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<正> 《论语》中子夏的“仕而优则学,学而优则仕”这句话,长期以来人们对其义作了诸多解释,在这些众多解释中,且都将其中的“优”字确定为是理解这句话的关键词,由此便出现了“优”作“余力”讲,还是作“优秀”讲的说法。而我认为要全面准确地理解这句话的意思,关键的词不是“优”而是其中的“学”。个人认为,“仕而优则学”中的“学”应作“敩”(xiao)讲,即是“教学”、“讲学”的意思,而“学而优则仕”中的“学”仍指的是“学习”。也就是说,这句话的意思应是“做官成绩优秀,有余力时应去教人;而学习成绩优  相似文献   

统编课本初中《世界地理》下册第97页有这样一句话:“巴西高原和圭亚那高原以北地区,夏季多雨,冬季干燥,属热带草原气候。”在复习迎考的日子里,我把包括这句话在内的所有重点全部背熟了。可是有一天,我正在背这句话的时候,我的姨夫忽然问我:“这句话讲的是哪里的‘以北地区’?”我不假思索地回答:“当然是巴西高原和圭亚那高原这两个高原的以北地区啦!”我姨夫没有说什么,把南美洲地形图翻给我看,我一看就呆住了。巴西高原在南美洲的西部,圭亚那高原在南美洲的北部,两个高原之间横隔着亚马逊河和亚马逊平原。这两个高原共同的以北地区到哪里去找呢?经过姨夫的指点,我才明白我对书上的这句话理解错了。正确的理解应该是“巴西高原”和  相似文献   

《论语·里仁》记“子曰:‘父母在,不远游,游必有方。”’有人据此认为,孔子及儒家不主张远游。其实,这是对孔子这句话的片面理解。这句话包含两层意思:一是父母在时不远游,远游则不符合孝的原则;二是如果远游,必须有一定的去处,并安排好往返的时间,告诉父母,...  相似文献   

“皮之不存,毛将焉附”这句语重心长的话,使我终生难忘。这是在1956年夏天,周恩来总理在北京紫光阁接见我们中国天主教友爱国会发起人时教导我们的。我为何对这句话终生难忘呢?主要的原因是,当时的理解同现在的理解有天壤之别,我当时的体会是,觉得这句话对我们天主教人士来说“太不易”了,因为我想天主教是不能离开教宗的,我们依赖他,我们的信仰就完整,我们进教救灵的目的就达到,可就是不考虑我们教会必须和国家民族息息相关的问题。回忆三十年前的1957年6月,在北京新侨饭店开会研究讨论这个问题时,真是千难万难,绞尽脑汁,  相似文献   

汉初社会对黄老之学的选择和应用梁宗华产生于齐国稷下的黄老之学,在汉初社会寻到了用武之地。汉初近七十年间,从惠帝至武帝前,一直是以黄老之学作为政治指导思想,黄老之学在社会上居于支配地位,被目为时代精神之主流。于治国理民方面取得较好成效。汉初社会为何于诸...  相似文献   

王路 《世界哲学》2006,3(6):36-43
基督教对西方思想文化的影响巨大,其中上帝占有至关重要的地位。在《圣经》中,上帝关于自己的称谓是“我是我所是”。中译文则是“我是自有永有的”。探讨这句话的中译文,不仅有助于我们理解《圣经》文本本身,而且有助于我们理解基督教思想对西方哲学的影响,以及它们之间的相互联系,从而也有助于我们理解西方哲学。  相似文献   

<正> 贾谊对秦暴政的批判,向为人们所注目,但他对秦与汉初“乱政”的抨击,却常常被忽视,或者是将上述两种批判归而为一。这导致了对贾谊礼治政治思想的不能深入理解。一尽管对“汉承秦制”理解不同(见朱永康文《“汉承秦制”说质疑》,《上海师大学报》1987年2期),但无论怎样看,那都不是一句毫无根据的虚辞。黄仁宇在《赫逊河畔谈中国历史》中多次指出,古代中国的帝国往往是先创造一个中央政权,而后向全国笼盖过去。其中  相似文献   

