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A previous experiment (Gross and Weiskrantz, 1961) has shown that performance on a successive auditory discrimination task is impaired by injections of meprobamate. The present two brief experiments indicate that the drug also impairs simultaneous visual discrimination performance, although not to the same degree as found earlier for auditory discrimination. The original finding, therefore, cannot be attributed simply to unique features of the auditory discrimination situation, such as the “go—no-go” response contingency. Since neither overtraining nor drug habituation appears to be of great importance, it is suggested that the lesser effect of the drug in these experiments reflects the greater stability of visual than auditory habits in the monkey.

Earlier work has shown that meprobamate and reserpine can cause a severe deterioration in auditory discrimination performance of monkeys (Gross and Weiskrantz, 1961). This result was taken as supporting a hypothesis, growing out of still earlier research, that tranquillizers decrease the utilization of sensory information (Weiskrantz and Wilson, 1956; Weiskrantz, 1957).

The auditory task, as is almost always the case with monkeys as subjects, involved a “go—no-go” type of response contingency—i.e. the animal had to respond to the positive stimulus and had not to respond to the negative stimulus in order to achieve reward. It might be objected, therefore, that the deterioration in performance was associated not with discrimination as such but with the animals' willingness to perform at all. In fact, it was found that the animals tended to make most of their errors under the drugs by responding when they should not rather than not responding when they should.

The purpose of the present experiments, therefore, was to test the animals with a visual discrimination task in which both the positive and negative stimuli were presented simultaneously. An effect of the drug could not, in this situation, be characterized simply as altering the responsiveness of the animal. A further purpose in using visual stimuli was to test the generality of the earlier finding in a sense modality other than audition.  相似文献   

Three experiments used a discriminated operant procedure to study conditional discrimination learning in rats. The first experiment showed that rats were capable of learning a biconditional discrimination in which two contexts served as conditional cues signalling the reinforcement contingencies associated with two discriminative stimuli. The discrimination was learned equally well when one discriminative stimulus signalled food, the other its absence, and when one stimulus signalled food, the other extinction plus mild footshock.

In Experiment 2 it was shown that prior training on such a conditional discrimination enhanced the subsequent context specificity of simple conditioning relative to control groups of animals for whom the prior training had not been conditional. Experiment 3 showed that a reversal of the significance of one pair of discriminative stimuli produced no spontaneous reversal in performance to a second, target, pair.

The pattern of results is best accounted for by an analysis of contextual conditional discrimination learning in terms of stimulus configurations and offers no support for the notion that rats may learn a general conditional rule or set.  相似文献   

Three experiments are described which test the hypothesis that the more intense of two stimuli will, ceteris paribus, be more likely to receive attention. It is assumed that an objective behavioural manifestation of attention to a given stimulus is a preference for responding to it rather than to another which is present at the same time.

In all three experiments, successions of pairs of visual stimuli interspersed with single stimuli were presented to the subject, and he was instructed to respond to either (by pressing its corresponding morsekey), but not both, in the case of the pairs. The first two experiments reveal significant tendencies to respond to the larger and the brighter stimulus respectively. In the third experiment, there was a tendency, but a statistically insignificant one, to respond to a constant rather than to a flickering stimulus.

It is shown that the attraction of attention by a more intense stimulus follows from Hull's system with the addition of his new variable, “stimulus-intensity dynamism (V),” and it is suggested that it may thus be possible to add attention to the phenomena that can be integrated with an objective behaviour theory.  相似文献   

On the rate of gain of information   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The analytical methods of information theory are applied to the data obtained in certain choice-reaction-time experiments. Two types of experiment were performed: (a) a conventional choice-reaction experiment, with various numbers of alternatives up to ten, and with a negligible proportion of errors, and (b) a ten-choice experiment in which the subjects deliberately reduced their reaction time by allowing themselves various proportions of errors.

The principal finding is that the rate of gain of information is, on the average, constant with respect to time, within the duration of one perceptual-motor act, and has a value of the order of five “bits” per second.

The distribution of reaction times among the ten stimuli in the second experiment is shown to be related to the objective uncertainty as to which response will be given to each stimulus. The distribution of reaction times among the responses is also related to the same uncertainty. This is further evidence that information is intimately concerned with reaction time.

