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随着行为主义衰落和生物学技术发展,长期遭受“冷遇”的人格行为遗传学研究近些年成为颇受关注的领域,并由数量遗传学取向发展到分子遗传学取向.数量遗传学取向主张运用双生子研究、收养研究等设计来估计群体中遗传因素对人格表现型方差的贡献率,在人格特质、人格障碍、态度与偏好等人格方面做了大量研究.分子遗传学取向主张在DNA水平上用基因测定方法研究特定基因对人格表现型的影响效应,着重从多巴胺、5-羟色胺和去甲肾上腺素三种神经递质路径考察了基因与人格的关系.未来研究要强调在数量遗传设计中加入对特定基因型的直接测量,注重多学科和多范式的有效整合,扩大对健康人群积极人格品质的研究,加强基因对人格的深层作用机制研究和分子医学层面的人格干预研究.  相似文献   

行为遗传学:从宏观到微观的生命研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
行为遗传学是在多门学科发展的基础上形成的一门交叉学科。从19世纪末期到现在,行为遗传学已跨入第三个世纪。从孟德尔单基因遗传定律到多基因系统与环境交互作用影响复杂的人类行为,从传统的计量遗传学研究到连锁、关联研究再到功能基因组学技术的应用,无论在思想体系还是研究方法上,行为遗传学都取得了突破性进展。尽管行为遗传学在阐明基因究竟怎样影响行为的道路上仍处于起步阶段,但毋庸置疑,这一学科的进步将有助于人类了解自身行为,减轻人类病痛,并最终推动整个社会健康发展。  相似文献   

20世纪遗传学取得的重大成就并不能掩盖它与人类社会的伦理、宗教、法律之间的不和谐.如何更加正确和高效地进行遗传学的研究和技术应用已经成为各国自然科学家和社会科学家共同关心的问题.概括了遗传学认识的特征,分析了现代遗传学理论同各种传统认识之间存在的争论,并结合当今在遗传学理论研究和技术运用中出现的社会问题提出社会控制的措施.  相似文献   

人类基因组研究与遗传学的历史教训   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
第18届国际遗传学大会达成的八点共识对于人类基因组的研究及其应用具有重要意义,也指明了在遗传学及其应用问题上不同文化之间如何解决它们之间分歧的最佳途径。纳粹德国的优生实践和前苏联李森科学派的兴衰都给我们留下了不可忘记的教训。围绕中国母婴保健法的争论反映了科学、伦理和政策的交叉。我们的基因组研究和遗传服务是为了增进个人的健康和促进家庭的幸福,而不能也不应以减少残疾人口为目标。在基因组研究和遗传服务中  相似文献   

青少年焦虑、抑郁与偏差行为的行为遗传学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
焦虑、抑郁和偏差行为等问题的行为遗传学研究有助于了解人类情绪与行为受遗传和环境交互影响的内在机制。近年来,行为遗传学研究方法的迅速发展使科学家们能够更深入地探讨了基因与环境的作用和影响。文章了分析了焦虑、抑郁和偏差行为的行为遗传学研究进展,介绍了国内外双生子研究的发展情况,提出在我国建立双生子数据库,开展有关青少年焦虑、抑郁和偏差行为的行为遗传学研究  相似文献   

行为遗传学研究之新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自上世纪80年代以来,行为遗传学取得了长足的进展。在定量遗传学方面,共享环境和非共享环境概念的引入深化了人们对环境作用的认识;对于环境和遗传关系,不仅认识到基因型-环境的交互作用可能存在三种形式,还揭示出遗传对环境测量的影响——基因型-环境的相关。分子遗传学作为新兴的研究途径,目前以寻找基因为主,将来则以认识基因如何工作为重。行为遗传学的发展前景将是定量遗传学和分子遗传学以行为基因组学为中心的整合。  相似文献   

进化遗传学是现代遗传学的主要研究领域之一。文章首先对进化遗传学研究的理论基础及早期重要的研究进行回顾及简要介绍。进而着重阐述了当前该领域的三种主要进化遗传机制模型,选择中立机制、突变——选择平衡机制以及平衡选择机制,对个体智力差异和人格差异的解释,并列举一系列实证研究证据。最后本文探讨了进化遗传学研究对于解释个体心理差异的贡献与不足。  相似文献   

孟德尔(G.Mendel,1822—1884)是现代遗传学的奠基者,他通过豌豆杂交的试验,得出了遗传学的基本定律(分离定律和自由组合定律),他所创立的实验遗传学是遗传学史上第一个伟大的成就。此后的细胞遗传学和分子遗传学都是孟德尔学说的继续和发展。孟德尔的成就,关键在于他在科学认识的方法上有许多独到之处。尤其是他紧紧地把握住简(纯)与繁(杂)、定量与定性、连续性与间断性、内部因素与外部因素等若干重要问题,从而有力地推进了他的研究工作。正如美国学者邓恩(L.C.Dunn)所说,“对于生物学思想的发展来说,  相似文献   

