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The results of three experiments suggest that a memory trace for an event is not altered by witnessing similar events, but that postevents can interfere with its retrieval. On an immediate recall test, details from an original story (e.g. wrench) were recalled less often if a subsequent story mentioned a ‘screwdriver’ than if it did not. The interference effect occurred if people were asked to recall details fromboth stories (tool —— ——), but not if people were asked to recall primarily from the first story. Thus, the interference effect in immediate recall was averted if the target trace could be activated selectively (Experiments 1a and 1b). A more general interference effect was found after a day. Fewer targets from the original story were recalled if the second story was presented just before the test than if both stories occurred a day earlier. Thus, the second story interfered with recall only if it emphasized contextual retrieval cues that did not match the trace for the targets (Experiment 2). Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bilinguals produced English and French words from two taxonomic categories. Analyses of outputs indicated they retrieved words by semantic category, but in clusters from the same language, half the subjects immediately translating the words retrieved. Translations aside, more shifts were across languages than across categories. Protocols also showed the same degree of semantic clustering and number of concepts retrieved as those of other bilinguals responding unilingually. The findings are consistent with separate lexicons for each language, tapping a common system of concepts. An alternative account is possible in terms of a single lexicon, organized along semantic lines, but with stronger links between words from the same language. This work was supported by a grant from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Several sources of interference in memory are identified. These sources may be grossly classified as processing interference, i.e., that due to disruption of whatever activity occurs during the input or output of to-be-remembered material, or trace interaction, i.e., that due to interference among the stored memories themselves. The latter would appear to be due to simultaneous activation of correct and incorrect associations mediated by confusion among cue stimuli. A consideration of the means by which interference is reduced suggests that interfering associates are not weakened, unlearned, or suppressed except possibly when nominal stimuli are identical and sets of target and interfering items are temporally discriminable. Discriminative encoding of cue stimuli may eliminate these associations, if it operates at the perceptual level. Otherwise, potential interfering associates are activated, but may be rendered functionally impotent by discriminating them from correct associations on the basis of either backward association with discriminative stimulus attributes or differential contextual attributes such as frequency, time, order, and strength.  相似文献   

Alcoholic Korsakoff patients' rate of retrieval from semantic memory was investigated. It was found that their rate of retrieval from “lexical” semantic memory was nearly normal, but their rate of retrieval from “conceptual” semantic memory was impaired. In addition, an attempt to “prime” their lexical semantic memory by requesting the same category to be searched on adjacent trials met with failure. It was concluded that Korsakoff patients' lexical storage is probably organized normally, but their conceptual organization is not. Parallels with these patients' episodic memory impairments are discussed and possible interactions between episodic and semantic memory are proposed.  相似文献   

Unsworth and Engle (2007) recently proposed a model of working memory capacity characterized by, among other things, the ability to conduct a strategic, cue-dependent search of long-term memory. Although this ability has been found to mediate individual variation in a number of higher order cognitive tasks, the component processes involved remain unclear. The current study was designed to investigate individual variation in successfully retrieving information from episodic memory by examining various aspects of the retrieval process. Both high- and low-working memory capacity participants were found to initiate recall in a similar fashion; however, low-working memory capacity participants did not show the classic asymmetry in their conditional-response probabilities that is typically observed. Overall, the retrieval deficits observed in low-working memory capacity individuals appear to be rooted in their inability to use the products of retrieval to further aid their search.  相似文献   

Previous studies investigating the processes which underlie memory consolidation focused almost exclusively on isolated learning events. Here I studied the competition of two similar memory traces for consolidation non-conditioned recognition memory in adult male C57BL/6JOlaHsd mice using the olfactory cues based social discrimination procedure. My results show that the interference phenomena that cause forgetting are time-dependent, and that retroactive interference can be discriminated from proactive interference. Furthermore, both types of interference can be suppressed by subcutaneous anisomycin treatment immediately after presentation of the interference stimulus. These findings imply that interference phenomena, which result from the competition of two similar memory traces for long-term recognition memory, are related to the progress of memory consolidation and linked to protein synthesis.  相似文献   

