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几十年来,国外学术界对于被监禁人员的自尊问题进行了很多研究,并取得了诸多研究成果。本文对有关已决犯监狱服刑人员的自尊研究进行了简要回顾,对相关研究及其成果进行了简要介绍,对研究的特点、局限进行了总结,并在此基础上尝试提出了未来研究应关注的要点。  相似文献   

几十年来,国外学术界对于被监禁人员的自尊问题进行了很多研究,并取得了诸多研究成果。本文对有关已决犯监狱服刑人员的自尊研究进行了简要回顾,对相关研究及其成果进行了简要介绍,对研究的特点、局限进行了总结,并在此基础上尝试提出了未来研究应关注的要点。  相似文献   

恐惧管理理论(TerrorManagementTheory,TMT)从人们对自己生命的意义感和价值感的需求角度对自尊进行了阐释。大量实证研究对该理论的基本假设进行了验证。该文对TMT的理论起源和基本观点进行了介绍,分析了TMT关于自尊的“焦虑缓解器假设”和“死亡突显性假设”以及“防御的双重加工模型”,并对TMT及其相关研究进行了评价和展望  相似文献   

建设小康社会与大学生理想信念教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王钢 《道德与文明》2005,3(2):73-75
本文从建设小康社会的角度论述了对当代大学生进行理想信念教育的重要意义,阐明了全面建设小康社会是现阶段我国社会的共同理想,对大学生进行理想信念教育是全面建设小康社会的迫切要求,并在实践的基础上提出了对大学生进行理想信念教育的有效方法和途径。  相似文献   

赵守盈  杨建原  臧运洪 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1484-1490
运用层面理论方法,在参照已有研究的基础上,对10名中学教师进行了开放式访谈,结合已有研究和访谈结果,设计了映射语句,根据层面元素组合,设计项目,编制了教学效能感量表。对200名中学教师进行初测收回有效问卷162份,运用SSA分析技术,对项目质量做了分析,对部分项目进行了删减,并修改了映射语句,再对530名中学教师进行正式施测,收回有效问卷505份,运用SSA和验证性因素分析技术对量表的构想效度进行了检验,发现量表的信、效度较高,量表符合心理测量学的要求,并证明教学效能感结构为二层面雷达图结构。  相似文献   

国内外关于移情的研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在对移情的概念、构成、测评工具予以介绍的基础上,回顾了国内外关于移情研究的基本状况,并对影响移情的相关因素进行了分析,最后对以后的研究方向和方法进行了展望。  相似文献   

对20年来我国医院伦理委员会建设步伐不够大进行了反思,分析了存在的主要原因;阐述了对生物医学技术的实施进行伦理审查评价的必要性;对我国医院伦理委员会的建设提出展望,对医院伦理委员会工作发表了自己的认识.  相似文献   

本文对印度古代哲学中的神的观念进行了专门研究.作者对印度最早的宗教历史文献--吠陀中的神的观念的主要形态进行了描述,对印度社会中影响最大的婆罗门教(印度教)的神的观念进行了探讨,并对神在印度宗教哲学中的地位进行了分析.认为印度的宗教在东方文化中占有显要的地位,而古代印度人的神的观念又是其宗教理论中的基本内容.  相似文献   

本文对武汉市目前的宗教现状进行了深入的调查 ,并对其特点进行了探讨和评价。  相似文献   

本文首先从设计教育的角度批评了感性设计这一概念,通过大量的逻辑分析对感性设计这一理论的指导意义进行了质疑;其次,从哲学层面对传统文化被神化这一现象进行了解读和诠释;其三,作者对我国高校设计教育现阶段存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

本文从异化思想和对共产主义的论述两个问题入手,从实践唯物主义的思想奠基、异化概念的真实意义、共产主义的哲学形上境界、价值评价和历史评价的统一等四个方面,对《1844年经济学哲学手稿》进行了有针对性的辩白和论证。目的在于拭去蒙其之上的灰垢,恢复并光大其在马克思主义形成中的里程碑式的地位与意义。  相似文献   

疼痛和奖赏能够为个体提供不同的行为动机和主观价值体验,寻求奖赏和避免疼痛对于生存都很重要。疼痛可划分为急性疼痛和慢性疼痛,奖赏可区分为预期阶段的动机成分和体验阶段的享乐成分。奖赏对疼痛的抑制作用已经被广泛证实,但关于疼痛对奖赏的影响,目前的研究结果并不一致。因此需要进一步区分并探究急性疼痛与慢性疼痛对奖赏加工不同阶段的影响,分析两种疼痛对奖赏加工产生不一致影响的现象。这种现象出现的原因可能与急性疼痛向慢性疼痛转变过程中出现的奖赏加工能力缺陷有关。未来可以考虑从改善奖赏加工能力缺陷的角度进行检测和治疗,提前预防急性疼痛向慢性疼痛转变。  相似文献   

