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采用眼动追踪法考察面孔部件相似性判断中,其他部件对目标部件的影响机制。研究结果发现:(1)做出"很相似"判断和"一般相似"判断的平均总注视时间显著长于做出"很不相似"判断的平均总注视时间;(2)判断目标部件的相似性时,被试对目标部件的注视不一定显著多于对其他部件的注视;(3)目标部件相似性判断中,被试对其他部件的注视在相似性加工的中期阶段更为明显。研究结果表明:(1)做出"很相似"判断和"一般相似"判断的加工过程比做出"很不相似"判断的加工过程更复杂;(2)面孔部件相似性判断中,其他部件会影响目标部件的判断;(3)其他部件对目标部件相似性判断的影响主要发生在相似性加工的中、晚期阶段。  相似文献   

知觉或记忆条件下对连续变化刺激的相似判断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安蓉  阴国恩  郑金香 《心理科学》2005,28(3):558-561
控制不同材料(图形和字母)的大小、位置和长宽比连续变化,在标准和待判断刺激同时(知觉任务)或相继呈现(记忆任务)两种条件下进行相似判断的实验研究。结论为(1)任务方式对图形的相似判断有非常显著的影响;(2)知觉任务中相似判断的反应时非常显著地长于记忆任务中的反应时;(3)对材料各种特征的相似判断和加工速度差异非常显著.某些特征在相似表征中有较重要的作用。  相似文献   

汉字认知过程中整字对部件的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英文研究中,"字优效应"是单词促进字母加工的一个重要依据。但中文研究中还存在一些争议。本研究通过两个实验考查了汉字的部件认知中,汉字整体对局部(部件)的影响。实验刺激材料分为三种,即左右结构或上下结构的真字、假字与部件字。目标部件为既能够放置于三种字符的左侧,又能放置于右侧(上部或下部)的汉字部件。实验一采用Reicher-Wheeler实验任务,先呈现刺激材料350ms,掩蔽后再呈现需要判断的目标部件,被试对目标部件进行按键反应。实验二中采用部件判断实验任务,先呈现需要判断的目标部件,再呈现刺激材料,被试对刺激材料中是否包含目标部件进行按键反应。记录反应时与正确率。27位健康女性大学生参与本实验。结果显示:(1)不论是Reicher-Wheeler实验任务还是部件判断实验任务,均显示部件字的部件认知判断速度最快。真字与假字相比,无"字优效应"。真字与部件字相比,存在着"字劣效应"。这些结果表明,汉字整字对汉字部件认知加工起到抑制作用;(2)两个实验任务均表现出汉字结构方式效应,即对左右结构的汉字的部件认知比上下结构的汉字更快;(3)部件的空间位置对部件识别存在影响。实验一中对下部件分辨最困难,分辨时间最长;实验二中发现对左部件的反应最快。字符结构方式效应与部件空间位置效应既存在于真字中,也存在于假字中。  相似文献   

汉字加工的基本单元:来自笔画数效应和部件数效应的证据   总被引:30,自引:8,他引:22  
用命名作业和真假字判断作业考察了笔画数和部件数对汉字加工的影响,发现,当部件数保持恒定时,笔画数少的汉字较笔画数多的汉字加工快,这种笔画数效应和字频之间不存在交互作用;当笔画数被控制时,部件数效应也存在,但和字频有交互作用,表现在低频少部件汉字的加工要快于低频多部件汉字的加工,而高频汉字中的部件数效应不显著。实验还发现独体字(只有一个部件)的加工和合体字(部件数大于等于二)的加工有差异。作者认为,汉字的加工要经过笔画、部件和整字三个层次,其中单位部件的笔画数和部件数影响着汉字加工时间  相似文献   

实际亲密度对恋人参照效应的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周丽  苏彦捷 《心理学报》2008,40(4):487-495
为考察实际亲密度对恋人参照效应的影响,采用自我参照研究中的R/K判断范式和实际亲密度与应有亲密度量表对68名(35名男性,33名女性)处于恋爱关系中的被试施测。结果发现:在R反应上,实际亲密度与参照条件交互作用显著,高实际亲密度组表现出恋人参照效应,而低实际亲密度组未表现出恋人参照效应;性别与参照条件交互作用显著,女性整体上表现出恋人参照效应,而男性整体上未表现出恋人参照效应;应有亲密度与参照条件交互作用不显著;在K反应上,所有效应均不显著。研究证明了在自我参照范式中,自我是否呈现出恋人参照效应可能受实际亲密度的影响,并存在性别差异。结果提示,在他人参照效应的研究中,需将实际亲密度和性别变量考虑进来  相似文献   

