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An experiment was performed to investigate whether or not we are able to use octave generalization in recognizing tunes. The firat half of the tune “Yankee Doodle” wu chosen as the test sequence. This was universally recognized when played in any one of three octaves. However, when the sequence was played in identical fashion. except that each note was chosen randomly from one of the same three octaves, the percentage correct recognition was not significantly different from that obtained when the sequence was played as a series of clicks with the pitch information omitted but the rhythmic information retained. It is concluded that tune recognition takes place along a channel which is independent from that which gives rise to octave generalization. The relevance of this finding to the theory of music recognition proposed by Deutsch (1969) is discussed.  相似文献   

Brains that are out of tune but in time   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It is estimated that about 4% of the general population may have amusia (or tone deafness). Congenital amusia is a lifelong disability for processing music despite normal intellectual, memory, and language skills. Here we present evidence that the disorder stems from a deficit in fine-grained pitch perception. Amusic and control adults were presented with monotonic and isochronous sequences of five tones (i.e., constant pitch and intertone interval). They were required to detect when the fourth tone was displaced in pitch or time. All amusic participants were impaired in detecting the pitch changes, and showed no sign of improvement with practice. In contrast, they detected time changes as well as control adults and exhibited similar improvements with practice. Thus, the degraded pitch perception seen in the amusic individuals cannot be ascribed to nonspecific problems with the task or to poor hearing in general. Rather, the data point to the presence of a congenital neural anomaly that selectively impairs pitch processing.  相似文献   

The founding of the the Department of Anthropology in the University of California is traced to the influence of several key individuals in the personal and social networks surrounding Phoebe Apperson Hearst. The competition and conflict of interest among those individuals in outlined as part of a larger historical episode in the professionalization of anthropology.  相似文献   

我们来到老子晚年定居讲学地区的西安,参加此次以"和谐世界,以道相通"为主题的"国际道德经论坛",其重要意义之一,便是会聚东西方学者,借老子的智慧来为我们当前扰攘不安的世界进行一次盛大的文化与哲学对话。我曾多次出席西安举办的老子学术讨论会,此次论坛国际学者的对话,要比以往更具有时代性意义。下面我想对老子思想的现代意义略作论述。  相似文献   

Preston  Aaron 《Philosophical Studies》2022,179(6):2109-2118
Philosophical Studies -  相似文献   

Conclusion Uwa bu afia, the world is a market-place, is far more than an ordinary statement to be taken on its face value. It is fully loaded and tightly packed in meaning at its deeper layers. While analysis of lexical and syntactic meaning within such metaphorical expressions is necessary for a thorough understanding of the statements' multi-level meaning, the discourse and pragmatic aspects of their use bring heavy accretions to their meaning.Thus, by studying the way meaning inheres in the expression, we are opening the way for incorporation of the world-view of a people in their use of language, since every language has a hidden code.Consequently, uwa bu afia, is a reminder that the world is not a permanent place of abode just as a market is not. It draws attention to the fact that the only permanent phenomenon is temporality. It is a warning against the mindless monuments which we erect as a consequence of insensitivity to our otherness.  相似文献   

All human beings are similarly actuated by three fundamental (Ur) conations: Ur I, for physical vitality and longevity; UR II, for interpersonal securities; and Ur III, for existential faiths. All languages express a need for social communications, rendering possible meaningful transcultural messages for friendly collaboration toward mutual Ur-attainments. All mankind as a single species (homo-habilis — the user and misuser of tools) is slowly evolving toward the status of homo sapiens — man the wise.Condensed from an address to the Eghth World Congress of Psychiatry, Athens, Greece, October, 1989.  相似文献   

苏为德(Hubert Seiwert)教授于2002年9月25-28来四川大学宗教所访问,为宗教所师生发表了题为“世界宗教市场:当今世界的宗教经济”的演讲。苏为德教授是德国宗教历史学会主席、莱比锡大学宗教科学研究所所长。早年毕业于波恩大学,学习比较宗教学。他的研究专长是中国宗教历史,尤其是中国民间宗教、当代西方宗教和宗教学理论。其博士论文为《中国古代的占卜》,教授论文是《台湾的民间宗教与民族传统》。他的新作《中国历史上的民间宗教运动》将于今年出版。  相似文献   

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