Some possible conceptual models of the process are considered, but tests against the data are inconclusive.  相似文献   

The ability of mentally subnormal children to recognize previously presented visual or verbal stimuli was compared. In “like-modality” procedures they had to recognize words or pictures in the modality in which they had originally been presented. In “cross-modality” procedures the stimulus they had to recognize was in the opposite modality from that which had been used for the first presentation.

In every recognition test the items had to be recognized from among an equal number of novel stimuli. Cross-modality procedures resulted in higher recognition scores. The hypothesis is advanced that this could be accounted for by the necessary translation from one type of sensory image to another in the cross-modality trials, which might minimize over-generalization.  相似文献   

The evidence pointing to the retinal origin of after-images is considered. The reports of the occurrence of after-images from visual images of hallucinatory vividness are reviewed.

Experimental results are presented to indicate that a complementarily coloured afterimage may arise following the exposure of the temporarily blind retina to a coloured stimulus.

After-images, or after-effects, from vivid images are described in seventeen persons (mostly possessors of “number-forms”). They are found to move with the eyes and to show, in some persons, a degree of conformity with Emmert's Law which, while considerable, is less than that of after-images of real stimuli. In the case of one “eidetic” subject, the after-images from neither real nor imaged stimuli conformed with Emmert's Law. In some persons, after-images of images occur in complementary colours.

The retinal origin of after-images is affirmed, but that they can occur occasionally as a purely central phenomenon is acknowledged. The possible learned or inherent nature of after-images of central origin is discussed.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the investigation was to show that behaviour measures can be used to investigate the effects of those toxic drugs which produce “biochemical lesions” in the nervous system although the nature of the lesions still remains undetermined. The advantages of this approach are twofold. First, a psychological study may help to uncover the initial effects of the drug, and thus provide evidence which may lead to the ultimate understanding of the action of the drug. Second, and of value from the practical point of view, such a method may be used to detect toxicity.

In this study D.D.T. was used. Two experiments were performed on one control and four experimental groups of albino rats. Problem solving behaviour, speed and pattern of locomotion, and reaction to stress involving visual stimuli were observed.

Problem solving behaviour was found to be unaffected by the drug; no changes were found in speed of locomotion, but pattern of locomotion revealed that “ataxia” was one of the initial effects of D.D.T. poisioning. The experimental animals were found to be generally less reactive to “stress”; “hyper-irritability” reported in previous studies being explicable in terms of exaggerated motor responses.

The results obtained on “ataxia” showed that the procedure adopted here could be used to detect chronic D.D.T. toxicity in rats.  相似文献   

An experiment concerning the influence of the scale of stimulus values upon the perception of heat-pain is reported in which it is found that the value of the threshold stimulus is dependent upon the size of the steps between successive stimuli.

The results are analysed in the light of a paper by Brown and Cane (1959) in which they point out that the value of a sensory threshold yielded by the Limiting Method is mathematically dependent upon the size of the steps between successive values of the variable stimulus. The threshold values reported here are found to be dependent on the step-size between stimuli to a greater extent than that which would be predicted by Brown and Cane.

In view of these results, an attempt is made to explain the wide variety of pain threshold values reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Studies of food aversion learning have been widely interpreted as yielding evidence for selectivity in the associability of cues and consequences. On the one hand, taste cues were easily conditioned to interoceptive consequences (e.g. “illness”), but only with difficulty to exteroceptive consequences (e.g. shock). On the other hand, audiovisual stimuli were easily conditioned to shock, but only with difficulty to illness (Revusky and Garcia, 1970). Sullivan (1984) has emphasized that cue location and temporality have been important uncontrolled variables in many food-aversion studies and has argued that when these factors are taken into account, the supposed selectivity related to sensory modality is lost. Thus, Sullivan (1984) argues that shocks, like “illness”, are readily associated with tastes provided that the tastes are intrinsic attributes of the substances ingested.