特征和结构信息对草图人脸识别的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人脸认知研究的特征说、结构说和整体说的基础上,通过草图人脸与人脸相似程度主观评价的调查,发现五官位置、拓扑结构、五官比例、轮廓外形和五官外形等五个维度对人脸识别影响的权重依次减小,并且存在着多种显著的不同水平的交互作用。进而提出,五官位置和拓扑结构可组合成具体图形意义上的结构关系,这种结构关系将整体人脸分解成有序的特征集。  相似文献   

癌症病人的生活质量及心理干预研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究在前期研究的基础上进一步探讨癌症病人的生活质量状况和心理干预的效果。运用病例对照实验设计 ,选用生活质量问卷 (QLQ C3 0 )作为主要测查工具 ,采用两因素混合实验方差分析统计方法 ,对 1 2 0名住院化疗病人进行了比较分析。结果显示 :躯体功能 (PF)、角色功能 (RF)、情绪功能(EF)、认知功能 (CF)和整体生活质量 (QL)得分在治疗前后和实验与对照组之间的交互作用均显著和非常显著 ;症状量表和单项症状中交互作用显著和非常显著的有 :疲乏 (FA)、呼吸困难 (DY)、失眠 (SL)、食欲丧失 (AP)。因此 ,化疗对病人的生活质量有明显的影响 ,经心理干预后癌症病人的各种功能状况和症状得到不同程度的改善。  相似文献   

呈现方式、自我效能感和成就动机对FOK判断影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张萌  张积家  张全信 《心理学报》2000,32(4):387-392
以英汉配对词为实验材料探讨了呈现方式、自我效能感和成就动机对FOK判断(Feeling of Knowing)的影响,被试是144名大学生。实验结果表明:(1)呈现方式、自我效能感和成就动机均显著影响FOK判断等级的高低和判断的准确性;(2)自我效能感和成就动机在影响FDK判断方面有显著的交互作用,成就动机对FDK判断的作用受自我效能感影响;(3)被试的回忆成绩、再认成绩和FDK判断准确性之间均有显著的正相关,表明客体记忆与无记忆之间有较密切的联系。  相似文献   

喻平  李明振 《应用心理学》2009,15(3):208-215,229
将一个图形(称为母图)的若干条线段删除后得到的图形叫做母图的子图。运用实验方法探讨了子图结构学习和子图变式学习对解决问题的迁移效果。结果表明:子图结构学习仅对解决“图形结构相同、逻辑结构相同”问题有明显迁移作用;子图变式学习对解决“图形结构相同、逻辑结构相同”没有明显迁移作用,对“图形结构相似、逻辑结构相同”、“图形结构相同、逻辑结构相似”以及“图形结构相似、逻辑结构相似”四类问题均有明显迁移作用。  相似文献   

人脸加工过程中,从人脸知觉到身份信息提取是一个系列的过程还是平行加工的过程,是人脸研究的热点问题之一。通过比较脸—脸(FF)、名字—名字(NN)、脸—名字(FN)和名字—脸(NF)等四种刺激类型条件下被试对其作夫妇判断和性别配对判断时的反应时分析,发现判断任务与刺激类型之间存在显著交互作用。在性别判断任务中,FF反应最快,NF其次,FN和NN最慢;而在夫妇判断任务中,四种刺激类型间无显著差异。反应错误率分析也显示相似的结果。实验结果支持人脸识别到身份信息提取过程为系列加工的观点。  相似文献   

图形拓扑性质对相似性判断和分类的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用Stevens数量估计法研究了限时和不限时呈现材料条件下,图形的平面几何特征和拓扑特征对相似性判断及分类的影响。结果表明:(1)材料特征对图形的相似性估计的影响显著,平面几何特征的差异对应着更大的差异估计量。(2)呈现方式对平面几何特征差异的估计影响大,而并不影响对拓扑差异的估计。(3)男性对拓扑特征差异的估计较女性大;对平面几何特征差异的估计没有显著的性别差异。(4)不限时呈现时被试倾向于按平面几何特征分类;限时呈现时倾向于按拓扑特征分类。  相似文献   

