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如何缩小健康和教育的阶层差异, 促进社会公平是世界各国普遍关心的社会问题。已有的社会阶层心理研究取向中, 社会文化视角从不同阶层的文化所塑造的不同自我出发, 提出了解释社会阶层生产和再生产的文化循环理论和提升低阶层社会适应水平的差异教育方法, 这些理论观点为教育与健康的阶层差异提供了超越个体或环境任何单一因素的系统解释, 并提供了着眼于社会心理重塑的干预方案以减少健康和教育的不平等。未来社会文化视角的研究和实践工作的可能方向包括理论和干预实践的中国化, 与其他社会阶层理论和社会公正视角相结合, 以及考察社会流动与文化变迁背景的影响。  相似文献   

自我效能感与网络健康信息搜寻行为的关系如何,目前研究存在较大分歧。为明确二者关系,探究分歧原因,对检索后获得的44项研究(46个独立效应值)使用随机效应模型进行元分析。结果发现:自我效能感与网络健康信息搜寻行为存在中等显著正相关(r=0.27, 95%CI=[0.21, 0.33]);二者的相关强度受文化背景和被试健康状况的调节,但不受性别、自我效能感测量指标和网络健康信息搜寻行为测量指标的影响。结果初步澄清了健康信念模型、信息搜寻综合模型和风险感知态度框架的争论,表明个体自我效能感水平越高,其网络健康信息搜寻行为往往也会越频繁。研究启示政府和健康医疗从业者可以通过开展网络使用技能培训等干预方式提升公众自我效能感水平,间接促进公众的网络健康信息搜寻行为。  相似文献   

Whites in community samples utilize mental health services at a much higher rate than African Americans (Kessler, et al., 2005). Is this also the case among those in jails? In this study of jail inmates (229 African American, 185 White) there were no race difference in the overall need for mental health treatment (63% of participants had significant symptoms on the Personality Assessment Inventory) but race differences in the level and types of symptoms were evident. Additionally, while Whites were more likely to report pre-incarceration treatment there were no differences in treatment seeking or access to mental health programs while in jail, implying that if barriers to treatment in the community were removed (cost/insurance, location/transportation, time) racial disparities in treatment utilization may be reduced.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that latent variables, with the focus on sensation seeking concepts, incorporated in new technique of route choice modeling, improve our analyzing of route choice behavior with pre-trip travel time information. The application of a hybrid discrete choice model framework integrates a latent variable model and a route choice model by combining their measurement and structural equations. The model is estimated based on data from a laboratory experiment and a field study of a simple network. The results show that certain sensation seeking domains (e.g., thrill and adventure seeking) alongside traditional variables (e.g., travel time information) enrich our understanding and provide more insight into route choice behavior. Furthermore, observed personal variables, such as gender and marital status, may serve as causal indicators to sensation seeking variables.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted testing the hypothesis that health-related information seeking is a joint function of a person's locus of control beliefs and the value placed on health. Using a health-related measure of locus of control, internal subjects who valued health highly relative to other terminal values (cf. Rokeach, 1973) chose more pamphlets about the particular health condition, hypertension, than did internal-low health value subjects or externals regardless of their health value. Little evidence was found to support the proposition that subject differentially chose pamphlets according to author characieristics (i.e., male or female, doctors or nurses).  相似文献   

Objective: Self-affirming – such as by reflecting on one’s strengths and values – reduces defensiveness to threatening information, reduces negative effects of stereotype threat and promotes prosociality. These outcomes may promote physical health, highlighting a need to examine the role of self-affirmation in medical and health contexts.

Design: Data were collected as part of the nationally representative, cross-sectional, 2013 Health Information National Trends Survey. Items were completed by 2731 respondents.

Main Outcome Measures: Respondents answered questions about spontaneous self-affirmation tendencies, perceptions of providers and health care, involvement in medical appointments, health information seeking and engagement in medical research.

Results: Spontaneous self-affirmation was associated with more positive perceptions of communication with one’s provider, better perceived quality of care, greater likelihood of asking questions in a medical appointment, greater information seeking for oneself and multiple indices of surrogate information seeking (i.e. seeking information for others). Four of eight significant associations remained significant when controlling for optimism. The associations of self-affirmation with aspects of the patient–provider relationship were not modified by factors likely to be associated with stereotype threat (e.g. race or BMI).

