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《Personnel Psychology》1972,25(3):573-573
Book review in This Article:
A rgyris , C hris . Management and Organizational Development: The Path from xa to yb.
L evinson , H arry , M olinari , J anice and S pohn , A ndrew G. Organizational Diagnosis.
W einberg , G erald M. The Psychology of Computer Programming.
K lein , S tuart M. Workers Under Stress: The Impact of Work Pressure on Group Cohesion
D rake , J ohn D. Interviewing for Managers.
M ace , M yles . Directors: Myth and Reality.
P eskin , D ean B. Human Behavior and Employment Interviewing.
D ichter , E rnest . Motivating Human Behavior.
K rause , E lliott A. The Sociology of Occupations.
P ugh , D. S. (Ed.) Organization Theory.
H ornstein , H arvey A., B unker , B arbara B enedict , B urke , W. W arner , G indes , M arion and L ewicki , R oy J. (Editors) Social Intervention: A Behavioral Science Approach.
C olbert , J ohn and H ohn , M arcia . Guide to Manpower Training.
K irkpatrick , D onald L. A Practical Guide for Supervisory Training and Development.
M yers , C harles A. The Role of the Private Sector in Manpower Development.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1957,10(1):113-139
Books reviewed in this article:
S tagner , R oss . The Psychology of Industrial Conflict
F riedmann , G eorges . Industrial Society
F ryer , D ouglas H., F einberg , M ortimer R., AND Z alkind , S heldon S. Developing People in Industry: Principles and Methods of Training
E dwards , J oseph D ean . Executives: Making Them Click
W alker , C harles R., G uest , R obert H., AND T urner , A rthur N. The Foreman on the Assembly Line
M c M urry , R obert N., et al. Tested Techniques of Personnel Selection
G oldwag , E lliott M. A Survey on the Use of Psychlogical Tests in Selecting Salesmen
P igors , P aul , AND M yers , C harles A. Personnel Administration: A Point of View and a Method
L eonhard , D ietz L. Consumer Research with Projective Techniques
C hapanis , A lphonse . The Design and Conduct of Human Engineering Studies
G ilmour , R obert W. Industrial Wage and Salary Control
P hillipson , H erbert . The Object Relations Technique
C ornell , F rancis G. The Essentials of Educational Statistics
K ornhauser , A rthur , M ayer , A lbert J., AND S heppard , H arold L. When Labor Votes: A Study of Auto Workers
K nox , J ohn B. The Sociology of Industrial Relations
B rown , M ilon . Effective Supervision  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1973,26(1):167-167
Book Reviewed in This Article:
Negro Norms: A Study of 38,452 Job Applicants for Affirmative Action Programs. Northfield, Ill.: E. F. Wonderlic & Associates, Inc.
L eavitt , H arold J. Managerial Psychology.
S haw , L ynette and S ichel , H erbert .
C hambers , C arl D. and H eckman , R ichard D.
B urack , E lmer H. and W alker , J ames W. (Editors).
P arsons , H. M. Man-Machine System Experiments. Baltimore
S ilvern , L eonard C. Systems Engineering Applied to Training.
W ieland , G eorge F. A nd L eigh , H ilary .
A rgyris , C hris . The Applicability of Organizational Sociology.
G eorgopoulos , B asil S. (Editor) Organization Research on Health Institutions.
G raham , W illiam K. and R oberts , K arlene H. (Editors) Comparative Studies in Organizational Behavior.
T urner , J ohn H., F illey , A lan C. and H ouse , R obert J. (Editors) Studies in Managerial Process and Organizational Behavior.
D yer , W illiam G. (Editor) Modern Theory and Method in Group Training.
T aylor , C alvin W. (Editor) Climate for Creativity: Report of the Seventh National Creativity Research Conference.
R ock , M ilton L. Handbook of Wage and Salary Administration.
H eyel , C arl . (Editor-in-Chief) Handbook of Modern Office Management and Administrative Services.
M atteson , M ichael T., B lakeney , R oger N. and D omm , D onald R. Contemporary Personnel Management: A Reader on Human Resources.
C hruden , H erbert J. and S herman , A rthur W., J r . Personnel Management.
C hruden , H erbert J. and S herman , A rthur W., J r . Readings in Personnel Management.
S hout , H oward F. Start Supervising.  相似文献   