Antje Jackelén 《Zygon》2003,38(2):209-228
I explore three challenges for the current dialogue between science and religion: the challenges from hermeneutics, feminisms, and postmodernisms. Hermeneutics, defined as the practice and theory of interpretation and understanding, not only deals with questions of interpreting texts and data but also examines the role and use of language in religion and in science, but it should not stop there. Results of the post‐Kuhnian discussion are used to exemplify a wider range of hermeneutical issues, such as the ideological potential of scientific concepts, the dynamics of interdisciplinarity, and the significance of the socioeconomic situatedness of science and religion. Feminist research analyzes the consequences of the interplay of masculine, feminine, and gender typologies in religion and science. Examples from the history of science as well as current scientific conceptualizations indicate that beliefs in the inferiority of woman form part of our inherited scientific, religious, and metaphysical framework. It is argued that postmodernism in its most constructive form shares the best fruits of modernity, especially of the Enlightenment, while avoiding some of its most serious mistakes. In conclusion, reflecting on the three publics engaged in the dialogue between science and religion—academe, religious communities, and societies—I offer constructive suggestions and critical observations concerning the future of this dialogue.  相似文献   

The authors examine the concepts of repression and splitting and their interplay during the psychoanalytic process. Initially, repression was introduced by the clinical phenomenon of resistance, leading to the formulation of the association between intrapsychic conflicts and neurotic symptoms. Later, repression was linked to normal development and to personality organization. Splitting, on the other hand, has been defined in quite diverse ways. The two main definitions are of splitting within the ego, and splitting of representations of the self, and of internal and external objects. Repression and splitting are compared developmentally, dynamically, and with respect to their relationship to psychic functioning and energic conditions. Clinical material is presented from the analysis of a patient who presented with borderline personality organization and narcissistic features. During the initial phase of analysis, splitting associated with projection, projective identification and idealization were the main defence mechanisms. As the analysis progressed and the themes of omnipotence and mourning were explored with the simultaneous working through of drive derivatives expressed in the transference, repression gained ground over the more primitive defence mechanisms. The evolution of the case showed a gradual shift from splitting to repression and the association of repression with a more advanced psychic organization. This development reflected the dynamic movement from borderline to hysterical organization in psychoanalytic nosology.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒疫情的预防和控制不仅是一个科学技术的问题,还是一个人文社会科学的议题。从社会心理学的视角来看,新型冠状病毒疫情的发生、蔓延是人与自然、人与他人以及人与自己的关系失调的体现。他人、自我、自然的和谐是社会和谐发展的前提和保证。培育好自尊自信、理性平和、亲善友爱的良好社会心态,把握好物质与精神、自由与规范、统筹与协作平衡发展的社会治理方法,可以在疫情的预防和控制中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

This paper proposes an integrative psychoanalytic model of the sense of beauty. The following definition is used: beauty is an aspect of the experience of idealisation in which an object(s), sound(s) or concept(s) is believed to possess qualities of formal perfection. The psychoanalytic literature regarding beauty is explored in depth and fundamental similarities are stressed. The author goes on to discuss the following topics: (1) beauty as sublimation: beauty reconciles the polarisation of self and world; (2) idealisation and beauty: the love of beauty is an indication of the importance of idealisation during development; (3) beauty as an interactive process: the sense of beauty is interactive and intersubjective; (4) the aesthetic and non-aesthetic emotions: specific aesthetic emotions are experienced in response to the formal design of the beautiful object; (5) surrendering to beauty: beauty provides us with an occasion for transcendence and self-renewal; (6) beauty's restorative function: the preservation or restoration of the relationship to the good object is of utmost importance; (7) the self-integrative function of beauty: the sense of beauty can also reconcile and integrate self-states of fragmentation and depletion; (8) beauty as a defence: in psychopathology, beauty can function defensively for the expression of unconscious impulses and fantasies, or as protection against self-crisis; (9) beauty and mortality: the sense of beauty can alleviate anxiety regarding death and feelings of vulnerability. In closing the paper, the author offers a new understanding of Freud'semphasis on love of beauty as a defining trait of civilisation. For a people not to value beauty would mean that they cannot hope and cannot assert life over the inevitable and ubiquitous forces of entropy and death.  相似文献   

