚、谦逊密切相关。文章通过文献资料的搜集,从自谦的界定、自谦的测量、自谦的相关因素、自谦的研究取向等四个方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

古籍中自立涵义的概念分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
夏凌翔  黄希庭 《心理学报》2006,38(6):916-923
在收集到的200部常见古籍中对“自立”一词进行检索,并对“自立”进行了概念分析。结果如下:①共检索到有“自立”一词的古籍98部;“自立”自春秋时起就广泛出现在各类典籍中。②古籍中对自立的使用主要是从个体自立、事物自立、针对它物与他人的自立以及国家自立四个方面进行的,每个方面又包括多种具体含义。③古籍中的自立人格特征可以分为主动性、道德性、独立性和其他四类。最后,对古籍中个体自立的实质、自立人格的结构以及本研究的优劣等问题进行了讨论,提出:①古籍中的个体自立是一个含义复杂、涉及范围宽的概念。自修与立身是个体自立的两个基本内容。自立既是一种人格特征也是一种人格塑造方法。②个体自立所包含的内容在长期历史发展过程中不断发展。③强调道德因素与人际联结是自立与西方类似概念的重要区别  相似文献   

小学儿童自尊发展的特点及其与同伴接纳的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以455g小学3~6年级儿童为研究对象,采用问卷调查法区分了传统上的高、低自尊,并在此基础上把高自尊区分为防御性高自尊和真正性高自尊,探讨了两类高自尊儿童的同伴接纳状况。结果表明:防御性高自尊儿童多于真正性高自尊儿童,防御性高自尊儿童中女生显著多于男生;防御性高自尊和真正性高自尊儿童的同伴接纳程度均显著高于低自尊儿童,并且真正性高自尊儿童的同伴接纳程度显著高于防御性高自尊儿童。  相似文献   

Ogletree  Shirley Matile  Ginsburg  Harvey J. 《Sex roles》2000,43(11-12):917-926
Even though the “clitoris” is the organ homologous to the “penis,” this term may not be commonly used as the female counterpart to the penis. We conducted three studies to examine the usage of terminology for female sexual anatomy. In the first study 57 books in a university computer database for “sex instruction” were examined for the inclusion of terms such as penis, clitoris, vagina, vulva, and uterus. Penis was mentioned more often than either the clitoris or vulva in these books. In the second and third studies we investigated the terminology used by college students as well as their sexual attitudes and knowledge. Participants in the studies were Euro-American (76%/76%, Study 2/Study 3 respectively), Hispanic (18%/14%), and African American (4%/7%); students reported that they were overwhelmingly taught vagina as the female counterpart to the penis. Believing that the inner portion of the vagina is the most sexually sensitive part of the female body correlated with negative attitudes toward masturbation (Study 2) and agreement with sex myths (Studies 2 and 3).  相似文献   

我国古籍中“勇”的心理学探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程翠萍  黄希庭 《心理科学》2016,39(1):245-250
在830部古籍中检索“勇”,形成包含836个句段的语料库,对语料逐条进行内容分析。结果如下:“勇”的内涵主要体现为威猛强悍、临危不惧、坚定笃志、果敢决断、大义担当、知耻革新六个方面,大致分为义理之勇和血气之勇两类,具有维护国家安全、优化人格等功能。最后,对勇气的传统性与现代性、跨文化的一致性与差异性进行了讨论,并提出勇气是一种既继承了优秀的中国文化传统,又能适应当下心理学国际化需要的心理品质。  相似文献   

