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Wong YL 《心理评价》2000,12(1):69-76
The measurement properties of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies--Depression Scale (CES-D; L. S. Radloff, 1977) were evaluated in a probability sample of homeless adults residing in a large and demographically diverse community. The findings from this investigation suggest that the CES-D is a reliable measure of depressive symptoms among homeless adults and that the factor structure of the scale replicates the factor structure found in the general population. Change in the CES-D scores was associated with change in residential status, with participants who had made a transition from homelessness to regular domicile, reporting significantly lower levels of depressive symptomatology. This result indicates the scale's sensitivity to current depressive mood, as affected by significant life events encountered by homeless persons.  相似文献   

E. A. Southwell &; M. Merbaum (Eds.). Personality: Readings in Theory and Research. (2nd ed.) Belmont, Calif.: Brooks/Cole, 1971, 422 pages. Reviewed by Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi  相似文献   

The authors assessed the latent structure of depressive symptoms as measured by the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D; L. S. Radloff, 1977). By using taxometric procedures, the authors conducted analyses of CES-D data obtained from a large college student population. These procedures incorporated strategies for interpreting analyses of skewed indicators and small putative taxa. The authors hypothesized that CES-D total scores would be represented as a dimension, with a taxonic distribution of a factor incorporating somatic symptoms. Results indicated that all CES-D factors, including the factor composed of somatic complaints, were dimensional. Administration of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule-IV (L. N. Robins, L. Marcus, & W. Reich, 1996) to one quarter of the participants indicated that the CES-D was effective in identifying cases of current or recent clinical depression. Evidence of the dimensionality of CES-D indicators in a student population is consistent with a continuity view of depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

This study examined the temporal stability of the measurement structure of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D; Radloff, 1977) in 813 individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. Participants completed the CES-D (Radloff, 1977) on three occasions 1 year apart. Structural equation models and polyserial correlations were used to address methodological limitations of previous studies. Four competing measurement structures were tested with one factor, three factors, four factors, and a single second-order factor underlying the four-factor model. The four-factor and the second-order-factor models provided the best fit at Time t. When cross-validated at Times 2 and 3, the four-factor and the second-order-factor models remained invariant. Researchers can now more confidently use the CES-D to examine how distress changes in chronic physical disorders.  相似文献   

张宝山  李娟 《心理科学》2012,35(4):993-998
本研究使用4903名老年人组成的全国样本,系统地检验了流调中心抑郁量表的因素结构。结果表明,Radloff的四因素结构、Guarnaccia等和Yen等的三因素结构对当前样本数据的拟合较好,但信度分析和相关分析显示积极情绪因素降低了总量表信度,并且与其他因素之间不支持共同的高阶因素(抑郁),基于此,在使用量表合成总分的背景下,4个积极情绪项目不适合包含在CES-D量表中。随后,本研究检验了剔除积极情绪项目后量表各因素结构的拟合情况,发现积极情绪因素对量表因素结构的拟合水平贡献不大。结合拟合指数和Radloff对量表的界定,16项目的三因素结构最适合于我国老年人群,并且,这一因素结构在老年人群中具有跨性别的恒等性。  相似文献   

We present data from the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D; Radloff, 1977) for 2 samples of Hong Kong community adolescents (combined N = 1,385). The 4 positive affect items related poorly to the remainder of the scale. Using 16 items, the data were consistent with 2 models with highly correlated factors: (a) a 2-factor model, 1 of which merged somatic and affective items, and (b) a 3-factor model separating somatic, depressed, and interpersonal items. Correlations with related constructs provide preliminary support of validity. Hong Kong adolescents are influenced both by traditional concepts of mind-body holism and Western psychological models separating psychological and somatic symptoms.  相似文献   

103 college students took the Geriatric Depression Scale and Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale along with five measures of life satisfaction. The correlation between scores on the first scales was .66. Both depression scales had moderate negative correlations (-.34 to -.71) with each measure of life satisfaction. However, on every measure of life satisfaction, the correlation with scores on the Geriatric Depression Scale was higher than with those on the CES-Depression Scale.  相似文献   

