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文革 《天风》2021,(1):25-27
一、引言 基督徒在现实生活中遇到具体的道德问题时,总会想到从信仰的角度做出判断:一方面我们不想"任意妄为",做违背信仰原则的事,这既不荣耀上帝,也会给自己的灵性带来亏损;另一方面,基督徒借着正确的道德判断和伦理选择,也可以在生活中做出美好的见证,荣神益人.  相似文献   

文革 《天风》2021,(2):25-26
三、基督教与中国文化中良心观的会通尝试 良心是基督教与中国道德哲学中共有的观念,而且圣经与传统儒家对良心的阐述也有一定的相似性.中国人在进行道德判断时最常用的表达都和良心有关,如"天地良心""对得起良心""良心谴责""良知泯灭"甚至"丧尽天良",等等.这样,良心观念或可以成为基督教中国化在伦理方面的一个会通尝试.  相似文献   

基督教是一种以"爱的宗教"和"和好的福音"著称的世界伦理宗教,蕴含丰富的和谐伦理资源。基督教和谐伦理的一个根本理念和主题是重新寻获和谐统一的世界,重建"神-人-自然-世界"的和谐统一。本文主要从四个方面,即终极性的和谐、救赎性的和谐、爱的和谐和关系性的和谐探讨基督教和谐伦理的本质,指出贯穿基督教和谐伦理思想的主线是"关系性"或"相互关联性"。基督教的和谐伦理对于当代中国和谐社会的构建和和谐理论的完善具有深刻的启示。  相似文献   

本文对基督教传统的人性观进行了概括,简要梳理了现代基督教人观的发展。本文中名为"奥古斯丁—阿奎那传统"的传统人观强调人内在与外在的区别,认为"上帝的形象"体现在无性别的单一灵魂或者理性中,这种实在的理性将人与万物区别开来。与这种实体性的人观相反,现代基督教人观更强调人存在于与某种超越的终极实在的关系之中,以及人作为男性或女性与其他人形成的关系之中。人格的人是每个人发展这两个方面位格关系所有的结果。成为人首先意味着成为一个男人或者女人,以此差别为基础反映了三位一体上帝的形象。现代基督教人观打破了自启蒙以来把人理解为"理性人"的抽象观念。  相似文献   

L.科拉科夫斯基(1927--2009),东欧新马克思主义的代表人物、波兰著名的哲学家,西方哲学史专家。对古希腊哲学、中世纪哲学、欧洲大陆哲学、德国古典哲学、人本主义、实证主义、分析哲学,现象学都十分熟悉,并撰写了许多相关领域的论文,多部论著还被翻译成数十种文字,在西方哲学界影响很大,其宗教批判理论更是极富创见性。本文中,针对学界普遍关注的所谓基督教危机问题,科拉科夫斯基给出了自己的答案。在他看来,基于基督教最原初的主旨和最本真的意义,今天任何对于基督教正在发生危机并走向穷途末路的断言都是轻率和不负责任的。  相似文献   

本文力图从一个中西学术界争论颇多的问题———“儒家是否是宗教”的问题中发掘出问题背后所隐含的中西宗教文化交流的时代契机。作者首先对儒家“宗教性”的概念进行定义 ,然后从哲学、道德和超越性三方面阐释了儒家宗教性的具体体现 ,并比较分析了传统向度意义上的儒家和西方基督教在宗教精神方面的不同 ,包括超越意识、终极性宗教存在、对“人”的认识以及对“心灵”的认识。最后探讨了儒家与基督教对话的可能性和必要性。  相似文献   

本文从美国基督教的精神熏陶、听人讲授《圣经》和反复阅读《圣经》等五个方面,说明了胡适早期基督教思想的形成背景。认为对耶稣容忍精神的体认、对耶稣人格的崇高评价、关于上帝的独特见解等方面构成了胡适早期基督教思想的主要内容。而胡适早年的基督教思想,特别是"以上帝为人之至极,人为具体而未臻之上帝"以及耶稣的容忍精神,对胡适的一生有长远而重要的影响,具有不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