Conclusion: Spontaneous self-affirmation was related to positive outcomes in health contexts. Experimental research is needed to further explore the causal nature of these associations.  相似文献   

The overall goals of this research were to: (a) examine whether help‐seeking intentions, subjective needs, depressive symptoms, and social support can predict actual help‐seeking behavior; and (b) clarify the moderating effects of social support on help‐seeking behavior using a longitudinal design. University students (N = 370) completed questionnaires that measured social support, subjective needs, depressive symptoms, and help‐seeking intentions during Time1, and questionnaires that measured actual help‐seeking behavior during Time2. Only subjective needs showed a positive effect on both help‐seeking intentions and actual help‐seeking behavior. Although depressive symptoms had a negative effect on help‐seeking intentions, they had a positive effect on actual help‐seeking behavior. Moreover, social support had a positive effect on help‐seeking intentions, and moderated the influence of subjective needs on actual help‐seeking behavior. Simple slope analysis indicated that subjective needs did not facilitate help‐seeking behavior among those with low levels of social support.  相似文献   

Testing predictions derived from attachment theory, this research investigated how adult attachment orientations are associated with selective exposure to information about the self, one's partner, and one's relationship. The results of two studies revealed that (a) more avoidantly attached individuals have limited interest in knowing their partner's intimate thoughts and feelings, (b) more anxiously attached individuals selectively prefer information on intimate topics pertaining to their partner and relationship and focus on information that highlights their own as well as their partner's shortcomings, and (c) regardless of attachment orientation, individuals express interest in learning about the negative relationship behaviors and characteristics of their insecurely attached partners. These findings suggest that selective information seeking may have important effects on relationships and may help explain how attachment orientations affect important relationship outcomes.  相似文献   

Forty-four emotionally disturbed children were administered the Matching Familiar Figures Test by one examiner after which the 13 most impulsive and 13 most reflective were chosen. A second examiner administered the Fixed Alternatives Question-Asking Game in whichSs sought information by asking questions that could be answered either yes or no. These questions were classified on a developmental basis; reflective children were found to employ more mature questions than did impulsive ones. Indirect comparisons between the present results and those obtained with normalSs were made.  相似文献   

Chien‐Huang, L. & Hung‐Chou, L. (2010). How health information affects college students’ inclination toward variety‐seeking tendency. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 51, 503–508. College students often consume too much snacks (e.g. potato chips) and such high‐fat snacks are found to be related to obesity. This paper seeks to explore the effect of health‐related information on the relationship of mood states and variety seeking (VS) behavior among enjoyable snacks. Health warnings and nutritional labeling are used to examine the moderating effects on this relationship. Consistent with our hypotheses, the results indicate that the presence of health warnings attenuates the influence of mood states on VS, so that happy and sad students tend to converge to similar levels of VS. However, in the absence of health warnings, sad students tend to incorporate significantly more VS than happy students. Similarly, the presence of nutritional labeling attenuates the influence of mood states on VS, so that happy and sad students tend to converge to similar levels of VS. However, in the absence of nutritional labeling, sad students tend to incorporate significantly more VS than happy students. The results provide evidence that making health warnings and nutritional labeling more salient might be a good way to decrease students’ VS tendency for high‐fat snacks.  相似文献   

健康的贫富差距是指不同社会经济地位的群体在各种健康指标上的系统差异。在过去30余年间, 国外研究揭示了社会经济地位与各种健康指标的负向关系, 并从环境特征和个人特征两个层面对健康的贫富差距做出了解释。以实证证据为基础, 研究者提出了社会文化自我模型、储备能力模型和生物−心理−社会整合模型等理论模型, 尝试从综合的视角理解健康的贫富差距。未来研究应该从多学科跨领域的视角, 使用多样化的研究方法和统计技术深化对健康的贫富差距内在机制的理解, 充分考虑社会文化背景的影响和个体差异的存在, 为促进我国的健康公平实践工作提供切实有效的理论指导。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that individual differences in sensation seeking account for adolescents’ risk behavior and vocational interests. We relied on Arnett’s (1994) conceptualization of sensation seeking as involving a need for intensity and a need for novelty, neither of which includes the willingness to take risks. Self-report scales measuring intensity seeking, novelty seeking, impulsiveness, risk behavior and vocational interest were administered to 636 adolescents. New scales measuring intensity seeking (IS) and novelty seeking (NS) were used. Regression analyses showed that IS and to a lesser extent NS accounted for a small part of variance of risk behavior, independent of impulsiveness. IS and NS accounted for vocational interests. The discussion emphasizes the importance of disentangling sensation seeking as a trait from willingness to take risks when one intends to analyse the effect of the former on risk behavior.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that individual differences in sensation seeking account for adolescents’ risk behavior and vocational interests. We relied on Arnett’s (1994) conceptualization of sensation seeking as involving a need for intensity and a need for novelty, neither of which includes the willingness to take risks. Self-report scales measuring intensity seeking, novelty seeking, impulsiveness, risk behavior and vocational interest were administered to 636 adolescents. New scales measuring intensity seeking (IS) and novelty seeking (NS) were used. Regression analyses showed that IS and to a lesser extent NS accounted for a small part of variance of risk behavior, independent of impulsiveness. IS and NS accounted for vocational interests. The discussion emphasizes the importance of disentangling sensation seeking as a trait from willingness to take risks when one intends to analyse the effect of the former on risk behavior.  相似文献   