安蓉  阴国恩  冯虹 《心理科学》2007,30(2):351-354,319
在实物图片或轮廓图先期呈现的条件下研究了6岁、9岁、12岁及成人被试对两可图形的命名或相似判断。结果表明:(1)命名项目或相似判断与线索项目有关时,各年龄被试对判断项的命名或相似判断均表现出与线索项目一致的倾向。(2)轮廓图作为线索项目时.命名或相似判断反应时较长;实物作为线索项目时,命名或相似判断反应时较短。无关项目作为为线索项目时.被试命名或相似判断的反应时居中;命名项目或相似判断项目均与线索项目一致时反应时较短;命名项目或相似判断项目均与线索项目不一致时反应时延长。(3)被试命名或相似判断的反应时随其年龄的增长而下降,6岁和9岁儿童的反应时较长;12岁儿童的反应时较短;成人的反应时最短。  相似文献   

Structural aspects of visual similarity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hypothesis that visual representations for lines and/or points are independent structural units was tested using similarity judgment and speeded discrimination for pairs of six-segment letter-like figures. The stimuli were constructed such that each of two comparison figures had five segments in common with a standard figure. One figure was similar to the standard in its higher order structure (connectedness and closedness properties), whereas the other differed. The results show that the figures with similar higher order structure were systematically judged more similar to the standard than the figures with different structure. The former were also more difficult to discriminate from standards than the latter, as indicated by both time and error measurements. These effects were less pronounced in sequential than in simultaneous comparisons.  相似文献   

本文阐述了相似性判断和差异性判断不对称性的相关研究。首先介绍了不对称性的发展及理论解释。其次,根据事件相关电位的研究结果,阐述了图-词信息的双编码模型对相似性判断的影响。接着分析和介绍了相似性判断的双编码过程及其时间进程。最后,作者提出有待深入研究的几个问题:(1)差异性策略在分类和推理中的应用;(2)相似性双编码过程的实证研究及其应用;(3)从发展认知神经科学的角度探讨不对称的认知神经机制。  相似文献   

通过两个实验探讨了时间压力对类比推理的直觉加工的影响。实验1采用三因素混合实验设计,以48名大学生为被试,在不同时间压力条件下对不同相似性言语类比推理题进行喜好度判断和类比推理逻辑判断。实验2是在实验1的基础上用图形类比推理题代替语义类比推理题,以56名大学生为被试。结果发现:(1)时间压力下,对跨领域言语类比推理的直觉加工效应显著高于逻辑加工效应;(2)时间压力下,低难度图形类比推理题的直觉加工效应显著高于逻辑加工效应。无时间压力条件下,图形类比推理的逻辑加工效应优势明显;(3)时间压力对类比推理的直觉加工和逻辑加工均有影响  相似文献   

Morphed figures entail a dominant and nondominant interpretation. Testing perception of morphed objects using forced-choice methods demonstrates that morphed figures are perceived as their dominant interpretation (“categorical perception”, or CP). Using a more natural free-naming response could reveal whether CP is an effect independent of method. In Experiment 1, therefore, series of morphed figures were tested for CP using free naming. Half of the morph series were identified as CP patterns. In Experiment 2, we used forced choice to investigate CP, resulting in an increase of number of CP series compared to free naming. The overlap between CP series of Experiments 1 and 2 was small, however. Experiment 3 revealed that higher perceptual similarity between the extremes of the series was strongly related to CP for the free-naming method, in contrast to the forced-choice method. We conclude that the observation of CP depends on the intactness of the intrinsic object structure caused by the morphing procedure.  相似文献   