先秦私学的纲领──《论语·学而》篇首章释义及其他   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《论语》开卷《学而》篇的第一章(下简称“学而”章),便非常醒目地记录了孔子的三句话:学而时习之,不亦说(悦)乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?这三句话,人称“字字皆碑”,在中国人中间的影响极为广远深切。后世明通的理解,以为第一句话意在提倡勤奋学习、“温故而知新”;第二句话意在主张关心国家大事,借朋友的往来调查研究;第三句话则是讲求心性涵养的:人家不了解你,你不要抱怨;只要你有道德学问,迟早会有人赏识你。──这样理解,自然与孔子作为一个大教育家、大思想家的本色相契合;可是这样,三句话…  相似文献   

记得在一位同事的客厅见到一幅匾额,上书“忘记是福”。当时,不解其意,又不好意思询问,此事就这样在心中搁了多年。随着年龄渐长和对世事的洞察,我对“忘记是福”这句话有了更加深刻的理解。  相似文献   

长期以来,绝大多数学者认为汉初"无为"政治源自黄老道家,而陆贾的"无为""有启文景萧曹之治者",理所当然属于黄老道家。其实,其"无为"是以儒家"道德导向无为"为主干,以道家"自然无为"、法家"法术势无为"为补充。这为重新审视汉初"无为"政治的思想渊源及儒学在其中的地位提供了新视角。汉初"无为"是道、儒、法三家"以秦为鉴"提出的相似治国之策,故"文景之治"仅仅归功于黄老道家显然不妥,儒家也起了重要作用。同样,汉初儒学也并非学界通常所认为的处于在野地位,而是早已开始和王权结盟,"独尊儒术"只不过是二者结盟水到渠成的最终结果。  相似文献   

余欣 《世界宗教研究》2012,(1):172-181,194
本文以新获吐鲁番考古资料:巴达木墓地所出葫芦木刻冥币和木纳尔墓地所出纸钱文书为基础,与20世纪初斯坦因阿斯塔那收集品,新中国成立后在阿斯塔那、哈拉和卓古墓群的考古发掘成果,其他各地域出土的汉唐间冥币材料以及传统文献互相印证,着重于从冥币在墓葬中的实际保存状态、制作和使用方式、与墓葬整体遗存之间的相互关系进行分析,对其源流、形制、性质和功能进行了新的考索,尤其是对冥币在中古时代所发生的关键性演化做了较为深入的阐释,揭示了这一丧葬习俗的变迁过程及其丰富内涵.  相似文献   

刘伟杰 《管子学刊》2007,(1):42-44,80
一般说来,鸟虫书是流行于春秋战国至两汉时期的一种装饰意味极强的书体,产生并主要应用于南方诸国。近来有两种论著提到所谓齐国铜器中的鸟虫书。但是分析显示,齐国铜器中存在鸟虫书的说法是缺乏充分依据的。  相似文献   

This study explores the issue of whether allegations of rape can be correctly identified as true or false on the basis of a set of content criteria used successfully in previous studies with respect to children's accounts of sexual abuse. A sample of 30 authentic protocols of police interrogations of women reporting rape were selected for the study. Fifteen cases were classified as false accounts because the complaints eventually confessed to having fabricated their allegations. The remaining cases were classified as true rapes on the basis of medical and other corroborating evidence. A group of experienced police officers (N = 30) judged these cases in terms of their credibility on the basis of the 19 content criteria suggested by Steller & K?hnken (1989) and gave an overall judgment of the true vs. false nature of each statement. A second group of police officers (N = 22) judged the credibility of the statements without reference to these criteria. The findings from a series of discriminant function analyses showed that the set of criteria as a whole is successful in distinguishing between true and false rape allegations. The results of the stepwise discriminant function analyses reveal which criteria in particular contribute to the correct identification of true and false cases. However, the higher percentage of correct classifications in the group using the content criteria was only marginally significant compared to the second group judging the cases without reference to the criteria. Altogether, the findings of this study support the basic tenet of statement analysis that the linguistic features of a statement contain essential clues for assessing its credibility.  相似文献   

