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论道德与生活的关系及道德生活的本质特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
就生活与道德的关系而言,可以说生活需要道德、包含了道德但并不等于道德,道德始终存在于人的整体生活之中,没有脱离生活的道德。道德生活的本质特征表现在,道德生活是一种属人的或人类所特有的社会生活,是建立在物质生活基础之上的并渗透在物质生活之中引导和规范物质生活的精神生活,是一种有意义和价值并能予以价值评价的生活,是一种主体自由意志自觉自为并能进行道德选择的生活,是一种通过道德意识表现为道德关系涵盖一切道德活动的社会生活。  相似文献   

政治的正当性问题,是政治伦理和政治哲学的核心命题.自古以来,人类在不同的时空条件下,从不同视角对政治正当性进行探索和实践的历程,就是人类政治文明发展的历程,是人类政治同"善的生活"逐渐统一的历程.政治与"善的生活"的联系,在历史、法律和价值三个方面得到不断揭示和深化.政治的正当性,作为一种政治秩序应该获得其成员承认的价值根本,在人类政治生活中具有优先性:它是政治生活和政治发展的根本动力;是国家与社会、政治家与公民有效结合的基础;是政治生活和政治发展的最终目的和归宿;对谋取"善的生活"的不同方法和途径,决定了人类政治生活的变更和形式.  相似文献   

体育是人类的一种育化方式。广义的人类生活由工作性(劳动)生活和休闲性生活两部分组成。体育走向生活、走向休闲是体育发展的趋势和价值旨归,生活体育化是人们在体育生活化背景下自觉选择的、能够满足美好生活需要的生活方式。体育生活化与生活体育化相向而行的历史过程是与体教融合、体卫融合、体旅融合、体艺融合和体产融合等相伴随的。体教融合在上述融合中具有基础性,而在体教融合中学校体育的价值回归尤其重要。为了彰显学校体育的价值功能,必须重塑教育理念,正确理解和创造性贯彻党的教育方针,并对学校教育的体制机制和评价标准进行改革创新。  相似文献   

唯物史观认为,精神生产是人类创造思想和观念的社会实践活动;精神价值则是这一精神生产活动对人和人类社会的能动反作用。一方面,精神生产根本上受到物质生产生活实践的决定,精神价值的大小取决于生产力及其生产关系的发展;另一方面,精神生产及其精神价值又对整个社会生活有着重要的影响作用。这种作用深层地又受到社会性质的影响。在私有制社会,统治阶级掌控着精神生产,将之作为维护和稳固自身统治的重要的意识形态手段;在现代资本主义社会,精神生产更是异化为一种奴役无产阶级的隐性力量。要打破这种"精神异化",必须坚持价值尺度与真理尺度的统一。只有符合广大人民群众利益的精神生产才有价值;只有契合人类社会的前进方向,精神价值才能够转化为推动社会历史发展的强大力量。  相似文献   

精神生活的物化与精神家园的当代建构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在存在论的意义上,精神生活是人在精神层面上创造、表征、确证并享受自身存在本质与价值的生命活动.精神家园乃是人的精神生活的栖息之地和人的存在的精神容器.物化,成为现时代人类精神生活所遭遇的现代性处境.当代中国精神家园的建构,需要以马克思主义的中国化为思想内核,实现对西方资本主义现代性及其物化困境的扬弃,超越传统有神论与现代虚无主义之间的二元对立,推动中华文化传统的现代性转化,凝练与提升马克思主义与中华文化相融共通的核心价值理念.  相似文献   

现代文明在给人类带来巨大幸福的同时,也带来了一系列问题,如人与自然和人与人之间的矛盾冲突、人在生活过程中遇到的人本身作为手段和目的的矛盾、物质生活和精神生活的矛盾等等。这些问题都涉及人类根本的生存方式。解决这些问题需要从哲学上重新审视人类的生存方式中所蕴含的价值理念,重新审视人类自身的价值原则。围绕“价值选择与人类生存”这一主题,由湖北大学哲学系主办、国际价值研究  相似文献   

在当代社会,精神生活除体现自身一般特性外,相比传统社会的精神生活,还具有精神生活的现代性与传统性交融、精神生活的超越性与滞后性兼有、精神生活的层次性与起伏性交错的鲜明特征.研究这些富有时代性的特征,对进一步丰富人们的精神生活,提高精神生活水平具有重要价值.  相似文献   