Bilinguals have been shown to perform worse than monolinguals in a variety of verbal tasks. This study investigated this bilingual verbal cost in a large‐scale picture‐naming study conducted in Spanish. We explored how individual characteristics of the participants and the linguistic properties of the words being spoken influence this performance cost. In particular, we focused on the contributions of lexical frequency and phonological similarity across translations. The naming performance of Spanish‐Catalan bilinguals speaking in their dominant and non‐dominant language was compared to that of Spanish monolinguals. Single trial naming latencies were analyzed by means of linear mixed models accounting for individual effects at the participant and item level. While decreasing lexical frequency was shown to increase naming latencies in all groups, this variable by itself did not account for the bilingual cost. In turn, our results showed that the bilingual cost disappeared when naming words with high phonological similarity across translations. In short, our results show that frequency of use can play a role in the emergence of the bilingual cost, but that phonological similarity across translations should be regarded as one of the most important variables that determine the bilingual cost in speech production. Low phonological similarity across translations yields worse performance in bilinguals and promotes the bilingual cost in naming performance. The implications of our results for the effect of phonological similarity across translations within the bilingual speech production system are discussed.  相似文献   

Referential processing: Reciprocity and correlates of naming and imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To shed light on the referential processes that underlie mental translation between representations of objects and words, we studied the reciprocity and determinants of naming and imaging reaction times (RT). Ninety-six subjects pressed a key when they had covertly named 248 pictures or imaged to their names. Mean naming and imagery RTs for each item were correlated with one another, and with properties of names, images, and their interconnections suggested by prior research and dual coding theory. Imagery RTs correlated .56 (df = 246) with manual naming RTs and .58 with voicekey naming RTs from prior studies. A factor analysis of the RTs and of 31 item characteristics revealed 7 dimensions. Imagery and naming RTs loaded on a common referential factor that included variables related to both directions of processing (e.g., missing names and missing images). Naming RTs also loaded on a nonverbal-to-verbal factor that included such variables as number of different names, whereas imagery RTs loaded on a verbal-to-nonverbal factor that included such variables as rated consistency of imagery. The other factors were verbal familiarity, verbal complexity, nonverbal familiarity, and nonverbal complexity. The findings confirm the reciprocity of imaging and naming, and their relation to constructs associated with distinct phases of referential processing.  相似文献   

Phonemic similarity effects and prelexical phonology   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ten experiments were conducted on visually presented Serbo-Croatian words and pseudowords, comprising phonemically similar and dissimilar context-target sequences. There were five main results. First, phonemic similarity effects in both lexical decision and naming are independent of graphemic similarity. Second, phonemic similarity need not facilitate lexical decision; the direction of its effect depends on lexicality, target frequency, and type of similarity (specifically, the position of the phoneme that distinguishes context and target). Third, phonemic similarity expedites the naming of words and pseudowords, and to the same degree. Fourth, phonemic similarity is negated in naming, but not in lexical decision, when the visually presented context and target are stressed differently. Fifth, the phonemic similarity effect occurs even when the context is a masked pseudoword. These results are discussed in terms of a model in which word-processing units are activated routinely by phoneme-processing units, and in which compositionally similar word units, when activated, inhibit one another in proportion to each's familiarity. In this model, the phonemic similarity effect in naming is based on the states of phoneme units, whereas the phonemic similarity effect in lexical decision is based on the states of word units. Overall, the results comport with an account in which phonology is computed prelexically and automatically.  相似文献   

Four experiments are reported examining the locus of structural similarity effects in picture recognition and naming with normal subjects. Subjects carried out superordinate categorization and naming tasks with picture and word forms of clothing, furniture, fruit, and vegetable exemplars. The main findings were as follows: (1) Responses to pictures of fruit and vegetables (\ldstructurally similar\rd objects) were slowed relative to pictures of clothing and furniture (\ldstructurally dissimilar\rd objects). This structural similarity difference was greater for picture naming than for superordinate categorization of pictures. (2) Structural similarity effects in picture naming were reduced by repetition priming. Repetition priming effects were equivalent from picture and word naming as prime tasks. (3) However, superordinate categorization of the prime did not produce the structural similarity effects on priming found for picture naming. Furthermore, such priming effects did not arise for picture or word categorization or for reading picture names as target tasks. It is proposed that structural similarity effects on priming object processing are located in processes mapping semantic representations of pictures to name representations required to select names for objects. Visually based competition between fruit and vegetables produces competition in name selection, which is reduced by priming the mappings between semantic and name representations.  相似文献   

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