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Proverbs were used to examine recognition memory for four types of sentence information (figurative meaning, literal meaning, lexical information, syntactic information) with two levels of comprehension. Forced-choice recognition tasks showed that subjects were successful in remembering all four types of information. Recognition scores for the figurative meaning of unfamiliar proverbs presented in isolation were above chance and were also significantly improved when procedures were employed which encouraged comprehension of this level of meaning. The results are most consistent with theories of comprehension which provide for different types of processing for figurative and literal language.  相似文献   

我将中国道教信仰和民间口头文学联系起来研究,是从上世纪80年代中期开始的,其间经中国道教协会研究室李养正先生鼓励与支持,撰写成《道教与中国民间文学》一书,于91年交付文津出版社,作为“道教文化丛书”的首册在海峡对岸的台北市出版。问世后激起的热烈反响超出我的预料,旅居海外多年的民间文艺学家谭达先,在《民间文学论坛》上刊出长篇书评《喜读刘守华的道教与中国民间文学———兼谈道教与谚语、谜语的关系》,此文特别吸引我的地方,并不在于它的那些溢美之词,如称本书“达到了独创、新颖、深刻的境界,给中国道教与民间文学研究打开了…  相似文献   

《Human Studies》1989,12(3-4):365-375

This article invites counselors to transform their personal perspectives on the processes of being economic and offers an experience of comprehension. A fundamental economic process is that of interdependently creating value. Historically, the conceived basis of value has evolved to a presently emerging conception of the provision of ideas as capital. Mastery and practice of comprehension is necessary to integrate this conception into the ideals and practice of schooling. Experiencing comprehension suggests means of using its process as the content of counseling. Consequently, the counseling goal, personally achieved comprehension through application of economic principles in guidance procedures, contributes to this creation of value.  相似文献   

The state of affairs of some things falling under a predicate is supposedly a single entity that collects these things as its constituents. But whether we think of a state of affairs as a fact, a proposition or a possibility, problems will arise if we adopt a plural logic. For plural logic says that any plurality include themselves, so whenever there are some things, the state of affairs of their plural self-inclusion should be a single thing that collects them all. This leads to paradoxes analogous to those that afflict naïve set theory. Here I suggest that they are the very same paradoxes, because sets can be reduced to states of affairs. However, to obtain a consistent theoretical reduction we must restrict the usual axiom scheme of Comprehension for plural logic to ‘stratified’ formulas, to avoid viciously circular definitions. I prove that with this modification to the background plural logic, the theory of states of affairs is consistent; moreover, it yields the axioms of the familiar set theory NFU.  相似文献   

年老化与文本理解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
年老化与文本理解的研究表明,老年人在表层形式和文本基础两个低水平表征上的理解和记忆能力下降,而在情境模型的建构和提取、更新等加工过程中都没有发现由于年老化引起的能力下降。在介绍这些研究的基础上,从情境模型与另两个低水平加工的不同特点和老年人自身的特殊性两个方面分析了老年人在不同层次表征水平加工能力差异的原因。对情境模型水平加工能力保持的潜在机制及相关的影响因素,以及如何弥补在低水平加工中认知能力因年龄而产生的下降等问题还需要进行探讨  相似文献   

Abstract.— A reader's belief structure is suggested to affect the way he processes incoming information. It is analyzed in terms of what propositions the reader regards as true (the truth values) and of how the reader discriminates between propositions as to truth value (the discrimination index). In a study on 20 psychology students, the comprehension task involved matching single statements to a previously read text. The statements represented two different ideas, whereas the text represented only one. The subjects' belief structure in terms of statements accepted (truth value) and statements discriminated as to truth value (discrimination index) was related to the way in which they matched the same Statements to the previously read text (comprehension). Truth values and discrimination indices together were found to account for 39% of the interindividual variation in comprehension after the first reading and for 50 % of that variation after the second reading. It is suggested that a reader, when confronted with a new text, arrives at the most probable interpretation of that text by turning to his own belief structure.  相似文献   

The Gorham Proverbs Test was administered to 278 black participants residing in a large metropolitan area in Southern California. Respondents were also asked to indicate whether they were familiar with each of the 40 proverbs in the test. Scores were significantly affected by respondents' ages, education, and perceived childhood socioeconomic status. Familiarity with a proverb increased the probability of its correct interpretation. Familiarity of proverbs and attempts to interpret them were significantly associated, that is, respondents tended not to attempt interpretation of unfamiliar proverbs. The number of familiar proverbs per test was not significantly associated with respondents' test scores. The mean Abstract score obtained in this study was comparable to mean scores previously reported in the literature, suggesting that ethnic differences do not significantly affect performance on the Proverbs Test.  相似文献   

