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In the present study, normative data in Turkish are presented for the 260 color versions of the original Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980) picture set for the first time. Norms are reported for name and image agreement, age of acquisition (AoA), visual complexity, and conceptual familiarity, together with written word frequency, and numbers of letters and syllables. We collected data from 277 native Turkish adults in a variety of tasks. The results indicated that, whilst several measures displayed language-specific variation, we also reported what seem to be language-independent—that is, universal—measures that show a systematic relationship across several languages. The implications of the reported measures in the domain of psycholinguistic research in Turkish and for wider cross-linguistic comparisons are discussed. 相似文献
The present article provides French normative measures for 400 line drawings taken from Cycowicz, Friedman, Rothstein, and Snodgrass (1997), including the 260 line drawings that were normed by Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980). The pictures have been standardized on the following variables: name agreement, image agreement, familiarity, visual complexity, image variability, and age of acquisition. These normative data also include word frequency values and the first verbal associate (taken from Ferrand & Alario, 1998). The six variables obtained are important because of their potential effect in many fields of psychology, especially the study of cognitive processes such as visual perception, language, and memory. 相似文献
The Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980) picture set was standardized for a Spanish sample (N = 261). The present article shows the main results, but more explicitly, it shows the differences between English and Spanish data. This evidence justifies the statement that normative data of cognitive stimuli cannot be taken into another language directly, because object names that are very common in one language may not be so in another, or objects that have a specific name in one language may have a generic name in another, and so on. Finally, because of the potential usefulness of the data for bilingualism studies, the Spanish data are presented jointly with the English data. 相似文献
We present a set of 150 pictures with morphologically complex English compound names. The pictures were collected from various
sources and were standardized to appear as grayscale line drawings of a fixed size. All the compounds had two constituents
and were primarily of the noun–noun type. Following previous studies, we collected name agreement (percentage and H), familiarity, image agreement, and visual complexity norms, as well as frequency estimates for the whole compound word and
its first and second constituents. These pictures and their corresponding norms (available from the Psychonomic Society's
supplemental archive) are a valuable tool in the study of the morphological representation of complex words in language processing. 相似文献
Pictures are often used as stimuli in studies of perception, language, and memory. Since performances on different sets of
pictures are generally contrasted, stimulus selection requires the use of standardized material to match pictures across different
variables. Unfortunately, the number of standardized pictures available for empirical research is rather limited. The aim
of the present study is to provide French normative data for a new set of 299 black-and-white drawings. Alario and Ferrand
(1999) were closely followed in that the pictures were standardized on six variables: name agreement, image agreement, conceptual
familiarity, visual complexity, image variability, and age of acquisition. Objective frequency measures are also provided
for the most common names associated with the pictures. Comparative analyses between our results and the norms obtained in
other, similar studies are reported. Finally, naming latencies corresponding to the set of pictures were also collected from
French native speakers, and correlational/multiple-regression analyses were performed on naming latencies. This new set of
standardized pictures is available on the Internet (http://leadserv.u-bourgogne.fr/bases/pictures/) and should be of great
use to researchers when they select pictorial stimuli. 相似文献
The present study presents normative measures for 260 line drawings of everyday objects, found in Snodgrass and Vanderwart
(1980), viewed by individuals in China and the United States. Within each cultural group, name agreement, concept agreement,
and familiarity measures were obtained separately for younger adults and older adults. For a subset of 57 pictures (22%),
there was equivalence in both name agreement and concept agreement, and for an additional subset of 29 pictures (11%), there
was nonequivalent name agreement but equivalent concept agreement, across all culture-by-age groups. The data indicate substantial
differences across culture-by-age groups in name agreement percentages and number of distinct name responses provided. We
discovered significant differences between older and younger American adults in both name agreement percentages (67 pictures,
or 26%) and concept agreement percentages (44 pictures, or 17%). Written naming responses collected for the entire set of
Snodgrass and Vanderwart pictures showed shifts in both naming and concept agreement percentages over the intervening decades:
Although correlations in name agreement were strong (r
= .71,p < .001) between our younger American samples and those of Snodgrass and Vanderwart, name agreement percentages have changed
