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This paper reviews several psychosocial theories that have been applied to the study of adolescent health behavior. Some of these theories have existed for several decades and, though not originally intended for this purpose, have proven quite useful in predicting and explaining many different types of health‐relevant behaviors. During the last 10–15 years, however, there has been a significant increase in the application of social psychological theories to the examination of what is increasingly being seen as a social‐psychological phenomenon: health risk behavior among adolescents. This interest has been prompted, in part, by an appreciation of the value of dual‐processing principles in explaining these behaviors, and, in particular, a recognition that much adolescent health risk behavior: a) is not always planful or premeditated, and b) involves both heuristic and analytic processing. The paper includes discussion of how dual‐processing principles and social‐psychological theories can inform intervention efforts.  相似文献   

《Psychological inquiry》2013,24(4):311-314
Some commentators dismiss Arkes and Tetlock (this issue) on two grounds that we regard as specious, namely that we are either (a) political apologists for covert bigotry-the soft-on-racism charge raised by Sears (this issue) or (b) psychological na?fs who cling to obsolete definitions of attitudes and prejudice-the scientific incompetence charge raised by both Banaji, Nosek, and Greenwald (this issue) and Wittenbrink (this issue). To move the debate beyond such caricatures, the scholarly community must eventually confront the specific empirical objections that Arkes and Tetlock raised about how construct-validational work is done (whether researchers are giving fair weight to ideologically dissonant alternative explanations) and the specific logical objections that Arkes and Tetlock raise about the blurring of fact-value distinctions (whether psychological theory is advanced by researchers' opining on the political defensibility of their research participants' opinions).  相似文献   

Theories are needed to explain and predict health behavior, as well as for the design and evaluation of interventions. Although there has been a history of developing, testing, applying, and refining health behavior theories, debates and limitations in evidence exist: The component of theories which, for example, predicts change should be better elaborated so that we can more easily understand what actually drives behavior change. Theories need to be empirically testable in two ways. Theories need to specify a set of changeable predictors to describe, explain, and predict behavior change, and they should enable us to design an effective intervention that produces exactly those changes in behavior that are predicted by the relevant theory. To make this possible, theories need to be specified in such a way that they can be rigorously tested and falsified. Moreover, for the design of theory-based interventions it must be possible to derive change techniques from the theory and to use them to generate changes in behavior. Based on eight state-of-the-science articles that make conceptual and empirical contributions to the current debate on health behavior theories, various approaches are discussed to gain further insights into explaining and changing health behaviors and the iterative process of theory development.  相似文献   

评侵犯行为的习性学理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
习性学是对侵犯行为进行过系统阐释的社会心理学体系之一。本文在概要考察习性学背景的基础上,全面评述了习性学的侵犯行为理论,并分析了它的人文价值及其面临的挑战。  相似文献   

The most common criteria recommended by philosophers of science for evaluating theories were organised within a hierarchy ranging from the least to the most risky tests for theories of health behavior change. The hierarchy progressed across: (1) Clarity; (2) Consistency; (3) Parsimony; (4) Testable; (5) Predictive Power; (6) Explanatory Power; (7) Productivity; (8) Generalisable; (9) Integration; (10) Utility; (11) Efficacy; and (12) Impact. The hierarchy was applied to the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) as an example of a health behavior change theory. The application was from the perspective of critics and advocates of TTM. Examples of basic and applied research challenging and supporting TTM across the hierarchy of criteria are presented. The goal is to provide a model for comparing alternative theories and to evaluate progress across the hierarchy within a particular theory. As theories meet criteria at each step in the hierarchy, the research and applications they generate can have increasing impacts on the science and practice of health behavior change.  相似文献   

健康行为改变理论述评   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
健康行为对个体身心健康的维护和促进、生活质量的提高具有非常重要的意义,健康行为改变理论可以有效地解释和预测个体健康行为的发生和改变.本文介绍并剖析了健康信念模式、保护动机理论、合理行动/计划行为理论和多阶段改变等四种以心理社会因素为基础的健康行为改变理论,并对这些理论的发展趋势做了展望.  相似文献   

