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A process is proposed that helps a person adapt to a social environment. During sleep, this process executes a set of dreams with social content that schemas tentatively incorporate by self-modifying. Due to vast interconnectivity that exists amongst social schemas, such modifications may introduce accidental, maladaptive conflicts. Consequently, a second set of dreams is executed in the form of test scenarios in order to evaluate the schema modifications effected by the first set of dreams. The process would monitor emotions generated during these latter dream tests. If prior, tentative modifications alleviate anxiety, frustration, sadness, or in other ways appear emotionally adaptive, they would be selected for retention. Those modifications that compare negatively to existing, unchanged schemas would be abandoned or further modified and tested. The correspondences of these hypotheses to the sleep cycle, previous dream studies, and functional neurological processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Steyvers and Tenenbaum (2005) showed that semantic networks for words have three organizational properties: short average path lengths, high clustering, and power law degree distribution. If these are general properties of memory organization, they would apply to memory for other complex material, including people and relations between them. In addition, if during dreaming, characters are generated via knowledge in the dreamer’s memory, the three properties would be found in a relational network of characters in dreams. In dream reports from three individuals, two characters in the same dream were considered affiliated. Resulting social networks have the three properties, with the power law holding when low degrees are omitted. One network with a treelike outline is different from the other two. Results suggest associative memory has the three properties, and demonstrate that dream reports are a potentially valuable source for information about social networks.  相似文献   

This note presents the hypothesis than the excessively forceful closure of the mouth of larynx associated with certain types of stuttering may involve a neurological confusion between speech and the human body's Valsalva mechanism, which is designed to increase pulmonary pressure by forceful closure of the upper airway to assist in many types of physical effort. It is suggested that such behavior may result from excessive neuromotor tuning of the Valsalva mechanism prior to speech, especially in situations where the stutterer anticipates the need to “try hard” to speak properly. Such tuning may both interfere with phonation and render the Valsalva mechanism overexcitable to triggering stimuli, such as the increase in subglottal pressure that accompanies the start of articulation.  相似文献   

Stankov (1983a, Journal of Educational Psychology, 75, 471-490) suggests that the dual task paradigm, requiring the division of attention, increases positive manifold (i.e., positive intercorrelations) for cognitive tasks relative to the single task paradigm. Two dual task studies are reported. Unimanual finger-tapping served as the primary task and the short-term retention (20 sec) of digit or spatial-location sequences served as the secondary tasks. When both tasks were lateralized to the same hemisphere (digits and right-hand tapping or spatial locations and left-hand tapping), highest memory task intercorrelations (Experiment 1) and better retention of sequences (Experiments 1 and 2) resulted. Left-hand tapping produced more leftward looking and right-hand tapping more rightward looking (Experiment 2). Overflow from lateralized finger-tapping may shift the gradient of attentional activation toward the contralateral hemisphere, producing the homolateral gaze direction, the increase in positive manifold, and the better retention of sequences lateralized to that hemisphere.  相似文献   

This paper examines psychological detachment (i.e., mentally “switching off”) from work during non-work time as a partial mediator between job stressors and low work-home boundaries on the one hand and strain reactions (emotional exhaustion, need for recovery) on the other hand. Survey data were collected from a sample of protestant pastors (N = 136) and their spouses (N = 97). Analyses showed that high workload, emotional dissonance, and low spatial work-home boundaries were related to poor psychological detachment from work during non-work time. Poor psychological detachment in turn predicted high levels of emotional exhaustion and need for recovery. Psychological detachment was a partial mediator between job stressors and strain reactions. This study avoids same-source bias and demonstrates the importance of psychological detachment in the stressor–strain relationship.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether infants spontaneously form categories during the prelinguistic period and whether these categories are based on the same principles as adult basic-level categories. A new methodology, using a functional use measure as the determinant of category composition, was employed in a case study of one infant's horn category. Results indicated that this category met Schlesinger's (1982) criteria for a prelinguistic category and that the category was based on similarity relationships, as adult categories are.  相似文献   

The events surrounding the delinquent behaviour of 21 juvenile offenders were examined in terms of the antecedents and consequences of these behaviours and with reference to the functional value of the behaviour to the individual. The results are analysed using reversal theory and the importance of the motivational state of the offender at the time the crime is carried out is stressed.  相似文献   

In this paper the author discusses how the study of candidate selection, once a topic of vibrant research, has unfortunately languished. Certain qualities were thought to characterize the successful candidate. However, they were never successfully operationalized nor empirically tested. Possibly because of this lack of empirical data, selectors today have difficulty articulating their criteria and are relying on intuition. In order to provide a more rational basis for contemporary selection, the author looks to the attachment literature. This makes sense because attachment theory shares some basic assumptions of contemporary psychoanalysis. The Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) is a research tool that predicts the ability of a parent to convey attachment security. It is scored by attending to how a person speaks about his early attachment experiences. The AAI appears to tap into similar qualities to those selection researchers have sought in their candidates. Further, the scoring method of the AAI appears to be similar to the last attempt by selection researchers to operationalize them. Given these similarities, the author recommends an empirical study using the AAI to operationalize these qualities in analytic candidates. The study would test their importance for success in the training program, thus offering selectors some empirical grounding for their choices.  相似文献   