Sullivan's important article may have demonstrated significant weaknesses in the evidence for specific associations of exteroceptive cues with shock rather than with “illness”, and this point will not be considered further. However, there are two aspects of Sullivan's case that cannot be substantiated. Firstly, the attempt to demonstrate that taste cues are as readily associated with shock as they are with “illness” is unconvincing. Secondly, unjustified assumptions are made about the nature of the unconditioned stimulus in conditioning with interoceptive consequences, which is presumed to be “illness” despite extensive evidence to the contrary.  相似文献   

Conditioning may generalize from one context to another when latent inhibition (the effect on subsequent conditioning of prior unreinforced exposure to the stimulus) does not. Experiment 1 studied conditioned approach and licking by rats to a stimulus paired with the delivery of water and confirmed that latent inhibition could be abolished by a change of context, while prior aversive conditioning to the stimulus, produced by pairing it with mild shock, interfered with the acquisition of conditioned approach and licking regardless of this change of context. Thus even when conditioning and latent inhibition were measured in the same way, the former generalized across contexts, and the latter did not. Experiment 2 showed that the effects not only of unreinforced exposure to a stimulus but also of presentation of the stimulus uncorrelated with the delivery of water were confined to the context in which they occurred. Thus the generalization of conditioning from one context to another and the failure of latent inhibition to generalize cannot be attributed to the occurrence of rein-forcers during conditioning and their absence in latent inhibition. This conclusion was confirmed in Experiment 3, where animals received both aversive conditioning trials and unreinforced presentations of other stimuli in the treatment phase of the experiment, but were then conditioned to one of these stimuli paired with water. Once again, the effects of aversive conditioning transferred perfectly from one context to another, while those of unreinforced presentations did not. Latent inhibition, these results suggest, is not easily explained by supposing that animals associate an unreinforced stimulus with zero consequences and have to unlearn this association when the stimulus is then paired with a reinforcer.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to perform a visual discrimination between stimulus sets in which the presence of any two of three positive features made a stimulus positive, while any two of three negative features made it negative (there were thus three different positive and three different negative stimuli). After training, the birds were exposed to test stimuli that contained either all three positive or all three negative features. In Experiment I three pigeons were successfully trained by a successive method, and subsequently responded to the test stimuli as though they were positive or negative respectively. In Experiment II four pigeons were trained by a simultaneous method. Three learned the discrimination and generalized appropriately to the test stimuli, but they showed no preference between positive test and positive training stimuli, nor any consistent difference in speed of response to them; and similar results were found for negative stimuli. It is argued from this that the pigeons learned to respond to the stimuli as patterns (configurations of features) rather than to the constituent features, but that they generalized to the test stimuli by using the common features. The experiments show that pigeons could in principle learn to discriminate natural polymorphous classes (such as “pigeon” or “person”) without using any single feature, but neither the present experiments nor earlier ones demonstrating discriminations of such natural classes establish that pigeons make use of polymorphous concepts in the same way as people.  相似文献   

An experiment is described in which the subject sat facing a display of two neon bulbs. When the left-hand bulb lit he pressed a key under his left hand, and when the right hand bulb lit he pressed a key under his right hand. The left-hand bulb gave brief flashes at random intervals averaging about 4 sec. The right-hand bulb gave a brief flash at regular intervals of about 4 sec.

The experiment repeats (the author believes for the first time) certain essential conditions of Vince's (1948, 1950) experiments and, following detailed scrutiny of every pair of responses, is taken as evidence for the following statements:—

(a) The response to a signal arriving during the reaction time to a former signal will be delayed by an amount approximately equal to the time elapsing between the arrival of the signal and the end of the reaction time to the former signal.

(b) An exception to this may occur when two signals arrive close together. In this case the two signals may be responded to as a single group.

(c) Delays can be occasioned by the monitoring of responses as well as by reactions to signals.

(d) “Grouping” of signal and monitoring may occur when a signal arrives close to the beginning of the movement made in response to a previous signal.