Re: Views     
Book reviewed in this article: Love: Emotion, Myth, and Metaphor: Robert C. Solomon. Outsiders in a Hearing World: A Sociology of Deafness: Paul C. Higgins. Play Therapy: Dynamics of the Process of Counseling with Children: Garry L. Landreth (Editor); Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas. Social Learning and Career Decision Making: Anita M. Mitchell, G. Brian Jones, & John D. Krumboltz (Eds.) Behavioral Insights for Supervision: 2nd ed.; Ralph W. Reber and Gloria Van GilderEnglewood Clifs. Developing Positive Student Self-Concept: David L. Silvernail. Social Skills in Interpersonal Communication: O. Hargie, C. Saunders, & D. Dickson.  相似文献   

A review-article of Loren Baritz, City On a Hill, A History of Ideas and Myths in America, John Wiley and Sons C. Wright Mills, Sociology and Pragmatism, Paine-Whitman Publishers Roderick M. Chisholm, Herbert Feigl, William K. Frankena, John Passmore, Manley Thompson, Philosophy, Prentice-Hall Max Black, Philosophy in America, Cornell University Press  相似文献   

《The Philosophical quarterly》2006,56(224):447-476
Books reviewed in this article:
Hellenistic and Early Modern Philosophy. E dited by J on M iller and B rad I nwood
Descartes' Concept of Mind. B y L illi A lanen
Spinoza and Spinozism. B y S tuart H ampshire
Freedom and Tradition in Hegel: Reconsidering Anthropology, Ethics, and Religion. B y T homas A. L ewis
Truth and Paradox. B y T im M audlin
Mind World: Essays in Phenomenology and Ontology. B y D avid W oodruff S mith
Varieties of Things: Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics. B y C ynthia M acdonald
Scepticism Comes Alive. B y B ryan F rances
Expression and the Inner. B y D avid H. F inkelstein
Creatures Like Us? B y L ynne S harpe
The Metaphysics of Apes. B y R aymond C orbey
In Defense of Animals: the Second Wave. E dited B y P eter S inger
Revealing Art. B y M atthew K ieran
The Spiritual Dimension: Religion, Philosophy and Human Value. B y J ohn C ottingham  相似文献   

Gender and Thought: Psychological Perspectives , M ary C rawford and M argaret G entry
Psychotherapists' Sexual Involvement With Clients: Intervention and Prevention , G ary E. S choener , J eanette H. M ilgrom , J ohn C. G onsiorek , E llen T. L eupker , AND R ay M. C onroe
Invisible Lives , M artha B arron B arrett
Lesbians at Midlife: The Creative Transition , B arbara S ang , J oyce W arshow , and A drienne J. S mith
Making Connections: The Relational Worlds of Adolescent Girls at Emma Willard School , C arol G illigan , N ona P. L yons , and T rudy J. H anmer  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1949,2(1):115-136
Books reviewed in this article:
S utton , X. F. Modern Training Programs—Basic Principles.
G hiselli , E. E. and B rown , C. W. Personnel and Industrial Psychology.
S elekman , B. M. Labor Relations and Human Relations.
P igors , P aul and M yers , C. A. Personnel Administration.
C leeton , G. U. and M ason , C. V. Executive Ability: Its Discovery and Development.
T homason , C. C. Human Relations in Action.
B lankenship , A. B. How to Conduct Consumer and Opinion Research.
G allup , G eorge . A Guide to Public Opinion Polls.  相似文献   