for a substantial proportion (33%) of the 260 pictures; moreover, 63% of the stimuli for which Snodgrass and Vanderwart reported
concept agreement now appear to differ. We provide comprehensive comparison statistics and tests for both the present study
and prior ones, finding differences across numerous item-level measures. The corpus of data suggests that substantial differences
in all measures can be found across age as well as culture, so that unequivocal conclusions with respect to cross-cultural
or age-related differences in cognition can be made only when appropriate stimuli are selected for studies. Data for all 260
pictures, for each of the four groups, and all supporting materials and tests are freely archived athttp://agingmind.cns.uiuc.edu/Pict Norms. The full set of these norms may be downloaded fromwwwpsychonomic.org/archive/. 相似文献
Carolyn Yoon Fred Feinberg Ting Luo Trey Hedden Angela Hall Gutchess Hiu-Ying Mary Chen Joseph A Mikels Shulan Jiao Denise C Park 《Behavior research methods, instruments & computers》2004,36(4):639-649
The present study presents normative measures for 260 line drawings of everyday objects, found in Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980), viewed by individuals in China and the United States. Within each cultural group, name agreement, concept agreement, and familiarity measures were obtained separately for younger adults and older adults. For a subset of 57 pictures (22%), there was equivalence in both name agreement and concept agreement, and for an additional subset of 29 pictures (11%), there was nonequivalent name agreement but equivalent concept agreement, across all culture-by-age groups. The data indicate substantial differences across culture-by-age groups in name agreement percentages and number of distinct name responses provided. We discovered significant differences between older and younger American adults in both name agreement percentages (67 pictures, or 26%) and concept agreement percentages (44 pictures, or 17%). Written naming responses collected for the entire set of Snodgrass and Vanderwart pictures showed shifts in both naming and concept agreement percentages over the intervening decades: Although correlations in name agreement were strong (r = .71, p < .001) between our younger American samples and those of Snodgrass and Vanderwart, name agreement percentages have changed for a substantial proportion (33%) of the 260 pictures; moreover, 63% of the stimuli for which Snodgrass and Vanderwart reported concept agreement now appear to differ. We provide comprehensive comparison statistics and tests for both the present study and prior ones, finding differences across numerous item-level measures. The corpus of data suggests that substantial differences in all measures can be found across age as well as culture, so that unequivocal conclusions with respect to cross-cultural or age-related differences in cognition can be made only when appropriate stimuli are selected for studies. Data for all 260 pictures, for each of the four groups, and all supporting materials and tests are freely archived at http://agingmind.cns.uiuc.edu/Pict_Norms. The full set of these norms may be downloaded from www.psychonomic.org/archive/. 相似文献
Picture-naming norms for Canadian French: Name agreement, familiarity, visual complexity, and age of acquisition 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The present study provides Canadian French normative data for 388 line drawings from the European Picture Pool for Oral Naming
(Protocole européen de dénomination orale d’images; PEDOI; Kremin et al., 2003). One hundred eighty subjects were equally
distributed for age group (18–39, 40–59, 60–85), educational level (low, high), and sex. They rated pictures of objects on
age of acquisition, name agreement, familiarity, and visual complexity. Syllable length and word frequency were also taken
into account. The present study suggests that age of acquisition and name agreement show significant age-related differences.
These results show that unequivocal interpretation of age-related differences can be made when age-appropriate norms are used. 相似文献
Pind J Jónsdóttir H Tryggvadóttir HB Jónsson F Gissurardóttir H 《Scandinavian journal of psychology》2000,41(1):41-48
This paper presents Icelandic norms for the widely used pictorial stimuli of Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980). Norms are presented for name agreement, familiarity, imageability, rated and objective age-of-acquisition (AoA) of vocabulary, and word frequency. The ratings were collected from 103 adult participants while the objective AoA values were collected from 279 children, 2.5-11 years of age. The present norms are in many respects similar to those already collected for other language groups indicating that the stimuli will be useful for further psychological studies in Iceland. The rated AoA values show a high correlation with objective AoA (r = 0.718) thus confirming previous studies conducted with English speaking participants that rated AoA is a relatively valid measure of objective AoA. However, word frequency and familiarity are more closely correlated with rated AoA than with objective AoA indicating that these factors play some role in the ratings. Objective AoA norms are therefore to be preferred in studies of cognitive processes. 相似文献
The aim of the present study was to provide Russian normative data for the Snodgrass and Vanderwart (Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 28, 516–536, 1980) colorized pictures (Rossion & Pourtois, Perception, 33, 217–236, 2004). The pictures were standardized on name agreement, image agreement, conceptual familiarity, imageability, and age of acquisition.