Starting from the theory of the libido and the notions of the experience of satisfaction and the drive for mastery introduced by Freud, the author revisits the notion of the drive by proposing the following model: the drive takes shape in the combination of two currents of libidinal cathexis, one which takes the paths of the ‘apparatus for obtaining mastery’ (the sense‐organs, motricity, etc.) and strives to appropriate the object, and the other which cathects the erotogenic zones and the experience of satisfaction that is experienced through stimulation in contact with the object. The result of this combination of cathexes constitutes a ‘representation’, the subsequent evocation of which makes it possible to tolerate for a certain period of time the absence of a satisfying object. On the basis of this conception, the author distinguishes the representations proper, vehicles of satisfaction, from imagos and traumatic images which give rise to excitation that does not link up with the paths taken by the drives. This model makes it possible to conciliate the points of view of the advocates of ‘object‐seeking’ and of those who give precedence to the search for pleasure, and, further, to renew our understanding of object‐relations, which can then be approached from the angle of their relations to infantile sexuality. Destructiveness is considered in terms of “mastery madness” and not in terms of the late Freudian hypothesis of the death drive.  相似文献   

本文依据马克思主义的唯物史观和唯物辩证法原理,从儿童的实际社会生活过程出发,运用系统方法论证了儿童心理发展的动力是主客体之间的结构性矛盾,而由“主体──活动──客体”三项格式构成的反馈回路系统则是心理发生发展的动力场。本文还运用儿童心理发展的控制论模型,从活动的机能性方面探讨了同化和顺应之间的平衡化动力机制,揭示了主客体之间矛盾运动的原理和过程;平衡化机制是受社会文化历史的发展规律支配的。  相似文献   

The positive clinical effects caused by skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth or after repeated skin-to-skin contact of premature infants (kangaroo care) or fullterm infants are well documented in the literature. However, information regarding the physiological mechanisms mediating these effects are surprisingly scarce and incomplete. In this article the oxytocinergic system and the cutaneous sensory pathways by which the oxytocinergic system is activated in response to skin-to-skin contact are presented in more detail. In addition, we discuss how the effects of skin-to-skin treatment can be attributed to different aspects of the effect spectrum of the oxytocinergic or calm and connection system.The structure of the oxytocinergic system, comprising the peripheral (circulating, hormonal) and the central (neurotransmitter) components, as well as, the pathways and mechanisms by which these functions are coordinated are described. Also the various effects induced by the oxytocinergic system (the calm and connection system) are reviewed.The sensory pathways, which include visual, auditory, olfactory and tactile stimuli, given and received by both mother and newborn and which activate the oxytocinergic system in response to skin-to-skin contact, are reviewed. A special emphasis is placed on the role of cutaneous sensory nerves and their activation by touch, light pressure and in particular warmth. The important role of the rise and the pulsatility of maternal temperature in mediating the positive effects of skin-to-skin contact in the newborn is highlighted. The concept of maternal giving of warmth and its possible link to the experience of trust and safety in the newborn is discussed from an evolutionary perspective.The effects induced by skin-to-skin contact can be attributed to the different functions of the oxytocinergic system. Ameliorated social interaction (e.g., more tactile and auditory interaction, more sensitive and synchronous interaction between mother and baby, the baby’s crawling behavior) are expressions of oxytocin’s ability to stimulate social interaction. The decreased levels of fear and stress are expressions of oxytocin’s ability to reduce the activity of the amygdala and of the stress system, e.g. the activity in the HPA-axis and the sympathetic nervous system. Increased HRV, increased activity in endocrine system of the gastrointestinal tract as well as stimulation of growth and maturation are examples of oxytocin’s ability to stimulate the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system and other peripheral and central mechanisms related to restoration and growth.The propensity of different types of treatment with skin-to-skin contact to induce long-term effects is also highlighted. We propose that the sustained effects caused by skin-to-skin contact are induced by an enduring shift in the balance between the oxytocinergic system (the calm and connection system) and the stress system (fight flight reaction) in favor of the oxytocinergic system. This shift leads to a sustained decrease in the HPA-axis and the sympathetic nervous system probably involving alpha 2-adrenoceptors.It is of clinical importance to be aware of the mechanisms by which skin-to-skin contact induces short and longterm positive effects in parents and newborns. If ward routines are adapted to ascertain a maximal stimulation of these mechanisms, the function of the oxytocinergic system will be optimized, which will be linked to a better clinical outcome for parents and newborns.  相似文献   

This paper explores the experience of working as a Jungian analyst through the various phases of the global COVID-19 pandemic, examining the importance of the physical containing space alongside the analyst’s internal mind and how technology can both help and hinder understanding. A number of clinical vignettes illustrate the challenge of communicating over a distance, paying particular attention to the way countertransference phenomena can become re-attuned. Reference is made to mythology and symbols of hope, and consideration given to the meaning and purpose of the pandemic.  相似文献   

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