The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS; Gratz and Roemer, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 26:41?C54, 2004) is a popular multidimensional self-report measure of emotion regulation. The present study sought to examine the latent factor structure of the DERS. An examination of latent factor intercorrelations and a higher-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) suggested that the DERS-AWARENESS dimension may not represent the same higher-order emotion regulation construct as the other five DERS dimensions. Furthermore, findings supported the adequacy of a revised five-factor model of the DERS in which the AWARENESS dimension was removed. This revised DERS total scale did not diminish concurrent relations between the DERS and outcomes relevant to the emotion regulation domain (i.e., depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress symptoms). Implications for the conceptualization and assessment of emotion regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the three categories often applied to children’s behavior—aggressive, avoidant, and assertive—actually capture the structure of a naturalistic sample of youth behavior coded at a more micro level. A sample of lower-income youth (N = 392; M age = 12.69, SD = 0.95) completed a new multiple-choice measure asking them to select responses to scenarios depicting physical, verbal, and relational provocation by a peer. Youth responses to the vignettes showed the expected associations with self-reported aggression and regulation of anger, providing preliminary evidence for the convergent validity of the measure. Factor analysis confirmed that responses loaded on three factors: aggression, avoidance, and assertion. Model fit was adequate (RMSEA = .028) and cross-validated in a second sample (RMSEA = .039). Several types of responses loaded on two factors suggesting that some strategies that youth use to manage provocation are not “pure” examples of these broadband categories. Implications for conceptualization and measurement of youth social behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Latent Structure of the Sources of Mathematics Self-Efficacy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
General social cognitive theory and its career-specific elaborations posit four primary sources through which self-efficacy beliefs are acquired and modified: personal performance accomplishments, vicarious learning, social persuasion, and physiological states and reactions. We present two studies exploring the dimensionality of these sources within the context of career-relevant mathematics activities. In Study 1, 295 college students completed measures of the source variables. Testing two- through five-factor models, we found strongest support for a four-factor latent structure of the efficacy sources. In Study 2, involving 481 high school students, a five-factor model fit the data well. We also found evidence of a higher order factor structure in both samples. Several directions for further research on the sources of efficacy information are considered, along with implications for career and academic interventions.  相似文献   

The dimensionality of alternate forms of the Sex-Role Egalitarianism Scale (SRES) was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis. The subjects, predominantly Caucasian students from seven colleges in the United States and Canada, completed Form B (n = 1,351) and Form K (n = 633) of the instrument. A series of hierarchically nested measurement models was specified and evaluated. A hypothesized two-factor, second-order solution was deemed most appropriate for both forms: a higher order “Intimate Relationship Egalitarianism” factor that subsumes three first-order domain factors (marital, parental, and social-interpersonal-heterosexual roles) and a higher-order “Formal Relationship Egalitarianism” factor that subsumes two first-order domain factors (educational and employment roles). A preliminary report of this study was presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, June 1995, New York City.  相似文献   

With reference to a questionnaire aimed at assessing the performance of Italian nursing homes on the basis of the health conditions of their patients, we investigate two relevant issues: dimensionality of the latent structure and discriminating power of the items composing the questionnaire. The approach is based on a multidimensional item response theory model, which assumes a two-parameter logistic parameterization for the response probabilities. This model represents the health status of a patient by latent variables having a discrete distribution and, therefore, it may be seen as a constrained version of the latent class model. On the basis of the adopted model, we implement a hierarchical clustering algorithm aimed at assessing the actual number of dimensions measured by the questionnaire. These dimensions correspond to disjoint groups of items. Once the number of dimensions is selected, we also study the discriminating power of every item, so that it is possible to select the subset of these items which is able to provide an amount of information close to that of the full set. We illustrate the proposed approach on the basis of the data collected on 1,051 elderly people hosted in a sample of Italian nursing homes.  相似文献   

Adult psychopathy has proven to be an important clinical and forensic construct, but much less is known about juvenile psychopathy. In the present study, we examined the construct validity of the self report modified Child Psychopathy Scale mCPS; Lynam (Psychological Bulletin 120:(2), 209-234, 1997) in a sample of 57 adolescents residing in a Dutch juvenile justice center, aged between 13 and 22?years. The mCPS total score was reliably related to high externalizing problems, low empathy, high anger and aggression, high impulsivity, high (violent) delinquency, and high alcohol/drug use. Unique relations were found for the antisocial-impulsive (mCPS Factor 2), but not the callous-unemotional facet of psychopathy (mCPS Factor 1). Our findings support the validity of the mCPS in that it encompasses the antisocial-impulsive facet of psychopathy, but it is less clear whether the mCPS sufficiently captures the affective-interpersonal facet of psychopathy.  相似文献   