中国的行为遗传学诞生在遗传学突飞猛进的时代,令人振奋。作为一个新兴学科,中国的行为遗传学研究可以避免走前人的弯路,而成为领先而不是滞后的领域。以学习能力的研究为例,计量行为遗传学可以避免“性与养”(nature vs. nurture)的争论而直接研究一些遗传学与心理学里有意义的问题,包括正常与异常、稳定与变动、同质与异质的关系等问题。尤为重要的是超越“性与养”的争论而直接研究遗传对行为的影响。本文也扼要介绍了英国“双生子早期发展”项目的计量行为遗传学和“全基因组关联”对学习能力研究的结果。可以预计,飞速发展的遗传学发现将会持续一些时日,其发展将会对中国和世界的心理学产生更大的影响  相似文献   

发展行为遗传学是发展心理学与行为遗传学的交叉学科, 旨在探明遗传与环境对人类心理与行为发展是否存在影响, 如何产生影响, 以及该影响及其作用机制是否随年龄增长而发展变化的问题。该学科与行为遗传学在研究对象、设计和内容等方面存在不同; 开展发展行为遗传学研究需要综合运用心理测量法和行为遗传学研究方法; 未来研究应拓宽和深化候选基因与行为关联性的考察, 并着力探析基因与环境的相互作用机制。  相似文献   

Limited health literacy is a pervasive and independent risk factor for poor health outcomes. Despite decades of reports exhibiting that the healthcare system is overly complex, unneeded complexity remains commonplace and endangers the lives of patients, especially those with limited health literacy. In this article, we define health literacy and describe the empirical evidence associating health literacy and poor health outcomes. We recast the issue of poor health literacy from within the ethical perspective of the least well-off and argue that poor health outcomes deriving from limited health literacy ought to be understood as a fundamental injustice of the healthcare system. We offer three proposals that attempt to rectify this injustice, including: universal precautions that presume limited health literacy for all healthcare users; expanded use of technology supported communication; and clinical incentives that account for limited health literacy.  相似文献   

To determine the health habits of people who pray for their health, data from the National Health Interview Survey was analyzed for health habits of people who prayed or did not pray for their health. Of the 22,314 respondents, 13,179 (59%) prayed for their health. These individuals saw a physician more frequently, participated more frequently in vigorous exercise and used more relaxation techniques, support groups, meditation and complimentary and alternative medicine therapies. People who pray for their health participate in more health promoting behaviors than people who do not pray for their health.  相似文献   

Health assessments have been integral in the development of health behavior and policy recommendations. As the nation's health status improves, information about positive health is needed to continue development of appropriate behavior and policy recommendations. In this study, perceived health, health behaviors, health care usage, and how participants defined health were assessed. Using reported health-promoting behaviors, respondents were grouped into high-, middle-, and low-health groups. Analyses found statistically significant differences ( p <.05) for all health behaviors reported and for life satisfaction. Each group's understanding of health also differed significantly. Results document the discriminating value and importance of positive health-promoting behaviors beyond their traditional role in prevention. Recommendations for health professionals' use of positive health assessments are discussed.  相似文献   

Prior research has established positive outcomes of health optimism (appraising one's health as good despite poor objective health (OH)) and negative outcomes of health pessimism (appraising health as poor despite good OH), yet little is known about their contributors. We examined the role of psychosocial factors (life event stress, depression, dispositional optimism, perceived social support) in health realism (appraising health in accordance with OH), optimism and pessimism among 489 older men and women. We then accounted for the psychosocial factors when examining multiple health correlates of health realism, optimism and pessimism. Controlling for age, gender and income, regression results indicate that depression and social support were associated with less health optimism, while dispositional optimism was associated with greater health optimism among those in poor OH. Dispositional optimism was associated with less health pessimism and life event stress was associated with greater pessimism among those in good OH. Beyond the effects of the psychosocial factors, structural equation model results indicate that health optimism was positively associated with healthy behaviours and perceived control over one's health; health pessimism was associated with poorer perceived health care management. Health optimism and pessimism have different psychosocial contributors and health correlates, validating the health congruence approach to later life well-being, health and survival.  相似文献   