Few studies among the Chinese population concerning avoidance out of fear have been reported. Existing studies are limited to school and collegiate samples while overlooking ethnic minorities, of which China has more than 50. In this study, a general population sample in China indicated the level at which they would avoid certain situations. The data were analyzed relative to age, ethnicity, sex, and the amount of time living in urban or rural areas. Three samples (urban Han, n=144; rural Han, n=144; Urban Hui, n=72) were selected using stratified quota sampling. Respondents identified that they avoided social situations the most and agoraphobic situations the least. Overall, women expressed significantly greater fear. This sex difference was less marked in the urban sample where the Chinese tradition of male dominance has been diluted due to urbanization and modernization. There were few age-related differences, although some fears among the elderly were explained by age-related vulnerabilities and folklore. The Hui minority group had significantly lower overall scores than the Han group; this was attributed to the role of their Islamic beliefs.  相似文献   

首先考察蒙古族和汉族大学生的自我构念特点,并在文化启动下探查自我构念启动对知觉加工的影响。研究发现:(1)内蒙古蒙古族大学生和汉族大学的自我构念表现为互依型倾向,更倾向整体优势知觉加工,蒙古国古大学生表现出独立型倾向,更倾向于局部优势知觉加工。(2)文化启动条件下,自我构念的即时变化影响知觉的加工,独立性自我构念启动下显示出局部加工优先,互依自我构念启动下显示出整体加工优先。该结果提示,不同文化语景的内蒙古和蒙古国的蒙古族个体的自我构念有着差别,文化的嵌入性可促使个体获得主流文化的自我构念,并对知觉过程有影响作用。  相似文献   

This paper introduces approaches to reclaiming evangelism, noting the challenges and opportunities of our changing global context, and stressing the importance of authentic witness. The author draws on the Council for World Mission's work promoting the development of missional congregations as life‐affirming communities and its statement identifying six conversation threads (the absence of God; secularism; issues of identity; how we affirm life; the sources we use to shape and nurture our faith; and how we overcome fear and violence in our societies and in the world) that need to be developed on Christian witness in a pluralist world.  相似文献   

Williams JE  Weed NC 《Assessment》2004,11(4):316-329
There are eight commercially available computer-based test interpretations (CBTIs) for the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2), of which few have been empirically evaluated. Prospective users of these programs have little scientific data to guide choice of a program. This study compared ratings of these eight CBTIs. Test users were randomly assigned to rate either a single authentic CBTI report on one of their clients or a single CBTI report generated from a modal MMPI-2 profile for their clinical setting. In all, 257 authentic and modal CBTI reports were rated by 41 clinicians on 10 dimensions. Each of the authentic reports received substantially higher ratings than the modal reports, with ratings of perceived accuracy and opinion confirmation best differentiating between authentic and modal reports. Automated Assessment Associates' report received the highest overall ratings; reports published by Western Psychological Services, Pearson Assessments, and the Caldwell Report were also distinguished on one or more ratings dimensions.  相似文献   


Research and debate on the importance of spirituality and religion in psychiatry has led to a number of national and international policy initiatives, intended to clarify the boundaries of good practice and improve the way in which such matters are managed for the benefit of patients. Significant amongst these is the 2015 position statement of the World Psychiatric Association, the only such policy statement to date which has been internationally agreed. Preliminary evidence available suggests that this is having good effect in generating professional debate and further national policy initiatives in different countries. There is a need for further research on such policy initiatives to confirm whether or not they have the intended impact upon clinical practice and whether or not this in turn is beneficial for patients.  相似文献   

The authentic leadership paradigm has been widely advocated as an effective leadership approach for organizations interested in promoting positive and ethical leader—member relations. Despite accumulating evidence concerning the positive follower effects of authentic leadership, research examining potential boundary conditions remains limited. The political influence theoretical perspective promises to shed new light on the effects of authentic leadership by proposing that authentic leadership may be less effective in political contexts, bounding its positive operation on followers. Specifically, we anticipate that organizational politics will erode the motivational power of authentic leaders on followers, reducing their ability to engender positive performance contributions in followers. We also predict that organizational politics will weaken the positive relationship between authentic leadership and job satisfaction by reducing the ability of employees to realize their goals at work. To explore these theoretical assertions, we incorporated a two-study functional replication (n1 = 265; n2 = 175) to ascertain how authentic leadership and organizational politics impact follower job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and task performance. We find that organizational politics consistently weaken the positive effects of authentic leadership on follower OCB across two studies. Furthermore, in Study 2, our findings suggest that organizational politics attenuate the positive impact of authentic leadership on follower job satisfaction and task performance. We discuss theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

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