Two experiments examined motivations underlying the common finding that females present themselves more modestly than males in achievement situations. In Study 1, 388 first-year college students, primarily European-Americans, predicted their first semester grade point averages (GPAs) in one of 3 public and 2 private conditions, which varied the salience of modesty concerns and/or concerns about the others' feelings. In the public conditions combined, but not in the private conditions, women's predictions were lower than men's, although there were no gender differences in actual GPA. The public condition in which the others' feelings and modesty concerns were made salient accounted for this difference between men and women. In Study 2, 230 first-year college students predicted their first-semester GPAs in private, in public to a “nonvulnerable” other, or in public to a “vulnerable” other (someone who supposedly had earned a low GPA). Women's estimates were lower than men's in the latter condition only and lower than their estimates in the other conditions. These results suggest that relational motivations, rather than a simple lack of self-confidence or modesty alone, are a factor in gender differences in self-presentation of achievement.  相似文献   

A motivational sequence was used as a theoretical framework for studying reactive aggressive driving. Study 1 tested the validity of the sequence “perceived intentionality‐anger‐reactive aggressive driving” and assessed the impact of coping on anger and reactive aggressive driving. The ecological validity of the same sequence was verified in Study 2 with a large sample of adult drivers, while examining the role of ego defensiveness as a determinant of anger and aggressive driving. Study 1 showed the proposed sequence was supported and that coping strategies intervened at both anger and reaction levels, depending if the situation was perceived as intentional or not. Study 2 showed that anger mediated the impact of coping and ego defensiveness on driving aggression. Sobel tests confirmed the anger mediation effect in both studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore in greater depth the identity formation processes in Italian university students starting from previous studies that have provided support for a “postponed Identity”. Given the particular socio-economic difficulties of the Italian context, especially occupational uncertainty, this study assumes that the years of university for Italian students are rather like a time of standby, a period when students are allowed to remain in moratorium (institutionalized) or diffusion statuses and disengage from tasks related to personal and professional identity consolidation. For this purpose, the study focuses initially on the person-centred approach by measuring identity statuses in students attending the first 2 years of university and in students attending the fourth and fifth years of university. Subsequently, it focuses on the first 2 years of university through an event-focused approach, exploring narrative accounts of memorable daily life events perceived as important for identity construction, and to deepen our understanding of the subjective dimension of personal changes. Based on five identity dimensions, the cluster analysis indicated that six identity statuses could be extracted for both students groups: achievement, foreclosure, moratorium, diffused diffusion, carefree diffusion and undifferentiated. Each of these clusters revealed a distinct profile in terms of narrative universes of meaning. The study explored associations between narratives, reflecting a particular focus on the identity content and identity statuses. Suggestions for future research and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

One hundred eighty‐two African American college students completed the Racial Identity Attitudes Scale. Results from the multivariate categorization scheme revealed 5 types of empirically derived racial identity attitude profiles: “dissonance internalization” (34%), “committed internalization” (30%), “cngaged internalization” (21%), “undifferentiated racial identity” (8%), and “dormant racial identity” (7%). The profiles significantly differed on Brief Symptom Inventory subscale scores.  相似文献   

Decision making is an activity found in all cultures. Although many theoretical models have been developed to explain human decision making, very few have taken the role of culture into account. In this paper the importance of cultural influences on self-reported decision-making styles is examined, with particular emphasis on the dominant cultural pattern (i.e. “group orientation” versus “individual orientation”). Results of a questionnaire study of 743 Japanese and 309 Australian university students are presented. As predicted, Japanese students reported greater use of decision processes or behaviours associated with the involvement and influence of others (“collateral role”), while Australian students reported greater use of decision processes associated with self-reliance and personal ability (“individual role”).  相似文献   

This paper is an opinionated overview of major developments in philosophy of mind during the past seventy years, with emphasis on the issue of mental causation. Its most prominent positions all embrace a broadly “naturalistic” or “materialistic” conception of human beings, and of mentality and its place in nature. Included in this paper are discussions of analytical behaviorism, the psychophysical identity theory, functionalism, multiple realizability and strong multiple realizability, supervenience, the causal exclusion problem, phenomenal mental states, wide content, contextualist causal compatibilism, agentive phenomenology, and the agent-exclusion problem.  相似文献   

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