Associations among hardiness, health value, and health protective behaviors were examined as a function of ethnicity among 80 African American and 100 European American college students. The role of health value as moderator versus mediator in the hardiness-health behavior link was explored. Racial differences in correlations among hardiness, control, and commitment were found, with stronger relations for African American than European Americans. Moderate positive relations between hardiness, control, commitment, and health value for African American, as contrasted with weak relations between commitment and health value for European Americans, were also shown. A partial mediational effect for health value with personal distress and moderator effects for health value with personal distress and health habits were found for African American only. Race predicted hardiness variables, tobacco and alcohol use, personal distress, and health habits beyond what was accounted for by occupation and income. The ramifications of these data with regard to future studies on hardiness, health value, and health behaviors for African American are discussed.  相似文献   

Limited health literacy is a pervasive and independent risk factor for poor health outcomes. Despite decades of reports exhibiting that the healthcare system is overly complex, unneeded complexity remains commonplace and endangers the lives of patients, especially those with limited health literacy. In this article, we define health literacy and describe the empirical evidence associating health literacy and poor health outcomes. We recast the issue of poor health literacy from within the ethical perspective of the least well-off and argue that poor health outcomes deriving from limited health literacy ought to be understood as a fundamental injustice of the healthcare system. We offer three proposals that attempt to rectify this injustice, including: universal precautions that presume limited health literacy for all healthcare users; expanded use of technology supported communication; and clinical incentives that account for limited health literacy.  相似文献   


A survey that includes a representative sample (n = 3,219) of older persons (age 60+) living in the Philadelphia area was used to determine if health status and health behaviors of older Jews differ from that of non-Jews. The survey includes questions about health status and health behaviors as well as sociodemographic characteristics. Responses of self-identified Jews, Catholics, and Protestants were compared. With only two exceptions there were no differences between Jews and non-Jews on questions about health status. In regard to health behaviors, Jews were more likely to follow standard recommendations such as seeing their physician on a regular basis or yearly screenings for certain cancers. We completed stepwise regressions with measures of socioeconomic status entered first and then Jewish status, as socioeconomic status is closely associated with health outcomes. Being Jewish continued to explain differences in health behaviors even when controlling for socioeconomic status. We also looked at the relation between attending religious services and health behaviors. Self-rated health was correlated with attendance for Protestants and for Catholics; it was not correlated with self-rated health for the Jews. All findings suggest the need for further study of the reason for the relation of health behavior to being Jewish.  相似文献   

Japanese workers suffer high rates of mental health symptoms, recognised recently by the Japanese government, which has enacted workplace well‐being initiatives. One reason for poor mental health concerns negative attitudes about mental health problems such as shame, which may be mediated by self‐reassurance and self‐criticism. This study aimed to evaluate shame‐based attitudes toward mental health problems and explore the relationship between mental health attitudes, self‐criticism, self‐reassurance, and mental health symptoms. Japanese workers (n = 131) completed three measures: attitudes toward mental health problems, mental health symptoms, and self‐criticism/reassurance. A high proportion of workers reported negative attitudes about mental health problems. There were strong relationships between mental health attitudes, mental health symptoms, self‐criticism, and self‐reassurance. Path analyses revealed that the total and indirect effects (through self‐criticism and self‐reassurance) of mental health attitudes on mental health were larger than the direct effect alone. Hated‐self and family reflected shame were identified as predictors for mental health symptoms. The findings suggest the importance of self‐criticism and self‐reassurance in mental health and mental health attitudes. Implications for help‐seeking behaviours also are discussed. Interventions aimed at reducing self‐criticism and enhancing self‐reassurance are recommended to improve mental health attitudes and increase help‐seeking in Japanese workers.  相似文献   

世界卫生组织在《2000年世界卫生报告-卫生系统:改进绩效》中,对191个成员国的卫生系统绩效进行了评估和排序。介绍了这一评估的框架和主要结果;提出对卫生系统绩效评估的启示与思考,认为我国应反思卫生改革绩效并客观地作出评价,为在新世纪促进卫生系统更好地发展和调整卫生改革目标作出明智的选择。  相似文献   

Mental health issues often become apparent as adolescents emerge into young adulthood. The use of mental health services is low among adolescents and young adults, and use is particularly low among minorities. In this study, we examine mental health utilization among diverse young parenting couples. The sample consisted of 296 couples. We used the social–personal framework to examine personal, family, partner relationship, and environmental predictors for using mental health services. We used the Actor–Partner Interdependence Model to assess actor and partner effects on mental health utilization. We also examined moderator effects for gender and internalizing and externalizing behaviors. We found that being female, being White, higher income, more conduct problems, and less anxious romantic attachment predicted mental health utilization. Significant moderator effects included depression × gender, depression × medical insurance, and stress × Latino. Implications for community mental health practice include conducting mental health assessments during medical visits and systematic mental health follow‐up for individuals and couples with identified mental health and support needs. Future research should include married couples and the spouse’s influence on mental health use and examine relevant parenting factors that may also predict mental health utilization among couples.  相似文献   

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