Objective word frequency and objective visual complexity measures are also provided for the most common names associated with
the pictures. Comparative analyses between our results and the norms obtained in other, similar studies are reported. The
Russian norms may be downloaded from the Psychonomic Society supplemental archive. 相似文献
Hollis S. Scarborough 《Journal of experimental child psychology》1977,24(2):260-278
In a recognition memory task, 4-, 8-, and 16-year-olds quickly decided whether or not probe pictures were identical to remembered study pictures. Conceptual and visual, but not acoustic, confusion were evidenced by the longer latencies when probes were visually or conceptually related to study items than when unrelated or rhyming. Visual confusion arose only when seven or fewer pictures intervened between study and probe items, and the kinds of visual similarity that produced confusion changed with age. Conceptual confusion resulted only at longer lags, and the same kinds of conceptual relationships produced confusion at all ages. These findings are discussed in terms of the development of visual and semantic encoding processes. 相似文献
Robert A. Johnston Kevin Dent Glyn W. Humphreys Chris Barry 《Behavior research methods》2010,42(2):461-469
In the present study, we presented picture-naming latencies along with ratings for a set of important characteristics of pictures
and picture names: age of acquisition, frequency, picture-name agreement, name agreement, visual complexity, familiarity,
and word length. The validity of these data was established by calculating correlations with previous studies. Regression
analyses show that our ratings account for a larger amount of variance in RTs than do previous data. RTs were predicted by
all variables except complexity and length. A complete database presenting details about all of these variables is available
in the supplemental materials, downloadable from http://brm.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental. 相似文献
Steven Berman David Friedman Marla Hamberger Joan Gay Snodgrass 《Behavior research methods》1989,21(3):371-382
Developmental differences in name agreement, familiarity, and visual complexity in response to line drawings of common objects were obtained from children and adults. Sixty-one pictures were taken from the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised and 259 pictures were taken from the set normed for adults by Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980). Although there were some differences between the two sets of pictures, the present results replicated the relative independence of these three measures, which was reported by Snodgrass and Vanderwart for adults. Children and adults showed substantial agreement on the names of the pictures. Although the children’s ratings were lower on all measures, the differences were trivial for most pictures. We concluded that judgments of familiarity, complexity, and the names of line drawings of common objects are based primarily on information processing accomplished prior to age 7. 相似文献
Floor de Groot Thomas Koelewijn Falk Huettig Christian N.L. Olivers 《Journal of Cognitive Psychology》2016,28(1):1-15
Researchers in different fields of psychology have been interested in how vision and language interact, and what type of representations are involved in such interactions. We introduce a stimulus set that facilitates such research (available online). The set consists of 100 words each of which is paired with four pictures of objects: One semantically similar object (but visually dissimilar), one visually similar object (but semantically dissimilar), and two unrelated objects. Visual and semantic similarity ratings between corresponding items are provided for every picture for Dutch and for English. In addition, visual and linguistic parameters of each picture are reported. We thus present a stimulus set from which researchers can select, on the basis of various parameters, the items most optimal for their research question. 相似文献
Tariq Khwaileh Eiman Mustafawi Ruth Herbert David Howard 《Behavior research methods》2018,50(6):2408-2425
Standardized pictorial stimuli and predictors of successful picture naming are not readily available for Gulf Arabic. On the basis of data obtained from Qatari Arabic, a variety of Gulf Arabic, the present study provides norms for a set of 319 object pictures and a set of 141 action pictures. Norms were collected from healthy speakers, using a picture-naming paradigm and rating tasks. Norms for naming latencies, name agreement, visual complexity, image agreement, imageability, age of acquisition, and familiarity were established. Furthermore, the database includes other intrinsic factors, such as syllable length and phoneme length. It also includes orthographic frequency values (extracted from Aralex; Boudelaa & Marslen-Wilson, 2010). These factors were then examined for their impact on picture-naming latencies in object- and action-naming tasks. The analysis showed that the primary determinants of naming latencies in both nouns and verbs are (in descending order) image agreement, name agreement, familiarity, age of acquisition, and imageability. These results indicate no evidence that noun- and verb-naming processes in Gulf Arabic are influenced in different ways by these variables. This is the first database for Gulf Arabic, and therefore the norms collected from the present study will be of paramount importance for researchers and clinicians working with speakers of this variety of Arabic. Due to the similarity of the Arabic varieties spoken in the Gulf, these different varieties are grouped together under the label “Gulf Arabic” in the literature. The normative databases and the standardized pictures from this study can be downloaded from http://qufaculty.qu.edu.qa/tariq-khwaileh/download-center/. 相似文献