In a recent article, P.A. Higham (2002) [Strong cues are not necessarily weak: Thomson and Tulving (1970) and the encoding specificity principle revisited. Memory &Cognition, 30, 67-80] proposed a new way to analyze cued recall performance in terms of three separable aspects of memory (retrieval, monitoring, and report bias) by comparing performance under both free-report and forced-report instructions. He used this method to derive estimates of these aspects of memory in an encoding specificity experiment similar to that reported by D.M. Thomson and E. Tulving (1970) [Associative encoding and retrieval: weak and strong cues. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 86, 255-262]. Under forced-report instructions, the encoding specificity manipulation did not affect performance. Higham concluded that the manipulation affected monitoring and report bias, but not retrieval. I argue that this interpretation of the results is problematic because the Thomson and Tulving paradigm is confounded, and show in three experiments using a more appropriate design that encoding specificity manipulations do affect performance in forced-report cued recall. Because in Higham's framework forced-report performance provides a measure of retrieval that is uncontaminated by monitoring and report bias it is concluded that encoding specificity manipulations do affect retrieval from memory.  相似文献   

Ss produced an instance of a category and following zero or two intervening items produced a second instance of the same category. The second instance was produced more quickly than the initial instance. This finding, in conjunction with other data reported in the paper, indicate that the reduction in latency for the second instance is due mostly to a reduction in the rate with which the category is searched.  相似文献   

In the course of a day, the brain undergoes large-scale changes in functional modes, from attentive wakefulness to the deepest stage of sleep. The present paper evaluates how these state changes affect the neural bases of sensory and cognitive representations. Are organized neural representations still maintained during sleep? In other words, despite the absence of conscious awareness, do neuronal signals emitted during sleep contain information and have a functional relevance? Through a critical evaluation of the animal and human literature, neural representations at different levels of integration (from the most elementary sensory level to the most cognitive one) are reviewed. Recordings of neuronal activity in animals at presentation of neutral or significant stimuli show that some analysis of the external word remains possible during sleep, allowing recognition of behaviorally relevant stimuli. Event-related brain potentials in humans confirm the preservation of some sensory integration and discriminative capacity. Behavioral and neuroimaging studies in humans substantiate the notion that memory representations are reactivated and are reorganized during post-learning sleep; these reorganisations may account for the beneficial effects of sleep on behavioral performance. Electrophysiological results showing replay of neuronal sequences in animals are presented, and their relevance as neuronal correlates of memory reactivation is discussed. The reviewed literature provides converging evidence that structured neural representations can be activated during sleep. Which reorganizations unique to sleep benefit memory representations, and to what extent the operations still efficient in processing environmental information during sleep are similar to those underlying the non-conscious, automatic processing continually at work in wakefulness, are challenging questions open to investigation.  相似文献   

In the first of two experiments, the stimulus items consisted of category names followed by a single letter (e.g., fruit-P). The subjects (half introverted, half extraverted) were required to respond as quickly as possible with a member of the specified category starting with the letter. Extraverts responded significantly faster than introverts, and more so when the most likely response was of low frequency than when it was of high frequency. In the second experiment, subjects were assigned to one of four groups representing the four combinations of high and low Extraversion and high and low General Activation. The speed-of-recall task from the first experiment was used on some trials; on the remaining trials, a speed-of-recognition task was used. Extraverts had greater response speed than introverts for recall, but not for recognition. That finding, plus interactions between Extraversion and General Activation, suggested an interpretation of the results in terms of the Yerkes-Dodson Law.  相似文献   

Retrieval from short-term memory was studied in a reaction time task, Ss decided whether or not a target item was present in a memorized list. When modality of presentation was manipulated, fastest reaction times resulted if the target item and all memory items were presented auditorily. All conditions involving pure visual presentation or mixed auditory-visual presentation resulted in reaction times which were longer than those for the pure auditory conditions out which did not differ from each other. This suggests that retrieval can be trom either a precategorical auditory memory or a postcategorical memory which does not preserve the sensory features of the memorized material.  相似文献   