张美宏 《现代哲学》2020,(4):139-144
人能有何种实现?在荀子看来,首先表现为对本真之"欲"的合理满足,这是人在生理上维系其存在的需要。基于理想生存秩序的营建,荀子提出自觉"礼义""师法"对人而言是一种必须。通过"礼义""师法"的导引,不仅使"欲"的满足有了相应保障,还使人在生存向度上避免了因"逐欲"而导致的没落。在生存筹划方面,人可以通过自我立法结成强大的伦序共同体,使其作为类的胜出成为可能。人"最为天下贵",这意味着人不可沉沦于普通之物,而是应该有更高层次的实现。在"学以成圣"的面向,荀子坚信人生而平等,所有人只要坚持"修为",最终必将达至完美实现。  相似文献   

基督教是世界三大宗教之一,在它漫长的传播过程中,其思想教义对信仰者的世界观、人生观、价值观产生了重大影响,从而影响生产生活乃至文学创作。基督教文化是信仰基督教为主的人群长期以来形成的一种文化,它不仅是一种崇拜上帝和耶稣基督的宗教信仰体系,还包括其相应的精神价值和道德伦理观念,对作家文学创作有不同层次的影响。基督教不仅对西方文学有深刻的影响,传入中国后,中国现当代作家对基督教的理解和吸收,在他们的作品中也有体现和反映。  相似文献   

梵二大公会议召开至今已过了五十年。在这五十年中,世界发生了很大的变化。由于人类不爱惜天主的创造使大自然失去了平衡。由于人类没有真正懂得爱的真谛,因此造成国与国之间、民族与民族之间,乃至家庭之间和个人之间发生了战争、争  相似文献   

One task of any doctrine of sanctification is to attend to a theological rationale for the significance of a habitual and developing Christian life within a broader salvific economy. This article introduces the problem of claiming ‘ordinary’ life as the arena and instrument of God and distils three elements of Bonhoeffer's early theology that might be employed to articulate a theology of sanctification as the counterpoint of justification: the realization of a new humanity in Christ that constitutes an ontology of justification; Christian devotion as the act of this new humanity in the Spirit; and the dynamic integrity accorded to historical existence.  相似文献   

Said Nursi was a scholar and teacher who made many original contributions to contemporary thought, some of which relate to Christianity and the West. His long life spanned several historical periods, which led inevitably to there being differences in his stance towards the West. This article focuses on the last twenty years of Nursi's life, which included the Second World War and post-war period, during which, within the framework of revealed religion, Nursi advocated reconciliation with the West and cooperation with pious Christians in combating the spiritual and moral depredations of aggressive atheism. He posited that such an approach was foreseen in hadiths about the end of time. A second theme of the article is Nursi's desire to bring together, and present as a new way of teaching the essential qur'anic ‘truths of faith’, various traditional Islamic sciences and modern science. The reconciliation of science and religion, the recombining of these two branches of knowledge, was one of Nursi's lifelong aims, which he intended to achieve with the Risale-i Nur (the body of work that reflects his mature thought), and which in his later years he looked on as a sort of reconciliation with Western civilization in principle. Thus, reconciliation between Muslims and Christians and between Islam and the West, as advanced by Nursi, should be seen in the wider context of his thought generally. Also mentioned is Nursi's concern that ‘awakened humanity’ would find the peace and prosperity it yearned for in Islam, and his hope that the Risale-i Nur, which embodies his thought and methods, would contribute to the achievement of this.  相似文献   

In this article I engage with the notion that Christ ought to be understood to have a fallen human nature because Christ sanctifies human nature, and it is fallen humanity that needs sanctifying. In opposition to this line of thought, I argue that the Son of God assumed an unfallen nature, but with the powers of fallenness operative within it, and that this notion is consistent with a distinct account of sanctification. In support of these claims, I develop distinctions between a conjoining union and a transferring union, and between the Chalcedonian union at the incarnation and the extension of that union on the cross. At the assumption a conjoining union occurred, not a transferring union. Christ sanctified his own nature, prior to a transferring union.  相似文献   

诚静怡(1881-1939)是中国近代一位享誉海内外的教会领袖。他很早就提出中国教会处于“过渡阶段”的论断,极力提倡建设本色的“中国教会”,并从中国基督教的实际出发,设计了从“差会”到“中国教会”的过渡模式,主张差会逐渐向中国教会移交财产和治权,中国教会也能逐渐承担起全部责任,通过渐进而非激进的变革,来实现真正的中国基督教。本文尝试对诚静怡教会本色化思想的来源和特征做一分析。  相似文献   

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