Schwarzer characterises theories as being Continuum Models or Stage Models. We prefer the labels Theories of Behavior and Theories of Behavior Change. The stage concept is designed to represent the temporal dimension. In this way, individuals are viewed as evolving over time. Theories of behavior change also focus on dynamic variables, i.e. variables that are open to change while theories of behavior will focus on static variables. Schwarzer focuses on the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA), which distinguishes between pre‐intentional motivational processes and post‐intentional volition processes and makes a compelling case that theories of behavior change need to differentiate between at least two stages, motivation and action, if they are to fill the intention–behavior gap. In some HAPA studies, these two stages are expanded into three stages. The issue of how many stages there are and what are the best ways to represent, assess and treat the different stages represents an important research focus. This response discusses several reasons to believe that the stage differentiation of five stages included as part of the Transtheoretical Model is superior to the two‐ or three‐stage model included as part of HAPA. Schwarzer caractérise les théories comme relevant soit des modèles du continuum soit des modèles de processus de changement. Nous préférons les termes de théories du comportement et de théories des stades du changement. Le concept d’étapes est employé pour tenir compte de la dimension temporelle. Ainsi, les individus sont envisagés comme évoluant au cours du temps. Les théories des stades du changement se focalisent donc sur des variables dynamiques i.e. des variables tenant compte du changement alors que les théories du comportement se concentrent sur des variables statiques. Schwarzer se polarise sur l’approche des processus d’action pour la santé (HAPA) qui distingue les processus motivationnel pré‐intentionnel du processus de volition post‐intentionnelle. Il avance l’argument selon lequel les théories des stades du changement ont besoin de distinguer au moins deux étapes, la motivation et l’action, dans la mesure où elles doivent expliquer le lien entre intention et comportement. Dans certaines études HAPA, ces deux étapes sont étendues à trois. La question de savoir le nombre d’étapes et les meilleures façons de les représenter, évaluer et traiter constitue un champ de recherches important. Cet article avance plusieurs raisons soulignant que la différenciation en 5 étapes incluses dans le Modèle transthéorique est supérieur à celui en deux ou trois étapes établi par l’HAPA.  相似文献   

The ability of the Theories of Reasoned Action (TRA) and Planned Behavior (TPB) to predict adherence to training in a group of athletes (N = 46; M age = 20.2, SD = 3.7 years) who had recently been introduced to a new strength and conditioning training regimen was investigated. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that the TPB was superior to the TRA in predicting training behavior and accounted for 24 per cent of variance in adherence to training (F(2, 43) = 8.20, p < .01) with perceived behavioral control contributing independently. Perceived behavioral control appeared to be more important in determining adherence in early stages of training. These results suggest that the TPB and TRA offer theoretical frameworks to examine adherence to new training regimens, and that they may be used to direct interventions to increase training adherence. La capacité des théories de l’action raisonnée (TRA) et du comportement planifié pour prédire l’adhésion à la formation d’un groupe d’athlètes (N = 46, moyenne d’âge 20,2, ET = 3,7 ans) récemment soumis à un nouveau régime d’entraînement a étéétudiée. Des analyses de régression multiple indiquent que le TPB était supérieur au TRA pour prédire le comportement lors de la formation et expliquait 24% de la variance de l’adhésion à la formation (F(2, 43) = 8,20, p > .01), le contrôle comportemental perçu contribuant indépendamment. Le contrôle comportemental perçu apparaît être plus important pour déterminer l’adhésion dans les premières étapes de l’entraînement. Ces résultats suggèrent que le TPB et le TRA offrent des cadres théoriques pour examiner l’adhésion à de nouveaux régimes d’entraînement et qu’ils peuvent être employés lors d’interventions directes dont le but est d’augmenter l’adhésion à la formation.  相似文献   

健康行为的建立   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
1 健康的概念1978年WHO在阿拉木图宣言中附有关于健康的定义 ,指出健康不仅是人体的生理健康 ,而且必须包含该人在当时的心理状态和社会环境都处在一个较完满的状态。从现代的健康概念中可以看出 ,健康至少应包含 4个层次[1] :(1)生理健康 :是健康的基础 ,指人体结构完整 ,生理功能正常 ;(2 )心理健康 :以生理健康为基础 ,并高于生理健康 ,主要的指标为 :具有同情心和爱心 ,情绪稳定 ,积极向上 ,具有责任心和自信心 ,热爱生活 ,和睦共处 ,善于交往 ,有较强的社会适应能力 ,知足常乐等 ;(3)道德健康 :中国是礼仪之邦 ,我们主张道德健康的…  相似文献   

近年来人们采用认知神经心理学方法,通过研究失语症病人的选择性语言功能损伤取得了许多理论成果。该文主要介绍了当前比较认可的书写模型,简要阐述了书写过程中所涉及的认知成分,以及从刺激呈现到拼写出单词的简单动态过程,并回顾了模型建立的实验证据和逻辑思想  相似文献   