Word processing studies increasingly make use of regression analyses based on large numbers of stimuli (the so-called megastudy approach) rather than experimental designs based on small factorial designs. This requires the availability of word features for many words. Following similar studies in English, we present and validate ratings of age of acquisition and concreteness for 30,000 Dutch words. These include nearly all lemmas language researchers are likely to be interested in. The ratings are freely available for research purposes. 相似文献
Takehiko Nishimoto Takashi Ueda Kaori Miyawaki Yuko Une Masaru Takahashi 《Behavior research methods》2012,44(4):934-945
Picture naming was investigated primarily to determine its dependence on certain imagery-related variables, with a secondary aim of developing a new set of Japanese norms for 360 pictures. Pictures refined from the original Nishimoto, Miyawaki, Ueda, Une, and Takahashi (Behavior Research Methods 37:398?C416, 2005) set were used. Naming behaviors were measured using four imagery-related measures (imageability, vividness, image agreement, and image variability) and four conventional measures (naming time, name agreement, familiarity, and age of acquisition), as well as a number of other measures (17 total). A simultaneous multiple regression analysis performed on naming times showed that the most reliable predictor was H, a measure of name diversity; two image-related measures (image agreement and vividness) and age of acquisition also contributed substantially to the prediction of naming times. The accuracy of picture naming (measured as name agreement) was predicted by vividness, age of acquisition, familiarity, and image agreement. This suggests that certain processes involving mental imagery play a role in picture naming. The full set of norms and pictures may be downloaded from http://www.psychonomic.org/archive/ or along with the article from http://www.springerlink.com. 相似文献
Agnes Moors Jan De Houwer Dirk Hermans Sabine Wanmaker Kevin van Schie Anne-Laura Van Harmelen Maarten De Schryver Jeffrey De Winne Marc Brysbaert 《Behavior research methods》2013,45(1):169-177
This article presents norms of valence/pleasantness, activity/arousal, power/dominance, and age of acquisition for 4,300 Dutch words, mainly nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs. The norms are based on ratings with a 7-point Likert scale by independent groups of students from two Belgian (Ghent and Leuven) and two Dutch (Rotterdam and Leiden-Amsterdam) samples. For each variable, we obtained high split-half reliabilities within each sample and high correlations between samples. In addition, the valence ratings of a previous, more limited study (Hermans & De Houwer, Psychologica Belgica, 34:115-139, 1994) correlated highly with those of the present study. Therefore, the new norms are a valuable source of information for affective research in the Dutch language. 相似文献
Planning, predicting, reasoning, and acting often depend crucially on the correct encoding and application of knowledge concerning the temporal and causal ordering of events. Yet no pictorial stimulus set is optimized for investigating the processing of temporal and causal order information. We introduce a novel stimulus set of 265 black-and-white line drawings depicting a diverse array of recognizable events. Most of the images in the stimulus set (N?=?222) share a thematic or conceptual association with one other image in the set, and the stimuli were created and extensively normed such that the image pairs vary in the degrees to which they share a causal, ordered relation with one another. The stimuli were standardized in a series of normative tasks, including concept/noun/verb agreement, perceived frequency, visual similarity, and indexes of three features of causal associations between events (i.e., temporal proximity, exclusivity, and priority). Both younger adults (ages 18–30 years) and older adults (ages 60–80 years) contributed normative data, allowing for broad applications of the stimuli to the study of normal and age-related changes in the encoding, retention, and retrieval of information regarding temporal and causal order. Complete normative data sets are available in the online supplemental materials, and the full stimulus set is available by contacting the first author. 相似文献