这篇文章共分三个部分。第一部分是谈生活的意义,重点论述了物质生活价值(即享乐-功利价值)和精神生活价值(即道德的真、善、美这些特殊价值)的关系及区别,强调了精神生活价值的重要性。作者指出,生活的意义就是追求人所希望的一些东西,就是实现人所追求的价值。人类生活的特殊价值即作为人类成果的那些价值,就是人的生活的特殊意义。如果人对精神价值置若罔闻,那么即使幸福也不能实现。  相似文献   

一个根深蒂固的观念认为,艺术是对社会生活的一种认识论式的反映,艺术的根源在社会生活,谁不承认这一说法,就被扣上"主观唯心主义"的帽子.这种观点至今仍然占据着艺术理论的教科书.在我看来,艺术不属于认识论范畴.无所谓"唯物"、"唯心"之分.艺术是一种精神产品,是价值——情感的形象建构,它深深地植根于人类的生存结构和精神结构之中.人类的生存结构是艺术发生发展的根据,人类的精神结构是艺术创作的直接源泉.与艺术相关的人类的精神结构有四个层次,它包含着人类进化史、社会发展史、当前社会现实中的种种价值事件在人类心灵中的深厚积淀和人类的理想与想象的丰富内容.仅仅从认识论的角度探讨和确定艺术的根源,把艺术只当做对现实生活的一种认识论式的反映,是极其浅陋的,它会引导艺术退化为非艺术.  相似文献   

精神生活共同富裕体现了党执政为民的价值追求,蕴含着以善为终极目标的伦理精神。从个人伦理的维度来看,精神生活共同富裕要求个人牢固树立马克思主义信仰,具备高尚的道德品质、自尊自信的个人心态、积极向上的工作态度;从社会伦理文化的维度来看,精神生活共同富裕的最高要求是真善美,需要高雅清新的文化氛围、公平竞争的社会规则、良好的社会价值观、尊重他人的社会观念。精神生活共同富裕反映了个人、社会和国家等多个层面的价值诉求,它是实现人的全面发展的应有之义、满足人民美好生活需要的内在要求、实现中国式现代化的重要途径、建设社会主义文化强国的必然选择。  相似文献   

The WHO suggests integrating traditional health practices into national public health systems. However, cooperation between both systems of healing seldom works. Traditional healing practices often attract accusations of irrationality and mysticism. From a scientific point of view, inferences based on spirituality are not considered as having the same significance as those drawing on rational thinking. However, spiritual intuition is in line with abductive reasoning, which is a core element across all systems of thinking and central to the development of new hypotheses in the sciences. Traditional healing practices in Botswana serve to present the notion of transrationality, which appreciates the specific character of spiritual healing and thus may aid in establishing better cooperation between traditional and modern health practitioners.  相似文献   

试论《周易》的原初意义与现代意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先阐述了考察《周易》价值的方法,然后运用这一方法全面考察了《周易》的原初意义与现代意义。作者认为,《周易》的产生标志着中华民族抽象思维能力的关键性跃迁;《周易》的内容折射着当时的自然、社会和人文状况,记载着古代先民对于当时复杂的自然、社会和人生问题的特别关注与初步思考;《周易》的人生智慧和行为原则,反映着趋利避害和预见未来的价值取向;《周易》的思维方式汇集着当时的思维工具和认识方法,表达着最初的终极关怀和哲学意识。而《周易》所提供的始源性材料,有助于我们从根源性上来把握中华文化及其当代特点;易学史的演变与发展则为我们更好地把握历史文化发展进程提供了重要的思想资料;《周易》所表达的人生智慧和思维方式对于当今人类把握现实与面向未来也具有极为重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

亚健康的范畴研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
随着自然科学的进步和哲学思想的演进,与之相适应的医学模式也不断地变化发展;现代生物-心理-社会医学模式下肿瘤综合治疗的策略与观念有了很大的变化,不仅注重提高治愈率,而且注重病人生活质量,从以人为本的哲学思想出发,在肿瘤治疗中视生命的存在与生命的价值同样重要。  相似文献   