The management of information in close relationships plays a critical role in our well‐being (e.g., S. Petronio, 2002 ). Since relational partners often desire to be “in the know” about one another, the relative absence of inquiry into the process of information seeking in close relationships is puzzling. Recently, W. Ickes, J. W. Dugosh, J. A. Simpson, and C. L. Wilson (2003) examined that process and showed important ways in which the motivation to acquire relationship‐threatening information may be harmful to relationships. We extend their work and apply the newly developed Theory of Motivated Information Management (W. A. Afifi, & Weiner, 2004 ) to close relationships. In addition, we test the consequences of information seeking for short‐term changes in relationship commitment. Two hundred and twenty‐two participants thought of something that their relational partner did or said for which they wanted more information, then completed 2 surveys, 3 weeks apart, measuring cognitive and behavioral factors related to the information‐management process. Results reveal several factors that influence the seeking of information in close relationships (e.g., issue importance, anxiety, expected outcomes, and perceived efficacy), show benefits of an indirect search for information in the face of negative expectancies, and suggest several directions for future research.  相似文献   

Although African-Americans (Blacks) smoke fewer cigarettes per day than European-Americans (Whites), there is ample evidence that Blacks are more susceptible to smoking-related health consequences. A variety of behavioural, social and biological factors have been linked to this increased risk. There has been little research, however, on racial differences in smoking-related knowledge and perceived risk of lung cancer. The primary goal of the current study was to evaluate beliefs and knowledge that contribute to race disparities in lung cancer risk among current smokers. Data from two separate nationally representative surveys (the Health Information National Trends surveys 2003 and 2005) were analysed. Logistic and hierarchical regressions were conducted; gender, age, education level, annual household income and amount of smoking were included as covariates. In both studies, Black smokers were significantly more likely to endorse inaccurate statements than were White smokers, and did not estimate their lung cancer risk to be significantly higher than Whites. Results highlight an important racial disparity in public health knowledge among current smokers.  相似文献   

In the early 1800s, Joseph Lancaster (1778-1838) developed an inexpensive method of education large numbers of the poor in England. Referred to as the "monitorial system," his method utilized students as monitors who performed many of the tasks normally undertaken by a teacher; it was used to teach classes that often exceeded a thousand students at one time. Student monitors were responsible for teaching and evaluating small groups of individuals in a somewhat regimented fashion. An incentive system was also used in a manner that closely resembles current applications of positive reinforcement in educational settings. Lancaster devised a token economy in which students earned tangible reinforcers for academic performance and deportment. Interestingly, the system spread quickly in the 1800s, and was implemented in many countries throughout the world. Its use declined as a result of both specific sources of dissatisfaction, such as the lack of individualization and dependence upon rote memorization, and general changes in the philosophy of education.  相似文献   

Previous studies of attributions for success and failure have relied upon a theoretically derived set of causal attributions, either luck versus skill (derived from Rotter, 1966) or ability, effort, luck, and task difficulty (Weiner et al., 1971; Weiner, 1972). The same tendency of relying upon a set of logically derived cues has been evident in investigations of information-processing in making attributional judgments for success and failure (e.g., Fontaine, 1972; Frieze & Weiner, 1971). Two studies were conducted which employed an open-ended format to determine the relevance of the causal categories and information which have been utilized in previous studies. Results of these studies supported the validity of previously employed causal categories and information cues as well as establishing other important but previously ignored causes and sources of information.  相似文献   

The present investigation sought to further delineate the Type A coronary-prone behavior pattern and to elucidate the psychophysiological process through which this behavioral disposition is translated into heart disease. Type A and Type B male subjects engaged in tasks that required varying degrees of activity before an assessment of challenge-seeking tendencies. Type A participants sought greater degrees of challenge than did their Type B counterparts. In addition, the more active the person with Pattern A had been immediately before the challenge-seeking opportunity, the greater the degree of challenge sought. Precedent activity level did not significantly influence challenge seeking in the Type B population. The Type A subjects also had significantly faster heart rates during performance of a challenging task. Pattern A behavior may be translated into heart disease through the cumulative deleterious effects of chronic and excessive challenge-induced cardiovascular excitation.  相似文献   

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