A survey is made of current theories in this field and suggestions given for further research.  相似文献   

It has been known for over 30 years that motion information alone is sufficient to yield a vivid impression of three-dimensional object structure. For example, a computer simulation of a transparent sphere, the surface of which is randomly speckled with dots, gives no impression of depth when presented as a stationary pattern on a visual display. As soon as the sphere is made to rotate in a series of discrete steps or frames, its 3-D structure becomes apparent. Three experiments are described which use this stimulus, and find that depth perception in these conditions depends crucially on the spatial and temporal properties of the display:

1. Depth is seen reliably only for between-frame rotations of less than 15°, using two-frame and four-frame sequences.

2. Parametric observations using a wide range of frame durations and inter-frame intervals reveal that depth is seen only for inter-frame intervals below 80 msec and is optimal when the stimulus can be sampled at intervals of about 40-60 msec.

3. Monoptic presentation of two frames of the stimulus is sufficient to yield depth, but the impression is destroyed by dichoptic presentation.

These data are in close agreement with the observed limits of direction perception in experiments using “short-range” stimuli. It is concluded that depth perception in the motion display used in these experiments depends on the outputs of low-level or “short-range” motion detectors.  相似文献   

The span of perception for letter groups depends on number of letters presented, length of presentation and structure of the groups. The experiment reported varied the temporal structure of the groups, leaving the total number of letters constant. Groups of 12 letters were presented as a whole or in two or more successive “units.” The total time of presentation was 1-5 sec. In the first experiment each unit was visible until the next appeared, in the second experiment units were visible only during 1/4 sec., although intervals between successive units were kept constant.

The following conclusions emerged:

(a) The visual presence of units did not affect the reproduction for durations over 0.25 sec., except in the 12-letter presentations.

(b) 2×6 letters gave better results than either simultaneous presentation or other divisions; temporal separation was 0.75 sec.

(c) Higher order approximations to Dutch have more influence on 3 × 4, 2 × 6 and 1 × 12 letters than on 4 × 3 and 6 × 2 letters.

(d) A serial order effect exists: central units are reproduced less well than first and last units.

It is suggested that handling a fixed amount of information within a fixed period is limited on the one hand by confusion between simultaneous elements and on the other hand by the interaction between successive units presented too rapidly to allow for proper operation of immediate memory.

The difference between span of perception and span of memory is stressed.  相似文献   


In three experiments hungry rats received appetitive conditioning trials with a light that signalled the delivery of sucrose solution. In Experiment 1, prior exposure to uncorrelated presentations of the conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US) retarded conditioning significantly more than did prior exposure to the CS alone. In Experiments 2 and 3, groups exposed to uncorrelated presentations of the CS and US within the same session conditioned significantly more slowly than groups given separate sessions of exposure to the CS followed by sessions of exposure to the US (or vice versa). Some part of the learned irrelevance effect depends on exposure to a zero correlation between the CS and US, perhaps because this promotes learning that the CS predicts no change in the probability of the US.  相似文献   

The influence of the performance of various tasks on the reflex blink rate has been investigated repeatedly, but the results obtained have been somewhat contradictory. More recently, it has been suggested that the reflex blink rate may be a considerable factor in the accuracy with which visual-motor tasks are performed. The aim of the present experiment was to attempt to obtain further evidence on both these questions.

The experiment was carried out in two parts. The main part was done in the laboratory, while a validating experiment was carried out on the road. In the laboratory, subjects were required t o steer a pencil along a moving track which varied in difficulty. The difficulty of the response was varied by using a direct control on some trials and a velocity control on others. Blink rate, errors, and control measurements were recorded throughout. In the road experiment, cine films were taken of the driver's eyes while driving in heavy traffic and in open country.

The results of both experiments show:

(a) That there are marked individual differences in blink rate, the relative order of which is maintained in spite of variations in the actual blink rate.

(b) That there is no relationship between the accuracy with which a particular individual carries out a task of this sort and his blink rate. The rapid “blinker” is no more and no less likely to be accurate than the infrequeiit I “blinker.”

(c) That the actual blink rate for all individuals varies inversely with the difficulty of the task and the amount of control movement necessary. The blink rate decreases as the necessity for detailed visual control of movement increases. Blink rates when driving a car in heavy traffic, or when steering along an oscillating track, are considerably lower than when driving in open country or when following a straight track.