Women's Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind , M ary F ield B elenky , B lythe M c V icker C linchy , N ancy R ule G oldbercer , and J ill M attuck T arule
Changing Our Minds: Feminist Transformations of Knowledge , S usan H ardy A iken , K aren A nderson , M yra D innerstein , J udy N olte , and P atricia M ac C orquodale (Eds.)
Love Stories: Women, Men and Romance  相似文献   

《The Philosophical quarterly》2005,55(221):662-696
Books reviewed in this articles:
The Midwife of Platonism: Text and Subtext in Plato's Theaetetus . D avid S edley .
Gilles Deleuze's Difference and Repetition: a Critical Introduction and Guide . J ames W illiams .
John McDowell . M aximilian D e G aynesford .
Real Natures and Familiar Objects . C rawford E lder .
Natural Kinds and Conceptual Change . J oseph L a P orte .
Powers: a Study in Metaphysics . G eorge M olnar E dited with an I ntroduction by S tephen M umford and A F oreword by D.M. A rmstrong .
Anti-Individualism and Knowledge . J essica B rown .
Consciousness and its Objects . C olin M c G inn .
Reasonably Vicious . C andace V ogler .
Ethics Without Principles . J onathan D ancy .
Getting Even: Forgiveness and its Limits . B y J effrie E. M urphy .
Justice . B y H arry B righouse .
Faithful Reason: Essays Catholic and Philosophical . B y J ohn H aldane .
The Non-Existence of God . B y N icholas E veritt .
Art as Performance . B y D avid D avies .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Science and Reason H. E. Kyburg Jr, 1991 Oxford, Oxford University Press £27.50, ISBN 0 19 5062531

Sociology of Science. A Sociological Pilgrimage M. Mulkay, 1991 Open University Press  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1984,37(4):733-817
Book Reviewed in this article: DUNHAM, RANDALL B. Organizational Behavior. LARWOOD, LAURIE. Organizational Behavior and Management. STEERS, RICHARD M. Introduction to Organizational Behavior. SASHKIN, MARSHALL AND MORRIS, WILLIAM C. Organizational Behavior: Concepts and Experiences. DU BRIN, ANDREW J. Foundations of Organizational Behavior: An Applied Perspective. BAZERMAN, MAX H. AND LEWICKI, ROY J. (Editors) Negotiating in Organizations. DAWIS, RENÉ V. AND LOFQUIST, LLOYD H. A Psychological Theory of Work Adjustment: an Individual-Differences Model and Its Applications. FORISHA-KOVACH, BARBARA. The Flexible Organization: A Unique New System for Organizational Effectiveness and Success. LANDY, FRANK, ZEDECK, SHELDON AND CLEVELAND, JEANETTE. (Editors) Performance Measurement and Theory. KING, PATRICIA. Performance Planning and Appraisal: A How-To Book for Managers. GERALD A. VASTANO Management Consultant Professional Training & Development Corona del Mar. BAILEY, CATHERINE T. The Measurement of Job Performance. COOPER, CARY L. AND DAVIDSON, MARILYN J. High Pressure: Working Lives of Women Managers. DAVIDSON, MARILYN AND COOPER, CARY Stress and the Woman Manager. RAE, LESLIE. The Skills of Training: A Guide for Managers and Practitioners. VAN MENTS, MORRY. The Effective Use of Role-Play: A Handbook for Teachers and Trainers. LA BELLE, CHARLES D. ET AL. Finding, Selecting, Developing, and Retaining Data Processing Professionals through Effective Human Resources Management. BYARS, LLOYD L. AND RUE, LESLIE W. Human Resource and Personnel Management. BRADFORD, DAVID L. AND COHEN, ALLAN R. Managing for Excellence: The Guide to Developing High Performance in Contemporary Organizations. SRTVASTVA, SURESH AND ASSOCIATES. The Executive Mind: New Insights on Managerial Thought and Action. KAKABADSE, ANDREW. The Politics of Management. BEMIS, STEPHEN E., BELENKY, ANN HOLT AND SODER, DEE ANN. Job Analysis: An Effective Management Tool. DU BR.IN, ANDREW J. Human Relations: A Job Oriented Approach. BACHARACH, SAMUEL B. (Editor) Research in the Sociology of Organizations: A Research Annual. DONAGHY, WILLIAM C. The Interview: Skills and Applications. FEAR, RICHARD A. The Evaluation Interview. DOYLE, ROBERT J. Gainsharing and Productivity: A Guide to Planning, Implementation and Development. SCHLEH, EDWARD C. How to Boost Your Return on Management.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1957,10(4):539-562
Books reviewed in this article:
P ackard , V ance . The Hidden Persuaders.
E ditors of F ortune M agazine . The Executive Life.
Z elko , H arold P. Successful Conference and Discussion Techniques.
A rgylf M ichael . The Scientific Study of Social Behavior.
C lark , F. L e G ros , and D unne , A gnes C. Ageing in Industry.
D avis , K eith . Human Relations in Business.
B errien , F. K., and B ash , W endell H. Human Relations: Comments and Cases.
A rensberg , C onrad M., B arkin S olomon , C halmers , W. E llison , W ilensky , H arold , L., W orthy , J ames C., and D ennis , B arbara D. (Eds.) Research in Industrial Human Relations: A Critical Appraisal.
H ughes , J ames M onroe . Human Relations in Educational Organization: A Basic Text in Personnel Administration.
S iegel , S idney . Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences.
D ixon , W ilfrid J., and M assey , F hank J., J r . Introduction to Statistical Analysis.  相似文献   