Confirmatory factor analysis (LISREL; Jöreskog & Sörbom, 1989) of data drawn from a sample of middle and senior school students was used to examine a variety of factor structures proposed in previous studies to underlie self-consciousness. Examination of the content of the Revised Self-Consciousness Scale (Scheier & Carver, 1985) suggested an alternative factor structure. This alternative structure comprised 2 private self-consciousness factors: Rumination on the General Self and Monitoring of Specific Aspects of Self. The public self-consciousness measure was retained as originally formulated with the exception of 1 item that was excluded from the final structure. This model of self-consciousness fit the data better than the 4 previously proposed structures.  相似文献   

采用实证研究方式对Antonovsky开发的13个项目的心理一致感量表在中国大陆的适用性进行探讨及修订。通过对1230名被试进行探索性及验证性因素分析后发现,个体的心理一致感是由可理解性、易处理性及意义性三个成分构成的总体,结果支持Antonovsky提出的关于心理一致感的构思,且经修订后的心理一致感量表对中国文化背景中的被试是适用的。  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(1):113-122
The Cognitive Therapy Rating Scale (CTRS) is an observer-rated measure of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment fidelity. Although widely used, the factor structure and psychometric properties of the CTRS are not well established. Evaluating the factorial validity of the CTRS may increase its utility for training and fidelity monitoring in clinical practice and research. The current study used multilevel exploratory factor analysis to examine the factor structure of the CTRS in a large sample of therapists (n = 413) and observations (n = 1,264) from community-based CBT training. Examination of model fit and factor loadings suggested that three within-therapist factors and one between-therapist factor provided adequate fit and the most parsimonious and interpretable factor structure. The three within-therapist factors included items related to (a) session structure, (b) CBT-specific skills and techniques, and (c) therapeutic relationship skills, although three items showed some evidence of cross-loading. All items showed moderate to high loadings on the single between-therapist factor. Results support continued use of the CTRS and suggest factors that may be a relevant focus for therapists, trainers, and researchers.  相似文献   

Using taxometric procedures, the latent structure of psychopathy was investigated in two studies of children and adolescents. Prior studies have identified a taxon (i.e., a natural category) associated with antisocial behavior in adults as well as children and adolescents. However, features of this taxon suggest that it is not psychopathy but rather a broader class consistent with the construct of life course persistent antisocial behavior. Because the only prior study of youth used a non-clinical sample, the base rate of psychopathy may have been too low to reveal a psychopathy taxon, especially against the background of a broader and more prevalent antisocial behavior taxon. Therefore, this investigation sought to increase the likelihood of finding a psychopathy taxon (should one exist) by increasing its expected base rate through inclusion of clinical cases in the samples studied. Results produced evidence for both a broad antisocial behavior problem taxon consistent with past research and a much lower base rate taxon consistent with prevalence expectations for psychopathy. These findings support the existence of latent taxa for both psychopathy and a broader class of antisocial behavior problems. Further taxometric research appears to be warranted, which should use a broader array of indicators, with greater specificity to psychopathy.  相似文献   

窦刚  黄希庭 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1331-1335
本研究对采自3796名在校大学生的Rokeach Value Survey自比型数据进行了因素分析和多维尺度分析。因素分析从两组价值观选项中分别获得6个双极因素,虽然内容各不相同,但均体现出个人指向-亲社会指向的特点。多维尺度分析所获得的两组选项的2维空间距离分布结果也体现类似特点,结果显示终极性价值观可分为四类,工具性价值观可分为五类。当前大学生价值观中存在着舒适的物质生活、兴奋的生活、幸福、快乐和自尊以及雄心壮志的、勇敢的和诚实的等个人取向内容占优势的可能性。在两种分析方法中,多维尺度分析更适合对自比型价值观数据潜在结构的探究。  相似文献   

In a previous study, Mix et al. (2016) reported that spatial skill and mathematics were composed of 2 highly correlated, domain-specific factors, with a few cross-domain loadings. The overall structure was consistent across grade (kindergarten, 3rd grade, 6th grade), but the cross-domain loadings varied with age. The present study sought to replicate these patterns. Using the data from Wave 1 (n = 854) and data collected from a 2nd sample of kindergarten (n = 251), 3rd-grade (n = 247), and 6th-grade students (n = 241) with the same measures as in Wave 1, we carried out a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis to compare the 2 waves. We also completed several analyses of the Wave 2 data alone. The overall pattern obtained in Wave 1—2 highly correlated domain-specific factors—was clearly replicated in Wave 2. However, more subtle effects involving cross-domain loading were only partially replicated and generally appear fragile and context-specific. In Wave 2, we also included 2 new measures (i.e., proportion matching and fraction identification) that were analyzed in a separate model. Including these new measures did not change the overall pattern of factors and domain-specific factor loadings but did alter some of the cross-domain loadings.  相似文献   

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