(d) That the adjustment of the blink rate to the difficulty of the task is achieved not only by an alteration in overall blink rate, but also by a change in the distribution of blinking. The blink rate is approximately constant under constant conditions, but when the task is varying in difficulty, blinking occurs just before and just after periods of maximum difficulty, but is completely inhibited during the periods of maximum difficulty itself.  相似文献   

In each of four experiments (three using pigeons as the subjects and one using rats) animals in an experimental condition were given exposure to a pair of stimuli that subsequently they were required to discriminate between. During the exposure phase response to either stimulus was consistently followed by reward. These subjects were uniformly found to be retarded in learning the discrimination when compared with control subjects that received equivalent pre-training in the absence of the critical stimuli. These results provide no support for the suggestion that stimuli may become “perceptually differentiated” during the pre-training phase but are consistent with the proposal that novel stimuli possess a high level of associability that declines as a result of experience.  相似文献   

Previous experiments showing the importance of visual factors in auditory localization are shown to have been insufficiently quantitative.

In the first Experiment, bells were rung and lights shone on the same or different vectors, eleven subjects indicating which bell had rung. In the second Experiment, a puff of steam was seen to issue from a kettle whistle with no whistling sound, while similar whistles were sounded by compressed air on that or another vector. Twenty-one subjects cooperated.

The addition of a visual stimulus at 0° deviation increased the percentage of correct responses significantly in the second, and insignificantly in the first experiment. At 20°-30° deviation the proportion of naive responses to the visual cue was 43 per cent. in the first and 97 per cent, in the second experiment. At greater angular deviations, the proportion of naive responses fell to chance level in the first, but remained significant in the second experiment, even at 90°. The “visuo-auditory threshold” was found to be 20°-30°, but might be much larger if there were more grounds for supposing the two stimuli to be from the same source in space.  相似文献   

It is widely assumed that reinforcers are biologically relevant stimuli, or stimuli that have been associated with biologically relevant stimuli. However, brief, arbitrary stimuli have also been reported to have reinforcement-like effects, despite being unrelated to biologically relevant stimuli like food. The present study explored the potential reinforcement-like effects of brief stimuli across 5 experiments. In Experiments 1 through 4, pigeon subjects responded for food reinforcement and brief stimulus presentations in a 2-component multiple schedule. Neither baseline response rates nor resistance to change during disruption tests were systematically greater in a component with versus without brief stimulus presentations. Increasing the rate and duration of brief stimulus presentations in Experiment 4 did not reveal reinforcement-like effects when compared directly with food. In Experiment 5, pigeons chose between independent terminal links in a concurrent-chains procedure. Across conditions, varying the location, duration, and rate of brief stimulus presentations in the terminal links had no systematic effects on preference. In contrast, varying rates of food reinforcers resulted in large and reliable shifts in preference. Therefore, the present study found no systematic evidence that brief stimuli unrelated to food reliably increase response rates, resistance to change, or preference. These data demonstrate the value of systematic replication, and a behavioral momentum approach to assessing potential reinforcement-like effects.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 a go/no-go discrimination procedure was used to compare control of five pigeons' keypecking by food-access duration with control by light duration. Pecks to an illuminated key were reinforced with grain following 10-sec presentations of food access or houselight, but not after 5-sec presentations of either stimulus. Each subject discriminated food-access duration faster and to a greater degree than light duration. In four between-subject replications, pigeons discriminated food-access duration better than the duration of a localized light, the feeder light and a keylight, and with either water or food as reinforcement. In Experiment 2 control by durations of food access and light was compared using a conditional right-left choice procedure (two pigeons), and a delayed symbolic matching-to-sample procedure (six pigeons). Under both, choice accuracy again was higher on food-access trials. The results of Experiment 3, in which two pigeons received generalization trials with durations of food access and light that were intermediate to the training values, confirmed that responding was controlled by the duration dimension of both food access and light. The superior control by food access is consistent with previous evidence that food is an effective and memorable stimulus, possibly because of its biological importance. These results also provided empirical support for the commonly made assumption that stimuli differ in effectiveness. As well, the results show that the stimulus to be discriminated can play an important role in the accuracy of duration disciminations, a fact which has implications for the study of temporal discriminations in animals.  相似文献   

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