Comprehension of pronouns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An experiment is reported in which subjects had to choose referents for pronouns in sentences such as: John blamed Bill because he spilt the coffee. To examine whether the choice of referent is influenced by features of the main verb or by the events described in the sentence, the relation between the events was altered by changing the conjunction. A significant effect of conjunction was obtained, but only when both antecedents matched the gender of the pronoun. When only one antecedent matched the pronoun, referents were chosen faster. From these results it is argued that readers use general knowledge to select referents for pronouns when gender does not identify a unique referent. A further effect of sentence structure on the time taken to select a referent was interpreted as showing that subjects analysed the sentences clause by clause.  相似文献   

高兵  杨玉芳 《心理科学》2007,30(4):807-809,806
该研究考察了语篇理解中整体语境和局部语境对代词理解的影响。向被试呈现语篇,其中包括带有语义偏向的整体语境和局部语境以及代词。要求被试判断代词的所指。结果发现,当代词和整体语境出现时,被试并不立刻判断,等局部语境也出现以后,才判断代词的先行词。这一结果支持“首先建立句子袭征,再把句子表征与语篇表征相整合”的分阶段加工观点。  相似文献   

This study examined relationships between reading comprehension, known predictors of reading comprehension (i.e., cognitive flexibility, fluency, reading motivation and attitude, vocabulary), and graphical device comprehension. One-hundred fifty-six third graders completed assessments of known predictor variables and an assessment tapping comprehension of graphical devices commonly found in age-appropriate informational texts: captioned pictures, insets, surface diagrams, cross-sectional diagrams, flow charts, timelines, and tables. Graphical device comprehension was strongly correlated with reading comprehension, rs = 0.49, p (one-tailed) < 0.01. Regression analyses, including known and new variables, revealed that graphical device comprehension accounted for 12.81% of the resulting standardized model predicting general reading comprehension.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of a year of psychotherapeutic work by a female and male therapist with a 14-year-old boy born with ambiguous genitalia. His mother was also present in the sessions at the request of Zak. We describe the early trauma surrounding Zak's birth and the subsequent desertion of a violent father. We present the catalogue of medical interventions he received to re-construct his genitals. Now at the age of 14 years Zak is entering into a chemically induced puberty. His mother had a version of an internal couple at war, where the male was viewed as useless and with suspicion. This view served to distort her capacity to bear Zak's condition and dovetailed with his phantasy of a monstrously violent and destructive male. Thus the artificial shove into manhood for Zak was filled with terror. The induced puberty was felt more like an attack and he acted out through resistance to intervention and non-compliance. This organisation created in him a state of thoughtlessness and despair, which we propose parades itself as a ‘secondary handicap’ (Sinason, Mental Handicap and the Human Condition, Free Association, London, 1992). Our joint work as a couple with Zak and his mother stood in opposition to their internal structures and provided an experience of a different kind of coupling: an opportunity to observe a cooperatively working couple who helped give words to the anxieties they brought. We trace Zak's attachment to and internalisation of a thinking couple, which paralleled both his ability to become more expressive and a reduction in acting out his aggression. The work aimed to promote in Zak a level of emotional development that was commensurate with his physical development. The construction of genitals and a lifetime of testosterone injections alone will not allow Zak to grow into the man he can be. We will attempt to explore the basis of these structures to demonstrate that the work provided the opportunity for Zak to reflect upon and express his terror, and to turn to other people to seek support, help and advice.  相似文献   

A number of studies have produced findings consistent with the possibility that depressives display a negative bias in interpretation. However, the results of such studies can equally well be explained by the operation of a depression-linked response bias, reflecting an elevated tendency for depressives to emit or endorse negatively-toned response options. The present experiment compares the patterns of interpretative processing displayed by subjects who differ in their BDI scores, using a priming methodology developed by anxiety researchers to eliminate the contaminating influence of emotional response bias. The pattern of priming effects obtained provides no evidence to support the existence of a negative interpretative bias in the more depressive individuals. Indeed, quite the reverse conclusion is sustained by the findings, which indicate that high BDI subjects showed an attenuated tendency to activate the more negative interpretations of the ambiguous textual stimuli. The conceptual and methodological implications of these findings are discussed, together with some specific suggestions for future research on this topic.  相似文献   

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