Women and Gender: A Feminist Psychology , R hoda U nger and M ary C rawford
Ivoy Power: Sexual Harassment on Campus , M ichelle P aludi
Women, Men, and Power , H ilary M. L ips
Representations: Social Constructions of Gender , R hoda K. U nger
Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women , S usan F aludi
Teen Pregnancy and Parenting , A nnette U. R ickel
Double Stitch: Black Women Write About Mothers and Daughters , P atricia B ell -S cott , B everly G uy -S heftall , J acqueline J ones R oyster , J anet S ims -W ood , M iriam D e C osta -W illis , and L ucie F ultz  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article.
The Human Mind and the Mind of God: Theological Promise in Brain Research. By J ames B. A shbroo K.
The Post-Darwinian Controversies: A Study of the Protestant Struggle to Come to Terms with Darwin in Great Britain and America 1870–1900. By J ames R. M oore .
Theology and Science in Mutual Modification. By H arold N ebelsick .
The Phenomenon of Man Revisited: A Biological Viewpoint on Teilhard de Chardin.
The Miracle of Existence. By H enry M argenau .
The Liberation of Life. C harles B irch and J ohn B. C obb .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Seventh Mental Measurements Yearbook edited by Oscar K. Buros. Group Counseling: A Developmental Approach by George M. Gazda. Assessment of Lives by Charles A. Dailey. Psychobehavioral Counseling and Therapy by Robert Henley Woody. The Elementary School Counselor in the Decade Ahead edited by Harvey W. Zingle and E. Eugene Fox. Careers in Counseling and Guidance by Shelley C. Stone and Bruce Shertzer. Passport to Freedom by Charles G. Hurst, Jr. Hamden Coping with the Unseen Environment by Herbert Rusalem. Counseling Techniques with Youth by Frank H. Krause and Donald E. Hendrickson. Vocational Guidance and Career Development in the Schools: Toward a Systems Approach by Edwin L. Herr and Stanley H. Cramer. Toward a Sociology of Women by Constantina Safilios-Rothschild. Giving and Taking Help by Alan Keith-Lucas. Racism and Psychiatry by Alexander Thomas and Samuel Sillen. Ethics in Counseling—Problem Situations by Harley D. Christiansen. Theories of Counseling edited by Buford Stefflre and W. Harold Grant.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Michele Dillon (ed.), Handbook of the Sociology of Religion
James A. Beckford, Social Theory and Religion
Christian Smith, Moral, Believing Animals: Human Personhood and Culture
John Schmalzbauer, People of Faith: Religious Conviction in American Journalism and Higher Education
Omar M. McRoberts, Streets of Glory: Church and Community in a Black Urban Neighborhood
Kenneth J. Guest, God in Chinatown: Religion and Survival in New York's Evolving Immigrant Community
Tony Carnes and Anna Karpathakis (eds.), New York Glory: Religions in the City
Richard A. Schoenherr and David Yamane, Goodbye Father: The Celibate Male Priesthood and the Future of the Catholic Church
Susan A. Eisenhandler, Keeping the Faith in Late Life
Roger W. Stump, Boundaries of Faith: Geographical Perspectives on Religious Fundamentalism  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1960,13(1):99-124
Book reviews in this article:
H erzberg , F rederick , M ausner , B ernard , and S nyderman , B arbara B loch . The Motivation to Work .
B ass , B ernard M., and B erg , I rwin A. (Eds.) Objective APProaches to Personality Asessment .
A nderson , H arold H. (Ed.) Creativity and Its Cultivation .
S altonstall , R obert . Human Relations in Administration: Text and Cases .
J acobson , H oward B oone , and R oucek , J oseph S. (Eds.) Automation and Society .
T horndike , R obert L., and H agen , E lizabeth . Ten Thousand Careers .
D imock , M arshall E. Administrative Vitality: The Conflict with Bureaucracy .
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know .
W eber , C. A., and K arnes , J ohn W., J r . Industrial Leadership: The American Way to Teamwork .
D avis , K eith , and S cott , W illiam G. Readings in Human Relations .
S togdill , R alph M. Individual Behavior and Group Achievement .
B each , L eslie R., and C lark , E lon L. Psychology in Business .
R oberts , D avid R. Executive Compensation .
Briefly Mentioned N iles , H enry E., N iles , M ary C ushing , and S tephens , J ames C. The Office Supervisor: His Relations to Persons and to Work .
Book and Materials Received  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Education and mind in the knowledge age: By C. Bereiter Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder — A practical guide for teachers: By P. Cooper & K.M. Bilton Dyslexia and inclusion: Assessment and support in higher education: By M. Farmer, B. Riddick & C. Sterling Special educational needs, inclusion and diversity: A textbook: By N. Frederickson & T. Cline Learning and child development: A cultural‐historical study: By M. Hedegaard Dyslexia and literacy: Edited by E. Hjelmquist & C. von Euler Technology applications in education: A learning view: Edited by H. O'Neil & R. Perez Intentional conceptual change: Edited by G.M. Sinatra & P.R. Pintrich  相似文献   

《The Philosophical quarterly》2005,55(219):353-380
Book reviewed in this article:
Knowledge and Lotteries . B y J ohn H awthorne .
Presocratic Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Alexander Mourelatos . E dited by V ictor C aston and D aniel G raham
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Philosophy . E dited by A.S. M c G rade .
Hume's Philosophy of the Self . by A.E. P itson .
Approaches to Wittgenstein: Collected Papers . B y B rian M c G uinness .
In Introduction to the Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze . E dited by J ean K ealfa .
Deleuze on Literature . B y R onald B ogue .
Between Deleuze and Derrida . E dited by P aul P atton and J ohn P rotevi .
Reinventing Pragmatism: American Philosophy at the End of the Twentieth Century . B y J oseph M argolis .
The Unraveling of Scientism: American Philosophy at the End of the Twentieth Century . B y J oseph M argolis .
Daniel Dennett: Reconciling Science and Our Self-Conception . B y M atthew E lton
Conceptions of Truth . B y W olfgang K ünne .
Consciousness: New Philosophical Perspectives . E dited by Q uentin S mith and A leksander J okic
Welfare and Rational Care . B y S tephen D arwall .
Toleration as Recognition . B y A nna E lisabetta G aleotti .  相似文献   

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