The representatives of modern Neo-Confucianism all greatly value Yi Zhuan and regard it as one of their spiritual resources, and give their own creative interpretations and transformations. Xiong Shili’s ontological-cosmological theory takes “qian yuan” as its center; Ma Yifu has a theory of ontology-cultivation centered on “nature-principle”; Fang Dongmei has a metaphysics of production and reproduction; Mou Zongsan takes the view of “completely knowing the fathomless and understanding transformation” as a moral metaphysics; and in Tang Junyi there is a theory of the harmony of doctrines on Heaven and man in which “the knowledge of divine understanding” is its key concept. They employ modern philosophical concepts and thinking to illustrate the cosmology, ontology, theory of life, theory of human nature, theory of spiritual worlds, axiology and their connections in Zhou Yi. They affirm that the characteristics of Chinese philosophy that are different from Western philosophy consist in a naturalist view of vital life, a harmonious view of totality, an axiological view that values exist in natural universe and the world of fact, the pursuit of Good and Beauty, and intuitive experience of inner world. __________ Translated from Zhou Yi Yanjiu 周易研究 (Zhou Yi Studies), 2004 (4) by Hao Changchi  相似文献   

在道德哲学视域中,"自我"是基于"自然"的同一性与整体性的生命存在。而现代生命科学技术对"自然自我"的干预和颠覆导致了纯粹"自然自我"的消逝和"精神自我"的绝望,并由此引发"自我"的分裂。对生命伦理而言,重新弘扬"自我"的主体性,致力于"自我"向伦理实体的回归,乃是重拾"自我"生命尊严的内在要求。  相似文献   

Grant R. Gillett 《Zygon》1985,20(4):425-434

This paper examines the origin and the development of the mechanistic model of the human body and health in terms of Max Weber's theory of rationalization. It is argued that the development of Western scientific medicine is a part of the broad process of rationalization that began in sixteenth century Europe as a result of the Reformation. The development of the mechanistic view of the human body in Western medicine is consistent with the ideas of calculability, predictability, and control — the major tenets of the process of rationalization as described by Weber. In recent years, however, the limitations of the mechanistic model have been the topic of many discussions. George Engel, a leading advocate of general systems theory, is one of the leading proponents of a new medical model which includes the general quality of life, clean environment, and psychological, or spiritual stability of life. The paper concludes with consideration of the potential of Engel's proposed new model in the context of the current state of rationalization in modern industrialized society.  相似文献   


Spirit, the activating or essential principle influencing a person, and body interpenetrate each other but do not dominate each other in predictable ways. Normal aging is neither a failure of the human spirit nor a failure in the body's Biology. The spirit becomes more apparent as a result of spiritual development.

The fourth quarter of life covers age 75 to 100 years. Prior to age 75, the human spirit undergoes significant developmental events: a crisis of meaning which may result in conversion or more commonly stripping or shedding; transitions, including loss of clearly defined roles and loss of the sense that the individual's life makes a difference.

One motif applied by our culture to old age is the “iconic illusion”; however, it is evident that in some respects this motif has limited application to the fourth quarter of life. “Meaning making” is, in fact, enhanced in the fourth quarter of life, given reasonable levels of cognitive health. The desire and ability to make sense out of existence, to draw together an understanding of a meaningful life trajectory, is best done in the fourth quarter of life. The dominant sense of time in the fourth quarter of life particularly facilitates spiritual development.  相似文献   

For decades, psychologists have been interested in the question whether, and how, religious and spiritual behavior, in terms of beliefs, attitudes, practices, and belonging, could be scientifically studied and assessed in terms of their relative good, or ill, for human well-being. This article considers contributions of religious commitment and spiritual practice to well-being and cognitive-developmental theoretical models and related bodies of empirical and clinical research regarding religious and spiritual development across the life cycle, with particular attention to questions related to positive adult development.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to: (1) provide a paradigm through which to understand the human self and, (2) bring some order out of the variety of theories of personality and strategies of change used in clinical practice today. Drawing on modern physics and general systems theory, a multi-leveled, systemic model incorporating physical, psychological, and spiritual dimensions is proposed and then applied to a representative clinical case. Implications of this model for clinical work and for a spiritual understanding of personality are elaborated.  相似文献   

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