This study compares the explanatory power of Fishbein and Ajzen's (1991) theory of reasoned action, Ajzen's (1975) theory of planned behavior, and a modified version of the theory of planned behavior, which includes a measure of moral obligation, to predict insurance agents' e]thical intentions toward their clients. Two hundred and forty-five insurance agents in the U.S. were sent surveys, and with 59% of them responding, results suggest that the modified version of the theory of planned behavior best explains agents' e]thical intentions. Theoretical considerations and suggestions for future research, highlighting the perceived behavioral control and moral obligation constructs, are provided.  相似文献   

利他行为是指人们自愿付出一定代价做出的有益于他人的行为。该研究以联结性-推理性评价模型为理论基础探讨内隐和外显测量对利他行为的预测效度,研究以193名大学生为被试,将4种内隐利他测量方法和1种外显利他测量方法相结合,以自发性水平不同的3种利他行为为结果变量。结果发现,IAT和BIAT的信度和效度较好,BIAT尤其值得采用。内隐利他自我概念测量能有效地预测真实情境中自发性较高的捐助行为,外显测量则预测了意识控制下自我报告的利他行为。结果表明,只有内隐利他自我概念测量能预测真实情境中快速发生的利他行为。其作用是外显利他测量和内隐利他态度测量所不能代替的。  相似文献   

循证医学与用户健康信息学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来 ,医学信息学正随着循证医学的出现发生着悄然的变化。究其原因在于 2 0世纪以来科学技术的迅猛发展 ,社会经济快速增长 ,人们的生活水平普遍提高 ,疾病谱发生了重大变化 ,人类发病尤其是危害极大的疾病谱群已由感染和营养失调等单因素疾病 ,转向以机体自身代谢和调控失常为主要谱群的多因素性疾病。这些疾病的临床诊断、治疗、疗效评价、治疗目的、治疗方案的选择等诸多方面都向医学界提出了挑战[1] 。同时 ,与多因素疾病相关的老龄人口养生保健 ,及人们日益增多的保健需求 ,向医学界也提出了诸多类似的问题和挑战。循证医学正是在这…  相似文献   

Sunbathing confers the benefits of looking and feeling good but presents the long-term risk of skin cancer. In a disguised experiment exploring attitudes toward sunbathing by British adults, participants were asked to rate their willingness to take a hypothetical new drug (with different levels of risk) that would make them look and feel good. One aspect of the resulting risk profiles was significantly related to a positive attitude to open-air sunbathing but not to sunbed use, possibly because it was erroneously thought that using a sunbed is not risky. The well-established finding that women are more cautious was confirmed; the risk function for men was curvilinear, in contrast to women, who were willing to increase their risk linearly over their lifetime.  相似文献   

在医疗保健领域功利主义具有重要作用。功利主义主张根据行为的结果进行道德判断,功利主义认为医疗保健政策应该满足大多数人的利益,应该根据治疗效果决定享有权和相应的治疗措施。这一思想在医疗保健领域体现为成本效益分析,通过收益的大小确定医疗资源分配的限度和范围。  相似文献   

Attitudes are a key construct in health psychology due to their central role in motivating and changing behavior. An expectancy‐value framework has been the dominant conceptual approach for exploring the impact of attitudes on health behavior, applications of which emphasize volition and rational decision making. More recently, attention has focused on automatic attitudes, which are believed to capture reflexive aspects of motivation. Dual‐process models such as the MODE generally treat expectancy‐value and automaticity accounts as representing separate processing pathways. However, both accounts depend on associative learning. Learning history pairs beliefs or features with evaluations; subsequent activation of beliefs or features activates associated evaluations and drives overall attitude. Therefore, a single information processing architecture may accommodate expectancy‐value and automaticity approaches within a unifying framework, and this is provided by neural network (connectionist) accounts. In this paper, we highlight how a greater emphasis on the information processing mechanics of associative learning can provide a more parsimonious model of attitudes, which may also extend to a wider array of memory‐related phenomena of relevance to health psychology.  相似文献   

The author narrates a history of the development of her interest in integrating behavior into heath research and health care. Using diabetes as an exemplar, she describes some of the challenges of integrating behavior into health research and health care: (1) becoming a member of interdisciplinary research and health care teams; (2) acquiring funding for behavioral research with medical populations; (3) communicating scientific findings; and (4) acquiring reimbursement for psychological services rendered. Specific examples of how the author and other psychologists can address these challenges are provided.  相似文献   

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