Visuospatial working memory allows us to hold multiple visual objects over short delays. It is typically tested by presenting an array of objects, then after a delay showing a ‘probe’ indicating which memory item to recall or reproduce by adjusting a target feature. However, recent studies demonstrate that information at the time of probe can disrupt recall. Here, in three experiments we test whether traditional memory probes, which contain features that compete with the feature to be recalled, may themselves interfere with performance. We asked participants to report the direction of one of the several coloured arrows in memory, based on its colour. First, we demonstrate that recall is better when the probe is initially just a coloured dot, rather than a coloured arrow which has to be adjusted to match orientation memory, consistent with interference from features of the probe itself. Second, this interference is present even when a mask follows the memory array, suggesting that the interference does not work by degrading immediate or iconic memory. Finally, when items are shown sequentially, the first and last items are invulnerable to probe interference. Our findings support recent theories of associative recall, in which probes reactivate features in WM, retrieving information by pattern completion.  相似文献   

刘晨  陈旭 《心理科学进展》2018,26(9):1590-1599
自传体记忆是关于个人生活的记忆, 依恋理论为自传体记忆的理解提供重要的理论框架。本文以个体依恋风格的差异为视角, 根据Conway和Pleydell-Pearce’s的自我记忆系统(Self-Memory System)总结出在自传体记忆提取的过程中, 依恋系统具有目标导向、防御排斥和情绪调节的作用。安全型相较于非安全型依恋的个体在自传体记忆提取的数量、具体性、准确性、通达性和情绪强度、情绪唤醒度上具有优势。未来研究可以从依恋系统的激活, 焦虑型、回避型依恋在记忆提取中具体成分的差异, 依恋与不随意自传体记忆提取的关系上来探讨。  相似文献   

Cognitive aging research documents reduced access to contextually specific episodic details inolder adults, whereas access to semantic or other nonepisodic information is preserved or facilitated. The present study extended this finding to autobiographical memory by using a new measure; the Autobiographical Interview. Younger and older adults recalled events from 5 life periods. Protocols were scored according to a reliable system for categorizing episodic and nonepisodic information. Whereas younger adults were biased toward episodic details reflecting happenings, locations, perceptions, and thoughts, older adults favored semantic details not connected to a particular time and place. This pattern persisted after additional structured probing for contextual details. The Autobiographical Interview is a useful instrument for quantifying episodic and semantic contributions to personal remote memory.  相似文献   

A speed-accuracy tradeoff method was used to study the retrieval dynamics for recognition memory of parts of sentences. All sentences contained a subject, verb, object, location, and time. Recognition accuracy increased from chance at a processing time of about 0.5 sec to asymptotic accuracy at about 3 sec. The asymptotic accuracy levels for subject-verb, subject-object or verb-object recognition probes exceeded those of pair probes containing times or locations. This result suggests that the former may be more closely associated in semantic memory. The only difference among speed-accuracy curves was in asymptotic accuracy. The chance intercept and the rate of increase in accuracy were similar for all pair probes. A second finding was that the speed-accuracy curves for triple probes (e.g., subject-verb-object) were virtually identical to those of the comparable pair probes. These results appear to contradict a serial search hypothesis for the access of information from semantic memory. They support a parallel, direct-access hypothesis.  相似文献   

Bimanual 1:1 rhythmic coordination was performed while retrieving words from a specified category. The effects of divided attention (DA) on coordination were indexed by changes in mean relative phase and recurrence measures of shared activity between the two limbs. Effects of DA on memory were indexed by deficits in exemplars retrieved relative to the baseline. Shifts in relative phase were found, accompanied by a recall deficit for DA during the retrieval task. DA also reduced the degree of shared activity between left and right rhythmic motions. Our discussion focuses on DA-induced parameter changes in retrieval and coordination dynamics, as well as on the hypothesis that stability is the general factor mediating dual-task performance.  相似文献   

Complex-span (working-memory-capacity) tasks are among the most successful predictors of intelligence. One important contributor to this relationship is the ability to efficiently employ cues for the retrieval from secondary memory. Presumably, intelligent individuals can considerably restrict their memory search sets by using such cues and can thereby improve recall performance. We here test this assumption by experimentally manipulating the validity of retrieval cues. When memoranda are drawn from the same semantic category on two successive trials of a verbal complex-span task, the category is a very strong retrieval cue on its first occurrence (strong-cue trial) but loses some of its validity on its second occurrence (weak-cue trial). If intelligent individuals make better use of semantic categories as retrieval cues, their recall accuracy suffers more from this loss of cue validity. Accordingly, our results show that less variance in intelligence is explained by recall accuracy on weak-cue compared with strong-cue trials.  相似文献   

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