The problem size effect in adult arithmetic performance is generally attributed to direct retrieval processes operating on a network representation in long-term memory. J. LeFevre and her colleagues (J. LeFevre, J. Bisanz, et al., 1996; J. LeFevre, G. S. Sadesky, & J. Bisanz, 1996) challenged this explanation using verbal report evidence that adults also use time consuming nonretrieval strategies to solve simple addition and multiplication. The authors replicated J. LeFevre and colleagues' methods, but added instructional biasing and silent control conditions to test these methods. Both reaction time and report results suggest that LeFevre and colleagues' conclusions about nonretrieval frequency may have been influenced by instructions that revealed the experimental hypothesis and affected participants' strategy reports. Obtaining evidence about adult strategy use in simple arithmetic will require understanding instructional demand and appropriate report methodology.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce and investigate the capacity for a novel, technologically advanced system (goACT) to enhance face-to-face psychotherapy. Specifically, we explore the capacity for goACT to enhance therapeutic alliance (TA) and engagement, and reduce distress. Using a mixed-methods, multiple-baseline design we present the first study to examine the utility, effectiveness and user experience of goACT in a university psychology clinic setting. The introduction of between-session goACT use was staggered across patients (N = 7). Patients completed weekly measures of mood, patient-rated TA and clinician-rated engagement. Semi-structured interviews were used to qualitatively understand user experience of the system. Methodological limitations impacted the generalisability of multiple-baseline findings, yet qualitative results provide a significant contribution to the literature and groundwork upon which further study can be built. Results indicated that goACT built engagement and TA via novel change processes that were associated with expanding the parameters of the therapeutic encounter beyond the one-hour session. Change processes that underpin the qualitative success of goACT are discussed in terms of their theoretical implications. goACT is likely to be a useful tool for enhancing the quality and quantity of traditional face-to-face psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Psychoanalysts’ written reports on initial consultations are a window into the complexities of a crucial aspect of psychoanalytic work. However, systematic research in this area has largely focused on patients’ demographic factors or standardized measures. The present study looked at reports of all the consultations taking place at the London Clinic of Psychoanalysis over one calendar year (N = 100). The aim was to explore psychoanalysts’ different explicit styles of working and reporting as well as further understanding implicit processes used in thinking and writing about each particular consultation experience. A thematic analysis revealed a set of themes that related to a style of working and thinking about the consultation process as a dyadic experience, where the interaction, affective reactions and contact made between the two are the focus when thinking of making a recommendation for psychoanalysis. The majority of the reports had an open, exploratory quality. The writing of reports appears to give the analyst an opportunity to process the consultation experience and arrive at a more triangular position. Writing reports is a more valuable part of the consultation process than has formally been recognized and acknowledged. The limitations of this study as well as the relevance of these findings for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The self-choice effect is the phenomenon whereby self-chosen items are remembered better than experimenter-assigned items. This study examined whether the effect occurs when the choice is constrained by cuing, and whether the effect also occurs for unchosen items. In the experiment, 33 participants chose (choice condition) or were assigned (force condition) a target from three alternatives that were followed by a cue sentence as a criterion for the choice. Cue sentences corresponded to any of the three alternatives (free cuing) or to only one (constrained cuing). Participants then engaged in free recall of targets and subsequent recognition of all alternatives (chosen and unchosen items). Memory performance was enhanced by choice regardless of the constraints, but was also enhanced for unchosen items. These results indicate that "free choice" is not always critical for the self-choice effect, and that multiple cuing involving unchosen items is a plausible account for the retention advantage of choice procedures.  相似文献   

This paper presents Skinner's (1957) analysis of verbal behavior as a framework for understanding language acquisition in children with autism. We describe Skinner's analysis of pure and impure verbal operants and illustrate how this analysis may be applied to the design of communication training programs. The picture exchange communication system (PECS) is a training program influenced by Skinner's framework. We describe the training sequence associated with PECS and illustrate how this sequence may establish multiply controlled verbal behavior in children with autism. We conclude with an examination of how Skinner's framework may apply to other communication modalities and training strategies.  相似文献   


Research on the relationship of implicit motives and effective leadership emphasises the importance of a socialised need for power, whereas high levels of the need for affiliation are assumed to thwart a leader’s success. In our study, we experimentally analysed the impact of leaders’ socialised need for power and their need for affiliation on perceptions of transformational leadership and various success indicators. Using paper-people vignettes, we contrasted leaders characterised by either motive with those concerned with personalised power or achievement. Results based on N?=?80 employees show that leaders high in socialised power were rated more successful and elicited more identification and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) in followers, and that in most cases this effect was mediated by perceptions of transformational leadership. For all outcomes but OCB, findings remained unchanged when affiliation-motivated leaders were considered. Exploratory analyses contrasting socialised power-motivated and affiliation-motivated leaders show that with regard to attitudinal outcomes affiliation-motivated leaders were, on average, as effective as socialised power-motivated ones.


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